(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

charmaine & dreymin,

do take care and rest well! really not easy to be sick at this stage...


consultant from my antenatal class advise against placing headphones on mummy's tummy. Not good for baby. AhNah's method is good enough le...


thot we shld feel more movements now since bb is getting bigger and womb space getting more limited?

Re: Brushing teeth during confinement

anyone heard that we can't use our normal toothpaste for brushing teeth during confinement? my mum was telling me about it. but she also not sure what to use to brush teeth. haha~



they prefer one person to handle the booking otherwise it will be a big mess.

nature lover,

i agreed. once I teach my HR on those travel stuffs, i will ignore the calls in future. scare when i go maternity leave, i won't be able to have peace at all.


yeah. i always dehydrated so my husband always buy 100 plus for me.


i already planned my maternity leave starting from week 39. but I will ask my gynae to die die give me HL on week 38. scare baby pop on that week.



my baby got lots of movements. by right, my baby will have no space but don't know how she can do it. kick here and there. sometimes she can shake my tummy. haha


i recently bought some lemon sorbet(something like ice cream) from supermarket for my wife as she is like you keep feelin like puking. after she tried she says that it does helps, she says it works better than plums.

I got try the lemon sorbet myself, its rather refreshing and not sweet as its made from real fruits(but dun know how true). maybe you can try bit bit and see if it helps.

I just said only.. the aunty downstairs cooking. The smell reach my nose and all the porridge I try to contain are now down the toilet bowl..

Dunnoe what to do....


u know wat i will do? close all the windows and keep the smells out.

now i aso cannot tahan strong smells like curry or frying fish.

almost back to 1st trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cheekrene > ya, my gal's movements also started to get really huge since last week...and u are right, sometimes the tummy is literally shaking! haha...space is definitely v tight now....

hi all,

finally the forum is up and got time to post..

I went to see gynae on tue (2 days ago)...

bb is 2.2kg at 34w. Check the iphone app (what to expect).. supposed to be 2.5kg at 34w.. this makes me worry a bit.. and saw someone post bb at 2.1kg at 32w.. even more worried.. maybe should eat durian more.. but i m getting heaty these days.. got ulcer.. sigh..

another thing i ask doc is got extra charge if deliver on national day.. he said no extra charge unless planned C-sec. I asked what abt hospital.. he said no leh.. strange.. whose info is wrong?

anyway, i mentioned to my gynae that i got hardening everyday.. he said BH contractions.. so he does a V-check below.. not dilation yet.. so still safe.. told him abt the watery discharge and ask him issit waterbag leaking.. he said everything is normal, no need to worry.. more an xin after hearing ..

did a strep-B test also.. gynae said now he asked every patient wanna do or not $40 per test. Last time my #1 i din do, so he said can dun do.. but he keeps asking me for an answer whether i want to do or not during my scan before the V-check.. in the end, i just do lor.. need to wait for 1week for result..

But that day he is in a rush to C-sec someone leh.. so he gave me the admission form but din make any reservation with hospital.. or ask me want 2 or 4 bedded.. those mummies under Dr Ang, need to make reservation or not ah? I cant remember my #1 case liao..

anyway, my next appt is 3 weeks later.. at 37w.. very late orh? I thou normally now should be fortnightly?

luving daddy,

baby full term at wk37..but some babies come out at week 33-36, and they are ok, just need to jab to mature the lungs.

my gynae told me, as long as baby hit 2kg, its safe to deliver them, else gotta stay in NICU for some time.

MVH: my baby is 2.08kg at 34 weeks.... my doc say its below average. I think the average size should be 2.1kg at 34 wks according to babycentre.com. The iphone app maybe is average for ang mo size?

ann, my gynae din say anything la.. just hope the size is okay.. u also jia you okay? eat more.. try durian since some say can improve weight.. but me too heaty to eat these fruits..

ann > my bb was 1.8kg at 32 weeks.....this sat go check up will be 34weeks+.....see if she can hit 2.1kg...but my gynae did mention she is not expecting my bb to be big...likely to be just a 3kg if carry till 40 weeks.

MVH: I don't think durians help for me... I rem I ate alot of durians for #1 but end up, she only 2kg at birth.... So for #2, I didn't eat durians since its high calorie and all the fats go to me instead of baby. I think I will just drink more milk......


I think you refer to my baby. My baby is 2.1 kg at week 32. I was very shocked about it. Now I can feel the weight as she is pushing against my V.


hehe. it's really funny to see our babies move out of the sudden, right? now she can use her foot to push my right side of my tummy. it can be painful and i always scold her la... haha.


protein is one of the main important source to increase bb's weight..u can try taking protein powder..

when i was at wk 28, bb weights 1.3kg only.. i took protein powder from then onwards after a few frens advise me..at wk32, my baby weighs 2.36kg.

within 4 weeks, he outgrown 1kg.. u gals can consider..it will not make u fat as wat annum milk powder does.


Is that so?

No wonder my gynae not worried my baby just check heart beat normal so he say eat porridge la.

My bb already 2.4kg in 34 weeks according to the sonographer.


I try to smell the oil..


I closed all my windows..

Actually, I wonder what I eat for the glucost test to fail.. I dun eat durian le..

ann > 3kg if hit 40weeks...otherwise will be below that...that's why she wont be that big if i pop before 40 weeks...

sunflower > what brand of protein powder u taking? my gynae has also advised me to take high protein food to boost bb's weight...so i been trying to take more eggs, white meat and red meat...

and ya, i don like annum or similac milk powder...find them v sweet lei....so i just take normal anlene milk powder...

Mvh, Ann,

According to babycentre chart, your bb weight seems ok. Dun worry so much. Some babies grow exponetially in later stages. You can try taking more protein like beef, meat. I am not sure about durians cos it's high in sugar and heaty. Maybe just take a few cos you dun wanna fall ill.


Why not you ask Dr. Kee to write you a letter to exempt you from heavy stuff and do only light duties? Othwerwise, just tell your colleagues to do the heavy stuff or squatting themselves. Tell them if early labour, do they want to be responsible?


it has nothing to do with wat you eat leh..

ur body cannot break down the sugar contents..its your body’s ability to metabolize glucose, or clear it out of the bloodstream.

Our Waist Competition

Due Date: 35 wks

Prize for smaller : KOI from TPY (to enocurage gaining more)

Prize for biggest : Soya Bean Drink from Geylang (healthy choice since gain so much)

"Prizes sponsered are the courtesy of Ahnah"

Angel: 42.5" @ 35wks

charmaine1978: 35" @ 35wks

dsqyvonne: 38" @ 28 wks

pekkle: 38" @ 31 wks

Nature Lover: 41" @ 31 wks

Saffy: 36" @ 32 wks

MVH: 42" @ 31 wks

ducklingeshop: 40" @ 31 wks

xpink_xuanx: 47" @ 30wks

winnie: 42" @ 32 weeks

ahnah: 34" @ week zero

white_lady: 37.5" @ 30 weeks

haitang: 36.5" @ 32-33wks

sunflower: 39" @ 31 wks

nekowong: 37" @ week 28

eeyore_03: 37" @ 32 wks

mrs ahnah: 42" @ 29 weeks

Starz: 39" @ 31 weeks

cheekrene: 37.5" @ 30 weeks

Bakaholic: 37.5" @ 29 wks

jascmy: 43" @ 29 wks

alibaba:36" @ 31 wks

Leobaby: 38.8" @ 28 wks

weiling: 39" @ 33 wks

purelyz: 39.8" @ 32 wks

scooby2010:38" @ 32 weeks

suika: 38.2" @ 32wks

luvingdaddy: 33" since yr 2003

fumiko: 42" @ 32 wk


ya high protein food, especially red meat..but i realised i can only take this much of meat per day, so i took protein powder as well to boost up the weight.

im taking those MLM product.. from Amway..

i heard durian doesnt work for everyone..

I think so long as Bb is healthy and full term, size does not matter? Will be easier for us to deliver leh. They can gain weight after they born rite.

bakaholic: I'm not worried about the bb's weight... Just feel a bit sian cos i thought i took better care of myself this time round by eating healthier food, do more exercises, less stress etc.... but end up, still below average size.

sunflower: thanks, think I should try to eat more meat then.....


oh u are taking amway product....i see how much she weighs this sat...if need be, then start on the protein powder...

cheekrene > it is rather amazing to see the little life nudging us with quite a bit of strength! u just feel that nature is amazing...


Think your this bb knows how to take in only the good stuff.. they say, the bb fats and meat can come later after giving birth.. so not too big can deliver easier leh..

Charmaine: Talking about good stuffs, I feel like eating bird's nest these days... but no one cook for me.... Was thinking of buying those bottled bird's nest to drink....

ahNah: hahaha.... so should eat those 'mao shan wang' type?? Anyway, my #1 now still doesn't like to eat durians.... which is weird cos my hb and I love durians!

checking w u all....have ur gynea taken blood test for u ladies? duno if coz my last preg was very near so he no take my blood this time

suika: Nope, my gynae didn't do any blood test for me recently. The only blood test I did was at 12 wks for the first trimester screening.

i rem last time got take blood test for HIV etc examination 1...but this time till now my gynea still no take

suika: yeah i rem the nurse told me that since already tested for HIV etc during the first trimester, so now no need to test again... They put my blood test results in the pre-admission envelope for me to pass to the nurses when I go into delivery ward.

ann: mi till now still no taken any blood test for this preg....hmm or my gynea had forgotten all abt that?


Has anyone seen this being sold anywhere? I'm searching for this Gerber Breast Relief pack but can't seem to find it........ Tried Kiddy Palace but they don't sell anymore. I find this warm relief pack very good to relief clogged milk ducts so wanna have it on hand.


i can only tell them that i cannot do much heavy stuff anymore. my colleague can tell that i was very grouchy when i was told to do something. i told him because i am pregnant woman.


i just had my blood test 3 days ago. i was testing for glucose and hemoglobin test and i passed both.


Hi mummies and daddies, forum seems to be down this few days. Hows everyone?

I am wondering whether to get the cot musical mobile. any recommendation?

