(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


Hey maybe we shld do a study of the Aug mummies and see if this theory is true [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



gg for natural again...hopefully no problem :)


normally shd b faster then the 1 before mah....hers drag till so long....poor thing

finally started to rain abit....now stop again but sky still so dark


study if longer labour means bigger babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeh! go for it!

eeyore & suika,

yah rain stopping soon, weekend is here again! we all nd to rest more.

i was juz thinking the weather has turned cooler recently, hopefully it stays this way during our confinement.


u mean bigger size of baby more difficult to come out is it ..

well .. some of them only take less than 10 mins wat.

Good afternn.. TGIF!! but a rainy one..

How are all the preggy ladies here??

anyone experiencing false BHC??

Cos i am having some on and off lately.. dunno its becos too stress or becos walk or stand too much.

wah..finally i can login..duno y after i login i try to login i can't..the forum seems to have problem..

am on mc today due to my cough...

can i check wat is the feeling of heartburn like?

i realise once i stuff in food i can feel my thorat or chest burning...


hmm.. okie.. cos i think mine more of false alarm.. will cause me to have the "wanna do big business" feeling..


oo.. u better rest well.. cough not easy to recover. heartburn is that u can feel ur chest burning.. very xin ku one.. else can be caused during acid reflux..


sounds like heartburn. i was recently diagnosed with gastric flu; and given medicine to reduce the gastric acids.

the doc says as we progress in our last trimester, there is lesser space for the stomach to digest food.

so the trick is less food, but eat more frequently...

Coconut Drink

Any mummies starting drinking already?

I drank twice during the past 2-3 weeks.

Hope this will really help with reducing jaundice for baby.


most prob i will start drinking this weekend..

I dun dare drink yet cos of the false BHC.. scared becos too "liang".. then no good..

Thanks littlepiggy and dreymin..

i tink is heartburn..wah my 1st time kena so serious leh... i drink or eat wat i can feel the burning sensation...

juz now when i visit my family doc, she say my tummy very tight liao might gg birth soon...so she ask me nott to squat.. wah lau so stress... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

another rainy afternoon ladies and gent.

talkin bout bb weight, share with you all some funny moment of our 1st boy.

Shortly after delievery(c-sec), I followed the nurse with bb to the weighing room to do the weighing.

upon weighing of bb, the scale show a whopping 4.3kg on the display (btw, bb was born on 38 weeks).

the nurse so excitedly call out the other nurses there to come see my "big" bb, well being 1st time daddy, i also dont know how big bb should be when born and how big bb should look like you see. so i was quite cool then, only when the nurses told me that very seldom they see newborn bb over 4 kg, then i start to start to examine my boy to see, but cant tell how come so heavy leh.

the funny part, the next day morning while driving to the hospt, a nurse call me again and tell me the scale they used the day before to weigh my boy is faulty, cont to tell me they weigh again that morning and bb weight is 3.3kg. ha, almost faint from burst of laughter...

ha, till now our #1 actual weight at birth is still a big mystery. ya, i still have the pic of my boy on the scale with a display of 4.3kg, priceless hahahaa...


u lucky liao.. now then first time kena..

I always kena at nite acid reflux + heart burn.. so night time even when drink water.. i will end up puking water cos it will be forced out by the reflux. Some times i drink milk to get rid of the acid... so that wont get heart burn.


hmm.. if taken together maybe will.. but if like today u drink coconut, already absorb into body, next day eat heaty stuffs.. might just end up becoming heaty again bah..


woah.. so till now dunno its a mistake or wat huh? but actually pple say big bb is better to be taken care of.. cos small will be much more fragile.. hehe..


avoid spicy food..juz now eat curry noodles, then after 30mins, some of the curry flows back to my throat and "burn" my throat.. got "burnt" several occassions..


i also wanna drink coconut leh.. but dunno where to buy.. supermarkets dun have rite? sigh..

littlepiggy and winnie,

I have been experiencing hardening every day for 1-2 weeks liao.. gynae said BHC.. not to worry lor.. so juz have to bear with it as long as it is not painful..

dreymin ,

my #2 also planning epi c section , but i got experience for #1 , i know what is going to happen step by step , make me so scare this time round .. haha .... do u feel the same way ? or u not scare , so have u choose a date for c section ?


ya, its most probably a mistake from the hospt, hope our bb is the only one "affected" huh.

hmm, big bb, small bb no matter lah after all he is our precious bb, no matter how much effort it still worth it. agreed? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya, gonna keep the pic to show him and tell him "his story" when he is older. haha..


where u stay? u can try finding those GREEN coconuts from those drinks stores in hawker centres. Food court will be more ex. Some supermarket have but the skin already gone, so not so good. Oh.. oso better to drink it cold, cos if not cold de, u may not like it cos it will taste a little sour and u may wonder if it is spoiled.

hardening as in? bb squeeze and push ur tummy?? cos mine, the hardening is on the top, not bottom.. but i will feel some weird sng sng feeling at the bottom near to both my legs.. sometimes is bb turn then will get the feeling.. but even when i am seated will still get those sng sng feeling.. but ya.. as long as not painful then not so bad.


yah.. avoid spicy.. thou sometimes craving so will still eat.. but will have to bear the after effects.

luving daddy,

haha.. definitely.. its ur precious what.. as long as bb is healthy.. other things not to worry that much. Keke.. u never ask hospital to give u more freebies for the mistake made?? LOL!!


yes, so long bb and mummy are both healthy and safe, nothing else really matters.

well, here wishing all mummies and soon to be born bbs a safe and healthy deliveries. cheers... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eh.. some say anytime after week 32 can drink liao but not so much.. i dun dare.. so i prefer wait till really last few weeks then start to drink. so this week week 34 le.. so will start drinking once a week, then after week 36 then maybe twice a week.

luving daddy,

hehe.. thanks thanks.. yah.. as long as bb and mummy healthy is good enough le..


so early create ah??

talking about coconut, is this the kind that we can take? I wanna take but just not sure which one.



i also have the sng sng feeling bet my legs... been having it ever since i'm 20+ wks... not sure what is it also...

re: BHC

I still dunno how it feels like... 32.5wks can experience liao?


yah yah.. this is the kind of coconut to drink. outside most of the time will still have the green skin on but if buy from supermarket, most of the time is just like the pic above. I heard those small small Thai coconut (u can get from pasar malam) not much use de.

yah.. not sure what is that..

i got ask my gynae.. he say, when contraction comes, u will know de...


Try any hawker centers near your place, they usu sell coconut drinks at drink stalls.


that is a nice story to share with your son!


my 1st delivery was quite traumatic in a way but i felt quite calm throughout the process coz my doc very 'steady'.

for the #2 delivery i trust should be much smoother since it is a planned C-S, not emergency C-S like the first one.

hv faith in your doc and the operating team, they hv been thru this many a time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think we shld start now, some say last month, some say last trimester.


u r so on! i think u wl aso create blog for ur kiddo nx time.


i stay at sembawang.. no hawker here unless i go yishun..

hardening.. sometimes not baby squeeze to one side.. most of the time at the top.. baby din move and the "skin" or whatever turns hard.. hard to describe..


hmm.. then u try look out whenever u can bah. once have u drink lor.. but must remember how many have u drank that week. Near ur office have?

i am not sure if u have the same feel as me, but the hardening i have on top is tot bb squeeze upwards, thus feel hard.. then after massage abit on the hard part.. it will soften then i guess bb went back down bah.

Thanks littlepiggy. Will keep a lookout for this coconut then... =)

wah, ahnah, u so on will blog ar... i try blogging for a while, gave up cuz become lazy liao... haha~ what you usually blog about? food?


last time i blog about me, the things that I do .. food, messy relationship, army life, student life.. and etc ..

littlepiggy and MVH > i experienced alot of the so called hardening u have described...almost every other hour except at nite when i go to bed...don think this is BH? i guess more bb is stretching...although sometimes it gets a bit uncomfortable when bb pushes out too hard.



i helping u ask my friend, cos he is oso staying in sembawang.. then that time his wife preg oso.. so asking see if he knows where to get anot.

