(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

yes yes, its m'sia one. it's located right smack in middle of nonwhere, in a attap house (between kota tinggi & mersing) but hor...on a sunday morning, it's full house one!

Marsiling one, I tried liao. Go there when I cant feast on the m'sia one. Good subsitute actually. But far from serangoon lor. last time stay yishun not so bad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


alibaba : that is for my dinner tonight. Lunch eat mixed vegetable rice and rush to TPY branch office.

wl : Ah Mo jiek huh ? ? ? ?? meat ball from NTUC fairprice .. on budget

ahNah, thank you for the pictures...*drool*

tot u are having ang mo food. Bun + meat ball... very english.

When at NTUC, can also buy a packet of Tang Yuan, tomorrow is Dong Zhi, must eat tang yuan.

bun - vege bun from Tampines Giant

meat ball - pork $2.20 per packet from HG NTUC FairPrice ...

Didn't know tomororw Dong Zhi liao ... ok. .

Tomor on leave, maybe go NTUC buy ready make Tang Yuan

alibaba : i also duno . i follow my wife's colleague drive up one..

i miss the nasi lemark there.. but no the RM$100 summon ticket.

alibaba, i part at Kota Tinggi .. but i use Malacca coupon .. so 100 RM lor .. but i didn't pay and throw it away .. so no more malaysia for me, unless i change car plate.

Tomorrow is 冬至 ... what is your plan ?

Put coupon also kena summon?

I already bought Springhouse dumplings, red bean paste, seasme paste and peanut paste. Now in the freezer. Springhouse one is good, cos they give crashed peanuts, so can eat like muah chee, no need to boil ginger soup.

alibaba : me no dang yuan to eat .. the most tag on ppl's car to go malaysia lor.

wl : put wrong coupon lah ..

where got nice black sesame can eat in Singapore ?

oopsss... sorry ahnah... sorry for asking... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I used to like this stall at Chinatown Hawker centre. It's operated by this very very old lady. But after the hawker centre is renovated, I don't know where is her stall liao but heard it's still there...

hmm any mummies brought their babies to wedding dinners yet? did you bring the stroller along too? or use the baby chair? or carry in the lap all the way?

mdm yip,

I ever brought my #1 to wedding dinner when she was a bb, we use stroller so that she can lie down,that time she can even sleep with all the noise... so far #2, got wedding dinner but hb made him stay at home with mil...

Mdm yip, I just brought my bb to a wedding dinner last sat.. She doze off in e car on e way there.. Then throughout the whole dinner ard 3+hrs she only slept 20-25mins when I sling her and walk outside e ballroom coz too noisy.. I brought stroller n she sits on it for 15mins or so 2-3 times.. Carry her on my lap also.. I carry her outside during e yum Seng coz too loud Liao..


i had a scan on posts and saw the photo of knee pads. i personaly do not like these pads because i have seen a boy of my colig, he kept slipping and knock his chin on the floor when crawling.

his mum heartpain when she sees him having red knees so forced her hb to wear that for the boy.

poor boy got red chin then. and he kept crying when knocked on the floor.

i din get to take the video, otherwise i can show u the video.

u may try first, if ur macho boy is ok with it then can continue. if he keeps slipping then u take out.

mvh, i din contact penguin at fb because i decided to go pte surgeon and check out my boy's hernia. pte surgeon can see me immediately but kkh i need to wait 1.5 months.

so, i visited surgeon on monday, and today we went ultrasound scan to confirm.

surgeon told us that he cannot feel the hernia, and it is better to scan if there is a hole that will cause hernia intermittently or in future.

today's results, no hernia!!!

hydrocele is there, it is encysted.

so we will wait for surgeon's furhter advice tomorrow. i guess we probably wont need to go for op, (happie news) but we might still need an op (a bit worried though) cause the hydrocele is encysted and quite big.

hope got good nws tomorrow. at the moment, i feel relief because the condition was not as bad as I initially thought. I feel good to have the surgeon's check and advice to rule out this hernia. so we were scaring ourselves initially.

QQ, good to hear that yr boy doesn't have hernia.. I think private really make a great difference fr KKH.. So efficient n can an xin now.. Mmm what is hydrocele? Lump thingy? Will cause yr boy to be in pain or not? Meanwhile, take care n post us e good news ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gd morning~


great to hear that ! wait for ur good news.


the chinatown one i went is the street hawker one.. tink is below yam cha..


how's ur gal slp training?

mvh, eeyore, thanks.. I was wondering to bring the stroller or not, looks like I better. will also bring the sling in case he gets fussy.

MVH, alibaba,


Surgeon called, he said hernia is not there.

hydrocele is moderate in size, we will monitor for 4 months and check the size.

surgery is needed only if this cannot go away and not shrinking in size.

so, good news! and we turned one big round, made my life so miserable last weekend and today is already wed, problems all solved.

hi,instead of knee pads why not let baby wear those leg warmers.shld serve the purpose,

for my dd1 i buy knee pad but she didn't like it and will cry a heck if I put it

Knee pad

Thks ladies for ur feedbacks ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good news. Hope everything is ok for ur boy!

Alibaba, I realize must make my gal cry for sometimes.. If not, she sure wake up in e middle of the nite.. Like now.. Sigh.. Coz just now ard 9+pm I only let her whine for ard 10mins n put her in yaolan to sleep..

See her cry also heartpain at times.. Sigh..

for those using avent bottles? have u started using size 3 teats or

can ask when did u change to size 3 teats?

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunflower, I try to train her not to wake up n play.. Milk still cannot.. She is a small drinker since got reflux hence need to be fed frequently.. Wake up drink still ok.. Dun wake up n play n then can't fall asleep by herself then I more headache.. Last nite din make her cry much n put her in yaolan then in e end I suffer in e middle of the nite.. Woke at 2+, 3+, 5+ cry n cry..


my boy still drinking size 2 for his milk n size 1 for his water.. is it a must to change the teats according to their age??

Madam Yip

I brought the stroller to the wedding dinner so that he can sleep, that was two months ago.


great to hear your bb does not hv hernia and no need to go for surgery. Really happy for you.


My boy is using Avent size 3 since 3mo. If he drinks too fast, he will choke abit, but otherwise he can finish his milk in less than 10min.

Re: Rice cereal

After my boy had his second injection yesterday, I went to Cold Storage to buy Bellamy organic rice cereal for him. This morning my hb fed him a teaspoon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gradually, we will increase more over two weeks.

According to my PD, it is better to introduce solid earlier for acid reflux babies. And I have also confirmed his drooling is due to acid reflux and not teething.

Rachel, why ur pd say start solids earlier for acid reflux bb ah? My gal is also a reflux bb.. Wondering should I start solids at 5 months or 5.5 or 6 months.. How old is yr bb?

Halo everyone!

Went PD yesterday, she said no hurry to start on solid. Still best to wait until 6 months to reduce chances of allegery. Sigh... I was all prepared to start my girl! Now still gotta wait.

Hi Mummies,

Need to check with you all. My baby ger is now bout 4 mths old. Notice that every time during feed (feeding formula), she will "play" with her milk or that she will be distracted. "Playing" with her milk meaning she somehow, uses her hands to push the bottle away, or use her tongue to push it to the sides & since yesterday, when we grab her hands & that she cant push the bottle away, she will "Boo" her bottle out. (using her breath to push out the bottle when both her cheeks are filled with her own air)

Is it normal?

My baby sleeps in the YaoLan. Trying to get her to sleep on bed but failed or elso during CNY, Im bound to suffer when we go visiting as I'll have to be manual YaoLan if she needs to sleep. Everytime we put her down in YaoLan, she wil either turn very very left or right so backwards that I worry she sprain herself. What can I do about it? Sometimes, she will kick kick kick in the YaoLan. Eat oso eat liao, pampers oso change liao, but just keep kicking. Why is it so?

Recently she like to scream too. Not that she is unwell, then she scream. She screams happily when we played with her. Does ur babies do that too...

