(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Wow.. morning gals..

Seems like I have had missed out quite some fun here in e forum..")

going to see my gynae tomorrow.. thinking of the questions to ask him for my 32 weeks pregnancy.


It is ok, my gal friends also regard me as their sister. Now have to think of how to monitor the baby when we place him in his own room.

ahnah: i bought a house phone with baby monitor function.

anyway, MTB is better not to go IT fair.

ahnah : got! my hubby work in harvey norman mah and at IT department, so he know lor. oh u no need hse phone ah? Den at motherhood fair u should look out avent booth, cos they got sell mah.

haitang--> actually we didnt didnt ask hw much the lady charges for the 'sengkak' massage but my mom gave her $30 for it. she's actually recommended by my SIL's mom, who are neighbours with the auntie. if you already have someone doing your pre/post natal massages, you can ask if she can do this 'sengkak' or not. i heard that not everyone can do this. some may also include this in the usual prenatal massage.

i got the bb mointor function.. i tink mine is lindam brand wan..

last weekend, i spend 5 hr at the MTH fair..hahaha... shop and shop bots lots of pampers to stock up like size s & M.. hehehe


Those too expensive, I was thinking of going to Sim Lim Sq and Tower to source for a cheaper solution.

My Requirements are :-

1) Wireless connection cause I have Wifi at home.

2) Able to monitor from 3G phone like iPhone.

3) able to monitor from either at home or at office.

4) Motion Detection, if no motion for a period of time, alert me with sound.

5) AC adaptor is fine.

ahnah : so u mean u need 1 that can see your bb face? if avent expensive hor, den ur requirement will cost more leh! -_-"

btw mummy anyone here feel the symptoms of 1st trim is back? wah lau, i have been feeling very bloated and always got the urge to puke... feel very tired...

Ahnah ,

i also bought the same cot as you . haha . look nice n sweet ! haha ... did u upgarde the matress to latex one ?

White Lady,

Good deal right, we didn't want to upgrade so soon.

Cause all of us still survive thru the traditional foam mattress last time right ? so we decided that this latex is a just a WANT.. not a NEED.


wat's sengkak? curious to know.. i tink i missed out ur posts. u been doing prenatal massage oftenly?


it's normal to feel that way. cos bb is big now. little space for our stomach to store food & digestion will be slower. it's better for u to take less food more meals...

alibaba--> sorry i dont know if there's an English term for it so i just use the Malay term for it hehe.. it's actually a tummy massage to 'push up' or reposition the baby if the baby is too low in the uterus. i've been having very painful and heavy feeling down below that i had difficulty in walking, rolling out of bed and putting on pants. so my parents suggested i do sengkak. actually the massage lady didnt push hard, she just massaged abit and it wasnt painful also...but i can feel my baby moving abit while she did that..

stollers> anyone heard of this brand ABC design before? I looking at this model Cobra which I not sure if it is good.

ann> my post natal massage I am paying $50/session and $20 for the wrap cloth. If i'm not wrong the one at expo got additional charges like transport charges. average i think at least 5 days, but depends on individual. my massage lady say she will book me for 5-7days first then when i start doing then see how.

anyone knows for those medical insurance when they say they only cover complications during delivery, what kind of complications do they refer to? It seems very vague.

ahNah> how much u bought your Toyogo drawer? you bought from toa payoh there?

anyone got a list of all the warehouses selling bbaby stuff in Singapore? planning to take a day leave to go see see look look.

sunflower> i also booked mdm ida, so you are one of the person before me. cos she say if 3rd week of aug then she can but if i give birth earlier then she will get her cousin to do it.


Yah. from Toa Payoh. How much ... can't remember .. shld be less than $35.

Btw, Babysafe bumpers is $62 and it's only available in Robinsons.

ahNah, thanks! should have taken note of yr comments on cot before i go down.. sigh.. missed the discount.

alibaba, i was there from 1pm to 3.30pm.. din see u also..

Yes i went giants last nite.. pampers active M and L is abt $25 for 2 packs.. cheaper than the fair.. luckily they dun have XL, else i will beat my chest coz I bought 3 for $45 at the fair.

winnie, same here.. bloated after eating rite? I realized i have terrible "bloatedness" after i eat mee rubus.. last nite, i ate volcano ramen at ajisen, then after 2 hrs, I felt super bloated and some of the spicy stuff flows back to my throat n "burn" my throat.. yucks.. i think cant eat spicy stuff also..


i tink too many mummies. hard to recognise each other. haha.. u got heartburn .. common to have for pregnancy mummies.. moral of story is try not to eat too full la..


once I was lying on the sofa and i also feel like I want to puke... Then during one of the session, my physiotherpist told me abt bb not getting enough oxygen, I think due to blood flow or something like that... so she advised me to try to lie down on my left side more, instead of lying flat. Try it, when I adjust position I felt much better.


yes, i booked her..she seems to be very famous in the forum.. for the cabinet, i bought the white cabinets from Muji.. looks nicer than toyogo..


i have been feeling bloated since 2nd trimester..

ahnah ,

ya , me n hubby also think so , since bb weight is still light , should be ok with foam matress . agree is a good deal !

winnie gal - yeah, I also experiencing 1st trimester symptoms like you.... feel like puking, feel more breathless and super tired. Like what alibaba said, I try to eat less during meals and have meals more frequently. I also sleep in recline position cos if not, really can puke... also start feeling some heart burn liao...

re: post natal massage

I am still considering the offer @ mtherhood expo fair... They gave me till 15 june to decide. Offer is $588 for 8 sessions (incl transport) + 2 free baby massages + 2 free scalp / hair treatment. Is this considered reasonable price??

Sunflower, for my #1 she grows quite rapidly initially.. if i remember correctly she is weighing abt 5kg at 7w.. for M is from 6-11kg.. so i think i gave her M when she is abt 3-4months ba.. so it really depends on yr baby growth.. but diapers can keep for sometimes la.. actually i found out that giants always got promotion for pampers.. last time is $27++, this time is abt $25, still cheaper than outside.

Hi mummies, sorry to interupt.

I'm selling away a brand new Maclaren Quest Sport Stroller in charcoal/silver. (I just purchased it yesterday, 6th June '10)

Reason for selling it away is because yesterday was the last day for DBS/POSB cardholder 25% discount in Mothercare.

So I decided to purchase the stroller at a bargain (usual price: $398).

However, today when I went to work, my colleagues told me they have ordered the Quinny Buzz for me.

So I decided to keep the Quinny Buzz and sell the Maclaren. ( I don't see the need of having two strollers)

So I'm selling it away at $278.

$5 off if it's a fast deal (payment within 12 hours after confirmation and meet up at Bedok MRT station).

You cannot get this color at this price elsewhere since the Mothercare DBS/POSB discount is over.

Purchase includes:

- Rain cover

- Instructions Manuel

- 6 months warranty from Mothercare (I will give you the receipt to prove that I bought it on 6th June '10)

If you need more information for this stroller, do check this website: http://global.maclarenbaby.com/toddler-buggies/quest-sport?lang=en

Do email me at x.21o2o4@hotmail if you have any queries.


hello all.. as usual... the thread is still moving fast...

Just a quick 1... i remember some of you have booked the post natal massage lady Mdm Ida right? Any1 can provide me her contact number?

Many thanks in advance...

The palmax is next to spring maternity? Then i did see it but when i asked the sales guy and he said they are not cot bed leh...

Oh well...

I bought the philips avent dect baby monitor for $139 at baby kingdom. I think usual selling price is $199.


i tink mdm ida is full for early august EDD liao.. probably she will recommend u her cousin instead. u call contact her at 94249829


Palmax that one is actually a Baby cot, but by lowering down to the lowest level, you can remove the side (any side) and it is consider cot bed lor.

Unless is referring to separate attachment then they dun have for this series.

Moreover, we think when a child become 3-5 years old. They might even ask for a standard single bed instead, they why we didn't invest too much onto this.

At Kingdom, hyperstore that we went on Sat noon, those nice and better quality cot aka bed can cost at least 400++ (just wood alone) up to 1600++

We can't afford those level but it really look nicer.

bakaholic, you can try getting the bedsheets for the baby cot from Aussino. think the size fits 28" x 52" cot size. is cheaper than KP less than $20 only i think


i dun mind picking up the baby girl's clothes if no one has taken yet; coz mine all boy boy one. i didnt hv much pass-me-downs girl clothing. where do you stay? can you PM me your address and contact.

korean drama

i m in trouble... ever since my colik told me of this free site, i m addicted. sat i watched till 4am! yest i was so exhausted from the prev nite's session, i slept for 12 hrs.

glucose tolerance test

everything went well last fri no gestational diabates except i got ugly needle scars coz they drew blood 3 times [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

baby is 29 weeks and weighs 1.2kg, lighter than kor kor who was 1.4kg at this stage. doc said size is average so ok for me as well.


alibaba, thanks...

Just call mdm ida & u are right, she is fully book till Sep already... think I am really slow :p. Yes, she recomended her couse mdm Suria to me too... any1 try her before? how is her service?? btw, how many session u all book huh?

