(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

You can alight at the 4th bus stop if u take 859 from sembawang mrt. The bus stop is after Endearvour pri sch. Once you see endearvour pri sch, prepare to alight. After you alight, jus look infront of you and u will see our blk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I do not have any problems with avent bottles leh.


ya me also got problem with leaking ..and also problem with too tight... too tight got problem with the milk coming out..so now i tink i master the 'just nice' tightening haha.. last time avent always kena complain about leaking , then they improve by having blue ring..but then they say the blue ring is for colic -_-|| (i dont believe)


better take the feeder bus.. the distance is long leh.. and imagine afternoon under the hot sun..

Sunflower, ya, the blue ring very troublesome. When wash mus handle with care or it will drop everywhere. I tot can don out that ring but it will leak if no ring. The rest of the bottles without ring is ok for me.

cheekrene, sembawang shopping centre. Better than sunplaza cos have giant and daiso. But it at a very ulu place. Mus take free bus from sembawang mrt. The bus stop is jus infront of 7-11 (at mrt).

Rachel I m still using size 2 for water.. Next month training her on bottle so will start using size 3..

Sunflower, got blue ring meh? Extra to buy?

Jasmine, cheekrene,

U can take bus 859 outside cheese place to SSC directly.... But going back to mrt station, u can take the free shuttle bus service..


I m using e honeycomb bottles

cheekrene, SSC is ulu but I like to go there leh, cos there is a big wet/dry playground at 3rd floor. There are 3 resturants (Aston, Ajisen & Wan Chai next to the playground) All 3 restuarants are Kid friendly come with many baby chairs, kids meal etc... We may consider to have a gathering there when our babies start walking, so they can play at the playground while we can chit chat & eat there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

weekday i can go when im on leave..opens wat time.. but wat is that bai mee fen? white bee hoon? is it fish soup or wat? or just bee hoon haha

btw, jts that for the bai mee fen, u actually can call to order first, so that the waiting time can be reduce, reservation# 98434699..., btw,the Chicken wing there is good too, worth to try :p

Sunflower: the white bee honk is yummy! Thumb up..

See you all tmr!! Take bus 859 better then walk cuz u might not know hw to walk in..

sunflower, the bai mee hoon itself looked very simple with some bits of egg, veges, cuttlefish & prawns. It is wet type & tasted like Hor Fun kind of sauce but without soy added to it. The stock was quite tasty and my hb love it. But for me it is just so so cos actually I still like to eat the black mee hoon instead leh...hahaha


its those chu mee fen.. ermmm.. slightly wet type lor.. think they have it from lunch time. and forgot which day they off. haha.. better call and check..

Playdate at duckling house

Date: 16 Apr (Sat) 1pm-4pm

(Cap at 15 babies attendance due to space limitation,hope for your understanding)


1. duckling

2. sunflower

3. Jasmine (TBC)

4. Cheekrene (TBC)

5. penguin

6. MVH

7. QQ

8. Cheese (TBC)

9. Winnie_gal (TBC)

10. スーザン (TBC)

11. eeyore_03

12. alibaba

13. xuan

Update 4:

First Birthday Bash @ Gymboree HArbourfront

Dear Mummies & Daddy,

Pardon me for this gentle reminder on estimated budget:

1) Deposit for Gymboree - $20 (All Paid)

2) Birthday Cupcakes for babies - $3

3) Goodies bag for babies - $4 each

4) Goodies bag including cupcakes for #1 - $10 each (If there is balance from goodies bag, it will be paid for the final bill on Gymboree.)

5) Final Payment at Gymboree - Will be done after the event.

Well, 2nd payment is due now. Source around and had finalised the budget for goodies bag and cupcakes.

(1) Goodies Bag for our birthday celebrants (Budget: $4 each):

- Sponsorship from Heinz and Goon Diaper (Collected)

- Still sourcing for other free stuffs, awaiting reply from Nestle, Johnson & Pigeon

- Party bag

- Candles (for individual birthday cupcakes) ($1)

- Some titbits & Yakult ($1.50)

- Sourcing for toys to include in (if possible)

(2) Cupcakes - estimated $3 each

Total is $7.

(3) Goodies Bag for #1 / #2

- Party Bag

- Sponsorship from Heinz

- Some titbits & Yakult ($1.50)

- Cupcakes ($3)

- Stationery Set (Estimated $2.50 or more)

For 1 kid, total is $10.

With 1 baby only, please pay $7.

With 1 kid & 1 baby, please pay $17.

Payment deadline is latest by 10th April (Sunday),

For those who don't have my bank account number, PM me!

Those who have made payment:

01) cheekrene - $7

02) bakaholic - $7

03) Fumiko - $7

04) sweetkyra - $7

05) sheric - $7

06) Jasmine Goh - $17

07) duckling - $17

08) MVH - $17

09) Haitang - $7

10) QQ - $17

11) Tikey - $17

12) saffy - $17

13) penguin - $7

14) glamglem - $7

Those paying by cash tomorrow 9 April, Saturday:

15) Winnie_gal - $7

16) Jascmy- $7

17) cheese- $7

18) ah bee- $7

19) charmaine1978- $7

20) xuan82- $7

Those who have not made payment:

21) ahnah- $7

22) Cinderbelle - $7

23) ednique - $7

24) chocochips - $7

25) xiaozhuzhu - $7

26) dreamz - $7

27) 4seasons - $7

28) crescent - $7

29) Purelyz - $17

Those who opt out goodies bag for #1, please pay $7 only for your birthday babies.

If opt out goodies bag for your birthday babies, please pay $3 for cupcakes.

If no payment or reply by 10th April, I will exclude everything for your babies except for sponsorship only.

Hope to seek your understanding.

30) shay

31) nekowong

32) cyn here

33) mamyvelle

After payment, please state the following:

1) your IB nick using your SMH nick

2) date transfer

3) transaction reference.

Thank you!

cheekrene> just transferred to you $7 (TR:6661487100), but i'm not sure got put my nick a not cos I use the one i saved in my account already.

Hi gals..

So long never log in and seems that there is a gathering today ah..Haiz..missed again..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

It's been so long since I logged in..Managed to read sm threads, so informative n fun to read[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And e most excitng part -- gatherings!!!

Duckling n Mvh,

Can I join in e fun to meet up with mummies n babies? Am keen on e playdate n e Jwt trial, please do include me n my gal. Hope to see u gals again, if I'm nt wrong, both of u did attend e 1st gathering we had when we were preggie back then?? Together with Winnie gal n jascmy? Really hope to meet up with all e mummies n babies :p

Snowy55, ok noted. Tat jwt ah.. Sigh.. Call Everyday last 2 days to ask them to call me back abt another class, no news one.. Tomolo got time I call again..

Mummies who bb got cough medicine before

Need yr advice.. My gal is coughing today.. N she coughs till vomits twice her food n milk.. Super sianz lor.. I bring her see one pd before for runny nose when she is 4m, tat time he gave her cough medicine in case runny nose becomes cough.. But I never give my gal coz she din have cough till now 1st time.. The cough syrup is salbutomal n I check online is similar to ventolin, for wheeze n chestiness.. But my gal doesn't seem to be wheezing leh.. Scare give too strong medicine.. Can advise what medicine yr doc give? Hope tomolo can find a good doc in e morning.. Last sun, went to a gp coz elder gal sick, the doc buay zhai n doesn't dare to treat her swollen eye, end up go hospital a&e..

Snowy55, yes I did go for the 1st preggie gathering.. I can't remember u leh.. Where r u sitting ah? I sit at one corner.. I know Winnie n jascmy came late so sit at the other corner.. Hehe..

Mvh, I think when baby cough, if they are able to vomit or cough out the phlegm, it is good. My ah boy w given ventolin when he had serious cough last time, about four months old. It started from running nose. Etc. Then to cough. The pd also gave sabutalmo, it was to prevent him from getting worse. Then a few days he recovered le, and pd said can continue give ventolin till another week, because it is safe! It helps to open the airway, these are from pd la, but of course given a choice, we try not to give medicine, but if cough too long will infect the lungs. Just need to be careful,

i got both types of avent bottles and they all have the same problem. I do unscrew them halfway thr to make the flow start again. But it may or may stuck after that.

Duckling... I would like to join in e fun next week.

My boy was given bricanyl to open up airway n terbutaline for his cough. Used ventolin in another cough incident too.

Went to e doc so many times tt my hubby decided to get this outpatient insurance policy. Can claim all outpatient bills in excess of $50.


ya, his cough is always bad..also cough until want to vomit.. bcos its the 2nd time he kena..and dr says once young kena, very easy to kena again..so give singulair to open the airway , else can drag very long.

Update 5:

First Birthday Bash @ Gymboree HArbourfront

Dear Mummies & Daddy,

Pardon me for this gentle reminder on estimated budget:

1) Deposit for Gymboree - $20 (All Paid)

2) Birthday Cupcakes for babies - $3

3) Goodies bag for babies - $4 each

4) Goodies bag including cupcakes for #1 - $10 each (If there is balance from goodies bag, it will be paid for the final bill on Gymboree.)

5) Final Payment at Gymboree - Will be done after the event.

Well, 2nd payment is due now. Source around and had finalised the budget for goodies bag and cupcakes.

(1) Goodies Bag for our birthday celebrants (Budget: $4 each):

- Sponsorship from Heinz and Goon Diaper (Collected)

- Still sourcing for other free stuffs, awaiting reply from Nestle, Johnson & Pigeon

- Party bag

- Candles (for individual birthday cupcakes) ($1)

- Some titbits & Yakult ($1.50)

- Sourcing for toys to include in (if possible)

(2) Cupcakes - estimated $3 each

Total is $7.

(3) Goodies Bag for #1 / #2

- Party Bag

- Sponsorship from Heinz

- Some titbits & Yakult ($1.50)

- Cupcakes ($3)

- Stationery Set (Estimated $2.50 or more)

For 1 kid, total is $10.

With 1 baby only, please pay $7.

With 1 kid & 1 baby, please pay $17.

Payment deadline is latest by 12th April (Tuesday),

For those who don't have my bank account number, PM me!

Those who have made payment:

01) cheekrene - $7

02) bakaholic - $7

03) Fumiko - $7

04) sweetkyra - $7

05) sheric - $7

06) Jasmine Goh - $17

07) duckling - $17

08) MVH - $17

09) Haitang - $7

10) QQ - $17

11) Tikey - $17

12) saffy - $17

13) penguin - $7

14) glamglem - $7

15) Winnie_gal - $7

16) Jascmy- $7

17) cheese- $7

18) ah bee- $7

19) charmaine1978- $7

20) xuan82- $7

21) dreamz - $7

22) shay

23) nekowong

24) cyn here

25) mamyvelle

Those who have not made payment:

26) ahnah- $7

27) Cinderbelle - $7

28) ednique - $7

29) chocochips - $7

30) xiaozhuzhu - $7

31) 4seasons - $7

32) crescent - $7

33) Purelyz - $17

After payment, please state the following:

1) your IB nick using your SMH nick

2) date transfer

3) transaction reference.

Thank you!

Sunflower, QQ,

Went to see 24hr clinic at mt A today.. Super crowded..

Anyway, the doc say salbutomal is for asthma type of cough.. He said my gal dun need it.. Said got phlegm in e throat that y she is trying to cough it out.. So give another type of medicine.. She got runny nose then cough.. Sianz.. Yesterday n today she din nap much.. Total sleep time each day is ard 10hrs.. Super tiring to handle her.. Wanna cry all the time..


be strong. Your girl will recover soon. Bring her out to walk walk till she is tired. Just try to see if she can sleep.


i saw your post in that thread. I like it as it got base at the bottom of the bag. Easier to bring out when i need to dig out my stuff even though carrying my girl! I follow you buy wet bag and i all put inside. It make everything neater! I like it when the bag is cushioned! Nice to hug! Hehe! Worth to buy as its discounted!

cheekrene, what diaper bag u using now? i still looking for a big n good diaper bag, cant seems to find a big n good one..


i am using naraya bag. One of the bags got long sling on the shoulder. Smh bp got a thread selling naraya bag. You can go and check it out!



Thanks, will buy it too. =) Not sure if you received my fb pm, can I save some playdates pics n load in my album? Tia.


It's naraya. How's bb S?

