(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


Thats why i say i really admire you!! having an emphathic hubby is a bonus to the pregnancy.. =)


Think you should tell yr hubby what ahnah say.. its not comparing or anything but it is true that we need the rest especially at the last stage.. bu yao gong le "tai qi" get what i mean?

He only see things happened then he will believe loh. Eg. after I admitted to KKH, he is more understanding liao. Don know why recently his usual self came back again. Maybe he tot I fully recovered liao.

Thats y I tot of pretending to faint infront of him yesterday.

nightmare ... wanted to share with all of you ..

last night when I dream of coming back to work ..

again .. i woke up at 2:20 am and 5 am.

going to be siao liao ..

jascmy, dun pretend too often. You know the 3 little pig and the wolf story lah ... hehehehee

Nature Lover,

Work where got anxious one. I also scare to kick or punch my wife when I sleep.


we took public transport to the bb fair yesterday, bus to changi airport then another bus to expo. my hb chose the route that minimised climbing of overhead bridges & long walking. but we came back by cab cos i experienced BH at the fair. otherwise, we'll prob take train to changi airport again, follow by bus home lah. got seats fr changi airport so not too taxing for me.

jascmy, dont pretend la.. just tell him how u feel in a calm manner.. if he refuses to buy yr story then juz do yr way la.. we support u!

ahNah, isnt it "the gal who cries wolf", not 3 little pigs rite?

maybe u can use the bolster to place beside u n yr wife so that u wont kick her?


Chiam .. i can never tell story to children one.

Got bolster in between us liao.

Nature Lover....

Har.... like that har.. siao liao .. still got 83 days to EDD.


bring him along for gatherings so that out dear ahnah here can condition him too!

some men just need to be conditioned, not by the women but by the men they see who walk the talk.

Nature Lover, good idea. Mus hav Papa gatherings too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

"some men just need to be conditioned, not by the women but by the men they see who walk the talk."

wah, me like this. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i look at yr post and i can really laugh! lol! tahan lah! or maybe you should drink warm milk like mtbs before they sleep.. guarantees me a good night sleep with a warm stomach.. lol

ahNah, nvm u can learn to tell story to yr little boy lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nature lover, all along I drink chill vitasoy before I sleep.. this is my habit... maybe I should drink D.O.M again ..

MVH, I will tell him wrong story .. or my Puala Tekong solider time.

Nature Lover, I very shy one .. got man .. i hide liao.

Jascmy hubby sure got his on idea wan.. very hard to change his mind de..hehehe...

ahnah: he is totally diff frm u..wahahhaa... u can ask Jascmy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

may i know hw many bottles we need for infant ar? how many ml de? i very blur also..


I also know men have their pride, thats why its not the talking that matters but the actions that emphatic ftbs do that helps the clueless reflect on their actions.


is it? but you dun seem to hide at the latest pic i saw in fb leh.. u r a soldier leh, sure can camo your "fear".. lol

the task is daunting but never try then how can we be sure it wun work? so no harm trying arh.. hee

winnie, i have some 125ml and some 240 ml bottles..

winnie : I only prepare 4-5 bottles. Starting off with 40ml i guess.

Nature Lover,

When a man has lots of pride, he won't listen to another stranger man easily.

Coming gathering my wife not coming, she ask me to represent her, i ask her how ? my belly so small compare to her now. :p

Central Gathering -

Location: City Hall/Raffles City (Sakae)

Date: 15 June 10

Time : 7pm




ahNah only (to be confirm) :p





Wei Ling


i m going to get some too , was thinking using avent like what my #1 use . but came across another brand TOMMEE TIPPEE Bottles , the design look cute , anyone have anot comment ?

sori ladies just want to air some frustration with my maid who destroy one of my new maternity clothes. She wash with another new black top and ruin my new yellow top althought i have taught her many times to wash the dark and light top separately. I think she lied to me abt separating. if not how come other clothes never kanna only that one. I was wondering how come this top never got into my wardrobe after weeks only today she come tell me. I told her before must come and admit mistake to me and now she come tell me I cannot stand how careless she had been in dealing with the clothes. wonder is it because everytime i have to tell her???? Thot after so many time should not be like that. one time never say only...

I know should not get angry if not next time she may not tell me. But she never appologise. Moreover i ask her hand wash new clothes this time she machine wash n she say got use net to separate both but how come other clothes never got affected leh???

everything? that is obvious tekan. you know why employer are also afraid to upset helpers? Because you never know what they could possibily add in food or things that we don't notice. then hor....

leo baby

i suggest if you are really not at ease with her, replace her.. because you will be piling on more stress and fears espcially with a newborn ard..

Actually I am an ok person and not sure why especially after pregnant very picky on her. Also perhaps as time goes by ones get more lazy (her) and myself gets to have higher expectation. It happens in the real working society too. If I as the employer keep replacing then gotto re-train and may not be lucky to get ok one. If I look at the positive view of most things I can still close one eyes but i guess i have to get my husband to come in as a third person to explain what is expected again.

white lady,

I spoke with a mummy at some fair before abt tomee Tippee. Her comment the bottle too big and cannot see if her daughter is drinking from bottle


there are 2 types of avent BPA-free bottles, one type is the honey comb bottles (yellowish), the other type is abit translucent. the clear type is non BPA-free. The honey comb bottles are more durable and have more anti-colic valves which better prevent colic. So the honey comb one is more expensive.


your yellow top got black stripes or black prints?

i have a white maternity dress with black stripe. when i handwash it , the black stripe was decoloured and stain the whole dress..

could it be the same case?

i got avent bottles, bpa free with anti-colic valve system. bought 2 4oz and 2 9oz. The 4oz ones cost me $24 and the 9oz $33. My fren told me not to get too many 4oz ones as bb will outgrow very fast.

had a minor incident just now. A lift door closed too fast and hit the left of my tummy... was painful initially but felt okay after that... anyone's tummy got hit before? even though no bleeding and bb still moving, still worried... will be calling gynae tml... really very careless of me! scare myself and my hubby... all mummies, please do be more careful ya...

