(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


I personally think no manual pump n no single pump unless as spare pump only. Cos manual pump will pump until your hand broken whereas single pump when u pump 1 side, the other side start leaking, n if take turn to pump both side using single pump, u need 2x timing.



wat is your budget? I suggest so cos last time without experience, I spend ard $70 during promotion to buy a manual avent pump. N after giv birth when time to use, found those problem (very tiring n time consuming + leak at the other side), even get my hb to help to pump until he really found cannot like tat, so he borrow madela dual pump fr his colleague n we try. Found tat really solve all those problem. In the end he go buy same pump fr OG. I think tat time he buy was $200++. But with promotion should b less than $200. Can survey ard. My manual pump only use less than 5x n now sit in my cupboard do nothing. But benefit of avent manual pump is ithelp to clear block very well. When having engorge, probably due to it's bigger size, it can massage almost whole breast n help to clear blockage very efficiently n effectively.


if u plan to BF for long term, then worth to invest a bit in gd pump. Dun need those super high end 1, below $300 more than enuff. Imagine infant milk powder so expensive. Cost for 1 pump is only abt cost for few tin of infant milk powder. N most importantly BM is the best for our baby. I am pro BF 1. Heeheehee...

Hi daddies n mummies,

just received SMS on metro expo sale. Think u all might wanna hav a look.

<adv>Metro EXPO Sale, 6-10Aug, 11am-10pm, Hall 3. Enjoy Cardmember Special Buys & more! Check press & metro.com.sg for details.T&Capply.

Dsqyvonne & Charmaine,

I will suggest giv EBM instead of formula if possible cos if your little 1 is choosy, afraid later they prefer formula more than BM then jialat liao. =)

just my personnel feeling.


your medela dual breast pump is electric de? cos i remember it's v expensive. above $500 i guess? my budget is around $200. so medela is the better brand for breast pump?

i tink there's one more brand dats is more affordable for dual pump ... its call Ameda if i rem correctly .. u might wan to google on it .. pricing wise .. nt too sure but shd be cheaper than the medela one


yup, electric 1. Can't remember model. The 1 u saw is high end 1 lah. I dun think need so expensive 1, just normal 1 will do. I go home chk the model n price n let u know tonite. I buy medela cos only try out medela b4 buy n found tat it's not bad. I think avent oso gd cos got bigger funnel (?) so able to cover more part of your breast n massage your breast while pumping so able to clear blockage better. But I din try avent electric pump, only try avent manual pump. =)


ya ya, I heard tis brand but never hav chance to try b4 so cannot comment. =)

when I deliver at SGH I found tat sgh actually oso use medela.

I will feed ebm when he come up at short time. He will poo during feeding usually. But I dun nap and it is rather diff for me to go to sleep for short intervals..


dun know whether got bedsheet or not leh. My co ban my whole dept to access Internet so I amusing my iPhone to go online. N iPhone really got limited ability so unable to browse thru metro website.


when u said ur csec bills are covered by medisave, do u mean u din pay out any cash? what abt bb's bill?

n_g: my colleague is using the ameda nw .. =) i've gotten the US set for my medela freestyle ... and its actually much cheaper than the sg sets

Ducking, we bought e milkbag from dreamz not dreymin.. Anyway u can also buy from bp thread here.. I saw before.. I ks so last time I always top till fullest.. 180ml.. I normally thaw in e nite before in e fridge.. Can keep in fridge for at most 24hrs.. Since yr bb drinks 90ml, u can use 2 times..

Penguin 88, got even crazier stories from that hellhole. anyway I always gloat when I read the news their stocks fell or directors in trouble. Hee.

As for breast pump I got medela freestyle from one of the forum sprees here, shd be getting it today in fact. Ard the same price as mirai. My 2 sisters use the same model before me but theirs getting too old so I got a new one after hearing good reviews abt it.

hi mirai

could you pls let me know if rechargeable batts can be used with the medela freestyle? And is the batt size AA? & how many batts are needed?

I have just ordered my set from TLL & later realise my office's toilet wouldnt have a power socket. Am in 2 thots if i should still get the freestyle or sell it off.

thanks a lot

Madam yip,

we employee oso happy everytime when we chat abt joke tat my co trying to b listed since yr 2007 but until now still fail audit. Especially when no new order come in. We r waiting to c when tis co will b closing down. =)


paiseh, can't remember liao. Had been stop using since December 2009. Should hav noise but still bearable.

Prata queen: I'm using the Medela freestyle now. Find it very good! The set comes with rechargeable battery already so u need not buy those AA size ones. U just need to charge the battery for 24 hrs for first usage.

think its good to invest in one leh ... 1 can of FM (enfalac) cost ard $48 ... if 2 tins per mth ... 6mths is already $576 le.

haven buy also... am still considering between medela freestyle and pis backpack , have heard from some ppl the suction for the pis is stronger den freestyle. anyone has any idea hw much is the medela pump at taka fair?

inducing on fri , so dunno wan to go down anot...

actually breastpump will it be better to buy after delivery or before delivery? i dun like to latch on , my 1st i use avent single iq , bf for 4mths onli... den the pump pass to my sil .

mdm yip , the one u get is us set? but still gt to get the adapter right?

N_g, it's not that easy to get listed in sg I think. I always hope one day that co will kena close down too.

Prata queen can't use an adapter for the two pin meh?

thanks a lot ann. glad (& relieved) to know freestyle can be used with rechargeable batt.

madam yip, tink u replied to the wrong person hehe

Mamyvelle, yeah mine us set. To get locally will set me back by 700+ for the cheapest deal I can find. I have adapter at home.

adapter will cost ard $40 right? 2 pin plug? so can use the normal less den $2 converter?

still considering between freestyle and pisa...

freestyle local set cheapest which i've found is $759... not sure if taka fair sells cheaper.

Madam yip,

the funniest part is my co acc is a total mess b4 yr 2008 n to b listed need to pass audit for acc for past 3 yrs. My boss hav too gd management in painting pic, dun understand the situation at all. He oledi spend a bomb in trying to listed, engage auditor all over sg, even change few bank oledi but still fail to list. Heard fr acc colleague tis time change to Malaysia bank oledi. Probably fail to pass all sg bank audit. =D

Mamyvelle, I tot the normal travel adapter can use le? Hmm nvm if I get it today I will take a look n see how.

N_g local banks are more stringent hee. guess yr boss have to wait longer still. U planning to move on from this co?

Madam yip,

me plan to divorce tis co but found tat pregnant when seeking for new opportunity. In order to enjoy maternity benefit so postponed my divorce with tis co till after giv birth lor. =)

My pump was a hand me down from my sil, the medela mini electric single. Not sure if can pump well. I just bought some new parts. If no good, then i will get the freestyle cos i hoping to breastfeed for >6mths.

I am apprehensive about getting US set cos no warranty. But it seems to work fine.

Jasmine, I'm using medela swing (1 side pump) works on 4 AA batteries too. So far used for 1 week liao. Quite quiet I find. I order from Amazon.com. Plus shipping, I paid about S$200. Singapore selling ard $380 if I'm not wrong.

