(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


My fat boy de god father also pm mi to show mi the article~ keep reminding mi not to let him slp on tummy.


Brownrice: Hi-5! We did exactly the same for our 1st's solid food intro!!! Hahahaha yes yes love the Super Baby Food! & I too bought the blender. NOw I even use the blender for my baking!! Must say it's a really gd buy :p I found the baby cubes alittle small for awhile so I bought some silicon ones by BEABA. Love their design!

Just to share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My prep list for getting my gal for solid food:

1. A suitable highchair

I use Fisher Price's Healthy Care Deluxe booster seat. It is easy to clean and very mobile so I can bring it to our parents' plc for feed. It can also be a booster seat for older child.

Fisher Price site:


2. Baby cubes:

For effective freezing of baby food in small qty, I use baby cubes & beaba's multi portions. They are BPA free.

For beaba products, pls refer:


3. Braun handheld blender

For preparing puree and mashing of food. This blender is easy to use and blends food fast. Different modes and strength enables to grind even nuts and meat for older baby.

4. Bibs ( we will need plenty !!! )

I use no mess bibs more as it has a holder to keep the mess and the water proof surface ease the cleaning. So I dun have to dry and wash many.. kekekeke

5. Feeding spoons

I like BOON's Squirt spoon as I can fill the spoon with the puree and feed direct to baby. Fun to use! Or safety spoon swhich has heat sensors so we know the food is not too hot for babies. They are also called hot white spoons as the safety spoons turns white when hot. Munchkin has very colourful ones!

Boon's website:


6. Steamers and pots

I use separate steamers and pots for babies to prevent oil being introduced into the food which is a big NO-No. Babies can get diarrhea.

7. Recipes

Baby food puree is fun and easy, the only thing is it needs alot of prep work to cut, steam and portion them. I used the below recipes for my #1, hope new mums find it useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A) Just found this site which has a food planner http://webrecipemanager.com/babycook/

B) http://www.annabelkarmel.com/nutrition/babies-6-months/weaning-guide


FYI: Some good reads for weaning

1. How will you know when your baby is ready to eat solid foods?


2. Introducing Baby to Solids


3. Toddler Nutrition & First Foods

Love this site which even has videos


Others for your read:

1. baby's 1st yr development


hope the above helps :D

Hi morning mummies

Not sure you know about the Dryper Wee Wee promotion going on now - 1 for 1 now, only for 2 weeks, anyone using this brand, hurry up and grab it, super good deal. I got mine @ Guardian.


I gt the details liao. U need to call up the number 63553000 to check whether the polyclinic tat u wan to go gt the lesson or nt.

Fees: $6.50 each, if 2 person $10.50

Thanks Pinkyluv for the recommendation~!


hehe, u r welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] look like the price din rise much over these 5 years :p


u can call up and see which is the nearest polyclinic for u.

I remember when i have my 1st child, 3 of us went - me, my hb & my mummy ..


thanks for sharing this deal..will pop by on mon & take a look cos bringing kyra for jab and on leave.


tat is scary..sigh*


Kyra does sleep on tummy..after seeing the ST, i will remember to flip her back b4 we sleep then

Baby Cubes...

Anybody interested in a bulk purchase? I have gotten in touch with the supplier in Canada and I'll see how many ppl are interested and the quantity first before getting a quotation.

Baby Cubes:

(1) Angela

(2) Winnie Lok


Hi mummies, i used to have too much ebm and nowhere to keep. then i bought a upright freezer, about waist height, to store just ebm. Now i stopped feeding, and the fridge is not in use, just wondering if anyone will like to buy the fridge.

weiting> wah, how come suddenly got 1 upcoming gathering at ur place? count me in! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

26th Feb - 2pm - Weiting's hse

1)Weiting (host)






7)Pomme Low

8)Winnie Lok


phyphy> weiting's place is in jurong west, near pioneer mrt station

Just to check how to go abt using sterilising tablets? sorry if my question sounded dumb but a bit confused cos the box says to wash hands thoroughly after coming into contact with water containing dissolved tablet...yet says dun need to rinse teether with tap water...seems like contradicting...any mummies can advise? thanks!


How much are you selling the freezer for?


Spoke to Ethan, he mention to me that the following event, he'll not mail to us individually. He'll mail to one person place and we distribute. Same for my friend. As they both are from the same company.

Both offer same price and will burn 25 DVD.


If i'm travelling, then the milk i store is only 100ml, anyway that i can store seperately 20ml or 30ml. Just in case the baby wants to top up and my mum don't have to open another 100ml and only use 20ml. Cus if use a bag just to store 20ml or 30ml is real costly, so want to ask if you'll have other ideas?

Kris> buy bottles. Pigeon & nuk all have good decent size reuseable bottles. Also this brand blue egg (selling at kiddy palace) quite cheap you can also mail order from www.advanology.com.sg. At least after that can use again. I freeze all my milk in bottles. when use up then use milkbag. Apparently almost all bottles used liao. Now I am using the avent container that can store puree to store milk. can buy as next time can store puree. Also bought a brand new freezer from carrefour for $299 (finally convince my hubby else the freezer how to store especially CNY coming freezer must have space for food instead of my milk)


u can consider playtex milk bags? They r cheaper than normal milk bags but downside is, they r w/o ziplock.

I also store my BM 100ml per bag.

Else u can mix ur frozen one (100ml) n top up with fresh bm which u ve stored in the cooler (20-30ml).

Hi pinkyluv, jus transferred to you, transaction ref: 6470783765.

Thanks, seems like u r doing the treasurer work instead of me, paiseh ;p But been really busy recently, working till almost midnight for the past few days ;( Must catch up with my gal more during the weekend.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Btw, Metro 20% storewide till today I tink. There's mothercare @ Metro Paragon, which also got 20% off. Find it's quite a good deal if u haven't bought CNY clothes for your bb.

Leobaby, I didn't wan to buy a freezer as I only need to store for the 10 days that I'll be traveling next month. Else usually what I store is for my elder boy to drink. Then Elise will latch.

Not sure if the magic cube can be use to store milk instead.

Mango, I'll not be around that's y there'll not be fresh BM for top up.

Feeding bb - been feeding bb rice cereal for 1 wk once a day. Jus wondering when can we increase the number of feeds per day?


hehe, no worries lah.

u r the treasurer cos i will be tting the total funds to u end Jan mah, and also hav to inconvenience u to pay to jwt gym [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

They only accept paypal or pay there directly.


at office i use the Mothercare Sterilisng tablet. I will rinse the pump with hot water before i pump

Baby Cubes

just a sudden tot..how abt those fr Daiso..can use or not ?


ok, then probably we will probably collect the DVD fr ur place ..is it convenient or we will collect from Photographer's place


ok, noted with thanks..will update later

Hi. Can i join for gatherinv at weiting's place? Hubbies included? Btw anyone want to share munchkin spoon? Got 6... I want 2. Would like blue n red. Got purple green yellow orange.


May i ask wat model is ur braun blender? The salesperson told me multiquick 3 can't use to blend meat. Is tt so? Thx in advance!


Of cos can, hubbies is welcome!


Cos i wan to see ah bui and melody! So we arrange a gathering for gossiping before the 1st bday bash~

26th Feb - 2pm - Weiting's hse

1)Weiting (host)







8)Winnie Lok



I think my hubby got paypal account. I check with him and let u know. If he have then i can help to transfer money to JWT instead of going down to pay.

Can give out during a mass gathering or my place is fine. Just like how Mag give out for the christmas gathering DVD.


thanks for helping regarding the photos & the paypal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i will tt the money to you end of Jan or earlier if all payment has come in by then ,

Pm me ur bank account hor if ur hb has paypal =)


i remembered when i bought mine 2 years ago..there were a lot of spoons lor..under the munchkin series..

end up some kiddos use as masak masak when they do fake cooking =p


ur place is great for matchmaking too..i mean romantic phototaking :p

26th Feb - 2pm - Weiting's hse

1)Weiting (host)







8)Winnie Lok


10) Pommelow

going to kpo and add in my in law's name. i think her name was not present in the latest list, Pomme u still coming right ?


I'm not sure if do local Tt using paypal will there be any extra charges ? Cause I use it for my overseas purchase, there will be some surcharge .


oic ..ok =)

26th Feb - 2pm - Weiting's hse

1)Weiting (host)







8)Winnie Lok



i am not sure also ..if got surcharge then will trouble bbdream to down & pay for us =)


can u find out fr ur hb and let us noe hor whether got surcharge


Bb cereal is actually not very ex. Of course it would be cheaper if we buy from overseas, only if the bulk is there. YOu can opt to buy from local supermarkets too though do note the expiry date.

I am getting earth's best (in individual sachets)with Mag and some prunes puree from plum organics not available in singapore. Seems like tasty bb is out of stock in diapers.com, if not i would take tasty bb instead.


YOu missed me out from the birthday bash list leh. Sorry, can let Gideon and Kyra park tor this wed. Will have to meet again another day.


Thanks for the tip off. Have went down to metro to get the BOONinc Squeeze spoon Chewy was sharing plus other stuff.


If bb cubes can be used to freeze food, don't c why it can't be used to freeze food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some use ice cube tray but store in airtight lock n lock containers b4 putting in freezer.

At d pharmacy at Mt A (clinic side), they sell similar trays for freezing BM. Instead of cube, it's a stick. After frozen, can tk the sticks out n tfr to ziplock bags. Quite cool leh)

hi Kris, u mentioned about expensive to keep the ebm in bags. u can try to find someone to buy it from USA, it's a lot cheaper there. about S$8 for 25 lansinohl bags. that's the best brand of bags.

there's this korean brand that is very cheap, but it's through a contact that i have rec'd but i have never tried that brand. if you are interested, can send u the contact.

Hello mommies,

Just now met mommy Karen and mommy Mango, they so cool both driving. Told my hub that I so envy these pretty mommies so capable, I am so inspired by them. So so gan to buy car and dream if driving my bb go shopping. He told me to work towards it, but I sucks at driving [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Noticed that we have many mommies here who drive. So cool [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my driving skill and direction sense cmi ._."

Hi Pomme,

I am gg confused over the happybaby, happybellies...According to Mag's review on the solid food, she said happybaby, but the link she pasted is actually called happybellies cereals. so happybaby is the company, and the cereal they sell is called happybellies? Can get from overseas spree for the happybellies meh, y do u want to get from diaper.com?

Oh ya, can share your receipe with me too, thanks.


I drive, but I don't hv my own car for my own use. It's a family car driven by me n hb, mostly for family purpose.

Driving is hardly cool to me. Think of the parking, the road tax, the ERP, maintenance - all $$$. Driving bb ard? When u see me singing ABC and repeating countless times just to try to stop bb wailing in the car, it's hardly cool.

If you ask me if I like driving, other than for the convenience and/or necessity at times (it's not always convenient/necessary), I can tell you most honestly - NO, I don't like driving. :D



Woah, true. Having car in sg is dam experience. Think you will enjoy it when bb grow older, chit chatting with mommy on car ride.

I send my bb to raffles place infant care now daily by cab. Is so stressful flagging cab and esp in raffles place. So for that I do wish for a car. Have to endure one more week till be sending her to nearby ifc. Distance does matter when comes to do with my bb. She gets cranky on mrt rides esp during peak hrs.

