(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


yesterday i went to harbourfront cold storage; only saw yoghurt for 1 yr old, can't find 6mths one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my girl used to drink plenty of water as in after her meal at least 1oz; on-off if i offer her water, she will drink. She started teething so drool alots... So worry abt her digestion & afraid water dehydrate for her.


Last Sun, I gave her pear puree & she poo-ed. But I feel so uneasy that she dun poo everyday...

Do I expect too much? Paranoid over things...



i bought from vivo cold storage.


my boy usually poo everyday, so if he doesn't poo for 2-3days, i will give him eat 1 of those food i mentioned and massage his tummy, apply some cream and massage clockwise around his belly button.


thanks for telling me.

sometimes if my girl dun drink, i will spoon feed her... hehe!

if dun poo for more than a week, it will not be normal. you can let her eat pear puree every alternate day.

i love daddy

90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

* cheekrene

100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* mamyvelle

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* Cheese84

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc


120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

I love mummy

90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* mamyvelle

* cheekrene

100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* cheese84

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc


120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

i think i change the size.

i love daddy

90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

* cheekrene

100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* mamyvelle

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* Cheese84

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc


120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

I love mummy

90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* mamyvelle

100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* cheese84

* cheekrene

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc


120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

hi, are u all feeding organic pear to your bb? Where to get organic pear. SO far, i have not seen organic pear.


heard from others have.. but i'm not sure..

i saw that bp, but didn't order.. jerrenz's clothes are way more than enough.. unless i really like then i will buy.. =P


i get my organic pears from cold storage as well..

Mamyvelle♥ - I also want if each pc is $3+ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My orders:

I love daddy and mummy - 120 (1pc each)

i love daddy

90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

* cheekrene

100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* mamyvelle

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* Cheese84

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc


120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

* junetns

I love mummy

90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* mamyvelle

100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* cheese84

* cheekrene

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc


120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

* junetns

i give normal pears from NTUC (those light brown skin type). I give pears for both lunch and dinner together with either pumpkin / sweet potato.

is it ok to give pears everyday?

Dear All,

I have pasted the sponsored stuff for our bday bash in facebook, Augmtb thread.

I need some kind souls to collect and also store the stuff if possible. Otherwise, i will try to take leave to do on weekdays.

If not, i think any sponsored item that needs to be collected early, i have to decline as i do not have any room at home.


Sorry no ketchup this time. hehe..

Also to check , I had been feeding Bb carrot porridge . I think it's time to intro new food , I want to feed spinach . But to check , do I chop the spinach into mash then throw in to cook ?

Dear all,

Thanks for your advices..

Feeling better now except to hear my mil sprouting nonsense about her living in 3 room flat can get more benefits than those staying in 5 room flat.. She has a stupid mind lah, look at the area she is living in, central area, everything is so expensive here. Really no brains..

White lady: me too no blender.. Want to prepare food for bb abit difficult...

My bb still refuses to take semi solid food.. Sighs..


I also feed ard this amount.. But it's too effective on my son, so I dun give often .. For me once or twice a week max .. I will give other puree..

White lady

Can try grating if no blender.. My mum grate potato and dump into the porridge . For spinach, I either steam or boil in hot water , so that they are soft enough before I use knife to chop finely .. Then dump into the porridge one hour before I serve the porridge. But boiling kills Alot of nutrients, so usually I do it within minutes.. I dun use blender cos the quanty is too little, unable to blend.. So need to spend 10 mins to chop till fine

Penguin , for some food like carrot , potato all those I will cook n mash

My girl very jia liat one . Even she full , if she see gor gor eating , she can't stand . So I try to make their eating timing same , if not if gor gor eating then I will carry her hide on the room haha ... She love porridge ! Tmr going to cook potato pork porridge for her to try

I went to try on Bb bjorn just now , not bad .... Wondering want to try egro anot , any mummy got egro carrier ?


90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

* cheekrene


100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* Cheese84

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc




120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

* junetns




90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* mamyvelle



100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* cheese84

* cheekrene

(each size only 3pcs leh, any of the mummy wanna change size?)

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc




120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

* junetns

so mummies confirm hor , tml i placing orders so the loots can arrived asap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


size 100 , only got 3 pc leh , anyone wanna change size?

Hi Mummies,

Not sure if any of you can recognise my nick.I am also aug2010 mum but seldom post aft bb born as busy with stuffs.Have a couple of mothers from this thread already bought from our store.

You might want to check out our store www.mylearningkid.com for early learning materials and baby books.Special discount for aug mummies.We also have Bulk Purchase in BP thread.Email me to [email protected] if you are keen with any items , also if have query about any materials in our website.

Mvh, thx for the info on baby fair. Babysafe product always so expensive.

Ahnah, I'm not techie la. Small home router still can manage. But mostly my hubby will do the setup.

Mummies bb using Pigeon wide neck bottles , too bad both my kids nt using [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] at taka bb fair

They are having a special Promotion where, you get 50% discount off Pigeon BPA FREE milk bottle if you trade in a set of used milk bottle of any brand and 20% on other pigeon items

I have a common problem now.

Yesterday my nephew accidentally hit my son and he cried. So my mum rush upwards him n carry, he continue to cry n my younger try to comfort him, he still crying. Until my maid carries him then he silent so my mum commented that my son is more close than anyone of us.

What the hell!

Then 2 of us will even more jialat since we all working.

Si bei FAN!

So last night we purposely dun wan maid to carry him.

And I purposely help to feed n change his clothes.

Working n bonding with our child, where got so easy ! We are not rich ppl who no need to work n look after our child.


After work, try to play with him. My hb look after the bb after wrk most of the time bcos I have to do chores and pump milk .. Bb is closer to him than me ..u try to make an effort even thou u r tired.. My hb no matter how tired will still play and bond with him.

Morning, can you all share with me how u put your Bb to sleep at nite?? I tried all methods but once I put him down in his cot, he will wake up and cry out loud. We can't be carrying him to sleep together bah.

Last nite we let him cry for 30mins then my hubby can't take it liao, went in to carry. Haiz.


These few day busy at work. I work until 10 pm and before I reach home. Boy already sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning friends [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bakaholic: my bb will cry if he is really hungry and boo out all the solid food and fuss until we give him milk. So it's a struggle to feed him solid food.

Winnie: your ifc helped to feed semi solid? Mine refused say wait till bb 7 months.. Feel that the ifc really no standard, Xavier can get bullied by other babies. If not for their cheap price - which is also not cheap at all cause they just increased their fees again.. We would not have put him inside, also considering the fact that it is so near our house..

White lady: tried steaming pumpkin but he reject and we need to throw all away. Heard that babies like pumpkin alot... Very hard to feed him.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ahnah: it's like that one... My hb went overseas for a duration of 3 days then my son totally don't recognise him, cried when he carried him from my hands, reject him.. Made him very sad.. But now he is quite ok already.. I told my hb between work and family he must sacrifice one, no win-win situation. That's how great parents are ;)

Jascmy: my hb settles baby by putting him to sleep soundly in between us then transfer him to his playpen.. Personally i think Xavier don't like to sleep alone so we tried the mentioned method which seemed to be working..

penguin_88, you hubby jus put him laying on your bed in between both of you. No need to rock and/or sing, pat to make him sleep??

mamyvelle, I want to order too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

* cheekrene

* duckling

100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* Cheese84

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc




120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

* junetns




90 - 23.5cm (pit-pit) 32cm (length) 3pc

* mamyvelle



100 - 24.5cm (pit-pit) 34cm (length) 3pc

* sheric

* winnie_gal

* cheese84

* cheekrene

(each size only 3pcs leh, any of the mummy wanna change size?)

110 - 25.5cm (pit-pit) 36cm (length) 3pc


* duckling


120 - 26.5cm (pit-pit) 38cm (length) 3pc

* eeyore_03

* junetns

Pls advise ur acc no. so that I can make payment to u, many thanks ya!!


sunflower, I like Paul frank shirt too... hehe, going to place order later... Thanks for the info...

This few day bz like hell... today free a bit... later will go into the archive to read if i have miss out any 'good deal' :p

