(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

white lady,

Initially I oso tot 6 tubes den wanna faint le....den when i'm there, I checked with the gynae how many tubes of blood he required....he said onli 1 tube. *relieved*

as according to my gynae, he said can see the gender on my next visit which is ard 4th mth....is it tat early? all along i tot we can onli see the gender from 5th mth onwards.


mpoon ,

yes, by right 4 mth can see already if baby position is good ... for my #1 , he hide n hide so 5mth then can see ... for me this round , think no need to see lah , confirm boy again ! cos all my craving is BOY ! 2 monkey liao ! haha

haiz not feeling too well today. keep havng this feeling the full force MS attack is coming back. keeping fingers cross that i just thinking too much and keep telling bb to be good so that hopefully next week go HK will not have problems. if MS come i think i go HK will be super sianz.

ohh...okok...looking forward to my next visit...hopefully my bb position is gd....=D

so craving is somehw related to the gender???


ya, if ur bb cooperative, u can see the gender at 4 mth.


last time my boy also cross legs then cover with hands, so i can't see at 4 mth. I only noe during my detailed scan. i "feel" it's a girl. Cos craving different. Cross fingers and toes!

i was so looking forward to come in to chat but the threads for 2010mtb were locked until now

dreamz, sunflower

i am just 12w1d today. over the weekend my MS was terrible, i believe it is normal to have a second "peak"? yesterday and today are (so far) better. i only needed to take one pill for yesterday! but the heartburn at night really tak boleh tahan - always take >1 h to fall asleep after puking out the acids

hihi all,

saffy, congrat to u that step to 2nd tri ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Need advice from u all, I am thinking to go n perm & dye my hair... my hair now look so messy & I got lot of white hairs now! Think to have a 'good look' during CNY... anyone know if there is any concern to do so during pregnancy?


thanks! unfortunately my 1st trimester symptoms are still here, I only hope they will subside by wk 16 since i'll be going to bintan with family. i think some gynae advice not to perm/dye/rebond hair as the chemicals may seep into our bloodstream

i used to keep counting how many wks mi in now but now i can't be bothered coz it seems like MS gonna follow mi thru the whole preg again....haizzz


last time mi 12wks already noe gender liao....at woody there his machine so old can oso see his P lor...like now no wear diapers oso not shame shame can run round the hse play catching with u...heehee


ya i think there is always a 2nd or 3rd peak..

but i think usually shld be able to subside at wk 14, so u jiayou ok!

try to eat more often..it does help.

well, my MS seems to have stopped this week (fingers & toes crossed). no more puking to date, heartburn also way better. only thing is after meal, will still have bloated tummy & suffer from indigestion.


i think perming, rebonding & coloring hair is generally not advisable lah. i read that some big-name salons will insist u sign a declaration form that they will not be held repsonsible shd u still insist to go ahead. think many mtbs just live with unruly, messy & white hairs lah.


i tink better dun dye and perm during 1st tri. maybe 2nd tri is ok. i also tot of dying my hair for CNY, i'll ask gynae when i see him. cos i'll be in 2nd tri soon. Haha!


my boy also like to run ard after shower. Got to run after him, he not toilet train yet, i scare he wet the floor and fall.

yes, i've read that if u r expecting a boy & bb in co-operative position, u can actually get to know gender as early as even 11wks. however, if u r expecting a girl, then i think better dont count on knowing the gender too early. i think prob have to wait till 20wks detailed scanning to know the gender.

btw, my detailed scanning is scheduled on mar15. hope i get back to same nice sonographer again, otherwise will be so sianz to encounter the XYZ@#$%% one.

i'm still taking my folic acid to date. i know can stop taking after 1st trimester. problem is since my oscar results not released to me yet, i dont know exactly how many wks i'm currently in? (could be 12 or 13wks). also some say 1st trimester is until 13wks while others say its 12wks so i'm quite confused too.


my boy that time very good boy give gynea see so i very early know gender liao but then again, gynea will oni tells u like oh 80% boy....but he quite sure that time coz no hands blocking....if girl they'll not dare to confirm coz alot of times last min P then comes out so they'll give u a lower % if they can see it's a girl


last time got paper article says cannot dye or perm hair coz of the chemicals so better dun go lah....in the end, i ends up buying the clip from salon n clip my hair at home coz that time my hair juz nice shoulder length n it's very messy lor n cannot do rebonding

Hi Angel & Purelyz, thanks for ur advice & link... It seems like not really safe on dye/perm hair hor.. Emm.. i think i will give up the idea of perming but will choose to color the hair with henna instead...read some article said Henna is safe to use during pregnancy :p

ducklingshop, i also wanna dye my hair... my hair half black, half dyed... so ugly... for bb's seek, will tahan the hair for now...

angel, same like you... my MS is better this week... i'm currently 9.5weeks... hopefully there wun be a 2nd "burst" of MS!

1st tri is usually 13 weeks if I'm not wrong...

my ms never seems to recover.. after eating the feeling is so suck..the best is when i watch tv got food i also feel like puke...

hubby is asking me can i go kukup this end Jan...i tink i better then go... hahaha..

this sat i offical 12 weeks liao..

i realise i got alot of heartburn..below my breast there is so uncomfortable...

hope to feel better..

sighz... my company trip this year go Tokyo. But my hubby dun wan to go, cos he need to pay close to $1.5K. So i also decide not to go. A bit wasted. But in Apr, i'll be 5 mths, i dun wan to go alone with colleagues. Then co wan to cut cost and ask me share rm with another married couple. So odd... i dun feel like it.


my #1 is gal and 3rd month i know already, my gynae was very sure, he says by looking at the growth of that part, he knows is a gal...

I also thought of perming my hair cos my perm already quite messy... that time went to salon for trimming still think, wait for nearer to new year, who knows pregnant cannot perm liao...


i also hope can faster know the gender lah. i'm the kan chiong type, but if bb not co-operative also bo bian. can only count on the 20wks FA scan lor.


ur NT scan is like 1 page or few pages huh? when u collect the results fr woody, he got explain to u or just says normal/not normal only??

the thing is i rec'd a call fr the clinic tdy at 4pm. think my heart skipped a few beats when i saw the incoming no. cos no news is supposed to be gd news ya. then i was relieved when they only called to inform me that my blood test (for hep A/B) & oscar results were with them & that all is normal. then i told them i'll go collect fr the clinic tmr but she said no need so anxious as i just seen my gynae like a week ago.

my next appt is 12feb but i seriously dun think i can hold on till then lah. i mean normal can also mean borderline normal or low-risk normal. i can only rest my mind at ease until i see the results myself or at least know the risk assessment lor. i asked if can just grab the results fr the counter, she said can but then wont have any explanation since not seeing gynae. my gynae's the chop-chop type, not sure he'll spend time explaining or not. maybe go in, he only says everything is normal. period. then i might as well just grab fr counter lor.

Purelyz, my next visit is 8 feb. But I heard dr tseng won't be seeing me, I'm going to do my oscar., then see him on next appt on 22nd feb for the result...

Yah, he also didn't ask me where I wanna deliver. He's quite nice but I feel he super chop chop, most of the things abt pregnancy issues I've come to know thru this forum from experienced mummies.

Like many ladies here, can't wait for morning sickness to go away, whether stomach empty or full I feel terrible.

Angel ,

How much did you pay for ur oscar test at tmc ? or did u book the package with oscar and Detail scan together ?


me n you seem to be same lor , when i watch tv , no matter what they cook , i want to puke too . And even not cooking , they eat , i also want to puke ...

Re: food craving

pple normally say if u crave for meat and salty food is more likely to get boy . for me , yes lor , i m now like that , so i think mine is boy . And i drink sweet stuff , feel like puking , so poor thing , cos alot of food also sweet one ...

wow , the sky is soooo dark now ... think its going to be a rainy day this morning , how nice if can sleep in bed , haahaha ...

Re: perming hair

thos mtb that need to perm , can get this curler , DIY at home ... will get very nice wave too ! if not , then have to try to clip at lor ... no choice , for me , my black hair also like come out 1 cm , but choice leh , am planning to go trim my hair only and not to dye =)

Whitelady, u so early post message liao. Sky dark dark good to sleep. Should have taken leave 2day.

I've been planning to colour n perm my hair since nov lor. Then bb news come, can't liao. Thinking on the bright side, we can save money.

I'm counting down to seeing my gynae. 8 more days. Can't wait to see how bb doing.

Thanks Angel for the detailed description on the Oscar test! I must ask my Gynae about it.

Morning all!

Yesterday had a hard time logging in. Yeah, should have taken urgent leave man! So nice to sleep late today. Now at work. Nevermind is Friday already!!!

whitelady, winnie> same here cannot see pple cook or eat on the tv. haiz

gg to see my gynae tml, should be in my week 9 already. so is it abt time to book for the oscar test in tml's appt? Will Dr woody ask or have to ask him ourselves?

My HS changed to include MS. Keeps vomiting air even when I'm not hungry. Seems like its getting worst.

I also hope to know bb's gender. But I heard for KKH, they have a policy to only announce gender during 5 mths pregnancy scan. Even if they can see anything in 3rd or 4th mth, they will still tell u don't know.

i woke up at 6am then cant sleep liao , so wake up and read the forum lor , cos yesterday got hard time logging in , so no come in ... then morning must update myself see hows all of us doing mah ! hhaahaahaa .... i m going to see my gynae in 2 weeks time , hope time can fly like rocket ! haha

hi all, its a really nice weather, rainy and cooling, just perfect for sleeping in right..? haha but we are all at work hmmph..

anyway, i have trouble getting a sound sleep at night since 2 weeks back.. i'll wake up more often in the middle of the night.. and during those times that i get to sleep, i get nightmares and strange dreams..so when its time to get up for work, i get very2 tired already as though i had ran a marathon. does anybody face the same..?

ednique> me too, since last week keep waking up from my sleep, and usually have dreams almost throughout the whole night. morning wake up for work is super duper tired like nv sleep at all.

although today is raining weather , good to sleep , but luckily , its FRIDAY ! if its MONDAY , we will cry ! hahhahaa .... so little mummy today , alot take leave or mc at home still sleeping issit .. haha

dreamz--> i think probably pregnant women will experience the same.. how to overcome it ah..? i wonder if we will continue to have these weird dreams throughout the pregnancy..

ednique> not too sure leh. i think most preg ladies wake up at night becos need to go toilet more frequent but my case i wake up not to go toilet. maybe it is bcos my tummy not feeling too well, like temp will increase at night, or suddenly hungry that's why maybe sleep keep get disrupted. hopefully after 1st tri will be better.


for my NTscan it's 2 pages, some reading n my details on the 1st n 2nd is the scan then he look at is flip flip n says everything normal no nid worry then return mi the results n s usual says ok i'll see u in 4wks time (coz now 2nd trimester liao)

if u wan go early then go 1st wk of feb lor....u go back too early for nothing later kana scold...heehee

Finally can see the postings after 2 days ...

So sianz nw ... I'm having bouts of heartburn nw ... Super uncomfy n pain =| is this going to last thruout the whole preg or juz 1st trim?

I'm oso having quite a bit of backaches nw n I read dat alot of u r having it nw too but juz a word of advice .. If u r using those medicated plasters to soothe the backaches pls stop using it cuz all these are absorbed into the blood stream n u will nv Noe if it's going to be harmful to the bb so better be safe than sorry ... I think the best will be using juz heat pack ...



for me, i dun've to pay for my trip. Only my hubby need to pay. but my hubby say save the money for bb la. Sighz... I jus sleep and relax in SG lo.


oh.. the last time i go the staff did ask me if i wan to do oscar test, i say no. She say since my next appt is during my 12th wk, i can give her final decision.


i also have weird dreams. I remem 1 dream is my son is so in love with me and try to fight with daddy. So funny...


i paid $394 (after FBI discounts) for my package (oscar + FA scan @ 20wks). my gynae booked them as a package becos its cheaper this way. so rem to get ur gynae book them as a package too. its under P6.


yes, u can casually let woody know abt the oscar test & he'll make arrangement for u to go fr ur 11wks onwards. in fact, he gave us a set of dates to choose from & we chose the earliest. lol.


we have decided to pick up the report fr the counter later this evening. wont be seeing woody lah. since i'm alr told everything is normal (pray its low-risk normal NOT borderline normal) & most likely that's what i'll hear fr woody as well, guess i better dun see him wait kena scolded. lol. if i've any queries, then i'll just rem to ask him on my next appt lor.

purelyz--> ur dream so cute.. for me, my dream was abit more scary..in one of them, i was at a beach somewhere and i was hit by tsunami.. ish.. scary sia..


then i think u just call them & say u wanna book as a package. (under P6) i assume u'll want to do the detailed scanning @ 20wks too?? if u intend to deliver at TMC, its best to apply for SBI. its $128 for 2yrs (cheaper than FBI) so discounts even more worthwhile.


Angel ,

SPI is for first child or FBI ? mine is #2 , so is what huh ? but i was thinking , if my gynae didnt join the programme , then not worth right ?

