(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

starz and WL,

i had a C-S so the sensitive area is not affected, i m not sure for those mummies who had natural birth if they use more of the maternity pads as the padding is much thicker and possibly less painful.

i used just 1-2 packet of the maternity pads for #1, the rest of the time i bought the longer and wider pads like overnite types coz the flow can be quite scary and u need to change very often.


Mine is a hand-me-down medela mini electric single pump. Need to buy parts cos the original ones turned yellow. But if i need to get new one, i prob will get the the freestyle cos lighter and faster.

Starz, thank you for your advise on the pad issue...

My play area will be in the living room, so that adults can keep an eye on the kids.

Are your LG/ Parklon mat the same as those AhNah mentioned (from small small world?)

Dreymin, think everyone who has maid will have 1 problem or another with them. Relax lah, remember to remain happy to have happy bb.

ahNah and WL,

i already very relaxd with this one, just that she dun own up to her wrongdoings so super sian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I was looking through the internet regarding bumper and it seems they do not encourage cos of bad air flow and suffocation. If your cot is made according the safety standard which bb head can't go through, we won't need the bumper at all. And it was said that bbs do not really substain injuries from hitting the rails.

small small world had a booth at the Expo over the weekend.

i ordered 1 Parklon mat from them. LG is much more expensive. so I ordered the cheaper one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am looking for taller handles too. But most probably is either peg perego or Combi (certain models has taller handles). Graco is not bad but a little bit bulky.

so far, i only got 1 pkt of maternity pad.. 10pcs? shld i buy another pkt? i dun like maternity pad cuz they dun hav wings.. hahaha...

starz: for the LG/parklon map i bot for the last expo sale...

my gal also, now she gif me a powerful kick.. counting down the days are getting nearer...

xuan82> for colic or serious stomach/digestion problem, only Bfree or Dr. Brown kind of design with tube helps. Last time i bought NUK and other brands (since those marketing materials also claim to reduce colic) for my #1, ended up i switched to Dr. Brown after my colleague's recommendation when he was abt 2 mth old. PD only prescribed him with colic med. Poor little thing has cried badly for the 1st 2 mths, though we brought him for baby "tuina" which helped to sooth but colic didn't go away completely until he started with Dr. Brown.

xpink> don't need to blame yourself lah. our big bump now really makes us difficult to shop ard. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

abt BPA free, if what u heard is correct, i realised too Dr. Brown bottles have been "clear" too, and they claim their bottles are all along BPA free. so the yellowish is just due to identification and not coz lack of BPA loh.

Re: Maid

for mine , till today only 2 weeks plus with us , everything still seem good . she very auto , u dont have to ask her do this n that and she know how to do . and she like kids alot . but i think , sooner or later she will change ! haha


Not only difficult to shop, turn around on bed also difficult.


I pm you my number already, did you receive it ?

eeyore> i really can't understand why they still lie even we give them the options, freedom and respect at home. many of them just hear-say what other maids told them and do accordingly, without thinking and analyzing themselves. my 2nd helper, the best actress, her lies (especially those dramatic ones) usually come after she talked to her mother who has been working in Dubai for 10 years! let them call home also trouble, but cannot prohibit them fr. talking to family also loh. sigh...

winnie, for #1 i din use maternity pad at all besides the free packet from Mt A. I use those normal heavy flow pads and change regularly.. those maternity pads are very thick n somemore we cannot walk with total legs closed liao during the 1st few weeks so use maternity pads super uncomfortable..

Reason of Lie:-

1) to cover another lie

2) out of scare/fear

3) dare not to admit/face mistakes

4) scare that they will need to face the punishment

5) told and taught by their friends/relative to lie.

So scary to hire a maid.

Charmaine> is it>? i thought BPA-free means the bottles do not contain any BPA? how come when scratched the BPA will leak out?

ahNah> ya, i got it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maternity pad

for me, cos #1 is natural birth.. i used the pureen brand maternity pads. i find the surface soft.. only bad is no wings... 1st few weeks i cant use normal pad at all. cos those were harder to compare with maternity pads..


ur maid is new from kampong one? mine is experienced one. so ev time when kanna spot errors. she will just push blames..nv say sorry before or own up.. eg. when i found milk btl washed liao but still not clean... she will say my #1 cry. she need to attend to him.. haiz.. wah lao.. i was quite pissed off sometimes...

Jascmy> it's good they ganjiong. it's time to "make-use" of it, but yes, must put it nicely else later your hubby think you are complaining abt him to his parents. :p

ahNah> if given a choice we don't want to hire a maid also loh. having a stranger sleeping with us every night is not fun leh. one day she accidentally threw away my kitchen scissors, i have been worrying for weeks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wl> i remember my #1 time i bought 2 packs of maternity pad (advised by the promoter during motherhood fair), but ended up i used only 1 or 2 pcs didn't like it and switched back to those bigger and longer sanitary pad for night. my MIL told me how much we will be bleeding after delivery depends on how "clean" the gynae cleans up for us woh. not sure if it's true, but i didn't bleed for long...

$20 for 1 set of bumpers is cheap leh. if not wrong, bumpers are always sold in set with the bedsheet right, so ended up costs easily $50?


issit? my mil said 1st few weeks eat more mu-er or watever to clear the internal so that the bleeding can stop faster..


ya i also agreed, i thought BPA free means free from bisphenol A , how come can scratch out the BPA?


i only bought 1 pack of 10 pcs becos hospital will give 1 pack.. after finish , will switch to normal nite wings pad.


the antenatal class consultant dont encourage to use Dr Brown leh..becos we need to wash the tubes very thoroughly, else they will store algae, can cause infection to the babies.. but i think all milk bottles need to wash thoroughly lar..else its the same thing..hehe


Regarding the playmat, I read sometime ago that small small world will be having a bulk purchase in mid-june. Maybe you can keep a lookout.


One guy actually recommended me Dr.Brown bottles at the fair but I already bought my Tommee so didn't buy from him. If my ger suffers from colic (*touchwood*), maybe I will switch to Dr Brown then.

Colic is really a horrible thing. Throughout my pregnancy, I always have this bloated and tight feeling and sometimes it painful too. I will apply "ruyi you" to my tummy to ease the pain but I'm not sure if it will affect my baby anot. Can imagine our little one has to endure the same kind of pain too.

Dreymin> yaloh, changing is easy but re-training is a hassale. furthermore we will never know if the new one will be nicer, more honest or what... that's why when i renew my current helper's permit (expire in June), i let her go home in Mar. in case she doesn't come back, i can close her acct and deduct the airfare accordingly, then TT her the rest of the money. still have time to look for new one too. really need helper since we have #1 and coming #2... cannot "得罪" them also. sigh... that's why my mom comments, sometimes i treat the maid even nicer than treating her. haha... maybe coz i take the dishes for my maid first before anyone else start to eat. :p

for breaking things, my #1 is strong as yours. she carries rice guni back home before. she even move my old 30" CRT TV alone (those very heavy bulky one), and of course, scratched my TV rack. haha... but i always tell my helper, if anything spoilt (be it spoilt by her or due to the age of the items), she must report. else when i find out i will take it as she spoils it. so usually they report. my current one a bit blur, sometimes report sometimes not, she said coz when she found the things spoilt, i am not at home. when i come home, she forgot. haiz... what can i do? trust her loh, and just remind her to put down in note. give her stack of post-it, to write notes to me in time when i'm not at home... but usually she will remember for some days, after that back to original way. got to keep talking to her to re-enforce the thinking. time consuming... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

MVH> ya, Mu-er and some herbs help to clear the blood. but that time i stayed in hospital for a week, the meals there are just normal and not really cater to my own needs leh. already not much blood. post-natal massage actually helps to clear the blood too... since my MIL gave birth to 3 before, and experienced different gynae, I guess her points should be valid to some extend bah. :p

SunFl@wer> ya must wash thoroughly, that's why Dr. Brown is also selling the little brush for cleaning the tube mah. it's really leceh to use Dr. Brown. but boh bian leh. if colic what else we can do? tried western & chinese med., even the bb tuina...

if you are using such bottles, better stock up the little brush. last time my #1 i didn't buy enough, later when need to change brush out of stock everywhere. so i used the Pigeon brush for straw, which i don't really like, coz there is this plastic stopper in front which makes it difficult to moves in the tube to clean. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hello everyone...long time never come into here le...well...just went for my check up on sat...my bb gal is now 1.2kg....now me cant walk much le..cos my leg will be very painful after that...think cant join u all any gatherings at the moment..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

does any mummies expriencing this leg pain now??

Xuan82> you feel bloated in your stomach near the chest is it? like gastric bloated and pain? i had that during my 1st trim, and just press the accupuncture point on the stomach loh. didn't dare to apply any oil (not sure if it's safe to use "ruyi you" during pregnancy), especially near the belly button, except strech mark cream... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

you take care ya...

eeyore> so good, your mom knows how to make the beansprout pillow. you know where she buys the beansprout husk and how to "preserve" it in the pillow? it's not a bad idea to make one ourselves with love (if not too difficult lah), maybe the bb can sleep better. :p

i have one used by #1, that day dig out and shake shake, sound very dry, should be still ok bah.

dsqyvonne - Maybe you can try to do legs stretching every day eg. calf muscle, thigh muscle, inner thigh stretches. I try to do it and it helps... I think we experience leg pain cos we are carrying a lot of extra weight.

re: Maternity pads

I use Kotex loop maternity pads for #1. I had natural birth so can't use those normal night pads cos the normal night pads are not as soft as maternity pads.. my stitches were painful when use normal pads. And yes, maternity pads got no 'wings'... so I use disposable underwear for the 1st week so no need to worry about stains.

dsqyvonne> which part of your leg is painful? mine still the same spot for weeks, the right pelvic bone area, above the thigh... going to check with my gynae next appointment, but can expect the answer he will give already (due to bb's position, it's ok...) sigh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

that's why after the mth fair shopping, i guess have gotten most necessities, and will stop shopping liao. but we can't totally bed rest and not moving ard also leh, else later no stamina to fight in the labour ward. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

u take care ya.

beansprout: just go market and ask them..they will give u for free..u need to remove other impurities..then 'suntan' them till dry..


mine is acutally the right ankle...like kena sprain like tat...very painful...now walk also like ah ma very slowly...

Re:Maternity pad

Can we use those normal pads instead of maternity pads since the feedbacks abt using like not gd...


Will try to do some stretching...but when my leg pain, i sit down the pain goes away...so i guessed no more shopping for me liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yah strange when maid have the luxury still want to hear their friend say this and that and do stupid things for us to scold and send them back... feel that they really dunno how to treasure those good things... easily can say go back and go back and yet don't feel sad to leave here...

oh those beansprout my sis is doing BP on it... anyone interested??

u need to have patient and interest on doing it also...

I can ask her to give discount... for my friends only...

2 sizes:

Body and Head Pillow: 6" (B) x 18" (L)

Portable Companion - Comforter: 5" (B) x 14 " (L)

for maternity pad , i remember i only use like 1 packet , and use normal one , i also c section , and i heard before that c section , normally the flow will be lesser as gynae will suck out some blood during the op . as for natural birth , will have more flow i think , thats what i heard

hello all,

sorry i'm really blurred. so after my c-sect, i'll also experienced blood flow huh? how long will it last? is that considered our menses or??


yah sama sama.. hv to close one eye lor! no choice since we r at their mercy.

maternity pads

i think depends on the preference and type of delivery. some of my frens with normal birth use maternity pads coz painful if use normal ones. i think good to have both on hand. i personally prefer the usual ones with wings, coz less 'accidents'.

btw those mummies gg for C-S, it is good to buy some larger sized panties coz the usual ones which are low-cut can press against the wound. aso you wl likely to be given a post-op binder by your gynae to wear around your wound.

