(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

pomme - i teach u... one side latch one side pump... that's what i did... prepare one bottle with parts assembled and within reach... i let Germaine lie on pillow (not necessary to get breast friend pillow) those normal comfy de can le... then i latch her.. once she lim song already got momentum, then i use my leg to support her make sure she's lying against my body so she won't drop.. then faster switch on pump and start pumping... won't drop de.. either u use handsfree or use ur other thigh to support the bottle... by the time i pump finish, she's still happily latching on... then after that when she unlatch, i burp her, carry her awhile.. then put her down, faster transfer milk, come back and KO... cycle starts again in 3 hours...


pomme : wow! ur supply damn good. u pump at how many hours interval? the past few days got no energy to pump...now i think MS may have dropped. how??? i want to build up some back up so i can go out!!!

phyphy - i still contemplating whether wanna go healthway or go back to PD... PD $440... healthway $265... both payable by CDA, speaking of which i finally got the letter.. tomorrow can go open account lo...


$265 for the 6 in one jab?

i tried that one side latch n one side pump,when travis in gd mood,ok but when he fuss,its a nightmare to do it.


will check out for u..it was a gift from a pal who visited us when kyra was born..think big department store will have =)

btw, nursing shawl is not secure ..those that surrounds all ard is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have a wedding to attend in nov, and it's my sil's so have to bring whole family and hubby will be busy helping her with phototaking, hope i can cope with 2 and if i need to pump also don't know how.


do you mean CDA account? We applied for it when we did the birth cert together. the Hospital submitted together for us.

babyT, my locia/flow is oso on-off...oso using panty liner but sometimes it seems to have cleared, only to come back again some other day.....

sarahmay, cda account and baby bonus submission: i do it at the same time when i do birth cert. cda account - fill in the form from ocbc or standard chartered (your choice). baby bonus i tink automated de, once you do ur birth cert..mcys will send u letter after tat to inform u are eligible for the baby bonus...

CDA account: i didn't apply ! how? too late?

Dunno why my hubby just chucked the entire package to me...and then with all the hospitalisation etc in the lst few weeks i clean forgot about it until now!


can ask u girls who do feed EBM how u do it when u go out? how to store EBM? pump etc?


me too yet to submit,still need to go bank to settle something before i can submit


y ur 6 in one so cheap? is it govt servant rate?even cheaper than polyclinic


so sorry... Christy is born on 24th Sept. Please help to change. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Everything is correct now.


So far, we feed baby with formula when outside, those formula bottles got from hospital.

I also bought the nursing cloth, have not get to use it yet.

i am getting a bit panicky over my seeming inability to pump milk! since i direct latch...i hardly got energy to pump.

so...now if i try to pump ...v pathetic amt... only like 60ml max like that...after 2-3 hrs. HOWS?!!!!

i need EBM to go out this weekend! my hubby back from macau.

ALSO...EBM in fridge. can keep how long???

okie. fridge 48 hours. few...so at least can use some. haiz. regret not freezing more when my supply was good.

huh...dun want to bring bb out. i got tot enough to keep us busy and we're going to the zoo. anw i also want to pak tor w my hubby...


EBM in fridge can keep up to 48hrs.

When I go out with my bb, I bring a cooler bag inside I put a bottle of EBM with ice pack on standby - so when she needs to feed, I warm up the milk by getting hot water from kopi shop. If need to pump, I got 1set of pump sterilise and ready in zip lock back. All these allow 1 session only. If bb need 2nd feeding, I will giv her bottle formula from hospital - I got a few bottles. Actually, the best way is to latch but my bb only likes 1-side and my let down is slow. I can only latch her when she is in good mood and need alot of coaxing before I can settle her.

tigerlily: u are really amazing. despite the difficulties u are still persevering w latching. how often do u pump? i really think i need to find way of getting more EBM though now we're doing almost 100% latching. q amazing tt he's gone from bottle to breast in 3 days. realy Thank God! hehe...but i oso miss the days when i didn't need to be physically there to feed him.


I pump every 3hrs. If I need to go out e.g. distribute cakes to office colleagues today, I pump before I go out. I was in office for 3hrs, once I reach hm. I pump again ard 2plus before my ML come at 3pm for 1 hr massage. After massage ard 4plus I pump again. My next pump will be at 7plus. I pump so hard but my supply still low. Unlike you mummies, 1 pump can get 100 to 150ml. Mine only max 80ml. Therefore, I must be very hard working. Otherwise, my bb got nothing to drink lor. I got some block ducts so after pumping, I still need to hand express to clear my nn. Otherwise, not soft at all. I do these round the clock - mid night oso wake up and pump. My mum help me bottle feed bb at nite - when she cries for milk (feed on demand). I standby everything in fridge - take bottle out when is close to her feeding time.

My bb will be 1mth by this Sat. I m currently feeding her 90ml each feed - ard 2.5 to 3 hrs interval. Is it too much? Today went to office, some of my colleagues say I over fed bb. They were telling me can only feed 30ml every 2 to 3 hrs. Last feed before bb slp can feed up to 50ml. Am I really feeding too much? My colleagues were saying feed too much if bb cannot digest, will get infection - urine or smtg. Really ah. Anybody can advise?? My bb won't go to sleep and rest if she din drink enf wo. She will cry non-stop and be very cracky. So which is the correct way. Feed until she has enf or limit her intake? Really lost.


Not amazing la. Is just part of motherhood. Since only going to have 1 precious baby so wanna giv her the best and what I can afford to provide lor. I dun really latch her very often - only when I am not so busy and when she wants to latch (at times, she oso treats my nn as a pacifer)

Tiger lily, I dun think it's too much. My girl is 2 weeks now, she takes abt 50ml average per 2-3 hrs feed....

When I discharge from hosp, the PD says newborn starts with 30ml... So yr colleagues may have heard the amt for newborn 1 week old- not 1 month old... Haha

On latching-

SarahMay: I salute u. My bb now having nipple confusion. Like dunno how to latch on liao. Even when she does, only latch for 10-15 mins then release latch and get cranky. Think she can't suckle well. So now, I mainly pump out and feed.

and to check with all mummies,

On latching, how long do yr babies latch to know they got sufficient?

After my bb latch, I pump out, like not much drank by her even though she's on for 10-15 mins. Gosh...

Bottle feed, she can finish her 50ml in 15 mins.


mine if latch for 20 to 25mins until she auto let go on 1-side only cos' the other side she dun really like to suck. she can still finish 90ml wo. someimes, she take my teats as her pacifier so i got to force her to let go otherwise, she will bite - quite painful.

hi mummies, does anyone has contact for balloonist? do pm me.

Thanks !


Tigerlily, at least yr bb will bite on. Mine dunno how to sold on to my nipple. can see she gets very frustrated so I give up, give her expressed milk thru bottle.

Phyphy, then u still feed him bottle? Or ge suckle enough in that 20mins. Mine sure cry for milk after latch. Think she dunno how to latch well liao

damn jiat lat... Will supply drop?


bb's milk intake is very individual one. Christy must feed till she is full full then she will sleep for min 4hrs-5hrs. If she is not full, every hour she will wake up for milk, like yesterday, I fed her 60ml at 8pm, then every hour she latch on my nn, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm. Then she is really full already and sleep till 5am. Every time she can finish 100ml, in 2hrs-4hrs interval.

Not to worry about overfeed, they are hungry they will cry or their mouth will move and move and move (looking for nn).

karen ng,

oh. is it. 90ml for close to 1mth bb is ok lor.

when i under feed her she will refuse to slp n bcome cracky - cry alot.


maybe u must help yr bb a bit, press some milk on yr nipple, use it to tease bb's mouth. when bb open mouth, push yr nipple inn and pad her to suck. talk to her, their hearing is better than vision. remember nb always need to do hearing test n get clearance from pd.

Tiger lily,

My baby is 3+ weeks and she also drinks 90ml, 2-3 hrs interval.

Mummies, can i ask, if baby reflux some milk out after burping, do I still need to feed her more? I feel like she is not getting enuf, but if a feed her more, the next burb she reflux again. But she is very unsettled, like got wind. Also noticed that it usually happens at night.

tigerlily: er your colleagues are SORELY MISINFORMED! 30ml for a 1 mth old baby is UNDERFEEDING! 90 ml is more like it. so don't worry. btw, mb u wanna try pumping every 2 hrs to help up supply? cos i did (when he was in hospital) and the amazing thing was it immed upped my supply from 10ml per pump to close to 100ml.

tinkerstars: don't give up!!! cos mine was like on mostly bottle for like 3weeks of his life! i also thot no way he was going to latch liao...but thank God i went to LC and had a v exp mummy friend help me. of cos the first few days were a PAIN! oh btw the LC at hospital told me tt my son cldn't suck well...but tell u..he's damn good at sucking now.

mummy princess: hmm...for reflux, it may either be overfeeding or gassy tummy. did u have antibiotics during delivery? cos my PD told me tt affects bb. u can try getting probiotics for self and bb to help. as for feeding more if she is crying and nothing else but milk settles her, then guess u have to feed. cannot starve bb.

OP: yeah lor. BONCHO looks like BIG LAMPSHADE to me. BUT it's sooo helpful i think. i have BF for almost 2 yrs before w my FB...and used nursing shawl . but with this little fella now, i think i may need MORE coverage given his squirminess. as for stares, haiz...i'm used to it. for the mere fact tt i'm bfing already got weird stares...i think w boncho...mb will get less since they just think it's another weird fashion statement? hehe.


It's either he ask for more in the next hr or the next 2 hrs.


Amt of milk bb drink is using 150ml *the bb weight as a guage for a day . It can't be 30ml for a mth old bb.

Travis too can easily drink 90ml per feed also .


This is gd n it's so easy to use. Tempted to buy when I bring my gal 2 yes ago. Saw my friend using it n it's a breeze while me on the other hand using sling as cover struggling with the bb.

Of coz the sling will not attach too much staring as per the BONCHO.


kyra is gd leh, last feed a 1am - next feed 6am (5hrs no milk) mine max is 4hrs w/o milk.

11.45pm last feed

3.45am another feed

6.40am another feed

9.45am another feed


yes yes yes, christy also loh. If she is not full she will not want to sleep, then i suffer. hahahaha...


thanks for the update. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will only wake up to pump when the body says so (too engorge), if not I will sleep till the morning then wake up to pump out the milk.

hehe, Tigerlily, cos b4 i latch on at 1 plus am ..her daddy feeds her similac from 10 plus pm to midnite

i think BM alone she wun sleep so long :p


u r welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my body will never asks me to wake up though unless i need to go toilet ..

i really love sleeping at night

mommies help!

On my way out wit bb zeynep in a carrier, i touched her head n feel on top of her head, directly in the middle, there is a slightly curve hole. Is it normal??

yes it's normal cos the bones structure in her head has not closed yet,PD say will take up to 1 yr for the gap to close.

pinkyluv, initially i v on, wake up at nite to pump (cos oso need to feed so might as well pump)...now not so hardworking liao, so once bb finish drinking during nite and fall asleep, i faster sleep too ;p

WOW! how come your babies all can sleep soooo well leh.

my boy wakes up every 2 hours almost for milk. and at nite...haiz...i become BIG PANDA with orh bakh kakh eyes lor. yday from 2 - 4am he was awake. think mb it's the air con in our room tt he doesn't like.

haiz. how?

today i went out w hubby and older boy for lunch and shopping. spent 100+ on skincare hehe. vain. and we managed a nice jap lunch w my FB being v co-operative.

forgot to pump for like 4+/5 hrs. and amt still only 190ml. haiz.

Pinkyluv: ur kyra very good leh. how did u get her to sleep so well at nite? how much milk is she drinking per feed. oh btw my LC says from 12 - 4am no need to wake to pump if breasts don't leak BUT by 5 am MUST wake to pump.

phyphy: so u will be getting boncho? i am still undecided leh.

hi mummies, how come my girl wake up every 1.5 hrs crying for ebm, is this normal as i seen most of yours is 2hrs interval?

my girl will also sleep halfway through and cry out loud. no choice but to carry her. anybody face the same?

she is drinking btm 70-80ml for a coming 3 weeks old baby, is this ok?


I pump at 3 or 4 hours interval. Sometimes when go out or busy, end up 6 hours then pump will still get about 360ml, which works out to about 180ml per 3 hours also. Now stagnant liao.. can climb higher.

You can try pumping a few minutes more after no more milk drip out to psycho ur neh neh that demand is higher than supply. Also hand expressing after pumping helps a great deal. Having lots of nipple openings helps.. thru breast massage or i heard that can get hubby to suckle on our nipple if bb don't latch well. Put some hot water in a milk bottle and apply bottle on ur breast to massage to push the milk down to the areola area is useful too.


You are good leh, maciam octopus.. I can try your method one day though i am not so confident, will standby hubby during one weekend see if i can. Cos gideon cannot drink at one shot, got to burp in between.. if he fuss.. then jia lat..


I tried to get hot water from kopi shop today and realised my ebm bottle can't fit into the glass mug they offer in. Next time got to bring my own container to contain the hot water.

Your athena is drinking enuff. Babies are smart, they know when is enuff and when they need more de. Just go with ur girl's demand. My boy is going on to 120ml next week.

You are amazing lor.. no CL and persist in pumping till now so discipline. Now i drop to 4 or 5 hours at night liao cos really can't wake up.

Gideon's growth

When for hep B 2nd dose and developmental assessment today. Gideon pass with flying colours. at 4.9kg now and 39 cm in head circumference. He is constipated though on full breastfeeding cos i have been too busy and din drink enuff water so bb a bit dehydrated. Got to drink till i make the toilet bowl my personal sofa.


Bb will drop off ur nipple once they have enuff. If they fuss, offer the other breast. So you just let them drink from ur breast till they are satisfied. Though must make sure they are swallowing all these while, can hear and feel they are swallowing de. if not they are just suckling for comfort then got to remove the nipple liao.

wow, i really envy u all.. now 3 weeks liao, 2hrs can only pump about 50-60ml for both and 3hrs interval is about 70-80ml. after drinking those papaya fish soup, took fenugreek, day time try pump 2hrs and night time pump 3hrs, supply still so low. so demolised [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sarahmay, my bb dun sleep when she wanna tekkan us.....and its always from 12MN to 4am....slowly, to 5am and yest, to 6am!!!! we also suspected she dun like our room/aircon in our room/lighting in the room...tried all sorts of combination but dun wan sleep means dun wan sleep...when finally start to doze off, she got startled reaction then cry then wake up again.....

bbtiger, my bb also sometimes cry loud when sleeping halfway...ma jiam nightmare like that...we also dunno how...and i tink ur bb drinking "standard" amt...mine almost 4 weeks old, but this week her appetite dropped fr 90ml to abt 70ml...dunno whats wrong..

pomme: can share how u transport ur ebm out? is it refrigerated or frozen? how u carry it? and i oso thinking how to bring out container to heat milk, and pump. btw, when u are out...why don't u latch? how tall is gideon now? i suspect my eze will not be able to hit 4.9kg by 6 wks. gideon is 6 wks already ah. so fast man.

bb tiger: actually ur supply is abt my supply. i calculate my boobs produce milk at a rate of 30-40ml an hr. just keep pumping after latch. what pump u using? my FB, i only had avent hand pump...single. so i think pump makes all the diff. cos when i used hospital's medela it really could extract a lot more milk lor. within my first wk, the hostpial grade pump helped increase my MS a lot! don't give up! it's worth investing in a good pump. i rec Medela PISA. as for intake, u may wish to increase a little to try if it's cos she's hungry? cos i rber my boy at 3wks old, he was drinking about 80 - 100ml.

sugar: wah...heng. thot my bb only one. haiz. my pd says must wake him up more in day so he learns the diff between day and nite.


i read tt at wk 3, there is growth spurt so need more milk.

sugarong, wah, that must be a torture... my girl like every hr awake, either sleep halfway wake up or wake up for milk. i really dread the day i need take care of her alone and do not know if i got the time to do pumping. i dont do latch because supply is too low for her and she will sleep almost immediately when latch. furthermore i do not know how much she takes and it really upset her feeding time.

sarahmay, my sil gave me her medala dual pump and end up it cant empty my milk. its the avent manual pump that can empty. worse is i think my breasts got something wrong, i must press in order for milk to come out. it just wont auto come out itself. really dont know what's wrong with it.

with all this, most likely i will have to end bm for my girl if i handle her alone, but i wish i can continue it for at least 6 mths. haiz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


bb tigger: the LC told me tt dual pump is way better than single. which medela pump u have? oso pumping after latch helps. if u really want to cont BFing, i strongly encourage u to try to latch her. i know v hard...mummies here know how i struggled with latching. it was only last fri when my boy was 3w+ old tt i started.

hmm. i don't think anything is wrong w ur breasts. perhaps u have some plugged ducts? want to call for a ML to massage and help u unblock? i know one v good one. it helped me tt my ML massaged and helped unblock them. btw, if milk auto come out it's letdown. i think if u get a good pump like the medela pump in style w the two phase expression, it really helps. even the single medela swing oso has this function.

