(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


i'll do the same for my #2...if not like not fair wor



the bag looks like this....$2 oni from diaso


it's v simple 1....juz print n cut then tie to the bag oni...inside the bag is 2 eggs that's all



thanks for sharing your idea.

do you remember how many inside bag(s)inside the each $2 deal huh?

what you use to print the bb photo on? may i ask please.

RE: tube bra,

I bought some tube bras from kiddy palace when I have #1.. not very good leh.. personally dun really like it.. and somemore no padding..


I also got backache last nite. Cant sleep well.. felt like i m "sinking" into my bed and felt uncomfortable. I like to sleep on my back but after a while, my back is numb.. guess not enough blood. Sleep at sides, my gal kicks me non-stop and feel like the skin is tearing near the gastric area..

My #1 recently wanna sleep in between me and my hubby.. coz she got high fever since last sat. used to sleep on her own mattress besides me la.. guess have to train her to sleep on her own again.. sigh.. my #2 will sleep in the same room as us.. so quite packed..

My swollen feet comes on and off so it's not sign of bb coming.

Men's swollen leg? Gout?

These few days can feel bottom of tummy very stretched. Does that mean bb is head down?

luving daddy & little piggy,

not too sure wor...u go diaso find the bag u like lor...no matter wad still cheaper then getting those gifts from outside mah...i think shd hv ard 15 at least ba....

hmm....mayb i shd sell this online LOLx


i remember my MIL bought a herb that makes the water yellowish and bathe my gal.. coz my gal got jaundice, so they believe that the herbs help.. cant remember the name.. but can ask my mil if u r interested.







same lor.. sleep on back, after a while become numb.. then sideways.. bb will kick non stop.. then if try to use pillow to cushion bb, end up feeling pain on tummy.. Haiz..


orh.. think if still can walk around, then go daiso for a look bah.


your DIY gift is very nice leh... how to get yr bb pix printed out? DIY as well? I dont have a printer at home leh...

haha , those mummies need the printing of baby cards or any printing , can let me know , cos i do this business at home =)

will be going for my gynae appt later ... will update on bb weight later =) and will be deciding on the c section date as well ... excited !

And ya, can i visit my fren who is doing confinement? Cos she mentioned her family not pantang type.

My parents quite pantang one but me and hb not leh.

How? Can go but not touch or?


ya, i just clarified with my fren, she also told me the yellow herbs to bathe baby if baby got jaundice. its ok, when time comes, then will go buy from medical hall.


so u wrap the eggs with the babycard..these are for those who come to the party right? so no cake given out right?


thanks for the detail "explored" pics, got it.

you sure got a creative pair of hands. good good.


noted, ya btw how much huh?? sorri for being so forward. :p

those interested to check with me the price , u all PM me , if not wait i kenna kick out ! haha .. cheap cheap only !

for me , i didnt give cakes to relative , i invited them all to the full month party lor , but i also did small favour like suika =)

but those who give gift and ang bao but no come one , relative i will give cake/red egg/ang gu kua , for friend or colleague , can give those cake voucher lor =)

My mil says if got full month party,no need to give cakes liao. So, i may just give cakes to family and relatives. Too much effort to invite ppl over and then have to clean up.

I tot glutinous rice is a hokkien custom?

glutinous rice is a hokkien custom >

i reckon so, cos me is teochew - no cook glutinous rice; in law are hokkien - cook and give glutinous rice but i got eat lah..

pss, seems like is for boy only lah... ha..


i oni gave the eggs out no cakes given...heehee budget mah :p

i got serve the 'nuo mi fan' n the 'ang ni' there so see who wans eat just take lor

for girl it's 'ang ku kuei' boi is 'ang ni'


i did take the NB pic at the hospital....price abt $168 if not wrong


last time my legs oso swell badly, oni went dwn when my waterbag broke...heehee it's like almost immediate lor :p

like balloon deflat juz went back to normal size once my waterbag broke in the hospital

maybe for my case oni lah mi not too sure


Take at hospital? Is it a service provided by hospital? Thought normally is take from home or studio... Your package of $168 include how many photo for bb?

Hi all.. Came back frm gyane appt.. Bb is weighing 2.5kg at 35wks plus.. Within 2 wks she gain 300g! I will be gg for c-section on the 28 july,as rec by gyane cuz I hav a major operation at spine b4 when I was 13yr old.

Haiz. So sad after my gyane say I nd c-section .


our practice is those who comes for the baby shower is consider treated them already so never give extra cakes or gifts. Save cost mah, just buy ang gu kueh and treat them at the buffet.


I think Suika refers to the Peter pan studio...

the package includes different sizes of photo and certificate of the born child... usu we took it during our stay in hospital and only take 1 shot...

the one u refer to is engage more pro photographers to take, usu at home during your confinement and nb package are usu less than 2 weeks old bb...

I think now cheers and tears got good offer for those that wanna take together with maternity...

buy maternity get newborn package...



winnie gal: How come now then yr gynae tell u that u need C-section due to your previous op? Anyway, don't be sad about that.... remember, the most important thing is to give birth to a healthy baby!

