(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Thanks for the CD! It's great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cant wait for the Xmas gathering[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]))



count me in! no stroller just carrier dunno i know how to eat or not, but just try lah since they table serve...


was it you who had the list of nannies for north-east area? can share pls?


the tang shi and di zi gui super cheem man, i also catch bo ball but really grateful for it cos i want my boy to be exposed to as much chinese stuff as he can when he's older!


I try to ng-sai with my girl this morning. Despite my damned serious face and the full-of-emotion-and-seriousness ng-ng sound, she keeps smiling and cooing and occasionally giving me the "???" look. I was trying so hard not to laugh cos afterall, shitting is serious business. I dunno if she's smiling cos I look and sound strange and she thinks I'm playing with her, or she seriously thinks I'm NUTS!

Anyway, it didn't happen and after 5min, I gave up and felt like shitting myself! :D My mom say I no patience, so fast 5min give up. I told her if I keep to it long enough, like continue for the rest of the day, I'd surely get some shit, if not pee (ya, she shitted at ~2pm).

So did Chesed poo at your very first attempt?

Posted on Thursday, November 18, 2010 - 1:56 pm:       

Hanabi gathering near cityhall

23rd Nov, Tues lunch buffet

1. Pinkyluv

2. Shinchan

3. Mango

4. Yvonne

5. BabyT?

6. Hushlibb

Best to bring slings or carriers to eat..

Meet 11.15am at Odeon Towers..

BabyT, hushlibb and shinchan: wanna share cab? Im coming from buangkok...


Yes, you must let your boy listen to Tang Shi so that he can go on TV next time and recite Tang Shi as part of the Speak Mandarin campaign - if Ang Mo can do it, so can you Cheenas! :D


BBL = mummy82...hahaha

BBL is the nick n mummy82 is the username.

Mommies who have yet to recieve

1. Chris (By post)

2. Jacqueline

3. Badfifi

4. Twirley

5. aries mum

6. changi

7. Pommelow (by mail)

8. Skymom

9. Sabrina (by mail, had email Jessica my address)

10. BBL

11. weiting

12. tinkerstars (picking up today)

13. Gloomybear (by mail)

14. Twirley

15. Sugarong

16. Mummy82(by mail)

17. Phantus(by mail)

18. jrgal(by mail)

19. elle (by mail)

20. Brownrice

aiyoh, ms sickening (aka yvonne), taxi driver will kill you loh... make him turn turn turn (you no longer driving ah)!!! i want to be hero - may try to use carrier and take mrt that day - see how!!! hahahahaha!!!

OP: yah yah yah, i going to make tis mixed boy a cheena boy... speaks singlish, favourite food is chicken rice - my mil confirm will cry when she sees him like that man... as for reciting, aiyoh forget it, he cmi - no have the beijing qiang cos tongue too short lah, can't curl!!!

your boy super funni - seeing his facial expression when i teased him about jacelyn's daughter being his gf is ultra funni - super shy and cute loh!!! pls bring him to all gatherings hor so i can continue to torture him!!!

Dear mummies,

I think my son is teething..is it too early..n its not the front tooth, its by the side...and one upper jaw one lower jaw.


Your ng-ing episode with Megon is so funny.. LOL


Think u gals go ahead with the cab.. difficult to accomodate so many strollers bah..

Lunch @ Hanabi

Gals, fyi I will be eating with Denise in carrier but will also bring stroller.

Btw, are u gals interested to go shopping for the xmas gift after lunch?

Shinchan: ok.. Go shopping? Ok la! I havent buy d xmas present yet lor..

Hushlibb: take mrt? Sounds like a challange.. Mayb i shld try though!! Haha. BabyT, we take mrt frm buangkok ai maiii?

I think I'm going to 肥死 sooner or later!!!!

Sun - hi tea buffet

Tue - hi tea buffet

Wed - Chinese set dinner with Sucking pig (which will make me lagi bui)

Next tues - Hanabi lunch BUFFET???!!!!!

Not forgetting I still got 7 FREAKING kgs to loose.

Cham Cham Cham!!!!!


U are so bad to "torture" OP's son lor.. Agree that he is a very cute boy.. He remembered me from Tarafuka, then when he saw me at Orchard Hotel that day, he came over to hold my hands, his way of greeting me lidat since he doesnt know my name.. so sweet rite?


Chin chye lar, shop anywhere oso can, as long as got baby's thing lor.. guess all of us havent buy the xmas gift, rite?

Lunch @ Hanabi

Most prob I'll be taking MRT.. Yvonne, take MRT lar.. anyway u have BabyT to accompany u.

Where is Ms COLOURFUL??

16 Nov Gathering

Was great to see so many of you. BUt pity i was late and so hungry i had to sit and eat. (so greedy la me) that i had not enough time to go around to say hello to everyone! Still it was lovely to see you all! Glad to be able to match faces to nicks!

Jessica: Thanks for the DVD. SO much effort you took!

Chewy: You really look like an AD! Hehe. Love your hair too! I need to go touch up mine! So like coconut husk tho i cut it like 2 wks ago only. haiz.

CCpet: I didn't get to talk to you! tho i recall see a tall lady with your nic sticker. oh! the bb einstein one...i must go check how much i got it for. CH = china

Starluster: FInally get to meet you! you are sooo petite and young!

Brownrice: Good to see you! Btw who's gonna look after ur darling when u go back to work?

Cool: You are so slim , young and pretty! Cannot beleive u have 3 kids. how do you maintain ah?

Leobaby: I din get a chance to say this but u really look so dolled up! U are ready for your 2 and 3rd kid liao...see the way u handle HR and everything super pro!

Yvonne: You are MUCH taller than i rber leh! hehe. Plus ur eyes looked v nice. TOo bad i missed ur class :p

BabyT: Germaine is sooo chubby! so cute!

BB(Dreamz): your darling's strawberry romper is really cute cute cute!

Hushlilb: nice to meet u in person. I still think ur Lucas is big! hehehe.

Mag: Good to see you again! Must keep in touch hor! When I come back again, must come over to my place and have playdate w our boys. Btw which ctr does ur boy go to? I am looking around for ctrs ...in case i relocate back here.

OP: Hey babe! you really lost A LOT OF WEIGHT! ur boy is so guai man. so cute and sweet and handsome too la! how do u train him to behave so well? the ng sai thing..haiz...mine also likes to smile and grin at me as i do it. i add in sign language for poo too;. hopefully the sign helps too. hehe

MIA mummies

LSB: HELLO HELLO!!!! BIg big waves! missed you lots ! you are really GUAI! how has it been being a mummy! i cannot believe u can still stay sane staying home! i wld have gone nuts by the end of 1 mth.

Badfifi: Hope to see you again at some gathering ...pity i cannot go for the Christmas one

Sab: Was hoping to see you. where did you go?

Phyphy: are you going for the fox warehouse sale? how's T2? btw which ctr does T1 go to? i went to check out Elfa ...but didn't q like it cos it's really clsoed up and no outdoor play area at all! being a/c really causes noise level to amplify tho the kids were not badly behaved. oh! their water play is in the toilet...so gross!

Letty> Almost forget. Thank you for helping me distribute the rompers. Section of brain missing and still pieceing them together for that days event.

Still Paging for Chewy & Ebelle who had express your interest to join our xmas party. Just nice 4 to make our total to 38 mummies. Can u PM me your nick, real name, bb full name, gender, HP No.,email address, and no. of additional adults coming. Pls let me know soonest so that jeslyn can help go buy the xmas romper at Taka.(call me for details or I order for you first but must know size). Your urgent response is appreciated. I will advise on payment once you PM me. Anyone know their contact can PM me first...

Oh! Speaking of DVDs, the scholastic ones that Jessica burned for us? My son loves those! About 3 weeks ago I bought the Scholastic set of 100 stories (16 DVDs) from a seller on this forum! $99.90. Really worth it! A good investment too that can last up to their primary years.

I did a review of this on my blog (forgot to post until Jessica's post abt it).


Will go look up the BP organiser and post link. she's got good service too.

Clueless; I forgot to say! So ncie to FINALLY meet u in person after chatting to e/o over FB and here. LOL.


i agree w OP and MAg. Though the weight limit is 18kg..i already feel as if my back is breaking w my 10kg son after some hours of use.


dun noe how to go there leh =p i hope leobaby is going


hehe, just had another buffet..sat still thinking should i go for buffet bfast with orang utans at zoo or not


Have u heard of Moriah Childcare in Moriah Church in Simei? I find the place not too bad but I didn't manage to put my son there as they were full house. I hear from friends it has good reviews.

My daughter will be with nanny after I return to work. When are you leaving for Macau? Since we are staying in the east, we can do a meet up again with other mummies before you leave?

Btwn, forget to thk u for your kind help to get starluster for the ride back. I didn't knw she juz stay the nx block.

hanabi buffet mummies: we can all meet at cityhall mrt and ask shinchan to lead us there.. Meet 11.15am

Mango: orh no la, tot can share cab ma.. But think will take mrt there ba.. Dont wanna drive to town area..

Sarah: thanks ah! Lol i think im big sized la..

sarah, rem u were showing us on the sling thingy @ windy's.....received a sling from my cousin but it does not haf the buckle loop....its jus the piece of cloth..can it still be used the way u put baby in?

Hi Jessica,

I add my name to the list. Appreciate your effort! Thanks!

Mommies who have yet to recieve

1. Chris

2. Jacqueline

3. Badfifi

4. Twirley

5. aries mum

6. changi

7. Pommelow (by mail)

8. Skymom

9. Sabrina (by mail, had email Jessica my address)

10. BBL

11. weiting

12. tinkerstars (picking up today)

13. Gloomybear (by mail)

14. Twirley

15. Sugarong

16. Mummy82(by mail)

17. Phantus(by mail)

18. jrgal(by mail)

19. elle (by mail)

20. Brownrice

21. Shineshy (by mail)

Hanabi gathering near cityhall

23rd Nov, Tues lunch buffet 1130am to 230 hanabi @ odeon towers

i just smsed Leobaby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1. Pinkyluv

2. Shinchan

3. Mango

4. Yvonne

5. BabyT?

6. Hushlibb

7. leobaby maybe

Pinkyluv: im a regular there!

Garlic fried rice

Salmon soup

Yaki udon

Fried chicken wing

Agedeshi tofu


Soft shell crab handroll

California handroll

And etc etc all nap nap!!! Buttttt im not sure if they have salmon belly..

Hi Jessica,

I have added myself to the list. Have PMed u too.

Mommies who have yet to recieve

1. Chris

2. Jacqueline

3. Badfifi

4. Twirley

5. aries mum

6. changi

7. Pommelow (by mail)

8. Skymom

9. Sabrina (by mail, had email Jessica my address)

10. BBL

11. weiting

12. tinkerstars (picking up today)

13. Gloomybear (by mail)

14. Twirley

15. Sugarong

16. Mummy82(by mail)

17. Phantus(by mail)

18. jrgal(by mail)

19. elle (by mail)

20. Brownrice

21. Shineshy (by mail)

22. Cookiepig (by mail)

Ms colorful reporting...

Mini colorful so cranky today... My mil "try" to show how "experience" she is with soothing babies... BUT FAIL!!! haha...

Miss sickening - I on u... I always take mrt de... Eh but I got no carrier!!! Dunno when then my ergo will arrive... She doesn't like the infantino leh.. How sia... If no salmon belly then we can always take some from miss SB!! haha...

Sarah - compared to the other babies, Germaine is a 小猫咪... When should they double their weight ar??

Xmas Update

Logistic Items Needed:-

So far I have these ppl who volunteer to loan these stuff.

Items Supplier

Bumbo Seat - Yvonne, Starluster, Hushlibb, Letty

Water Dispenser - twirley

CD - twirley

Playmat - Alice, Tigerlily, Leobaby, ???

Christmas Ornament - Chin

I will need few more. Anyone?

I will be most likely picking thing up this Sat. Pls let me know soonest. Only when my hubby is with my boy then i can move around freely. So pls update me soonest.

Ms colorful: lol, my hubby kind of oppose me taking train leh. But i managed to pyscho him to let me try. Hahah. So he will send me to buangkok mrt n we shall brave it together. Hurhur.

Jess: dont bring anyone lor! Can eat more .. Hahaha.

Mango: i cant waittttt!

Hi dear mums all,

Want to knw wat breast pump u all using,n which is good. Cos tinking of bf till 6 mths. Hence wan to invest in a good one. My borrowed pis medela is efficient btquite painful,is that really the best pump?

Hi mummies, selling a brand new Lucky Baby Walker i bought from NTUC last month. Bought for my baby but my uncle bought one for her without realising i already purchased one.

So bobian, need to sell the one we bought and use the one he bought so that he sees the one he bought when he visits.

Totally brand new. Still in the original box, unopened. Model No.: 501728 (2 in 1 walker) - $79 (U.P $89.90)

So if anyone interested, let me know. Price negotiable.



The pump pressure too high for u thats y is painful? Can try lower the pressure to suit itself. It shouldn't be painful when doing pumping.


Double the weight of birth when they are 6mths old

Jess: also can la.. Bb foc leh. Heheh. All of us bringing bb also ma.. U use ur sling lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phyphy - that day u didnt go for the buffet... Holly came... Oh 6 months then double?? But I see like most of our babies all either doubled or almost double le... Means by 6 months they'll be?? Triple??


Mummies who did passport application for bb -

where do u all find info on passport application for bb?

I still have 4 yrs plus left in my old passort - so do I apply new passport to attach bb's with me?

Or bb now will have own passport?

