(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


can share the link? i very lousy in searching for all these good lobangs in smh bp... ;p


no more fever le but still got running nose n cough, just went to buy a humidifier for our room, hope can help his nose n sleeps well..


Sunflower.. My gal's pd at mt A kinderland Terrance tan.. Always so crowded.. Thou of trying out pd ard my area mah.. But felt that the one in woodlands give too many unnecessary medicine n scare me by saying might become this n that... Think better stick to old one.. Sigh..

Cheekrene, ya.. Will try to bring her out more often after she recovers.. Yesterday n today she vomited 7 times while coughing.. Couldn't sleep well whole day n juz now keep crying after sleeping awhile.. Can hear e phlegm sound when she breathes.. :S

Mvh, u may like to try those chinese medi "hou yi san" for pleghm when she is better. My girl used to sound like a pig last time; after consume her pleghm no more.

Hope it works for ur ger

The insurance policy is with aviva. Its the only insurance company w such policy. Let me ask my hubby e name of e policy later. For our child e premium is 400 plus a year and can claim medical bills in excess of 50


Is terrence tan at Kidzlink in CCk as well ? My mum also got give Chinese med Jing feng San , wrks sometimes . Got phelgm easily lead to cough if u give fruits, especially pear and banana.. Only warm apple at this point to build up vit c ..

My PD prescribe Prospan for normal cough and salbutamol for phlegmy cough. I find all these cough syrup not very effective leh. Still cough so long. But I can't remember how my boy stops coughing leh.


Does Jing feng san really works for cough?

diaper bag

i got quite a few naraya bags from bangkok last time.. one of them is the same range with cheekrene. hehe. but the one i got is the bigger one.. can put two boy's stuffs.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so far quite satisfy with it. even my pump bag is also naraya one..

nice to meet all the mummies at cheese house on saturday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think my boy enjoy playing the toys! BB J is soo lucky! he got so much toys :p

same here i gave bb Jing feng san to bb T when he recently got fever.. because he cant take panadol. so gave him chinese med instead.. my maid told me , recently he has been waking up v early.. 5.30am or 6am.. haiz.. wondering it could be teething...


the one my mum bought is for cough, phelgm , fever etc.. so far, the cough syrup from PD doesnt work for my boy too.. only neubuliser works.


wake up early is teething? mine recently everyday 7am..even weekends also 7am..

serene, alibaba, can share the pic of your naraya diaper bag? wanna get one cuz the current that im using cant put too many things inside..


depends. some bb teething will wake up in the middle of the night cause teething could be painful.. my boy usually wake up 7+am.. now 5+ 6am.. v early.. btw bb got weekend meh?? hehe

i know EYS's hou ning san is v good for phlegm.. but it's super exp..


haha.. last time my boy wakes up at 5+am for milk, then will continue to slp until 8-9am..even if i set off at 715am to my mum's place, he is still slping on my arms..but he very clever, weekends wake up earlier than usual.. now weekends even worse, 7am . He noes we arent wrking on weekends..

Hello all, m now at d grabiel seow clinic again, was here since 8.30am but seems lke still long way to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my boy fever went down yesterday but whole body got rashes now! Look like hive type. Since yesterday already appear some red rash but today worst, face also kena, see also heart pain. Dunno iziz itchy or what, he can't sleep well last night, cranky n cry on n off n just want me to carry only.

I think he got my cought virus too, now also coughing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I bot d EYS hou ning San last week for myself, 6 small bottles, $28 each. Finish all dy but there cought still there.... Arr!! Later will shun bian see dr seow together w my boy n take antibiotic too... V de sian la....

Chocochip, your ins policy sound worth it leh, only aviva got it? Both pd n gp bill can claim? Look at my girl n boy's medi bill, really a bom oh... Thinking to get d policy for them too if can claim.

I just realize this morning my boy's upper teeth out as well!! So he is teething 4 together!! Not sure it is due to that he got fever n rashes... Any bb here got 4 teeth out together at once too?

Cheekrene; ur diaper bag is so sweet and nice color..

i tot u bot the carter diaper bag? hw come now change to naraya de?

it was fun meeting so many mummy..

1st time meeting Xuan, Sheric and Jasmine.. hehehe...

snowy55: ya, i rmb u..u sat beside me ya? how life? long time never see ur nick?

we have meet up for quite a few gathering liao leh.. hehehe..

duckling, mine now still only 2 came out from his last teething.. nanny suspects his recent running nose/cough could be due to teething n might have more than 1 coming out, that's why he's having all these lately.. spike fever, running/block nose n cough.. can see his gums swollen too but havent see a sight of his pearlies yet..


could it be allergy?? my boy that time also got alot of rashes.. after taking dhamol.. .tat time doc prescribe zrythec for his allergy...hope u & ur boy get well soon!

My PD told me diarrhoea,fever and some other symptoms believed to be associated with teething is not true leh. He said the baby has some discomfort when teething and so starts to put everything into mouth, its most likely the things are dirty that cause baby to have diarrhoea or fever.


here is the link for naraya bag:



initially i use big carter bag but i got difficulty to get things if i am alone with my devil. i find that naraya bag is convenient for me as i can grab my stuff since it is unzipped version. not to forget, waterproof... hehe!

it was fun meeting everyone last sat... i remember alibaba's boy crawl to me and smile a lot... not like my devil, complain so much.. haha! also envy all babies that can sleep by themselves especially xuan's girl. so cute! after gathering, i was down with flu.. 2nd day already, i got fever... haiz... my mum barred me from visiting my girl... =(


i feel some PD are very scientific..meaning they want to be proven scientifically, then they believed. Babies after 4 mths, starts to put everything in their mouth ma.. like that everyday fever or diarrhoea meh?

Cheekrene, Jasmine,

I got the same bag in navy blue! Got it in bangkok during my first trimester. It is indeed quite good, very spacious with pockets inside the bag. Just found out my friend (her baby 1mo) got one in beige/brown too. I remember it was quite cheap also, less than $20 I think.

Sheric, sunflower,

I have bao ying dan at home.. The salesgal said works for phlegm too but I read on Chinese HK website stated that got traces of mercury inside so only suitable for 1yr above hence I stop giving long ago..

Sunflower, Terrance tan is at kinderland mt A. Not kidslink.. He is so so popular n so so ex.. Each visit definitely more than $100.. Sometimes $200...

Rachel, e doc yesterday also give prospan.. He said this medicine is mild type.. He gives bromhexine for phlegm.. Think also mild type coz he said my gal's lungs r cleared...

My gal din sleep well last nite.. Keep coughing, vomit n crying.. Tired sia.. Now manage to put her to sleep after medication..


Quite true la, they are more scientific. I think what he meant is things that are dirty put inside mouth, not just anything. Sometimes I notice my boy licks the floor leh, so if we didn't clean the floor, he will be eating rubbish, dust and dirt, even hair. He also touches tables in hawker centers, then put his fingers in his mouth! I always got to battle with him to clean his hands before they make their way to his mouth haha.

For my boy, I don't know how to associate symptoms with his teething. He doesn't have fever or diarrhea. He is having running nose now but it could be due to his flu earlier which hasn't recovered. He also doesnt want to drink milk, but it can also becos of his acid reflux. There's so many question marks in my head. Really dont know what's going on.


the beige one looks gd ..this bag is tall, but wide or not? from the pic doesnt seems to be wide..can fit 1 medela cooler bag, 1 water flask, clothes, diaper, etc?


I just found out Pharmacy is selling Prospan, no need prescription, cost $9.50 I think. Understand when the children don't sleep well, parents can't sleep too, very tiring indeed. As I got a maid now, sometimes I just let the maid take care at night. When I see she is tired, I will sleep with my boy to let her have continuous sleep so that she can take care of my boy the next day. If nobody takes shift with you, will be super shag.

Terrance Tan's consultation is $60?

Chocochips, thanks for yr info.. I will ask my hubby to review the policy.. Have been topping up the cda account n my bb gal has used up almost 1.5k Liao.. :S

Duckling, yr boy's rash sound bad.. Is he allergy to medicine given? Hope he gets well soon.. If got choice, dun eat antibiotics.. Coz antibiotics kills all the bad and good germs..

Duckling, my gal has 2 teeth on e bottom then within 1-2 weeks another 2 sprout on top.. Quite a short time interval to me.. So she super cranky at that time..


thanks thanks for the link.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


last fri, my nanny brought my boy to see chinese sinseh for his running nose and cough and she asked if it's due to teething, the sinseh said most likely is but when hubby went to see GP this morning n asked him, he said should not be.. hahaha.. but whatever the reason is, hopefully all babies who are sick can recover fast fast..


oh.. i go back check the chinese med.. i feel as a parent really stress, so many things to worry..this thing contains wat, that thing contains wat..wat can eat, wat cant eat..i wonder how the people grew up in the past.. nothing much to worry..

Same here Rachel!

But so qiao that my boy had running nose for like 2weeks? then his 2 pearlie come out..

then my sis tell me that my nephew had the same problem when his tooth is out..

now my boy got cough and running nose liao.. so is it virus or really another tooth coming out ah?

so poor thing to see him cough and running nose..

sob, somemore my boy in IFC.

Im sorry for those bb who had it, might be my boy?? cos u noe IFC had many bb..

but the main concern is CANNOT have fever. not allow to be in IFC.. so hard to be a working mum when you dun have alternate option

when bb is not feeling well... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rachel, luckily I m not working now.. So morning can catch nap when she is napping.. But I not used to nap in day so sometimes tired but still can't sleep.. I dun have a maid..

My elder gal pd has the same reasoning like yrs.. Said fever, diaherra meant virus attack.. Not necessary related to teething..

Terrance tan consultation is $70-100.. Depends on duration.. For review cases is $50..


haha..i think your reply is meant for sunflower, isit? heehee..


serene's reply to u : yes its tall. i dun think fit 1 medela cooler bag. unless you put on vertical side.

Sunflower, last time there r little info to parents so anyhow eat .. But now, technology so good, website can find so many info.. Food ingredients can be traced so conveniently.. N the thing is we r more educated than ppl in e past hence more conscious about this n that.. Hence more KS?

oh serene, u take care ya. so now little devil is at ur mum hse?

so u working? or on mc?

lil devil is so cute leh.. she complain alot.. hahaha.. DK also very cute.. stonend awhile then she cry..


I was there this morning too but by 9:30 I done already... was there at 8am, queue no 4... before we went in to see dr seow, the number already reach 24...

ya! Jovie so kawaii!

also Like to give speech also lei!

DK and Javion same? cos they both same, "mum mum"!

Now I noe my boy will just follow anyone who has mum mum... haha. open noe how to open mouth but

not good in motor skill as of now yet.





my devil went to my mum's place yesterday morning. my mum scare i spread to her, quickly came over my place and fetch her away... today on mc...

my girl like to complain lor. dun like to share toys... haiz... headache...


your boy is really "pan tu" betrayer... got food, sure go to another person... be careful hor... lolx..

