(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


i dont have iphone, but my fren use his iphone 4 try cannot.. cos the format cannot support.. need one software to view it..

do u tink Dlink has customer svc centre? maybe i will call them and ask..

how's ur little pui pui? my boy still haven flip yet.. haa.. duno izzit due to his weight.. but from 3 to 4mth he hasnt put on much weight.. duno why...

DLink yes.. but call them no use .. cause it is not the DLINK router or webCam fault.

i'm teaching my little pui pui to flip over. But he still coughing and doesn't wan to talk much.


yup, quite frequent got it, probably over pump lah. I try to clear thoroughly so can reduce frequency of pumping. Every pump can b fr 20 - 40 minutes.

i wanna to call him if can view thru iphone. wahaha.. if can, i got excuse to change new HP!! hehehe...

wah.. ur boy coughing ah.. got see doc anot?? my #1 is coughing.. i v scare #2 kanna..

ask your hubby and his frd to try on iPhone diff application like me lor ..

I got installed


Smartvue iPhone

JumiCam Liet


AirCam Lite

to view webCam.

Tonight going to bring my Dorje to see ABC Clinic again (last round is last last Sat).

alibaba, nope ... maybe 1 of them will work .. i use to do lots of research on which app can use for DLINK webacm, LinkSYS webcam ..


how's your 1st day??

In my 1st few days last week, I doze off only in the afternoon after lunch.

after that I'm too tired, now i can even dozed off in the morning...

really so tiring... i really miss the days at home...


how's your gal liao??

I'm wondering the x'mas party seems no time to prepare...

I haven't even buy the present yet... now lunch time, wanna buy something also must think abt it as during gg home time, need to carry milkbag, handbag and now usu raining, need to take umbrella, somemore need to fetch #1, so troublesome...

Where to get rice cereal for 4 mths ? I went supermarket , all isfor 6 mths and up .... Only saw this Chinese branding ones is for 4 mths , doesn't nestle or heniz got rice cereal for 4 mths n up ?? Mummies who know pls recommend ... Cis my Bb see us eating , she will swollow saliva ha hs

Hi white lady,

My PD recommend nestle rice cereal though it stated for 6mths...she said 6mths r for those BF babies...but I bot HealthyTimes Brown Rice cereal which is for 4mths baby...u can consider that...

gd morning all and ahnah

oh u mean i just dl one by one and try ah|? probably since u already dl all.. u can help me to try it out? hehehe..


1st day CBL.. so boring.. basically surf net whole day.. and continue my pumping milk during office hr. how bout u?

white lady,

ur gal very fast leh.. everytime i lure food to my boy, he no reaction leh..


Tan leng leng spree need to wait very long leh.. i ever waited for 5 wks ZzzzzZz.. u go look out for BP, i think someone selling medela parts on a permanent basis. but of cos more exp than TLL spree..


pmed u liao. u try liao let me know hor


thanks! i go check it out.. can i also have tan leng leng's spree link too? like to compare the price.. still not urgent to buy the parts yet..

ng > i also v sian w MIL....she expects to see the BB every weekend...i need some personal space and bonding time w our gal since she stays w my mom on weekdays....and come visit never mind....stays v long or will want to visit on both days lor! i finally 'exploded' one day and told my hubby that cannot continue....and i hope he takes my feedback and manage his mother...

and when she comes visit, don let the bb sleep...kept telling bb don sleep, play w ah ma cos ah ma don see u daily...unlike your popo..how crap....but these days i don care le...when bb needs to sleep, i just carry her into room and make her sleep...

mil or fil

just do wat u feel is good to ur bb lor.. must be thick skin.. if me, i will just say bb need to slp.. and bring bb to room and make him slp. how can a bb dont slp.. wait wont grow.


why not plan outing on weekends with ur hb.. so she wont just keep coming over to ur place since both of u have program. it's really hard to reject them from coming when ur at home. probably she just felt unbalance for bb being taken care by ur mum. when i came home at night. mil also work and home in the evening.. she quite bu she de to pass to anyone when she carry bb.. however, i just thick skin ask her to let me carry bb.. haa.. :p

alibaba > ya, initially i gave her face since she's an elder...but her lack of consideration really got to me....so now i do wat i tink is best for the bb...sometimes she wants to feed the bb too...but i told her the bb these days pattern when come to feeding...i have to feed her myself else she wont finish the milk....she don take care of the bb wont know how to handle her patterns wan....she always will have comments on how i shld handle the bb...i just one ear in one ear out...keke....what matters is i know that my mom and i are doing a good job to ensure bb is happy and healthy.....

i told my hubby we shld just spend 1 day w her on weekend..the other day must be our family time....

been reading only lately... i saw some post on pil which i can relate to mine....

my pil know nuts abt taking care of bb, dun even know how to carry... only wan to play wif heronly... like she a doll like tat... so piss...

last time my confinement my mum helps me.. then they everynite oso come in! somemore will stay in my room & sit on my bed for very long to see bb sleep... siao! where got pil anyhow go into dil room one, moreover on confinement.

then fil everyting c my ger keep saying "ye ye lei lor, mama lei lor" (means grandpa come liao, grandma come liao) like scare bb will not know them like tat... somemore bb will tot yeye, mama is ger name lor! call like sing song like tat... call one time laugh one time.. siao! my mum says like calling those dead like tat...

then mil everytime c her sleeping keep wanting to wake her to play...

when outside, whenever i stop the pram to see things 2 of them will just stop and stand infront of the pram, bend forward then start to call again... like wat like tat... so bu xiang yang.

i dun even wan they to see ger if possible... then last sat, hubby go up their place to take newspaper, they wans to carry her, so no choice pass to mil, then they kept passing her back & fro like she doll like tat.. i see liao damn pissed off lor!

another time is we all eating dinner @ pil place then bb in the pram playing by herself, fil eat one bite then go disturbe her.. come back to table liao then mil go... wah lao! buay tahan!

they dun know anyting then wan to act like exp... mil keep asking us to give her water, honey etc.... pls lor... bb so small somemore on TBM dun need to drink water lor... & honey below 1 yr cannot take will cos food poisoning lor...


Saw your posting on the blinder...Can u give me the contact or link??


Who can be worse than me? I stay with my in laws!!! So though I would love to have my parents look after my boy, I have no choice..so they will be looking after him. Need to find my own apartment soon... Urgent if got lobang tell me!

eeyore > ya she will want to meet on both days lor..by right we shld all look forward to weekends....but due to her, i dread weekends lor! and always ask me to call her when i m free on weekdays when we part ways.....i cannot be bothered..her behaviour makes it hard for me to treat her well lei.....and i am easy going person by nature....

crescent > ya, cannot feed bb honey ah...still too small....they want us to follow their parenting methods but times have changed lor....


why not bring ur bb to ur mil house on one or two of the weekdays? my mum looks after my boy..but we will go to my mil house for dinner twice on weekdays..its tiring, cos have to bring back baby from mum's place, then travel to mil's place..but usually for 1.5hrs.. its more than enough for them to interact with my bb..at the same time, i can have my dinner..and during weekends the baby is ours..


me stay wif my in laws too... sigh!!

i oso feel pek chek.. sometimes when i feed my gal then she drink too fast sometimes will choke on herself.. then my fil will keep toking to my gal saying 'mummy don kn hw to feed u.. cause u to choke'.. i hear le feel so angry lo...

sometimes they will always make those insensitive remarks,.... sianz..

ya lor... if they know how to take care of bb still ok, dun anyting yet wat to give comments... somemore those comments most of the times come from those 3gu6po.


really ah ?! can u change the viewing ? like stroll to other side to see etc? i got better excuse to change hp liao. kaka..


must ask ur hb to act lor.. but sometimes depend on hb really vomit blood.. he will say they seldom see them so it's ok de la... so i will always become the bad person.. or to say the "no" person. ev ting also cannot. haa.. #1 time i am worst. this time #2 i have let go alot liao..


haha.. sound familiar.. my mil always say tat too.. when bb puke, she will either comment we duno how to feed or say wrong position la.. etc.. my bb is a pukey bb. always puke de..so to me it's normal.


ur pil sound so irritating.. btw pls do not give honey to bb.. TCM ever comment honey is not suitable for young children. til date i have not intro honey to my #1 who just turn 2.


damn slow is definately better than my office one.. cant even view anytin.. btw if were to sign up a data plan, izzit there's difference in the speed as well which will also affect the live cam viewing?

i tried using my office internet, it is much better than using iPhone 3Gs to view. Streaming is faster.

So better consider again.

A data plan is related to the amount of data flow thru your phone, not the speed.

haiz. but my office cant see at all.. have already confirmed with my IT personnel liao. Wat's my pui pui doing? so miss him.. today nv go home for lunch..

i guess he is sleeping in his room, can't find him in the playground, sofa 1, sofa 2 and etc. ..

and i see the musical cord is rotating. No sign of your maid as well. hahaha.. chiam ... i'm spying your house now. Do remember to change password so that I can't login.

have you try to view in the night time when lights are off ? is it clear ?


Mine in laws like to ask me strange questions. Why baby face red red? Why he never poo? Why this and that? Thought they should know more than me since I am a first time mum.

