(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Definitely no kissing!

I once saw a helper feeding a kid from the same spoon/ utensils that she uses. I find that totally unacceptable as well..

When My friend told me that my helper kissed my boy when I went off to pick my car, I don't feel that was right. My friend said that is definitely no no but since I didnt see it with my own eyes I cannot tell her off.

I asked my Hubby when also her Sis was around n they both said ok because that is showing love but I said in the first Plc you don't know if her mouth is clean n u don't know if she is sick. Our maid when sick don't tell us (always self medicate) n many times I saw her mouth oily after food she never seems to wipe her mouth most of time.

I saw her kiss my boy yesterday n did not tell her off immediately but when in car on way home then tell her.

Leo baby,

I also caught my helper kissed my boy few weeks ago, like u, feel uncomfy coz of hygiene issue. Me din tell her off on the spot (coz dunno how).

I know she kissed my boy coz she sayang him a lot, so must think of way to tell her off tactful w/o hurting her. Dun forget we still need thei help in taking care of bb. That's why hb and myself nvr scold her when she did something wrong, we will "try our best" to talk to her nicely. At the end, I really dunno what excuse to use, just told her dun kiss my boy simply bcoz I dun like! Haha...very lame, but no choice...Anyway, she was ok after that and nvr kiss my boy anymore. Ahh...really not easy dealing with a helper.

Morning mummies... I have the pigeon weaning package with bowl and weaning spoon plus magmag cup with step 1-3 nipple, spout and straw... Kiddy selling at $25.90... I'm selling off at $20, inclusive of free normal mail... Anyone interested?? Please pm or SMS me at 93388073...


I told my maid b4 no kissing baby. But think she did when i wasnt at home cos my #1 told me he saw maid kissing baby and he told her not to. I did remind her not to as well. But sometimes not so easy to moniter as we are not at home all the time. Maid kiss baby mean she realy love n care for her but still for hygenic and own feelings, we feel uneasy.

Hi all, I have Mamil Gold Stage 2 to let go at just $8! Pls PM me if interested. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chin: BB reaches IC at 715am. I pick her about 230-3pm. I decided on Cherie Hearts cos it's 5-10 mins walk from my home. I havent cancelled my place at the other IC though, just in case. So far, she's been happy. I did put her in vey gradually and she's still attending only 3 days a wk. So u chose the one near ur office? Is he going to stay there for the whole day? Chin, u joining the bd bash?

Angela: I oso use Tollyjoy...not bad.

Yvonne: U started work yet?


heard fr badfifi she recieved already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so do keep a lookout in ur letterbox..

i am still eagerly waiting for mine =)

Hi mummies,

I recv my DVD already.I think the pic were quite nice!

Leo baby,

I think my maid kiss my baby too..I feel uneasy bt dunno hw to tell her also..on the other hand,i felt she muz love the baby that is y she kissed her..


I using pureen also..my hubby,myself n my mum all gets itchy n dry hands after using( b4 my maid came..) Btmy maid ok when using leh.. So nw she does the washing mainly so it's ok. When I hv to wash it occasionally , it does nt cause any irritation..I like it tat it cleans well. Pigeon feels v diluted for me

The DVD pictures are really good and I must say the photographer Ethan is really good. Am upset that HR didn't got much shots. Someone change the photograper timing without telling me otherwise I would have make it a point to be in the function room on time.

jrgal> What I told my helper is that if you want to kiss pls only kiss the arm as I cannot stop them from showing their love to my boy.

I recd mine too! But haven gt the chance to see the photos. Really gt alot of fat boy photos? I'm excited! Will go n see the photos when I back home~

Jessica, now dat u say....yeah, my boy is delivered via csec! I read abt it b4 but nvr in my wildest dream i'd tink it'll happen to my boy. :s Sigh!!

jrgal - Ok, so now I know that I'm not the only one having problems with pureen. I just bought 2 refill packs of pigeon, guess I'll give tollyjoy a try.

Jessica/Jin - Thanks for sharing about csect babies and bronchitis. I will keep a lookout for any signs since my baby is delivered thru csect too.

Yalor weiting, jaron even got his bum bum shot.. Lol,it was cute..hee..


I dunno leh..cos mine is Filipino n she quite ya ya like tat..think I tell her she will show black face.. Haiz, nw reali difficult to deal with maid. Having a maid gives more headache. Tdy the maid agency call up n say my maid's sister, also working as a maid in Singapore ask hw come my maid send her letter bt no return address. So she went agency to demand for it. Wat rubbish! My maid here only 2 mths n of cos dun wan to give her address, if nt will secretly come my house look for her how??tis is the 2ndtime alrdy,the other time the dumbo maid agency called after 1 mth asked whether I can let maid call home to her country cos her mom went down to the agency in her country asking y no news fr her daughter. It was an mutual agreement that I requested for the maid to concentrate on the work until 6 mths then can make calls etc, as I send off my previous maid after 2mths cos she keep contacting her family n keep missing home n cant concentrate on work.. Nw then almost every mth I get a call fr agency that gives me this crap..

jrgal> which agency you use? they should settle the problem themselve come and tell you only upset you and maid relationship. they not pro leh

Leo baby,

Yalor super not pro. I regret getting them. They r an agency in lucky plaza. Lousy. Anyway, I told them y call me, then they say when the relatives come n ask,they hv to call us to inform...say in case they approach their embassy,at least they did something. So stupid, I ask her whether is it against the law to disallow them to write letters,then the agent say no, then I say let them go embassy if they want. We did not ill treat the maid at all, up to them to go wherever they want. Anyway,If this happen again, I will ask my maid to make her choice,I don't want to be haunted by these sort of incidents.

I like those picture that he took without us knowing. So natural. If anyone have not receive the photo please let me know.

Leo baby, sorry to hear that there isn't much shot on HR. But u got one nice picture with HR. U look so pretty in the picture. The change of timing was mentioned a few times on the thread. Prob next time we should send an email of the shedule to all that is attending to prevent confusion. Can be apply for the birthday bash.

Ebelle..we have not started my boy on the infant care, as decided to wait it out on the waiting list..vacancy available in June. So far, we have been sort of coping with maid, part time nanny and other family members' help. By the time he goes to infant care, he will be 9 months..hopefully he will adjust ok. I will be putting him at infant care from 830am to around 5pm..

Bday bash - while I would love to go (and I am sure my boy would, too), it is in 6 months' time, so I am not sure of the schedule then yet..I travel quite a fair bit on business, and sometimes will brg the kids along.

We are heading to the airport shortly. Flying to Jakarta for the CNY. Baby's first flight..

Wishing everyone here a happy, healthy and prosperous new year! Have a great one with your babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My princess Zeynep is rejecting milk n addicted to food! Yest only drink milk once! Two times rejecting n I added white rice to feed her, she ate all n one time I blend apple puree n she finished. so now she is like an adult, 3 meals a day with a drink....  luckily tis morn she start to drink milk again.

Btw am using Tollyjoy n I like it.


i saw some pics on badfifi's facebook and is already v impressed

Thumbs up for ur recommendations

can u facebook me Ethan's contact & email, thinking of using him for my own pte events.

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


post the pics on facebook hor..i m dying to see , but hubby just checked the mailbox yday, we hav not received ours yet..

btw, Kris, I agreed with u, that day i saw him walking ard taking a lot of candid shots...even capture moments of parents & child happily interacting, family by family

i think we can use him again for 13 August 2011 if he is available, what do u think ?

can chop him 1st, in case he has something on.

a reminder to Those who are keen to participate in the birthday bash to tt $42.53 to POSB Savings Account 052-21605-2 with ur nick by 31st Jan and PM me ur nick, contact number, email address & transaction number..pls also post ur transaction ref on forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Event : Our FIRST Birthday Bash

Date : Saturday 13 August 2011

Time : 430pm to 630pm

Location :

Singapore - Central

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917

Tel : (65) 6333-8511

Fax : (65) 6333-8501

[email protected]




JWT Kids Gym birthdays are a mix of silliness and big time fun - the perfect ingredients for an unforgettable day! With a variety of exciting themes for kids ages 1 - 9 years old, each party includes action-packed games, music, swinging, sports, dancing, zip lines and much more!

Deluxe Birthday Party - 2 hours for 25 children

In our Deluxe package, we provide the above and more from our standard package.

- Free trial class coupons for all kids present

- personalized invitation cards according to theme

- 3 party themed tablecloths, party themed paper plates, napkins, cutlery, cups

- 25 helium balloons

The total price for 25 babies with GST is $813.20 for JWT Gym

So per family is $42.53 ($32.53 per child + $10 for Photography and DVD )

Thanks =)

I received the cny cd! Nice!


Mayb u wanna let Yr maid call home once? Mayb her family r worried abt her? Juz a suggestion, if u dun wanna let her call, allow her write letters. For me, I din allow cellphone but I let her call hm once a month 10mins.

Hello mummies long time no chat.. Ao busy at wrk! Auditors r in, gst reports, yr end reporting... stress ttm! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anywany was doin some spring cleaning n found a AVENT 20% voucher but only for use at their showrm tpy i tink.. Valid till 18 feb, anyone keen pls pm me! Mayb can go buy the blender n steamer.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'll upload it tomorrow when i'm back to ofc cos my desktop de cd drive die on me and i'm actually use the dvd player to view the photos lo! I jus cant wait till monday than see the pics~

And yes, the photos r really well taken! Thumbs up for Ethan.

Kris, can i have his contact too? PM mi k~! Thank hor~

Kris> I agree with you that impt info should be emailed to the individual as most of us cannot keep track of thread posting.

jrgal> I think the agency should not trouble you in term of disturbing you but I do feel that should let them call back once they have reach Singapore which the agency should have arrange that once they are here (so many case of child prostitution guess their parent also worried where their child gone to) Perhaps you can just get a $10 calling card for them to call home just 1 time and let them know that you are doing it out of good will and they should not expect this. If they do their job well then you can reward them like Jac allow to call back every mth. $10 calling card is abt 10 to 20 min call depending on country. I did that once and my maid very smart learn how I call and after that I don't know if she got go buy card to call on her own so perhaps you may want to call for her. I had to teach her how to do it as her country reception very bad and I was dialing and dialing until i gave up and ask her to dial on her own.


hehe, hopefully i have recieved mine tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

one thing that impressed me even before i received the CD is that the photographer Ethan charges us for 2 hrs, but arrived rather early at 11plus am..and he left after 2 pm also

once he reached, he started taking pictures immediately

so i think he took a lot of pictures of those who were there early bah

jrgal, im a silent reader as my edd shd b sept but bb born aug. bui tahan but i must say you are not supposed to do that to your maid. try to put your shoes in hers. what happened if your kids went overseas and nv call you? she might b able to perform job better if you let her call family cos missing family and worried is the worst feeling that you will nv understand if you nv leave your country your parents to overseas.

Jac,Leo baby n mrs hub,

Tks for ur suggestions n advice.I knw wat u all mean. I decided to buy the calling card instead also, as it will solve the problem of her sister having our address. After a discussion with my hubby, we felt tat it make things easier n less complicated. We hv let her wrote letters after she came for a mth in dec b4 Xmas alrdy, in fact quite a few letters to

different people. She is a transferred maid so she did inform her family b4 coming to our house the other time.I did nt want

her to hv the return address written to her sister because her

sister has got off days n I m worried she will come to our

house when my maid is home alone with baby. Her letters to

her family n relatives in her country has got return addresses.

Like I said earlier, due to my past bad experience with the

first maid, I hv phobia abt letters to their family, bt eventually

we let her write cos it was like wat mrs hub said,thot it would b better for her to inform her family that she is ok etc. Wat I was angry is the agency handling the issue, n also her sister going down to agency asking for address.

Hi everyone. Ethan here. I was the photographer for the CNY gathering. Hope you ladies like the photos. It has been great shooting on that day with all the adorable babies around. Sorry if I missed out any details!

Just to let you know, I am doing studio photography for kids/babies and I will be advertising the packages under the business listing after CNY. Meanwhile, anything, do PM me. Thanks!

Happy Chinese New Year! =)


Everyone was impressed with your shoots.


Ethan was very nice.. He didn't mind for the little delay and followed us to the different location for shoots.

Maybe we should update everyone the schedule of the birthday party via email when everything is finalised. So that no one missed out on the timing or information.

Morning Mummies,

I have uploaded all the photos taken by Ethan on my fb. Go n see see look look if u all have not receive the cd k!~

For those who haven recd the cd~!


Anyone remember who's hand is tis?


The grp photo is beri nice!



Nice photos..I like the very colourful one with the babies on the mat..

Ethan..can you please pm me your contact info. Will be planning to do some studio shots for my boys..


noted with thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hihi, really feel u hav gone the extra mile by posting to us individually and being cheerful throughout that day so that all of us feel v happy too during photoshoot

thanks so much for the hard work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can all participants for bday bash who hav yet to email me pls email me asap so that i can remind u nearer that day

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

