(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

tomato ...

Just let your gynae do what's best for you at the point in time and keep the option open. Hmmm whether its epi or tear ... it doesnt affect the sex lift cos both oso need to 'sew' and both oso need time to recover. Its just the degree of 'repair' required.

At the end of the day ... all of us just wan a smooth deliver, healthy bb and fast recovery =)



i got the medela freestyle, hubby paid for it. praying that i will have good milk supply and it will come into good use!! a lot of mummies said manual pump will pump till hands tired and if pump one side, the other may leak. so might as well shorten the time and double the efficiency with electric double pump.

did you find out why it was painful during sex for you? childbirth may "loosen" the muscles a bit, making it more enjoyable for some women! don't worry about the tear lah. nowadays gynae very skilled, will patch up properly for us. c-sect even bigger wound and cut through so many layers of skin/tissue/muscles, but millions of mummies go through it fine! don't scare yourself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This thread races on very fast as compared to the Feb2011 thread hahaha =)

Tomato, dun worry. It will heal. I share with u a secret k? My prev gynae stitched me up so well when I went to see another doc for piles and some pain, he said had I not told him that I had a kid before, he would not be able to tell coz the gynae did a gd job with the stitches. Lol.

And it was a blessing I guess. I was a single mum (unwed preg) before i met my hubby, and it was kinda nice to know that it never felt loose for him. =)


I dilated very fast and was ready to deliver hours and hours ahead of what my gynae estimated and I started pushing even though the nurse said DON'T (not yet etc)... so I tore a little. My gynae arrived just in time to do an epi.

It didn't really hurt when he did it, and honestly although it smarted a little at first, it healed fine and I have never had probs with sex.


Hahaha my friend juz gave me an electric pump (avent) for my #2. I only used manual with Kae... electric pump makes me feel like we're cows being milked. Grins.

emmie, 3.1kg at 37weeks not big enuf ah? i tink its a gd weight. i haf frens who delivered at 40 weeks and baby only weigh 2.3-2.5kg.

jac, thanks for sharing e breastfeeding video!

re: waterbag

seabreeze, i hope mine is just a rupture too. i swore got water trickling down my legs yest nite. and i was peeing clear liquid like crazy this morning. 1 hr 3x pee. but i monitored and stop drinking for a while, now dun feel the desperate urge to pee all the time already.

jac, how much is yr medela freestyle? im thinking of buying one nearing end of ML when i have to go back to work. Now i just make do wif the single mini electric medela, passed down from my fren. but im thinking of buying e freestyle coz can pump faster and more silent at workplace.


the side n back of wrap is white cotton cloth with no elasticity. then the front part is super elastic stretch material with velcro...think quite comfy since the cotton shld not cause itch at the side...n i think shld be quite easy to wash n dry since its cotton...

marrissa, the other measurements were smaller... based on the head or the length, my EDD was pushed back by 1 week. Thats why she commented baby was small before she took a measurement of the weight. well, will see how the little fella measures up when he does arrive. Anyway it's all estimated. He might not turn out to be as heavy as he measured.

wondering whether i should just get another ameda pump instead of waiting for the BP supplier's spare parts stock to arrive... scared not in time.

quick qns first. Wat do your eat for breakfast for confinement and drink.


my gynae told me if i am not sure then lie down for 1-2 hrs, the trickle will not stop even u lie down. put on a pad and if its wet then take it to show the nurse or doc who can test if its pee or fluid..

pee can hold back but fluid you can't...

at the same time monitor for contraction, when are u due to see gynae? was your gynae informed of your prob when you went to A&E?


no prob! sharing what i feel is helpful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i got the medela freestyle for SGD475. it is indeed very quiet, 'cos my colleague uses it at work 2x a day. sometime i will go talk to her while she pump at table (covered up) and don't hear anything at all even though standing few feet from her.


i read on the website that can only handwash. don't think i have time to do handwashing. haha! gonna write to rebecca and ask if can put into mesh bag and machine wash or not.


did you try ebay.com.sg for the ameda spare parts? i think there sellers selling ready stock spare parts. waste $$ if your current set can still work and you buy 1 more set.

Jadefeet, abt those Jap maternity undies to help 'tighten' e skin aft birth, just to share wat my gf told me.

She went on a crash diet (90-odd kg to 60-odd kg in 6 mths). When ppl lose so much weight so fast, some ppl kena e 'skin flaps', looks like extra skin hanging ard (not v nice to look at). She had these extra skin folds on her upper arms and thighs, even aft losing wt and have slim arms, she didn t want to wear sleeveless or short skirts.

She went to 'invest' in those tightening undergarments and told me her feedback. Brands which are sold in normal shops/dept stores come in sizes like s, m, l etc. Over time, u will need to continue to buy diff sizes coz u were size A before but now are size B (hopefully, size B is smaller). So got to continue e 'investment' if u really want it to be effective.

There are also e tightening undergarments sold by speciality shops (they look like slimming salons but they display mannrwuins w/ underwear in their windows). These brands usually sell u e undergarments (v ex!!) but whenever ur size changes, u can bring it back to them to have them sew/alter tighter to ur new size. Like customizing ur own shapewear to ur body.

U can look at e specialty shops also, dun limit only to maternity shops coz e theory of skin being stretched is e same...


how are you doing? saw your FB pic, baby has a lot of hair! oh, what's her name? for breakfast, not sure what the hospital serves you. ang mohs always eat cereal, hard boiled eggs, oats, fruits etc. healthy stuff postpartum.


my gf told me normal slimming underwear can liao like those wacoal type, dont need the super exp type...

just to provide extra support...

but of cos for her she only put on 9 kg but super stretch skin cos she was carrying twins...

then again your gf 90kg to 60kg is a different issue from preg woman cos her skin was stretch for a much longer than ours so the effect is prob different..

i will prob start with a cheaper form of slimming 1st if really not much of effect after 2weeks to a month, then i will look for something more drastic like marie france hahahhahahah

jac: u bought medela freestyle backpack? i got dat.. my cousin-in-law helped to order from amazon.com.. the pump cost abt S$344 + S$52 (shipping after $20 discount) comes to abt S$400. quite happy dat i paid much less.. hope its useful! =p

re: body girdles

i saw this push cart at jurong point dat sells those body tightening wraps for arms, legs, body.. has anyone of u bought from the cart before? i never asked if they had post-pregnancy wraps.. i'm also looking out for a good wrap! sigh.. cannot imagine the loose tummy. =(

Princess d,

Actually I'm quite worried abt the facing until u told me Jade is also like that n can deliver her thru induce, now I have a more peaceful mind lor. But u v daring, dare to see. I dare not see how my girl is out last time. Hahaha


freestyle comes with backpack meh? think the one you said is the pump in style with the motor in the backpack type? my freestyle comes in a black shoulder bag, a bit like agnes b type.

i saw those pushcarts also. but mine i bought from online, same as what i saw at the pushcart. but buy already then realize pregnant. till now still in cupboard, nv use.

jac, e medela freestyle u bought thru bp or online? tot wanna get thru amazon. the shops here sell almost $800.

jadefeet, i din go A&E, i discovered the trickling late at nite ard 12-1am, put on pad then go back to sleep. but now no more already. i tink false alarm.

emmie, doesnt matter la baby how big or small. as long as healthy, no need nicu, dats good enuf. babies after they are born can always catch up wif weight gain.

ahhhh.. only 5.10..i wanna go home! 1hr 20 mins more. buay tahan already. sit down, butt pain, walk, pelvin pain. i want to lie down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


the nurse will give you handheld mirror if you request to see baby coming out of down there right? hee hee! i also dunno whether i have guts to see or not. aiyah, there's always first time for everything lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yup jacq no need to wipe off de safe for babies! one whole big tube lasted me for an entire year leh heehee!

tomato, is this ur first baby? when i had my first baby hor. nobody told me before but sex after vaginal birth is completely different! needs getting used to lor! for me a bit painful at first leh!

hehe marissa and princess, actually breastfeed babies also need to burp de leh. but i also never burp my boy the last time la, as compared to non breastfed babies, less air after sucking. kekeke. coz when ever they suck, they still suck in air somehow de. that's what the prenatal class people said. hehe

starry. the mirror part reminded me of my last birth story, they asked if i want a mirror. by the time the mirror came, my baby was pushed out le haha... didnt get to see...


haha! did you even WANT to see then?? watched birth videos before. feels weird when watching leh. will involuntarily shiver a bit? 'cos amazing yet weird at the same time. :p

i dont think i wanna see myself delivering.. in fact, i oso told my hubby to stand behind me too.. i dont want him to get freaked out either. hahahaha! scared affect future bedroom activities.. =p i think one's mind might switch to dat image occasionally once bedroom activities resume.

thanks jac! wah u're sure v informative!

pearlyn, i also dun wanna see myself and neither do i want hubby to see. i think v likely he's going to faint. i told him to bring his axe oil just in case he faints... muahaha!

starry its really amazing leh... at that moment in time its a very significant moment. coz so much anxiety involved and then out pop the baby, my hubby did see wor!

i dunnoe but i acc a single friend for her delivery before leh. wierd but she has no one else you see. and my god... it was just a very heartwarming time la to see the baby coming out.

actually i was standing next to her, so i didnt see the area... just saw the head poping out then the body...awww... but long ago i was a nurse before so it was quite ok... kekeke

Bye mommies. Enjoy the weekend. will pop in when its possible again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care


that's what happens when you get too KPO around the forum. LOL!!

re: see baby popping

interesting discussion! wonder if any daddy fainted in the delivery room before. must be really classic! think must be in the situation then will know whether wanna see or not. can't really say for now. got a feeling my hubby will get over-excited, curious then go take a peek but regret it for life. sort of like watching horror movies, you know? want the thrill but later regret 'cos too gross/weird. hahaha~!!

jac: hahaha.. datz a vy apt description dere! my hubby says he wants to see.. but i tell him he better not lah. perhaps from the side still ok.

but right in front? err... i think it'll be too bloody and gooey?

my hubby looks manly but when he watches movies with violence ie stabbing, slashing, violent beatings, he will flinch.. he's even more "scared" than me.. but i can watch all these w/o batting an eyelid. i more "man" than him in this aspect. haha!

so i seriously doubt he can stomach such an image.. =p

My hubby was standing next to me both times and going 1...2...3... PUSH with the gynae + mid-wives. He was q good cos he will tell me things like ... I can see the head liao! Jia you hahaha

Luckily never faint before hahaha

hello mummies,

re: see baby popping, use mirror

hmmm, i don't think i dare to see, haaaaa. probably won't ask my hubby see too. if i pushing hard, will probably hold on to his hand or arm! dont think he can get to see either. but my friend did tell me use mirror can motivate you to push harder when you see the crown of baby's head.


I stop burping my dd after 1mth!No burping in between the switching part too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Was told is ok![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


then better ask your hubby to stay away from down there! haha! later he faint leh. cinema no matter how gruesome my hubby also dare watch. he won't flinch. but wah liew... ask him to help cut my toenails he don't even dare lor! then in the mornings while getting ready to work, we will share the mirror in the room. he will siam when i put contact lens 'cos he says it's very gross. i'm like, "hello?? no blood, gross meh??". he said i touched the eyeball with finger very disgusting. wait till he sees baby coming out, cord and all. can share the axe oil with marrissa's hubby!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif] muahahhaa!!!


hahaha..not that i want to see wor..just when i was pushed fwd to Push again..i saw Gynae supprting her back neck na dher face facing me slightly tilted up!No choice wor!!!but to screamed out loud!ahahahhaha...gynae said..push some more.....hahahaha but all giggled la!!!

THe PD somemore can go nearer and look....then comment,yea,look like daddy!!LOL:

jac, ur hubby has weird connotations of gross. hahaha! the contact lens thing vy funny! gross meh?

i think most men are not prepared to watch the actual delivery..

but i think it'll definitely make the hubby appreciate the wife more.. =p at least i hope so! give his arms such a hard bite or squeeze so he'll remember how much pain u felt!


Your hB very cute!My Hb Push my neck only when the midwives asked him to n most of the time he very quiet and staring at my gynae's hands...till when he saw Jade,his eyes almost popped out and forget about me..!!hahhahhaa..he looked so stunned and midwives scolded him.....FATHER!!!!GO GET YOUR CAMERA..WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?????

then he grabah lor.....hand shaking and all then all pics taken all blurry wan!!ahhaahha

but he tears abit la...yeeeeee...shame shame !!

novakido, ya, this is my first baby. v nervous about the birth process...

anyone using ameda pump? any service centre for ameda pump in spore? i am thinking of getting the pump from here, so far i think it's the cheapest i can find. http://www.pumps4mums.co.uk/

princess d,

no matter how man they are, how many years of national service they go for, none prepares them for fatherhood as much as the one moment they see their newborn the very first time! sure tear! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac, princess..talking abt hubbies n camera, my hubby's gd fren just reminded him to take a picture of himself while cutting the cord! muahaha i couldn't stop laughing la! he cannot see blood wat more to take a picture of himself while cutting e cord. i told his fren later i will take a picture of hubby fainting with e cord on e floor!


your friend's idea super "good" leh. i don't think you and your hubby will specially reserve a space on the wall for that pic! haha! but it will be definitely be a picture that starts conversation going!


yah lor....shame shame lor..hahahaha

he very cute lor,His friends often told me that he always reminded his friends to be nice to their wives..cos nothing greater than a mother that carry their child and give birth to them!He said,that must be a lot of pain that she has gone through!!^.^!!!

Actually must video their face oso hor!hahhaha..all concentrate on babies..but these old babies are the one making funny faces..lOL

