(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


they call this type of bleeding as lochia.

Quote from babycenter.co.uk


"You may bleed for as little as two to three weeks or as long as six weeks after having your baby. The flow will diminish very gradually. Red lochia usually tapers off within the first couple of weeks, although if you try to do too much too soon it may start flowing again. If you see bright red blood, it's a sign to slow down.

Not really. Just make sure you stock up on maternity pads before your baby is born. Two or three packs should do. Tampons are off limits for the first six weeks or so. They can introduce bacteria into your still-healing uterus and cause infection.

You may need to change your pad every hour or two to start with, then every three or four hours in the coming days and weeks. Make sure you wash your hands before and after changing your pad."


Sunfl@wer> the brush is reusable. but coz the brush is mini and "hair" very short, gets flatten easily loh. 1 pack i think 2 pcs bah. but they always out of stock last time. so i very kiasu. now not sure. :p

use only the beansprout husks (the black cover) not beansprout right? ok, next time will go market and ask. hehe...

HI mummies...

Tomorrow is my mum's birthday and I intend to treat her to a nice buffet lunch, my MIL will be joining us too but she can't eat too oily food, any nice recommendation for a good makan place?

dsqyvonne> ankle... do you still wear heels?

eeyore, dreymin> Singapore gov. is giving the maid ultimate protection and employers here are also much nicer than those in other countries yet the maids still don't treasure. sigh...

White_lady> i think that's what my mother in law mentioned too. but accordingly to her, seems like even for natural birth, when the gynae removes the placenta, he will be able to do some "cleaning" also...

eeyore> thanks ! will check out the dimension and if i need to get a spare one later will let you know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Saw some discussions on Dr Brown bottles. My mum just bought a couple of those for me, cos they are also BPA free, initially I intend to buy more but now if the washing is tedious.... I might reconsider too....


back in jakarta, those maid are treated like dogs, very inhuman. These ppl really duno how to appreciate the good life in Singapore.


no leh...at this time, i thought cannot wear heels??I now weare slippers to work lor...shoes can't fit in already..


How about dim sum? Should be light enough.

I rarely patronise these places but for special occasions I will bring my parents and in laws for exquistie dim sum:

- Kam Boat (Shaw next to Isetan Scotts)

- Wah Lok (Carlton Hotel)

- Xin Cuisine (Holiday Inn Atrium)

- Crystal Jade (Paragon 4th or 5th floor)


I just went to Ah Yat Turf City for dim sum last Sat... is it the same as yours?

I thought the food quality was alright and very affordable, we spent $128 for 11 of us including taxes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks, dreymin and ahNah..

Indeed Dimsum is the best option to bring folks to!

I'm going to search for reviews on the restaurant you mentioned..seriously, I've never been to dimsum in Singapore in the recent years, but I vaguely remembered I like Teahouse in China Square (not sure if it is still there, went there like.. 6 years ago).

btw, Ahnah, my mum mentioned before that Ah Yi has got those bird nest egg tarts that taste really good, have you tried??

Talk abt food, I'm getting so hungry again. Like many mummies here, I'm also experiencing a bit of heartburn and nausea..especially after supper...haha, always hungry at night. Then I find it sooooo hard to fall asleep.

Scent, bird nest egg tarts... I nvr tried. Can't afford it.

dreymin, dun believe me. It is their advertisement ... not mine.. i dun own a share or pair of it.

i wearing teva slippers everywhere now. My birkenstock cannot fit cos feet swelling up.

Dim sum.. yum..

I like yan palace or ah Yat at jurong also not bad. If you want early morning and cheap dim sum, swee choon.

Ah nah, I've not yet been to "yum cha", heard it is quite crowded. I can hardly walk now so better is a place that has it own carpark so I dun have to walk too far. Only at 29 weeks but I can no longer walk too much, that day at Ikea I saw a pregnant mummy with a much much bigger tummy walking like a breeze past me.... haiz...

MVH, China Square renovated??? Erm, I thought that place is new when I am working around Raffles... time flies!! Then no more teahouse??? That place has my most precious memories!


Yum Cha is second floor. If dun wan to climb, on level 1.. there is another one call "德宝"

I ever saw my next door's preg lady running acorss the bus to chase after the bus. I salute to her.


Jurong is too far for me to go now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, is Fumiko still updating the list? I've moved to my new home in Queenstown. No longer staying in Jurong area liao... here is much nearer to TMC. I'm more comforted too..lately I have this nightmare abt getting closer to the month of August... I started thinking about how contractions will feels like, and I wonder how high is my tolerance for pain. Me and my hubby didn't sign up for an antenatal course so we might be at a lost when the time comes....

Scent, talking about supper, last night at 11.30pm, I felt so hungry that I simply can't sleep. I ended up cooking Korean Kimchi instant noodles completed with an egg. Gobbled up everything. Felt so sinful, yet so sastifying. I had quite a good sleep after that.

Moral of the story: eat whenever you want. dont care!

Ah Nah, are you sure she is pregnant???? When I am only 4 weeks pregnant(that time still wondering if the sac is a blood clot or not...) I already don't dare to run for buses and/or traffic lights!!!


Yes... very sure .. her big tummy is bouncing up and down. So obvious .. the bus driver stop immediately and wait for her. So 可怖.

Wl, so good. Last night I only share 1 box of Hokkien PRawn Mee with my wife. 1/2 full only.

Scent, think 2 yr ago renov.. now no more food court at level 1.. become mini-shops.. i think i only go back once or twice after renov.. din see teahouse there leh.. not sure it moves back or not coz i m not working there liao..


I have that same craving! I also love to eat with an egg and when it is served I lay a slice of cheese on top to melt into the noodles! I know it is sinful but I just LOVE kimchee, esp kimchee instant noodles...been eating that alot when we're in the states last few years, homemade kimchee is much cheaper there cos there's a nearby korean mart. I realise NTUC here sells kimchee much more expensive. Talk abt kimchee, has anyone read about the goodness of eating kimchee when pregnant? (provided you can take spicy), Apparently I'm sure korean mummies still eat kimchee when they're carrying their babies, there are something produced during the fermentation process that is supposed to be good for pregnant mummies...I dunno how to explain this very well...but definitely not those in instant noodles lah....

AhNah, cos no one dares to "steal/rob" food from a heavily pregnant woman mah... so my hubby also don't dare to touch my noodles... hahaha

MVH/ Scent, confirm the teahouse at China Sq no more liao. Used to go there often too cos they had rather afforable dim sum buffet. No more nice dim sum at Raffles place liao. Even the Noble House @ UIC becomes so lousy. Think Imperial Treasures is one of the best now.


If I'm not wrong, that place has been there for years right?? It is always very packed but I remember it was really good too!

ah Nah,

that bus driver so good. I remember last month I can still take buses. You know some bus driver will tend to stop at the very front of the bus-stop so as to enable buses behind to drop passengers right, there is this day when there is no other buses behind, this kind bus driver stop right in front of me (I am at the rear end of bus stop), I so paiseh as the other passengers waiting to board the bus has to take a few more steps! Thumbs up to Singapore Bus drivers!

Talk abt public transport, that day one taxi driver ask me not to wear sit belt!

wah, u all can wear slippers ar.. i can't wear to work wor cuz still need to meet clients... wearing covered shoes now... my feet has grown from size 35 to 37!


the dim sum place at Geylang, is it "Wan Dou Sek"?


dun worry too much... anything u unsure of, can always ask the mummies and daddies here.. will help u de...


make me crave for kimchi ramen...

Wow... Scent, good idea man, will add a slice of cheese to my noodles the next time. But me is no cook, hence, I can only go for anything "instant" or anything that doesn't require culinary skills. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I love kimchee too! Must go and google about what you have mentioned.


later that man hide in 1 corner crying ... 给我一点吃的吧。。。


That is very rare lor. Talk abt seat belt, anyone got problem ? ?


Yes, unit number is 126. Very popular one. But be careful cause the floor is always slippy.


Shall we have a small gathering there. Maybe my wife will join. She got craving for Kaychap, hokkien prawn mee and Dim Sum.

MVH, Weiling99

I also can't find Teahouse in the web... I think really close down liaoz.

I think I will try either Ah Yat, if not Xin Cuisine recommended by Dreymin also not bad since it has very good reviews.

Ah Nah,

I love kway chap too! but nowadays those served in foodcourt....er, quite bland. Plus I can no longer tahan hawker centre's heat, so seldom eat at hawker centres now.


yes, the dim sum there is really nice! my hubby's and mine fav dim sum place... we always ordered fried stuff... yum yum... dun mind a small gathering there!

Re: seat belt

when i take my frens' car, i usually sit at the back... no need to buckle seat belt...

Kywa Chap got aircon one.. like Koufu at RiverVale Plaza Sengkang.

Nice one is at Block 92, lorong x Toa Payoh. .. start at 5pm or so .. long queue around 30mins to 1hr. Dare not to try but heard say only.


hey there is aso a famous claypot place, quite near to city plaza stretch of geylang.

but must call and order 30 mins before you go down so no nd to wait.

yah a small gathering wl be fun, nd to ask my hubby to go along coz getting back is an issue.


Since when sit behind no need seat belt one ?


We tried already, waited for 30 mins, standard so so only. but place is very warm..


you can try the kway chap at serangoon gdns food center, it is quite 'clean' and flavourful.

the mixed pork soup and duck rice is aso nice.

jia luck... this is turning into a makansutra forum instead!


Although I can cook but I find it increasingly hard for me to stand in the kitchen for too long so I do simple cooking, restrict yourself on the instant noodles, for me, I tried to not sip at the soup if I must eat instant noodles (I know its hard cos the MSG is soooo good) But for the sake of our babies, try to grab a fruit or even some biscuits if you must eat supper every night. I feel very guilty after satisfying my own cravings of instant noodles and always drown myself with alot of water after that, and then end up so bloated and has to run to toilets so many times......hahaha.


The taxi driver assures me that he will drive safely when he takes in pregnant woman in his taxi and there's no need to buckle up if I sit right behind him. He mentioned that that is the safest spot in the car cos if there is an emergency, driver's auto-pilot is to protect themselves first hence safest to sit behind him than diagonally across him like mostly what we used to do.

