(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


seems like something wrong with the main Year 2010 Mums' thread...

i'm hoping i'm one of those that can stay at home... haha~

morning ladies!!

guessed i'll check w woody nxt wk when i see him....by then i'll b in wk35 liao ;-)


staying hm waiting to pop? abit too early liao lah....so ur wife gonna take ML early?

shit lah....mi till now still no pack my bag


I havent pack my bag too! I havent even washed baby clothes.. :X really got a lot of things to prepare.. so tired everyday.. and gal occupy my every weekend.. no time to spare..

JL having sales now n there's an extra 20% off all items including those that's already on offer price....till 4th jul oni

Me also did my finger prick test for glucose and haemoglobin.

Doc did a vaginal swab for infection.


Me also eyeing on musical mobile. What type you like? I saw some nice ones with stuff animlas in mothercare but about $80+ to 120+. But they do have 15% discount till july.


Sometimes,if i walk/squat too much, my v area will feel sore. But it goes away. I have been feeling that since 20+ wks.

suika and MVH,

I also haven't pack and wash... weekdays too tired after work... weekends gonna clear housework... still haven't finish buying bb stuff too... hope can get everything ready by end Jul...


i only packed halfway through. Will need to pack this weekend. I am packing everything in a lugguage... hehe! sound like going to hotel to stay =P


i also feel sore at my V area recently.

morning ladies,

can i check with u all? anyone got red rashes on your tummy? i suddenly have alot red rashes, but its not itchy.. duno why..

suika, i also haven pack my bag..half way through washing baby clothes.


mi better then u abit....took out the clothes to wash on tue liao

guessed that i'm not the oni 1 who's so "relax" everything not prepared

cheekrene ,

my wife rashes is due to the cream, charmaine knows abt it as well.


bangkok lor.. company trip at end of Jul.

my wife's EDD is at 28 Aug

bakaholic & cheekrene,

thanks for replying. at least i know it's normal... cuz yesterday it's my first time experiencing it, so not sure whether it is normal.

get to c my bb girl tml again! can't wait... hehe~


if you intend to travel, ask your gynae to recommend a bkk gynae or hospital just in case. Actually, it's better to stay put in Sin cos your wife should be nearing 36/37wks.


ya, suika told me could be due to heat.. but stop the cream just in case it worsen..so maybe i will stop the cream for the time being and see how..

test test...


i have all kinds of skin problem on my body. I have heat rash, white spots, stretchmarks and those tiny so-called pimples... haha! all I can do is to apply my cream on those affected stretchmarks area. haiz. i feel so sad when i see my sensitive skin.


u gg for how many days? if ur wife dun mind then ok lah....the last time my hb oso went bangkok (sort of leisure w a few friends) 1mth b4 my edd


preg our skin tends to b more sensitive so hv to b extra careful on wad we using....my gynea says juz use the normal cream that i use then shd b no problem liao

Ya, I also realised my skin and hair was so dry since yesterday. My lips is craking since 2 weeks ago. I drink a lot of water leh.


ya lor. i am very careful on the cream that i use. so far switch to clarins for my stretchmarks, it does not show those itchy rashes that i had previously. maybe towards the end of our trimester, all kinds of skin problems will come out. i had to bear with it till after delivery =)

yah, my stretchmarks also appear like nobody business now... see already quite upset de... now can only religiously apply cream to lighten them... =(

lazy fri afternoon... no mood to work leh... somemore last nite woke up at 1+ and only slept at 4am..

ya the forum is very quiet..

Went to see gynae today, all is well.

Baby is 2.1kg at week 33; this is an average size according to doc.

Will be gg for visits every 2 weeks starting from now onwards.

Guess this is more assuring since we are all closer to full term.

Forum is up again!

Nowadays feeling extra tired and heavy.

Those worrying about bb weight - last time my boy was also about 1.9kg@32 wks, considered small. But he was about 3.2kg when popped at 38 wks, so really there will be exponential growth in the last month. Anyway gynae said that bb weight is also largely genetics, i.e. nothing much we can do about it. Most impt is that the organs are fully matured. Baby weight can change a lot after birth, apparently I was also 3.2kg when born but after that I was always only at 10-percentile, made my mummy very pek chek... hahahaha.


i think the baby weight got to do with your size as well coz you are smaller built, if doc says is doing fine dun worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


your baby size is fine, in fact it is a good size!

re: durian

ann, same here, hubby and i loves durian and we ate quite alot when preggy with #1 but he is juz not keen, strange rite?


it may has to do with your body make-up and genetics, some pple even though very slim like a close friend has high cholesterol and she eats quite healthily.


Yes i agree with you, birth weight is not an indicator of the growth later.

My #1 was born at 3.4kg which is not a very big size but he later put on so much weight till he was 95% percentile.

Now he is about average size which is good enough for hubby and i as long as he is healthy and eating well.


if she's not comfortable without u ard then best u dun go lah....for me that time i still ok, my hb not ard i took leave n drove all the way from my plc to tampines n chiong sales lor....heehee n he came back hm with almost 10 naraya bags for me plus the clock that i've wanted in 2005 when we ROM...that's y mi not angry :p


my boy oso abt 2kg @ wk32 when pop he's 3kg....their weight dbl up v fast now


if you can avoid the trip, then try not to go coz in the last month, coz your wife needs more support physically and emotionally [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dreymin ,

3.4kg not big meh ? mine only 2.9kg at 38 week when born ! haha , so i feel 3.4kg is big leh =)

very fast , all counting down liao hor ... some less than a month liao leh !! excited ! will get to see many cute newborn bb photo ...

will be going for my next appt next week , will then book the hospital and date for c section !! excited ....


I wish! I was induced for more than 10 hrs but cervix did not dilute so had an emergency C-S.

Very heartpain coz cannot experience natural birth and have to pay double for 2 deliveries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

We hv opt for elective C-S for #2.

How about you suika? Are you going for natural?

dreymin, yr bb is bigger than mine..

somemore my gynae asks me to see him 3 weeks later which i will be in w37 liao.. i thought will be 2 weeks later but dunno y now 3 weeks.. guess he is very busy.. heard he got C-sec operations quite often recently...


Yah. I was thinking of not to go liao. But now she ask me. . not sayang to go meh, free trip + pocket $ to spend.


My gynae said avg size leh, she prob delivered those really big 4kg+ babies? Hehe!

Yah lor, so fast! I was telling my boss so surreal, we will be welcoming our newborn in slightly more than a month.

Why are you opting for C-S?

dreymin, 3.4kg is considered big! mine was 3kg at birth, 39weeks.. so gynae predicts #2 abt the same weight and somemore he said most prob will pop earlier than #1.. so lagi lesser weight..

i think bigger size -> more hrs in labor?

coz my colleague juz delivered 1-2 weeks ago... her baby gal is 3.95kg and she suffered for 18hours. as compared to her #1 and #2, both less than 3.5kg at birth and <8hrs of labour...



yah your interval of 3 weeks seems quite long. prob u r right, the doc is busy so cannot see the patients more frequently.


yah weigh what is more impt lor, keke! :p


my #1 C-S was epi/LA, hubby was around for DS's birth.

will opt for the same for #2 as well, so hubby can witness the birth as well.

