(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

mdm yip,

ya lor. at least we can visit each other.

re: company

nowadays company really like to show tactics. they tend to make life difficult for pregnant women.



the PD at hougang is indeed ABC (anthony baby & children clinic)

actually there is a good PD in SK (since you stay in SK) whom we use to bring our boy to - its Kids Clinic at rivervale mall but mind you, the waiting time is sooooooooooo long lor. nowadays as he grows up we just bring him to see GP if he happpen to be unwell..

for our bb, we also assign Dr Lilian from Kids Clinic to be the PD to see to ur bb in hospital.

ah nah,

no,i not talking abt the PD at hougang.. but polyclinic at hougang.

but actually where is the PD at hougang?? Cos i need to know oso cos i am just like weiling staying in serangoon.


the PD at hougang address - blk 327 hougang ave 5, near(ops)hougang plaza if you know where.

we also stay at serangoon area too.

bakaholic, I don hav gynea no. to call. Hav to call nurse in KKH. Worried its only BH. Will monitor and see how in the afternoon.

littlepiggy / luving daddy, thanks for your recommendation. Think I will go to ABC clinc, cos hubby says main thing is easy parking... wahahha

luving daddy, you wanna book my gal for your son (if u have)? Got priority q for sons of member of Aug MTB. I accept deposit in cash only! ;)

ann, I call my gal nightime terror! she was awake from 3am - 7 am last night. Refuse to sleep! sigh...


if u hving menses like blood coming out u better call to KKH liao....in case later really contraction suddenly u cannot handle


ur girl smile so cute...mine sleeps alot...duno if it's coz of jaundice

hi all,

just wan to check...just now my tummy abit pain then abit not pain...then feel like poo poo but no poo poo...is this call contraction??


to me, contraction feels like menses pain or feeling like diarrhea. just monitor the pain and see if it's getting more regular/pain.

I think the poo-poo feeling is caused by bb pressing on the rectum. I dun think it's contraction unless everyone is different. I do think contractions are like menses cramps.

I have been getting BH cramps and rectrum pressure more frequently now.


fyi, i got 2 sons as candidates leh, ha..


ya, we been there(hougang) once or twice, but mainly we went to the SK one cos we used to stay in punggol..


yeah, will monitor closely n see tmr how.. today woody doesnt have any session at SK..


your gal's smile very sunshine n cuteee... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmine / bakaholic,

thanks...i will monitor then...


your wife also??i think ask her to monitor too...me now dun have already...weird..

hi all , am back home today ! finally everything is over , haha ... but now have to deal with little newborn and my #1 ... #1 is keep catching attention ...

White lady,

home sweet home waiting for u! =)

mummy n daddy for #2:

did u all buy gift on behalf of #2 to #1? wat did u all buy huh?


ya ya, think so. Yesterday after work while wait for co transport my tummy sudden pain until almost fainted. Think my pain tolerance threshold super low n probably need epi again. Xtra $$$ ah... =(


i agreed.

this morning i think i have contraction. my tummy was pain while my back was aching. but hor, i don't know how to time it.. hehe!

n_g, maybe the actual one will not be painful for u.

cheekrene, I also don know how to time. so far my pain is continuous for 30mins or more till it stop.


ya, we heard of this practice lor.. we did bought something some time back and say its gift from his soon to born sibling.

hmm for our case, boy, lego blocks, any "fix up" toys will be a good choice, but then depend on age and what the child likes too..

n_g: Yes, I bought gift for my #1 gal on behalf of #2 boy... Bought her favourite toys lor..... Barbie dolls. Lucky thing that time BHG got offer for Barbie doll - 3 for $39 cheap cheap so I faster grab. Frankly, I dunno if buying gift on behalf of #2 got any effect or not...

wl: mine also last nite cannot sleep fr 11pm - 2am... 3 hours straight his eyes wide open .... anyway, I just dump him on his cot and let him look look lor... he got complain by making some noise but since not frantic crying and not hungry, I let him be... I'm heartless one... :p

Luving_daddy & cheekrene,

dun know wat to buy leh. I dun giv my son sweet, so no sweet for him. Thinking of buy a bicycle with training wheel but he is too young, doctor play set but expensive for those complete set, n I think my son got too many book n toy oledi... Headache...

Wl: ur girl so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] too bad my boy younger than her leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ng: no coin box lah Haha..

Mdm yip: call to check mc?! Crazy lah.. My co only cannot take 2 days mc if not all ur close colleagues would be called to ask what happened to u. My boss only have some cats and dogs (pets) as management team. Those whom he think is capable but i think is those that will stick on the job very very long one. In order to get good appraisal we must bootlick those pets. There's once those who bootlick the pets even went to my colleague's computer and see her msn conversation when she go toilet! How rude can these ppl be! Intrude others privacy like that!

Hi mummies,

1) My Brest Friend Pillow in very good condition at $50

2) Brand new Mothercare Multi purpose support pillow at $65 (Original $81.50)

- For use during pregnancy & post birth

- Supports your bump at night

- Can be used in several positions for daytime

- Support during pregnancy & while breastfeeding

- Moulds to your body

- Removable machine washable cover

- Help baby to learn sitting position

Pick up at Queenstown.

Pls PM me if keen.

Pics: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/4325016.html?1280903911

The thread really fast going... Half of us pop Liao?

My baby will cry for milk every 3hrs feeding on breast milk. Find it hard to cope to supply his almost100ml per feed..my panda eye super big as I not use to short naps..

bakaholic, ahNah, luving daddy,

book her book her! highest deposit wins. But must go through interview with MIL (moi!) first hor. Not anyhow anyhow also can hor... hahahaha

Charmaine, ahNah is right, 3 hours is good. My gal wakes up every 2 hours, gali worse!

Really bad.. Think I having sleeping disorder..

My CL say can eat cold things after one month but better skip seafood for another 1-2mths... Becoz csec.

Charmaine, and dun too "shiong" exercise during this period .. you need lots of time for the internal wound to heal.

Weiling, I deposit 5000 Rupiah !


heehee... My boss hav team of artist as management. They r very capable n gd in painting nice pic in front of boss. Plus all of them super tai ji master. Push here push there. Ppl usually describe tai ji as 1 watermelon cut into 2, u take 1, I take 1. But our mgr different. They r higher level tai ji master. 1 watermelon cut into 2. U take 1, he/she take 1. =)


dun feel like anyhow buy toy for my boy liao. He always take out all his toy n we keep n tidy up for him until cannot tahan anymore. Even my hb oso cannot tahan n keep most of his toy in storerm liao. I prefer to let him read bk since he love reading.

