(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


i hav my mum to help me. she room in wif me n athena. mid nite my mum help me with the nite feed while i pump. after feeding my bb n changing her, she goes back to slp. after my pumping session, i'll washup all the stuff, sterilise them n standby the milk n bottle for nxt feed. Mum is the best lor - despite her age at 72, she is doing full CL job plus cleaning the hse.



hot water from kopi shop - i m using alvent bottle so i oso bring my own container to store the hot water when i ask from them. unless i used the bottle fm given by hospital then the usual cup will do.


Why u say nursing shawl not enuff coverage? Dunno if we are talking about the same thing but mine can hide very well leh. Lemme c if i can find a pic...


I m using medela pump in style - dual. But I never seems to be able to empty my right nn. I always need to spend another 10mins or so to get the milk out. I massage before I pump oso no help. What do you suggest?

op: hey hey... i oso hv the kind u shared. plus, sarong sling, plus nursing shawl w stiff neckline. BUT i very lao yah sometimes so the soft shawl type n even the nursing shawl can get in my way of trying to latch my wailing, flailing bb lor. hence thinking of weirdo boncho.

jessica: hmm, he takes 100-110ml of ebm n sleeps for 3. but mb u r right, latching he may b drinking less. how?

tigerlily: hmm i oso dunno. but wat worked for me is pumping 2 hrly, instead of 3. LC suggested pump 5 min, rest, 5 min pump, rest, 5min pump, rest. no more than 20 mins of total pumping. drink warm stuff while expressing n close eyes, relax...dun look at bottle? oso sounds like mb ur right boob got some duct blockage. like me last time tt is why i believe in massage. i put contact below. h! i do warm shower massage n use warm compress just before pumping. my 1st preg it took me 2 mths to hv all ducts cleared n ms upped.

bb tiger: saras at mt a v good. 53 bucks per visit. number of visits dep on u. but i m glad i went once. i needed more sessions but a fren came to help me.


this really helps n mdm rokiah is really gd.


used her girl n was gd.but heard frm my fren who used her she is excellent.

sarahmay, we did try to disturb her sleep during the day but sometimes she jus refuse to wake up..haa...haiz....on bringing ebm out, what i did once was put refrigerated ebm in bottle in cooler bag....and brought along a container big enuf to hold the bottle ...and a small vacuum flask containing hot water...when bb hungry, jus warm it...now go out, ma jiam must pack the whole house out....like go hols like that!

bbtiger, yes, quite a torture...lack of sleep nvm, before we noe it, the next round of feeding time and pumping comes....

jessica: HUH? really??? where did u get this info? i know cannot boil or microwave...yikes!

sugar: hahaha. i know what u mean. so how many bottles of ebm u bring out? got ice pack? wah... a lot to pack. tt is why i cannot tahan feeding ebm so i made myself learn to latch him.

Yes. It was stated on the pigeon warmer tat the BM need to be in max 40 degree to remain the protein. Anything higher than tat is not gd. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sarahmay, cos we noe we oni be out for a while, so i jus bring 1 bottle of ebm nia...got ice pack cos need to keep it fresh....i oso gg to re-latch her again after confinement

Tinkerstar, phyphy, sasha & Sarahmay

I was like you, initially very confused about proper storage of breast milk. But through the process of breastfeeding, I read and shared info with other nursing mummies, I learnt alot and just want to share some info with you. Hope it helps This info, I got it from Women Breastfeedings' Support Group.

Human Milk Storage Information

This information is based on current research and applies to mothers who: have healthy full-term babies; are storing their milk for home use (as opposed to hospital use):

Wash their hands before expressing;

Use pre-sterlised storage bags, bpa-free or use containers that have been washed in hot, soapy water and rinsed.

All milk should be dated before storing.

Storage Guidelines:

Term Colostrum (expressed within 6 days of delivery)

kept at room temperature 27-32 C (80.6-89.6 F) - 12 hours

Mature milk

kept at 15 C (59-60 F) - 24 hours

kept at 19-22 C (66-72 F) - 10 hours

kept at 25 C (79 F) - 4-6 hours

refrigerated 0-4 C (32-39 F) - 8 days

Frozen milk

Freezer - 3 or 4 months

(temperature varies because the door opens frequently)

Deep freeze at constant -19 C (0 F) - 6 months or longer

What Type of Container to Use

If the milk will be frozen;

heavy plastic or glass containers can be used

freezer milk bags are available that are designed for storing human milk disposable

bottle liners are not recommended

cool milk in refrigerator before adding to a container of frozen milk

How to Warm the Milk

Thaw and/or heat under warm, running water; do not bring temperature of milk to

boiling point; swirl before testing the temperature; do not use a microwave oven to heat human milk.

Thawed milk

If milk has been frozen and thawed, it can be refrigerated up to 24 hours for later use. It should not be refroz. DO NOT mix Forumla milk with breast milk. You are killing the nutrients in your breast milk.

I have been bfing for a few months already and my personal take is I use storage bags as opposed to glass bottles. One advantage is it will not clutter your fridge space. I bought milk bags from this website. Maybe you want to check it out. Through trials and errors from using different storage bags, I like this brand the best....in terms of cost, reliaibilty and quality, it suits my needs and expectations


Hope my little sharing clarifies any questions you may have. Happy breastfeeding....jia you...our milk is the BEST gift for our precious one

i have a problem with my newborn. she's only 2 weeks old. had this skin rashes around her neck, arms creases and back. very bad rashes. seen a PD, cream prescribed made her condition worse. Then moved on to see a GP the night before and GP says could be due to breast milk given to baby. He says the food I eat could be affecting the baby. He asks to stop breast milk feeding first. Then I went for gynae check up, she feels that it could be due to cow's milk allergy. 2 days have passed since seeing the GP, my baby's rashes still not subside. Sigh. My hubby went to buy soy formula, in case it's really cow milk allergy. So right now, all my EBM poured away after each pump. Sad. Any idea I can still take bread and milo for breakfast? They are part of dairy product right?


if not using warmer and using water..so hard to achieve 40 degree and the milk will turn warm..

maybe it is time for me to get a warmer then


I understand boiling water will destroy the nutrients in EBM but if i never use water fr airpot..so hard to warm up leh


rest is impt..for me after latch if still pump then no need to sleep liao


Gideon is gaining wt v well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and lucky u, never drink water but ss still good


can high 5 with u ..i m equally jialat with all these nursing shawl..can't cover well..the boncho is the only one gives me max privacy ;p


dun demoralised..this sun is my 6th week n my ss same as u lor =) hehe, i just try my best lor..

drink more water ...v impt..i just drank my 7th cup since 7am

btw, a friend shared with me this . her 14th month old still on BM

- drink a lot of water (water bottle at work, water bottle at bedside to drink when you wake up at night to feed baby, etc)

- fenugreek works for some mummies, not all. Can try Goat's Rue, More Mothers Milk Tea - expensive, available at vitakidz at united sq

- add one more pumping session

- use high yielding pumps - medela pump in style, medela freestyle and one avent pump (top end one, I cannot remember the name)

- rest more, stress less

- eat more fish - even took fish essence (like chicken essence but very smelly)


last night was not too bad..no FM fed but Kyra woke up at midnite, 3 plus and 6am

only prob is she dun like bottle now n only wana latch on..haiz

now my mum is feeding her my freshly expressed milk while i take my breakfast and kyra is making pukey sound and keep wanting to suckle at my mum breasts instead


Thanks for the info. Any idea how long we can keep the heated bm in room temp before discard?


Don think going to buy the nursing cover as this might be my last bb.don wan waste $$ n with the elder one don think I will be going out so often as compare to the previous time


why don't you freeze your bm 1st then see your bb's condition and decide later if she can still take bm?


i think ebm cannot be boiled but using boiling water to heat up still alright ba since the temp of the milk won't shoot up to boiling temp ma.The nutrients will only be lost if the BM itself reach boiling temperature.

For the wedding dinner, i'll have to bring my maid cos i don't think my inlaws will be able to help as they have to entertain the guests.


heated bm can be kept in room temp for one hour.

thanks sarahmay and pinkyluv

hi pinkyluv, check with u, sgh do not do blood test group for my girl.. they have no such practice. so we do not know her blood group. so what do u do with it?

btw, does any mummies know of any good pd at west side?


din even notice tat ! guess i will call polyclinic for advise then

u can dial 63553000 too =)


ok, if like tat, i dun hav to look 4 a warmer

PS= realise kyra fart super smelly, like adults..other babies also like this ?

Sugarong and confused mummies> When bb suddenly let out a sharp cry when in sleep mood, means they have trap gas in the tummy. Pick bb up and burp them and will be ok.


My CL tod me last night baby din sleep from 1+ till when I woke up at 530, even after feeding from bottle, cos she wants to suckle on my nipples, pacifier didnt work. Only slept after I let her suckle on my nipple. Really worried she will become too dependent on the nipple. Thinking if I should just express and bottle feed totally. But want to breastfeed sometimes leh.

Cool> Yes I would like to have the glass bottles. how many ml is it and where can i pick up from u?

All> what multivitamin or supplement your gynae gave? My gynae just say don't need any but if really want just take calcium. He says will have a lot of constipation if take supplement which is what i having now. Ladies pls share.


My bb has the same prob. I ate 5 days of fried egg and she has red patches of rash on her face. PD says since no formula milk given, it's likely to be my BM n due to the food i ate. She gave me a list of food that may cause allergy to bb. So far, it appears i need to remove egg and soy products from my diet.

Hi All> just to share how to let bb sleep longer in the nite. Firstly you have to train BB on routine to be feed 3 hrly. when bb cries not all the time need feed so you have to learn. Rei will usually not be sleepy in his 9pm cycle so we will play sing etc with him until he tired. if he does fall asleep and not have his 12 am feed, I will sort of wake him (semi asleep) and let him drink from bottle a solid feed like 100 ml or more) He will not wake for feed until abt 4 or 5 am. Last nite he never wake before i woke. I woke abt 430am with nn hard as stone so begin pump. finish pump and he still not up so stored amt from one breast and fed him in semi sleep mode from amt of the other breast(already pump out). If I don't feed him and he wakes I will have nothing in my breast to feed him. The book on becoming baby wise is good and so far what is taught is also what CL has been doing except that she doesn't know why and the book explain to my understanding

leobaby, thanks...shall try that the next time it happens. on supplements, i still haf left over prenatal multivits, so still taking...in addition, taking fish oil, calcium and probiotics....tinking of taking vit c and e for my own general well being (did that pre-preg) but scared too much for bb via breastmilk...haa...gynae says ok though

Thanks Leobaby for sharing. I tried to give khloe 3 hr feed but there's always a few timing, she needs milk 1.5-2 hrly. And everytime she will cry hard.

How to gauge when she dun really need milk? My bb 2 weeks old now and suffering from colic. Really tortourous nights

sugarong, where u get the probiotics supplements? It's for bb well being right? I think I shud take too cos scare my meal diet not enough for bb... Esp morning pump and midnight ones where food intake is less or minimal.


Sometimes when we feed bb the milk that flows out of their mouth will flow down their neck and back. Its actually good practice to clean bb mouth and neck with wet cotton as the milk will cause rash to come up. Chk if this is the cause.

Mag> Medela is 5 oz bag but Expensive. This brand call blue egg is 7 oz. If you need email can let u know I think they can mail u if not buy from kiddy palace. Btw you have a spare nursing shawl i can borrow so i can practice if Rei wants to cooperate to use it before i decide to invest in the one u have.

Leo Baby,

Ya Medela ones r really ex. Thanks for suggestions on milk bags.

I do have a spare nursing cover, how do u want to get it fr me?

tinkerstars> When bb colic they will drink if given. If you have feed enough the amt needed for her age and its before 2 1/2 or 3 hrs always chk if its other condition. Small crys are normal during sleep dont pick up immediately sometimes just bad dreams. sharp cry are usually gas in stomach or hungry. so if sharp cry not time for feed yet, give bb burping process and they may struggle a bit but when the gas comes out or sometimes gas may not come out but they quiet down that means you are on the right track of giving relief. Colic as explain in the book, will always come onto bb around the same time of the day. so maybe your bb is not really colic but just having trap gas in tummy.

tinkerstars, my bb sometimes oso cry for milk less than 3 hrs fr previous feed...sometimes can be as fast as 1 hr, but thats cos the previous feed, she took only half of her milk....her drinking pattern really PAI KUAN....she oso colicky and pd got prescribe her colic medicine...we only gave in the evening in her milk cos she usu colicky at night...probiotics, i got fr my gynae....sarahmay says gnc/natures farm oso able to get...its supposed for the good bacteria in the stomach/intestines....i tink pd can prescribe to bb too but if mummy take and is breastfeeding, bb oso able to absorb...

Thinkerstar and sugarong> try burping bb between feed as the gas inside them never come out they will feel full. after burp can drink more one.

Sarah may

I bring ebm out in cooler bag (comes with the free similac diaper bag) and i put some cool gel pack inside (medela cooling element too big to fit in) to keep it chill.

Gideon is just one mth lar.. not 6 weeks yet. I kan chiong bring him for hep B 2nd dose so might as well do development assessment since can do within 4 to 6 weeks. Cos he seems to have constipation like adelynn's boy.. so might as well all consult dr at one go.

Burping babies

I also want to share my experience. Leobaby's advice is so good.. i got to experience bb puking and see dr before i find out how to do. Sometimes bb burp once not enuff de... my boy can burp up to 4 times in one burping session.. plus some more i put in 3 burping sessions per feed. One thing that work for me is changing positions to burp in each burping session can help to bring the gas up. E.g. sit him down to burp..then bring bb to lying position..pat a bit on the chest.. bring up to shoulder burping position and try burping again.


Gideon gave out sharp cry while i was just typing away and i try your method.. Now he is back to sleep again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]His tum tum super gassy lor. He farts a lot too.


If both you and ur hubby is O+ then no need to test cos ur bb sure O+ one.

Pomme> glad it works for you. it always works for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

something to add> during the 7/8 wk and 4mth period they may wake up 45min earlier for feed as this is their sudden growth period. So mummies sometimes u still have to exercise your judgement on to feed or not.

Recently my girl seems to be very gassy. She seems to be making alot of noise when drinking milk n when sleeping. Dont recall her having such problems when the CL is around.

Her stomach seems to be filled with gas and seems to need to gek very hard to pass out gas or to poo poo.. wonder if this is normal.

Sorry to intrude..

I have a brand new tube of Medela Purelan 100 (37gram) still in box to let go.

Expiry: 03/2012

Info on Medela Purelan:

Soothes sensitive or dry nipples, dry baby skin and dry skin.

If you experience breastfeeding problems, PureLan cream protects your nipples from dryness during breastfeeding. It contains 100 per cent pure lanolin (wool wax) without any artificial additives or preservatives. This means it doesn't have to be removed before breastfeeding. You can also apply it to other dry skin areas. The PureLan cream is so safe, you can even use it on your baby's skin to act as a moisturizer.

Collection at CCK / Yew Tee MRT or Normal Mail can be arranged.

PM me if interested. Thanks!

Hi mummies gt a question here...

Does bb get more alert n sleep lesser now? My 3wks + boy is more awake in day n refuse to sleep even after his feed.. Then eyes so big n keep fussing.. Tink im gona breakdown soon dunno how long i nv sleep well liao hais

Just to share the vaccination costs @ Healthway... FYI can use CDA account to pay...

Basic Vaccine Package 3 Infanrix Hexa Doses - $268

Optional Add on package (A) 2 Oral Rotarix Doses - $168

Optional Add on Package (B) 3 Pneumococcal Doses - $400, 2 Pneumococcal Doses - $272, 1 Pneumococcal Doses $138

Optional Add on Package (C) 1 Chicken Pox Varilix Dose - $63

Optional Add on Package (D) 1 Infanrix 5 in 1 Booster Dose - $68

Optional Add on Package (E) 1 Priorix MMR Dose - $22

Optional Add on Package (F) 2 MMRV (New 4 in 1 vaccine against MMR and chicken pox) Doses @ 15th & 18th Months - $178

Germaine will be going for her 1st 6-in-1 next week @ 6 weeks old.. anyone wanna know more about the vaccinations please let me know, i will ask the doctor... =) please PM hor...

thanks BabyT.

All these vacinations are overwhelming me. So many different types

how much is 6 in 1 cost?

my girl still got 2 weeks before she turn 1 month... need to go figure all these different jabs

thanks leobaby... i will monitor her for the weekend. i suspect it's wind in the stomach too cos she like very xinku everytime and like geking... then when she fart and poo, she settled a bit...

colic - every night 12am -2am, she will be cranky. we need to feed her twice of 60ml before she goes to bed at 215am. been going on for 3 nights = that's why suspect it's colic

really at wits' end. i feel so helpless and lost when she keep crying , esp in the day when i am alone caring for her at home.

Hello Mothers,

Is anyone storing their breastmilk while in confinement already?

What's the best way to freeze it efficiently?

I've been using Pigeon zip storage bags, but wondering if anyone else has found a cheaper option with space-saving tricks? Many thanks.


tinkerstars, u take care of khloe all by urself? Wah pei fu... I try to take care of him myself, but once he cry and i cant comfort him i almost wan to bang myself on e wall... Stressed man

Jessica, ya he is more awake frm 12pm to 3 plus..

During feeding he so quiet n doze off when burping.. But once i put on him in bed, he can zzz 20 mins n fuss n cry... This cycle can cont til nxt 3 hr feed... at nite 10 to 1am also same hais

Going crazy soon....

