(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


if contract agree to deposit baby is from 7am to 7pm. and parent come to pick up at 6:50 pm .. the IFC shouldn't pull a long face because of that baby !

Where are the professionalism of this care taker ?

Should send them to CSP (Customer Service Prof)

Morning all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Totally agree on how some companies deal with preg woman.. I just updated my balance and realised i have no bonus again! No pay rise no bonus and i doubt i will have any chances to get pay rise or bonus this and next yr! I am so going to resign after i get back from maternity [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and that's what I've planned .. To think i always stay back work free ot for them so bo hua!

Ahnah: all childcare has such policies in place.. and jacsmy, though we propose customer service first, it is also very disheartening for the teachers who have to stay late too cos they do wish to return home to their families too..

some cenres closes at 8.30pm and ehen parents are late.. its really disheartening de

good morning all!!


i think getting CL also like getting a maid, depending on ur luck! i m consider the lucky 1 as my CL is good & responsible lo...

She even suggest me to let bb wear more cloth nappy cos more 'tong feng'. anyway, I allow her to wash all our clothes by washing machine la... I think it is more convenience maa... hehe

BTW, for mummies who are BF now, have u start store ur milk huh? I m EMB exclusively... and my bb is drinking 90~100ml now... still got some extra & need to store it... I am using the Lasinoh milk bag bought from dreymin previously., very good le & wanted to buy more... is dreymin given birth already? Any1 got idea where to get somemore cos last time i only purchased 1 pack...

MVH, u also using Lasinoh milk bag right? check with u, normally u store how much milk per bag huh? I m thinking to keep 120ml each bag but feel like a bit wasted le cos the storage is up to 180ml...any suggestion?

ahnah: only when parents are late.. else teachers have to be professional at all times.. really depends on the centre and teachers you meet bah

nature lover, Yah. But heard too many bad story abt IFC .. some even put them under the sun for suntanning and the care taker is sitting under the shade (in the living room).

ahNah, yup, I agreed. The working hours of the teachers is up till 7pm. They can't show face unless its after 7pm.

Re: ifc

mine also say will charge extra if we late to pick up kid then both my hb and me work far from house the ifc near our house so pil can go fetch..

re: snake in toilet

my boss purposely sit in the office beside the toilet so he can monitor us loh.. So we (colleagues and me) go toilet less than 5mins one or not when we come out got a pair of eyes stare at us one.. Super sian..


but I thought pumping at similar interval regularly then can maintain supply? My co at tuas, co bus reach co almost exactly 8am, which is start of our working hour, n mgr n GM only come in 9am++, sometime 10am, tats y I choose tat time to hav a quick pump. But since mgr oledi open his mouth n say cannot then Bo bian lor, like wat u say, it's working hour n I agree if they truely ban us fr doing personnal thing then just stop doing lor. Tats y I reschedule my pumping time by reducing my poor sleeping time. =)

but me still happy cos manage to BF my boy 1 year. =)

Dear Mummies,

Sorry to intrude.

I’m from Nov 09 MTB. Have a brand new/ totally un-used 2009 Maclaren Quest Sport Stroller to let go.

It was bought as spare, for my mother in law usage but she prefers to hand carry my baby instead.

Since I already have a stroller myself, I can forgo this.

Does not come in box because during my purchase, I told the sales person to discard it for easy transport back home.

Neatly kept in its original plastic packaging.

Color: Black/Scarlet

Offer Price: $220 includes personal delivery to your doorstep

Click link for specifications


Interested mummies, please email me at [email protected] or text me @ 9735 6852. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


http://babymeadows.com.sg/maclaren-1/2009-maclaren-quest-sport-stroller-black-scarlet-.html Selling @ $358.20 after discount

http://www.springmaternity.com/catalog/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=392 - Selling @ $398

ebay singapore - Selling @ $331

Mothercare - Selling @ $398 with 15% discount

A photo for your review.


Ahnah: thats why i say even choosing ifc needs alot of luck and homework.. really depends on teachers and mgmt policies de.. there's always baa baa black sheep anywhere u go.


saw some gd deal on lanshinoh milk bag fr WTS section. U may chk there. Tat day saw 1 mummy selling 50 bags for $15. Think super gd deal cos usually 50 bags cost ard $17. I used to store abt 200 ml in 1 bag. No problem 1.


did your boss put 1 dong gong (coin collect bowl) in front of him? Can earn toilet entry fee as well. Lolx~

mdm yip,

i also told by my gynae that mine will be around 15th aug... hehe! maybe we will pop at same time =D


nowadays i keep drinking tea and coke... but i always consume 1 cup a day since we are not allowed to exceed more than a cup =D no choice i always crave for it these days.


actually can touch water but not the cold type. it must be warm.

nature lover,

my luck always not good. So have to be more hard working and more observation is needed when dealing with this matter.


oh ya, your baby will b under maid care after your wife back to work? Will there b any elder ard with them to keep on eye on your maid. Must b careful n alert cos nowsaday u won't know wat the maid will do 1.


Yes, but will send to my mum place during our time at work, and pick both of them after knock off.

We will only leave the maid n child alone when our baby boy is able to complain and text me. hehehee

n_g, thanks for ur info, i shall look-up from WTS section then... btw, if u store 200ml per bag, when u thrawing the milk, must let bb finish all 200ml together or these 200ml can be separate to 2 feeding as long as within the same day after thrawing? Pls advise.


tats a gd planning. =)


as long as consume within 24 hours after thaw is ok. So can separate to few feed oso doesn't matter. But remember only warm up those qty u need but not whole bag of BM. N keep back into fridge (not freezer) after pour out the amount u need.

morning everyone!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


majority of them will have fine if u fetch the kid after 7pm.. that's why i dont like ifc.. rather putting my kid with babysitter, at least, if im late, can call to let my babysitter know..

btw, do u gals experienced humming sounds around the ears towards the end of 3rd trim? been 'hearing' the humming sounds [like a mini motor] around my ears for the past days... super irritating n now, the sound at my left ear seems louder... arrgghh..


it's not painful but just very irritating lor.. i went for my last checkup le, gog for c-sect on this fri.. will tmr how.. hopefully will go off after delivery.. =(


i believed it's normal coz bb might b pressing hard on some part inside us that causes that but to play safe juz ask ur gynea see wad they hv to say lor


coz my ofc mostly male so paisey mah if they noe i inside toilet pumping....it's true that if u can pump at the same timing to maintain supply but we hv to maintain our job s well so hv to adjust on that liao lor


for that who wans to pump in the ofc n goes home straight after work u can get those silver cooler bag $2 n ice packs $2 from Daiso....(that's if ur ofc hv fridge)....no nid to get those expensive fridge to go bags....i did that for my #1 n it works v well....even at times i rch hm i forgot to take out straight the milk is still cold till 8plus after my dinner then i rem :p

Morning everyone...

As usual, so many posts to catch up... Just share the picture of my gal. Whenever she terrories me between 3-6am this picture comforts me.

Another question, anyone has any pediatrician around serangoon area to recommend? It's too troublesome to travel to TMC everytime.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4323295.jpg]

WL yr bb gal so cute n cheerful! She made me smile just looking at her pic :D

Speaking of horrid workplaces I ever heard from an ex coll how his ex boss ask all the employees to do all their big business at home so they dun waste working time. Last time I also encounter one crazy biatch boss who dun allow us to take off days if e.g if Thursday is ph, fri cannot take off day. She even once doubt the validity of my mc n call my gp up to verify I'm really sick. Oh yeah and will fine all staff for not picking up phonecalls, whatever yr reason. I call that office hellhole. Can't imagine if I have to work there during my pregnancy eeeks

Thanks all. But really, gotta look at this picture whenever she cries the house down, otherwise i might just 'kill' her!

Thanks AhNah, just what I need.

How come got bosses like that one? Don't allow ppl to pump milk, don't trust their employees? They don't know what is "Yong ren bu yi, yi ren bu yong" mah?

morning everyone..

Congrats to those mama who had popped over last few days..


I know there is one at Serangoon North..but i yet to check for the address. My friend staying at Serangoon ctrl bring his gal to a PD at Bishan, else is go polyclinic at Hougang.

N_g, wl, my direct boss resign even earlier then me from that hellhole. Their turnover rate v. High. it's a company in the shipping industry in the jurong west extension area, so be careful if anyone looking for a job there next time.

yeah loh sometimes I wonder why they wanna pull those crazy stunts on their employees, then why bother to hire in the first place man. we should be judge base on our performance, rather then whether we are really sick or what we do in the toilet!

morning all,

realli cant help laughing when i read all the "orpic politic" bi*t*ing about bosses and colleagues..

ahnah, mirah,

me too the 38 one sometimes. hahha...


your gal so sweet looking and she got a really nice sharp features, gonna breaks many guys' hearts when she grows up..

