(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


pls dun say that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think i should not afford more than 25 percent anyway ..toothache starting again

and always wanted to try the famous pearls too =)


Yvonne - mwahahaha... I wanted to correct u... 三文鱼肚...

Gloomy - thanks for the KOI... next time I cannot drink big cup.. Normal size can le... Nice meeting u.... Should meet up again....

hi all mummy, hvn been login here for very very very long ....... was too busy with my work and looking after my baby..... hope all are fine...

Chin, your email address pls? I got the nanny listing.

Badfifi, pai sey send you twice for my sms, I so sotong, send people my new hp number yet never indicate my name. When I send out batch one, I received many sms. I wonder why, then I saw all replies asking me who is this? Haha, got to resend again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I kenn disturbing sms from the helper daughter who I sack, that is why I got to go all the way to the shop to change my hp number that cost me 30 bucks, how lucky I can be when I found a cmi nanny. Now, I super wary of "nanny". My cousin sacked her cl, only paid her pro rated for the days she worked. She has no problem. I did the same but kena hasselment, what luck is this.

Chin, advice you not to hire nanny who is already a great grand mother type. Cos old already mah, so do things will be slow. Cos the chances are, her milk will not even be ready when your baby cried her lungs out.

I am sick,down with flu, cough and sore throat. It is very sad to hear such comment from my hubby when I am sick "why are you always so tired". Maybe he forgot that beside looking after baby, I still need to do housework like sweeping, mopping, laundry, iron his clothes etc. And I still got to do all this even when I am sick.

pinky: me! me! you must add me! eh ifi bring tot can or not?

sab: hugs! poor you.men ah.... they sometimes just shot things out of their mouths and never think. my hubby used to tell me his GRAND ideas on taking care of bb...and when i say, u take over and see if u can tell me the same thing. he will go : no problem. cheh...then when comes to doing it...diff but dun dare show it to me. haha. nowadays hardly dare to make comments w.o. thinking first.


i am so suaku. where is this? bubble tea shop is it?


*hugs* agree that sometimes guys do shoot their mouth off, dun take it to heart


great, cya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] of cos can bring ur cute boy lah !

hehe, that day ur wedding pictures appear under photo memories in facebook..ur hb's wedding suit is super unique..which studio u guys got ur clothes fr ?

koi is a bubble tea cafe=)

Gd morning mummies!

Have not been login after a week and gosh so many poststo catch up! My son was down with eye infection - conjunctivitis and it was so heart pain to see him suffer. Worst still, I have to becareful as not to touch any of his infection as I am the main caregiver for my baby. everytime he cries and wanted a hug I have to like pat him and touch him only. Feel so troubled for the past few days. Anyway, he's so much better now.

I wanted to login to join the Orchard Hotel gathering. Hope I'm not too late for now?

Talking about milk tea, have you all tried the Gung Cha in city plaza - the one in Lil' India? i think is a franchise from Taiwan and they have an extensive menu to choose from. It tasted healthy and yummy to me! go try it if you are happen to be there.


hugz...man think is easy to care for baby n doing housework. my hb also says do it slow n steady but he doesn't even know how to bath our daughter. last nite around 10pm, my daughter slept le so I was watching tv program with my hb and mum in the living room. Then suddenly, I heard my daughter cried. Gues what, I was the only one that jump up and rush to my daughter. Man only know how to say la. Very few of them can really take care of baby.


Would like to consider hiring a part timer? It does really help on the house chores. i throw everything to my part timer except for washing and hanging clothes. Men are insensitive sometimes and they think doing housework and looking after baby is just another task to them. They do not understand the stress and time involve.


Which part of city plaza? I wanted to go there last wk for shopping but not enough time after my trip at Parkway. Maybe will go next Monday.

adding myself to the chinese song category

jessica> wow.. didn't know so many ppl like me cant' find songs.. hehe

Eng songs


2) Leo baby

3) badfifi

4) pinkyluv

5) Ebelle

6) weiting

7) tinkerstars

8) cool_rainbow

9) BBL

10) hushlilbb

11) Sugarong




15) Jeslyn

16) chin

17)aries mum

Chinese songs






6)cool rainbow


8) hushlilbb (priority over english in case your business too overwhelming )

9) Sugarong



12) chin

13) aries mum

14) Clueless

Jessica > I would like "rip CD to CD, means there will be 5 English CDs cos I have 5 volumes" becos I am going to play the songs for my bb to sleep when i don't have energy to sing and my player can't play mp3.. hope it isn't too much trouble [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm if too much trouble, maybe i can source a student and ask her to burn and pay a little fee for her work.. let me know if ur scedule is Ok for it

thanksss a lot ...

Ms Sickening and Ms Colourful,

First it started off as a private sms between ms colourful and me, then it was brought onto FB and now so publicly to forum.. Wats next?? Newspaper headlines?? Eh.. I dun want Wanbao ok, Straits Times or Biz Times can? More atas mah.. *lol*

Ms Sickening, I owe u $1 for ytd's meal. Remind me the next time I see u ya..


U are smart leh, u know that I'm tempted to join next Tue huh.. Yupz.. me tempted, might come alone after I collect Denise's passport. Hope q not too long.


Nice meeting u and thanks for helping to buy KOI.

Jessica thanks!

Eng songs


2) Leo baby

3) badfifi

4) pinkyluv

5) Ebelle

6) weiting

7) tinkerstars

8) cool_rainbow

9) BBL

10) hushlilbb

11) Sugarong




15) Jeslyn

16) chin

17)aries mum

18) Jacelyn

Chinese songs






6)cool rainbow


8) hushlilbb (priority over english in case your business too overwhelming )

9) Sugarong



12) chin

13) aries mum

14) Clueless

15) Jacelyn

Gong cha is my latest favourite!! Vivo n city hall also have! Think there is one near centrepoint area too coz my cousin work there and she say she keep drinking. It's nice!! There was a day I drank Eskimo before lunch n gong cha after that. Super fat!!!

Miss SB, how much do I owe u?? U want me to transfer or u prefer cash, I can pass u on TUESDAY DURING THE HI TEA... Tell ur hubby one mummy owes u "alot" of money so u must go for the hi tea... =)

Felicia - erm there's no topic now... Just normal chit chat... U wanna join us for hi tea??

my friend just gave me a bumbo seat... Erm when can let Germaine sit ar??

Lol!!! Ms SB: why suddenly u owe me money? And only $1 huh? Sickening lor.. Today i jus went to learn how to put d fake eyelash.. When u wanna learn? Nx tues u nv cme leh.. Tell ur hubby u NEED to learn how to put so must go for gathering plus u owe pple money.. So must go.. Hahaha.

Sab - hope you are feeling better by now. I understand that sometimes people say things to us without really thinking of our feelings.. remember that it will be worth it when baby calls you mama. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will pm you my email addy. Thanks for the advice on the nanny - you have a good point there. Speed is very important when baby is impatient type (like mine!).

Kris, yalor I m in a way lucky people around me all meaty including my hubby,ha.. I juz got a maid for abt 2days,n quite meaty also,so my ger likes it so far..

Rae,it's nt easy to b a mommy afterall..nw with my new maid,in a way I feel relieved she is around to help,on the other hand,afraid my ger too close to her over me.. I keep telling myself I hv to b patient wif my ger,n keep in mind even though she chooses who to carry,bt the mother n child bond is always there.. She's taking medicine now,n she seems less fussy,nt sure is it the drugs made her drowsy as she sleeps more...

Sarahmay , yup,I asked the dr about probiotics after reading ur post, she said probably I can try after she finish her med.btw,where can I get that?can I purchase it off the shelves?

Sab, I knw how it feels, many a time men dun tink before they talk, they dun realize wat they say will hurt us so much,n if we tell them immediately, they will say we r so sensitive.they dun understand how bad it feels,n it feels worse especially after going thru 10 mths of pregnancy n labour.. Bt I believe he did nt do it intentionally,cool it off, n let him knw again on a separate occasion that wat he had said actually made u feel so hurt,I tink he will then learn to b more mindful of wat he said nxt time..

Hi all! Anyone knows how to feed medicine thru the syringe?I tried to feed my ger, n each time she reacts as if I am going to murder her, then she yells n cries n chokes.. Haiz,I saw a medicine dispensing bottle with a syringe in the bottle in kiddy palace,anyone tried tat b4? N is it useful?

pinkyluv: can PM your mobile? will they charge toddler or not? tt day i got gynae appt at 2 at tmc. hope finish fast. oh our wedding is diy. i designed my own dresses. his suit? haah.. from costume shop ^60 nia. i still hv my dresses. wore my gown sev times after for work/performance so q worth while. still hoping for chance to wear my cheong sum n other gown.

jrgal: buy from PD (biogaia is the brand. mine sells it for 37.50 for small bottle, liquid form). smh overseas spree under tan leng leng has too. or gnc as well but powder form.

u can take along w meds ...no issue. ur doc is gp or pd? oh!hat meds is she on?

syringe n meds:

aim at corner of mouth. hold bb at 45 degree. but her head has to sort of tilt bk a little so meds don't flow out. hope u get wat i mean. crying is inevitable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hang in there


oh my frens just dump all into milk n bottle feed. i nvr tried tt,


Just use syringe is fine. Squirt a v v small Amt thru side of her mouth. Den push her chin up gently to close her mouth. Den repeat. Rem, squirt a v v small Amt at any one time. If she doesn't like the taste, she may let it dribble out of her mouth. Hope that don't happen. If she cries, get someone to distract her n cont. Dun let her cry too much cos she may puke out milk n medicine.


Am also thinking of collecting Megon's passport on Tue before the buffet. Remember to go ICA website to mk e-appt so that u need not Q or wait long. Btw, collect passport need to bring Ur bb, u know right? U cannot go alone to collect w/o bb hor.


My boy also behave like that when taking medicine .I think it's the taste that Bb don like. He is cooperative in taking 1 out of 5 medicine.

HI Jessica

Would like a copy of the nursery songs. Am not going for xmas party..mail? Please charge....Tks

Eng songs


2) Leo baby

3) badfifi

4) pinkyluv

5) Ebelle

6) weiting

7) tinkerstars

8) cool_rainbow

9) BBL

10) hushlilbb

11) Sugarong




15) Jeslyn

16) chin

17)aries mum

18) changi

Chinese songs






6)cool rainbow


8) hushlilbb (priority over english in case your business too overwhelming )

9) Sugarong



12) chin

13) aries mum

Just back fr a function..survive 7 hrs with neither kyra nor pump

& was bargaining with Ricky, the foto u guy regarding our 3 dec Xmas Shot face to face =p

he was engaged by the organizer to take pics

din suceed though, he keeps saying best rate liao


Hmm, sarah might know, but my elder daughter is so used to taking medicine that she treats them like sweets.

This is what we did:

- we let her tear open the syringe wrapping each time we administer medicine. We felt that if she does not have a fear for the tube, she would be more willing. Works all the time.

- we tell her that the medicine is actually candy (sweet sweet)

- Initially we feed her ribena, water through the syringes, to get her to get used to it. She'll never know what she might get [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

- We sweet talk her all the time and give her big praises whenever she takes liquid from the syringes, whether its ribena or actual medication

- As time goes by, she takes medication like its candy.. and the nurses all gives her big praises the way we do at home, so it goes full circle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We had to do it, albeit the risks, she might copy our actions etc and think medication is REALLY candy, and syringes are really not all that fun but I guess rather than the tears and struggles, this was a better solution.


I give both my children Lacteofort on a weekly basis. It is actually Lactobacillus, the good bacteria that protects the gut flora the way Yakult works.

So far so good, Scott and Scarlett never have constipation problems. I put it into their milk. Though be careful if you are used to making hot milk, might kill the bacteria. Use warm water instead.


How much does he charge? The foto U guy :S

babyt, got chin chow one oh... i tot only jelly and pearls. Tmr checking out chinatown's Koi. I like honey tea best! Sweet sweet...

yvonne, fake lashes? wow!!! Teach me pls... everytime i see those babes drawing their eyes black black and big big and with the lashes, make them look so chio. Now i aunty liao, must learn to dress up the face. hahahaha...

letty, where you buy lacteofort? Cavin's poo is always hard hard and not everyday output.

sab, hugs... my hb also say me without going thro his brain. he tot i so free at home!!! let him be a househusband then he know how tough we are. anyway, man sometime are brainless. hehehehe....

jacelyn, gong cha have pearls? I love the chewy pearls then drinking the tea.

As days passed by, my tummy looks bigger and protruding as compared to my confinement days. I wanna make my tummy back to flat flat one. Anyone using slimming cream?

Finally i think we have to get a helper. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But I can't get used to the idea that a stranger is in my house leh... When choosing a helper, what must I look out for?

philipino better? or indo? hear that mymmar one also have right?



Lacteofort should be available from all pharmacies. Guardian would surely stock them.

If baby's not pooing regularly or has hard stool, have baby drink consume two satchels of lacteofort daily. I give my both my children diluted Pocari (either can or powder- its ionised water, smaller molecules, far more easily absorbed than plain water ) as drinking water during warm or unpredictable weather too.

