(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

so the key is VARIABLE or nonvariable Teats for avent. ? we will discover more next wed.

duckling, wee u wee! new hairstyle!

i am ok with fish soup. i dun take pizza nbow cause ah will is sensitive to cheese. when i take pizza, the next day he will vomit big time

other fastfood i am ok!

eeyore, what time is your lsat feed? my boy still need to feed midnight, sigh! and at unfixed timing. scary.


yes. if u pump once a day, supply will drop. since ur hb can wash fr u, pump more la.

bearyhug mine also fast flow. so i got to lean back a bit while feeding. plus, i squeeze out my milk into sink before feeding, i have to d that otherwise my boy wont want to suck from me. with a not so ull breast, it is easier to suck for him.

by the way, anyone wants to buy over my mamypoko diapers?

$20 per pack, self collect. size S, 72 piecs per pack., i have 3 pakcs. my son outgrow it v v soon.

if not later i go post WTS link.


depends, usu 10+, there's once 11+...

I think most of the bbs here gg to upgrade to size M, u better post in WTS or sep and oct thread...

I went to toa payoh kp just now to get fitti premium diapers. They only have fitti basic and fitti 360. So is fitti 360 = fitti premium?

bakaholic, how much is the fitti premium at tpy?

carefour selling $11 plus.

yes fitti 360 is premium.

eeyore., sounds good. he wakes up at 7am next day? i dunno how to make him wake up at 7am. sigh! still trying.

ya i posted at wts le. i also think our babies mostly outgrow le. haha!

Sunflower, dun worry abt warming up ebm at my place, I have 2 avent warmers at home, one digital and one electric [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So tired after today's east gathering! Slept from 530pm till nw , none active in the forum, all too tired? Anyway had a great time meeting u ladies. Paiseh ar , xuanx my ger make ur use messy haha, she too active cannot quiet dw de.

When another gathering?


I just checked all my teats from newborn starter kit. I have 6 teats altogether. 4 teat-1 and 2 teat-2. Two of the teat-1 have only 1 hole. The other 2 have 1 big and 1 small hole. Both my teat-2 have 3 holes ! 1 big and 2 small holes. My hb also confirm this. How come mine so different from u gals? I will bring them next Wednesday Hee Hee

regina: dun give up, try carry bb in different position.. just dun give up! with practice, you will be more efficient in understanding yr bb.. =) jia you arh!!


Maybe u ask ur pediatrician to give ur baby neubiliser. My boy had bad cough with lots of phlegm. Was asked to take back neubilser after the suction procedure. It's a small equipment whereby u loan from them. Add in medication and let ur bb inhale for 10mins. This is very effective for my son, can see 50% improvement after 2 days. But bcos it's mainly for cough, u check with ur PD if it's also for phlegm.

Old ppl buy 'chin feng shan' for infants when they cough or have phlegm. I'm trying it out, quite ok. My uncle's son has lots of phelgm , seen dr a few times but can't cure. Listen to others to take chin feng Shan, after a few days fully recover. U dun need Alot, just put 1/4 teaspoon of dosage and apply on bb lips or tongue so that she can swallow to cure her phlegm. U can buy from any medical hall.


Allow me to add on, I seriously think u not giving enough milk to ur bb. Most of us already giving more than 100ml for 3hrs. Some bb cannot rely on calculation, hungry means hungry. I think u shld try giving her more to see if u can satisfy her. If she don't puke immediately after a feed, then u are not overfeeding her. If she puke after 20 min of struggling, then

that's probably she struggle too much that causes eruption.

Last time i also scare I overfeed my son, he is big size now,

but my fren told me something which is very true. 'if ur bb can drink, let him drink, better than can't drink no matter how u force. if can't drink, u worry even more. If he didn't puke after feed, just let him drink on his demand' . Ur baby happy, u also happy.


thanks for hosting tdy gathering at ur hse. nice meeting the east mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] xuan, paiseh my gal puke n dirty ur mattress :S psps.. im shag!! so is my gal.. she sleeps the moment after our dinner till nw n hvn up for nxt milk feeding (more than 6hrs le)..hee

im tempted to go for the north gathering.. im on leave nxt wed n thur [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe we can go together.. too bad edah start wrk le (although im also)..


if im gg, maybe u can go too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if im gg, most prob go w cheekrene..

If I not wrong , tpy kiddy palace selling the fitti premium at 14 plus . Which is very ex ....

My Bb coming 10 weeks , drinking 130ml every 3 hrs . Then this few days , began to become 4 to. 5 hours . Should be ok right . And in the middle of the night if she wake up every 3 hrs , I will give her pacifier and let her fall asleep then drag to 5 hr plus then next feed . Should be ok right ... Hope I can slowly drag her feeding time longer

white lady,

dun worry....my girl now feeding 3-4hrly oso n at nite 6hrs....i'm giving her 120ml oni

there's a formula for this u can use it as a guideline....that's wad i do....mi not so worried on under-feeding but more on over feeding....hungry they'll cry for milk but overfeed they duno how to say....

Suika , thank [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My girl had her milk at 8.30pm then 12 midnite , n now fall asleep ... Shall see tonight can tahan how many hours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am quite agreed with what sunflower has mentioned. Cause i am more worried of bb underfeeding and not drinking enough milk because when they are older they can be more Hong sim and dont want drink milk referring to my elder boy. Must hide some where quiet and no ppl around den Will guai guai drink and this method dont work all the time. Somtimes even at home also dont. That time from he bb time i afraid of overfed him and he Didnt fatten alot. Til now he still on the thinner side. My #2 i let go. Give him how much he want. He is chubbier than his kor kor but not so worry cos they Will slim down when they are older. I have a fren bb weight 10kg at 3 or 4 mth old really is michilin baby. I mean it is really those type and now 1 yr plus already weight maintaining at around 15 or 16 kg which in normal range. So i Tink they can drink y not. Always better fat than skinny. My concept la. As long not obese.

Ann, i can fit nuk teats into pigeon wide neck bottle. Need to stuff a bit cos there is a groove in the base.

QQ, yah, i think kp is selling 14+. In the end i didnt buy cos the sales lady says since i ok using pampers and mamypoko, better not switch in case rash. So i went home empty handed. Maybe i will try nepia but then they dun give samples.

My girl wake up at 6 am for feed , hope can maintain, ha ha

Bakaholic ,

If u buy fitti at 11+ then compare to pamper is much cheaper, only 20 cents+ per piece , ha ha ... For me my girl use to fitti , when I change to pamper she don't like , every 2 hr want me to change her , faint ! So I use back fitti ...

White lady,

The sales lady at kp mentioned that some mothers feedback that the side strap is tight so is uncomfortable for babies. She told me to consider that fact and ask me to stick to pampers. We were unsure so nver buy loh.

We were using fitti newborn after discharge cos tmc was using that and there was leftover. we find it so-so.

Finally back here.. Ko whole of last nite n still feeling tired! Hee but nice gathering[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: pacifier

Im using nuk ones, rotating 3 to use, 1 avent, 2 nuk.. Avent one is not as effective as nuk ones.. I don quite like avent design, it is flat not following the shape of the mouth de hence my boy cannot suck properly, nuk is curve shaped so fit the mouth nicely.

Eeyore: okie leh i still prefer east[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mamyvelle n naturelover: u 2 very on last night still login.. Hee..

Ah bee: how u going? Hee.. Bring bb out so tiring ...

Thanks mummies.

Think i based on the calculation to gib my bb ger her milk. i think that she's realli not having enough milk. my poor bb, i gave her milk based on the PD words.

I will go buy Jin Feng Shan later. Hope it cures her phelgm real fast...

Hi mummies n daddies, longtime din log in, so many post n it really took me longtime to go thru. =)

so many gathering oh. Me back to Malaysia on Wednesday n getting even busier with my boy ard. Must always keep an eye on him cos he like to sayang n pat pat meimei but sometimes under estimate his strength! Sooner or later meimei will hav internal injury liao... Lolx~

my life now is always pumping, feeding, bath my boy n girl, laundry, sterilizing, ... No time to rest after wake up every morning until final pump of the day n after my boy n girl zZZ. Sometime really tired. I giv my boy full EBM too since last wk cos freezer too full n feel it's wastage to throw away EBM. Somemore no matter wat EBM better than FM lah.

Hi Mummies,

It has been a while since i last logged in - super busy with the kiddos. Would love to join in the north mummies & babies gathering on Oct 13 to catch up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can pm me ur addy?

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

5. Angel

6. suika

7. eeyore

8. スーザン (pd0513) - tentatively ok.

9. Sunflower - tentatively ok

10. cheekrene - tentatively ok

11. shay - can i bring my maid and a 2yo boy with me?


ya i saw many babies slim down when they grown up, especially when they go childcare..i've also seen a few from very chubby to super slim.. think its ok to feed them on demand. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regine, when I bring my gal at 3weeks to visit pd, he mention can give 80-100ml every 3hrs.. If bb still wants, can give up to 120ml.. So no harm feeding more if bb still wants..


so now i an wei myself.. thin nvm.. as long healthy.. hehe.. he is on pediasure also...

Brought my ger for the 6-in-1 and rotavirus immunization at Healthway today. She spits out most of the rotavirus, dunno will have effect anot.

At 2 mths, my ger only 4.6kg (birth 2.47kg), not even double her birth wt. I'm quite worried. I feed her every 3-4 hr now and let her drink until she had enough but her wt doesn't seem to go up. Last nite I tried to give her more even though she unlatch le coz I wanted to see if she can sleep through the night. End up she spit out milk while drinking. So this is considered over-feed? Half an hr aft the spit she cries for milk again. Now I dun dare to force her le.

xuan: my gal is 3.1 at birth, now only 5kg also nv double her weight @ 2 months.. dun worry as long as they are healthy then okay le.. last nite my gal merlion her nite feed too but half an hr later i fed her and she finish the new bttl of 100 ml and slept till morning.. when bb had enuf, they will turn away de.. i feed my gal 3.5/4 hrly.. sometimes even 5 to 6 hrs when she overslept but then she will drink up to 125ml..

ya I was tired yesterday, went out for dinner after our east side gathering, came back so tired, only managed to read the forum but not reply. Think baby also tired (not sure y since he slept almost throughout the gathering!), his last feeding was 10.30pm last nite, then only woke up at 4.30am (tat’s 6hrs!) and then next feed woke up at 9.30am (another 5hrs!), but at 7.30am, he made a lot of noises like can’t sleep nicely but doesn’t want milk, so I pass to maid but maid pass to my hb so tat she can do her chores, and hb placed him on his lap, he fell asleep while hb work on his laptop. Hope to do another gathering again! Not sure whether xuan scared of us or not? Think we created a mess, my baby wet her babycot, ah bee’s baby vomited on her mattress. Haha! ;P

Regina :

Based on my elder boy’s PD, she said, for bottle feeding, to give baby more and then only see how much baby stop at, then u know how much baby is drinking. Its just like when u bf, u also dunno how much baby is drinking and u don’t restrict them based on any calculation, u just latch them on until they are satisfied to let go. And she don’t advice to give water if baby is on bm. My baby’s PD said if baby still cry for milk abt 1hr later or less, then its clear baby not drinking enough. It’s the 1st time I heard pd does calculation on how much to drink based on weight lei.

Btw, how do u know ur baby is so sick till need medi? I thought most nb has blocked nose? Sorry ah, how many wks is ur baby? (I too lazy to read the archived sections). My baby nose also v v blocked during his 1st 5 wks, till he can’t breathe properly at night, will keep crying and can’t latch on properly, will cry when latch on halfway, cry also when want to fall asleep and also will sometimes vomit out green phlegm (which I think is fr his nose). And can hear his breathing v congested. I take a flashlight and shine into his nostril and saw all the pisai clog up both his nostrils so badly, after using the salt water spray, 1-2 days later, he will cry until greeny phelgmy stuff come out so much till I thought he sick (u know when we ve a bad flu, the green mucus in our nose type), many times I try to take out myself and it can drag out really long man! I even take pic of them to mms my hb! After tat, he can sleep happily but the next day, it will come back again but now at almost 8wks, he is a lot better. Also, try to burp her upright her head over ur shoulder after feed or whenever she cranky, sometimes that position helps to make baby feel better if their tummy feel no good.

Nature lover – medala nipple cream is good for crack nipples and also reduce the pain. Btw, if latch on till ve crack nipples mean baby not latchin properly lei. So if still painful when latch, u can apply the cream after every feed.

MVH – u can try NUK latex pacificer, my #1 used to take tat for a short while but for avent he don’t even want it for >5min. but hor, suck her fist or finger, good mah, no need to worry forget to bring pacificer or pacificer drop on floor, her own hand v handy! Haha! Aiya I think at this age, all suck their hand one la.. yesterday gathering I think all babies there suck their hand lei.

QQ/MVH – I think I will continue to bring my #1 to see the therapist and hopefully will speedup his speech and perhaps send him to Montessori bcos of the one-to-one attention they ve and the last restrictive environment. Will also bring him to pd again soon to ask whether is there a need for a psychologist assessment for autisms or Hyperactive or attention deficit. But my mum reminded me tat myself and my hubby are both quiet person (towards ppl we are not familiar with), not the sociable type, so can’t expect much fr my son (my son always play alone, doesn’t interact with other kids, except he will go kiss gals out of the blue whether he know the gal or not!), also my eldest sis also slow in speech when she was young, my nephew fr other sis also slow, my hubby’s nephew also slow.. so could b run in the family.

Btw, we do talk to him everyday, but during his younger days, he doesn’t want to repeat what we say, only lately he started to repeat and learn. So he can say words, read, identify colors, shapes etc, count up to 100 but he isn’t using them to talk in conversation. Its like he can say “eat” when he see us eat, say “drink water” when he see us drink, I ask him wat’s “m-i-l-k”? he say “milk” but when I ask him “ do u want milk?” he won’t reply, he can say and know wat’s yes and no but don’t want to use them to answer. When he want something, he won’t open his mouth to ask, he just gesture and he doesn’t point. But if u give him a Thomas train book, he will flip thru all pages again and again and will happily tell us all the characters in the book. He doesn’t talk like a normal child who can probably chat or talk with u like “I’m hungry, I want milk!” So pd say did mention that some kids know how to talk but refuse to open their mouth. It’s the school principal (who told me my son got problem and say he may not join them in N2) and the therapist observations makes me worry. Dunno am I in denial?

Bearyhugs – its Language Loft, she’s a Language development specialist (auditory verbal therapist), she specialises in dealing with deaf children but she is recommended by my baby’s pd and she has dealt with many kids with speech delay etc. she works at home. Be prepared to pay her chgs quite high. Will pm u her contact n chgs.

MVH, alibaba,

my gal also on pediasure, she's not always having meals,

but sometimes her milk intake can be 1 after another milk within an hour,

so i do see increase in her milk intake and flesh increase...

Haha so funny leh , the previous #1 gathering didn't heard anyone complaining tired... Hw come east side mummies all after gathering so tired? When's next gathering? Dun mind opening my place but xuanx will be difficult to come , although quite near, or come when ur hubby off? Den gt someone to help u?

Anyway when can bb start to use exersaucer , jumperoo and those sit in walker ar? I already set up at hm but forget hw old can start le?


I also have exersaucer n walker. U have to wait till they can have good neck support before they can use... at least after 4 months...


Thanks for te recommendation.

Hi mummies, i'm also very tired ah! My elder girl down with fever + diarrhea for no reason since yesterday night. Don't know why.

Brought her to see doc in the morning for fever then broght her to see another doc for a diarrhea cos she keep going in and out of toilet non stop.


very tiring.

i'm ok to open my house for next gathering.

otherwise, go to any of your place also can.

but can it be weekends? keke...

Xuanx ... My ger yesterday kana bitten by dunno wad thing also... Got 5 big red spot on her face, bringing her to see doc tml. I anyway also can, actually thought weekend better coz hubby can tag along also? Seems like nowadays the hubby nt so onz de, my #1 sept08 all gt hubby tag along if gathering on weekends, to polliwogs , big walk , airport etc ... But my hubby I must force him to go de, coz he dun really can communicate with them , super poor eng and Chinese.

my hubby quit harvey since may 2010 le. yup, he used to work in parkway harvey.

now he's working office job.

if not, weekdays he sure can tag along. now office job, weekends he can come.

mvh, alibaba, eeyore,

my elder boy on pediasure (at singapore) n friso (atmy hometown). he is small size i think. birth weight 3.75kg, 22 month old only 9.7kg. now pediasure price go up again (my hubby get his colleague helpto buy fr malaysia, increase ard RM20 per tin), so hb oso agree to giv him friso instead. but since i hav more than enuff supply of BM currently, he is 100% EBM now.


when i bring my girl to c PD (senior consultant) at sgh 6 weeks after birth, my girl weight 4.8kg (birth weight 3.39kg). me n hb oso worry she din ddrink enuff but pdtold us not to worry, baby only gain weight when they r sleep. so she advise us feed on demand, dun need to wake her up for milk evenif sheoverslept. i think tis is quite true cos according to PD n nurse at polyclinic(when i send my girl for 1st immunization at 1 mth old), my girl weight gain is very good (ard 1kg/mth). she din drink much but sleep a lot.


doctordun advise use sit in walker leh. they say it will delay baby learn to walk themself cos too easy to use walker liao. i search online b4 n its quite true n western country usually dun use sit in walker. they prefer push walker instead.


your girl better? get well soon oh.


u ok? must take k oh. me not sure abt whether can pump milk in late morning but mayb u wan to pump n throw away to play safe? get well soon.


Ng actually I knew bout this , my mum was nagging last time saying tat we 4 sibling all gt sit also nothing wrong etc ... Den she let my #1 sit , but still ok she started to walk ard 11mths, Uses push walker when she can stand on her own. Actually think when bb sit in walker very cute leh. Coz can c them "run here run there" but under medical reason it's nt recommended la

