(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

dear mummies & MTBs,

congrats to all mummies who have popped!!

it has been a while since i last logged in here.. btw, i'm in my 39wks++ and yet no signs!! yday experienced irregular pain but not too sure if its really signs of labour.. cant wait to see my bb gal but also afraid of the whole delivery process...


LOL.. den hw u store? im storing in freezer since my fridge now haywire.. wan defrost oso takes time.. Haix, the best i can store is 70ml

the max amt my container can fit.

Hahaha.. i think here, bliss has the best supply of bm..


ur 80pkts of emb can divide out to 8 diff mummies. wif 10pkt eac..


i got no chance to freeze any since he usually takes up what ever there is.. usually i'll warm 90ml.. if drink too little then throw.. waste lor..

if nd more then heat up a bit more..

Sheryl, this 80 pack of milk is freeze within this 2 weeks.. I can pump 300ml every 3 hrly after latch.

My bb already had enough so these milk just go into freezer.

Now I pump every 6hrly and pour away cuz my freezer can't store anymore milk! I'm storing like 1500ml extra in freezer a day! Now I'm pouring it away cuz totally no space [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sheryl u order from goon?

I'm using nepia now n is very good.. I used goon before but can't remember how us the quality liao.

Where do u stay?

Bliss.. telok blangah..

Goon material almost same as pampers active.

Nepia use before for my #1 but he allergic to it.

now #2 feel like using Goon cos soft material and more afforable den pamper.


Get EBM frm BLiss.. dun waste!! POUR away.. OMG.. so heartache..


ware u stay?! dun waste.. LOL.. lai "ship" ur ebm over!!


Get EBM frm BLiss.. dun waste!! POUR away.. OMG.. so heartache..


ware u stay?! dun waste.. LOL.. lai "ship" ur ebm over!!

Jacelyn, haha.. i slipped in a lot of water.. just din wash my hair.. can't bathe cos my wound now is not cover with waterproof tape.. anyway, wipe body is good enuff.. just my hair~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

grats Irene!

wah!! Gitz how come no confinement? ur mum or mil leh? it's good in a way.. haha.. a bit envy..

wah, Bliss how come after latch still so much milk.. mine like stop at 80~90ml if after latch.. teach teach.. wat u ate?

lol.. Bliss stay toa payoh, if i'm not wrong.. mine is still enuff for my girl.. can store too.. but i scare if her appetite increase, my milk supply stay the same! >< plus, i'm a lazy mum that only pump when engorge..

Hi all!

Just to share that I've delivered my baby boy on 14 June! We have named him Lucas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

(momoWorld: our boys have the same name!)

He weighs 3.04kg and is 52cm tall.

It was a natural delivery with epidural.

Tigerbaby: Pls help me to update, thanks so much!

And to all mummies who had popped, Congratulations!! and have a wonderful time with your lovely babes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wanna rant..

My current maid.. TEROK! (dunno issit dis spelling anot)

She was wif us for abt 3mth i think, her performance was good! reali good. Scrubbing,cleaning hard all day long. She was cheerful, quite ok to get along.

But recently i notice her face owaz black like thunder clouds, she dun smile when she talk now.

The onli time i c her smile is when #1 plays with her.

Recently i heard she dun take instructions; like MIL cook she told her water boil put the egg in steam. Instead she prepare the fish put to steam whereby the fish MIL wanna FRIED!

Worse is to come; MIL sisters came over the last few days, left a bag of new clothes inside rm, a few pieces was missing when MIL sister informed her like ytd.

MIL check her belongings and found it hidden * LOCKED inside her (the maid) bag. Sigh..

To think i thought by treating maid good they will oso be good.. seems like..

my impression 2wards maid is bad enuf, now comes my current 1 prob.. Lagi no trust in them liaox.

just wondering.. for 1st time mummies, is it really true tat babies will only pop near edd and not earlier? seems like those mommies tat are near my edd have already popped while i'm still waiting for the signs to appear.. haiz...

Hi mummies,

I am First time mum, baby born 1st June...c section. Thus initially I cant bf plus complication after c-section I only bf the next day. at hospital stay , I seem to be able to latch on, but since getting home, bb refuse to work with me, unable to latch on... any advice? Should I call for mid-wife help at 150 for 3 session( a pamplets given in hospital goodie bag) on bf techniques and solve my problem? I have try all ways I find from reading online and some advice form other mummies is forum...but I still having problem, any1 pls help!

Sheryl, if u are ordering help mr order one pack of S size..

U really want the EBM?

I can go over ur place since is near my mom place..

I stay at toa payoh..

Now really heartache.. Everytime just pour the milk away.. I didn't have the heart to do it so I ask my CL to do it.. In my mind I'm thinking what if one day I got no milk! And I'm pouring these milk away but my freezer is so full till my CL got to do marketing every morning cuz no space to put her grocery in!

Rainelle, I didn't eat anything special lor.. For #1 I have oversupply problem too.. This one is worse lor.. I can pump 125ml on my 2nd day in hospital..

I don't understand why I can pump 300ml in 5 mins!! N my breast not empty after that 5mins which means after I pump I still can latch bb if he still wants.. But I really hate that engorgement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sheryl, better send back the maid since she will stole things.

Bliss, your supply so much. <envy> I was busy during my baby 's baby shower and hence did not pump consistently, and my supply drop a lot the next day. I had to keep pumping to increase again. But now is more difficult as no CL to help me. hopefully the supply will be back soon.

Why you pour away? you should freeze this one and throw away those old one.

Bliss.. Either way oso can.. Ur confinement when over? As for goon muz haf at least 5pkts den gt % .. Go diapers.com.sg bio bio..

Ebm: I reali dun mind.. But other low supply mummies wanna take? My supply still ok for the moment!!


sending bk.. Nw lookin for new replacement

Limebox, I don't throw the old ones cuz they are not old too! All EBM is only 2 weeks old! And cuz the milkbags cost money too lor.. So before I throw I see if there is any takers..

Re suppy dropping:

don't worry.. Pump every 2.5hrly now and in a few days suppy will come back again..

Sheryl, how many packs u want? At least can standby for your bb growth spurt.. Very useful for those mummy who is building up their supply too and got milk to standby so

not so stressful..

I appreciate if u can pass me some milkbags for me to

continue pumping.. If dun have also nvm!

I can pass to u at ur place.. I still go out almost everyday now so no difference from not in confinement!

For goon, my son just started a new pack of nepia..

And I have a big carton of pampers active sample pack that was given by my mom's boss so I dun dare to stock up on S size..

How many packs u are ordering?

Any mummies keen to order as well?

Kaykay, what problem are u facing? Baby not able to latch on?

What does bb does when u try to latch? Cry, sleep or not able to suck properly?

hey bliss,

u seem like a expert in BF...

i only express when i feel that its going to engored or i will wait for bb to wake up for feeds...

Will this affect the flow down the road if bb appettie increases??


do you give your #1drink ebm as well? that's what my friend does.

thanks for all mummies who has pm me on CL contacts. my hubby managed to persuade my mil to stay. and since she misses fil, my hubby 'll drive her back every weekends. so I'll either order confinement food on my own or just cook simple dishes on my own. anyway only 3weekends more to go.

how do you mummies handle #1 while takin care of #2 during this period if no maid nor helper. my #1 is staying with my parents now and I miss him so so so much. he only comes back over the weekends.

cath, have to have your husband support lor. mostly he take care of #1 and I will play with him when I am free. And also depend on whether your #1 can play alone anot. If he can, then will be easier. For me, he can play computer alone and watch cartoon alone. so if i am not free, i will let him watch cartoon. If i am expressing my milk, I will sit beside him and pump. So can do both thing at the same time.

Hi Bliss,

Yeap, Baby not able to latch on, he not able to suck properly, then he will start to cry cause hungry...

He kept searching for nipple, I follow steps le, bring bb to breast, hand holding breast to support etc, but even if nipple go into his mouth, he dont seem to be able to suck it then let go... so sad...

And even latch on is successful, success rate is better on the right breast... so left side even less...

Then now I am so tired and depress, I change to pumping but I really hope to bfeed directly... if my problem can be solve...


is very hard to say. You latch your baby every 3 hours?

For 1st month of breastfeeding is the best time to build supply cause our body is adjusting.. After our body is adjust is abit difficult to up supply already..

So if u are a sahm and u wish to direct latch and store abit for standby

try to set a time for 1 pumping session a day - morning is the best time ad we always wake up with a full breast.

Rest of the day just direct latch. This way bb will be able to get foremilk and hindmilk after body adjust to the demand.

After everything settle, ur breast will auto have more milk during the morning session..

If while adjusting, u feel engorge, pump 5mins/hand express/wake bb up to latch.

First 1-2 mths rule is to not leave ur breast alone for more than 4 hours! It will affect supply greatly!

If u are going back to work and ur supply not alot,

is time u pump regularly to keep the supply there..

Continue to latch bb every 3hrly, pump 5-10mins for sitmulation.

If bb is feeding EBM u got to replace with at least 20mins pumping session.

1 mth before going work, u have to let ur bb adjust to the daily routine after u go back to work.

Meaning bottle feeding in the day (done by someone else)

and latch on at night.

Please don't suddenly stop latching.. By then bb is already 3mth and they will miss breast..

Rules of bfing is very simple

demand = supply

feed by demand is not letting bb drink all they want

actually it means latch bb whenever bb wants so your breast will know what bb needs. In terms of how much and nutrients needed.

For bb less than 6 mths they drink the same amy of

milk. Over feeding is no good..

Our BM will increase the level of nutrients, fats, and everything that is needed accordingly to bb age and needs.

For FM u got to increase water n no of scoop cuz the

nutrients is fixed in a scoop..

So don't use FM method on BM.

Use a milk calculator for BM. Overfeeding will cause bb to have obesity in the future.

To add on, those going back to work should not miss pumping session. 3-4hrly must pump to catch up on bb demand. Of can't catch up got to do it every 2-2.5hrly n supply will up within a few days.. And never be lazy on pumping cuz is a manual way to tell ur breast to make milk..

Make sure u empty ur breast each time.

For those mummies who is fully latching is much easier cuz bb drinks whatever is needed.

And whatever milk u pump out doesn't means that's how much in ur breast.. Baby is always the best pump. No other pump can empty ur breast like baby so don't get over stress by the any u are pumping..

Sheryl, aiyo, y ur maid lidat.. change lo.. stealing = bad habit..

Same same.. i only feed on demand leh.. now i worry if baby reach growing spurth, will i have enuff milk for her..


MIL wan to change. She's very unhappy with the current 1. So ya..

final decision is hers! But we've pick a new 1 & arriving onli 2wks ltr ._____.


i can pass u milkbags in exchange for frozen ones =D

U still can tahan anot? LOL.. i rather let those reali wif low supply yet on TBF de mummies take 1st if they wan.

My NB still left a pack. S size i haf 3pkt of pampers active & 1 jumbo pkt of Mamy Poko.. Same lor dun dare to stock too much..


any mummies wanna order together? or shall we give it a miss, bliss.

Since we have so mani pkts on hand =P


if u dun latch on bb for bm, pump at least 3hrly to maintain the supply. If not supply go dwn-hill and bb demand increase very stressful to get bk suppyl morever its not instant ur body will change to the increase of milk.

Cath, I did try giving to #1 too!

Kaykay, how is ur supply now? Seems like ur baby is able to latch. Just that bb fuss on left side more right? U have short nipple?

One way to latch bb successfully is to watch feeding cues..

When bb cry is too late already.. To know what is hungry cues u can go to you tube n see. Latch bb when baby is awake n not crying for milk. Is will makes things easier this way. N u don't have to latch bb only at feeding time. Anytime bb is awake u can try b pratice. Doesn't matter if bb latch a few mins.. Let bb have more time to learn to latch.

Bottle feeding is also the culprit of crying at breast.

If ur milk flow is slow bb will cry cuz bottle flow is much faster.

Do breast massage, latch bb on, use cross cradle so u can control his head. Squeeze abt of milk on his lips.. Let bb tast and rub ur nipple on his lips. Once bb open his mouth wide, latch him on. If bb don't open mouth big, pinch your aerola and shove it in. Make sure latch must be correct so bb can get milk.

Once latch on, do breast compression. Co

press on the upper part of ur breast to let the milkflow faster before ur let down. In this way ur bb won't be unlatching again n again cuz no milk..

Do search for dr jack Newman bfing videos. Kellmom.com is a good website with many bfing articles..

For latching problem is always better to consult a LC so they can see what us the realy problem.

Don't give up on latching. My SIL baby only latch on the 2nd month. Before that bb was impatient at breast too..

Always offer breast before giving a bottle. Teat must remain newborn flow even after 3 mths..

Wah bliss im on feenugreek n still like saving every single drop n u r pouring urs away... After each pump i make sure every precious drop goes into e bottle lor haha

Tummy binder and Support:

i found this.. looks good but price very costly.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4138216.jpg]

Rainelle, u are fully pumping or latching? If u are direct feeding n have enough for bb u no need to

pump every 3hr. If bb growth spurt bb will latch more n ur breast will adjst accordingly so no worries on that.

If ur supply not enough u may want to increase by 5-10mins sitmulation after latch for a week or two. No need long term..


is okay.. If not enough order we just give it a miss..

Don't worry any those milk.. How many pack u want? Once I clear some I can Sartre freezing again.. Those inital ones are very good! Got colostrum lor! Haha..

Zinc, I understand so I feel very bad lor.. I'm thinking what of suddenly I got no milk?! I'll be Scolding myself for pouring away. But really so full leh.. If u are in my FB u can see the pic of my freezer that is taken last week and the freezer today is squeeze to the max till I can't add in anymore..


You are so prof...Where do I find a LC for consultation? As first time, initially when bb cannot latch on and cry for milk, my hubby and mum gave bottle milk. So now feeding is btw EBM and FM.

I will latching on even when bb not hungry like you say and try. Due to latching prob and angry hungry bb, I stop latching but turn to expressing.


that's what im doing, pump every 3-4hrs. only night time when i sleep only pump once. i try to latch on bb once @ night though im reali tired. not sure if im doing the "right" way.


wah how come ur maid like that? hope ur replacement will be a better one.

bb feeding supply:

the most 80ml, sometimes when i make more, he drinks less. sometimes he drinks more when i make less! zzz.


today is the 2nd week. another 2 weeks to go!! hehe.


15pkts ba. too much my freezer cant contain oso.. MIL haven clear space for mi yet. i'll pass u 15bags in exchange =D

Bliss, latching on mostly.. but i'll empty another side if too engorge.. plus got to keep going to gynae clinic to clean my wound.. need some EBM at home in case baby hungry when i'm not home.. previously pump my right side cos it's badly hurt when my girl dun know how to latch properly + short nipple.. there's still a cut unhealed.. but ytd i tried to latch my girl on right side, it's just slight pain.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i hope the replacement will be better. If not sure die.. 2more mths before i return wrk sia.. Haix..


Wic hosp u gave birth at? all hosp have LC if im not wrong.

Hi Bliss

I'm interested in your FBM. Have pm you. Can collect from you anytime at ya place with bags in exchg...

Please let me know. Thank you.

Kaykay, I'm not prof in bfing! Like I tell other mummies I need to see a LC too for my engorgement.. I read too much on how to build supply n didn't ready abt oversupply problem so did quite alot of wrong steps in bfing journey..

Oh ya, since u mention latching on the right is

more successfully u can actually latch on right n pump on left..

Some mothers really survive on one side breast..

I couldn't find the LC contact. But u can call up the hospital u deliver and tell them u need to see a Lactation consulant and they will contact one for u.

Rainelle, u intend to total direct feed next time right? U can just pump what is needed for standby.

As long as u are latching baby, milk will not dry up.

And for direct feed, don't let baby sleep more than 4hours!

Saw ur post on ur wound.. Must be very painful right! Feel so pain for u! Must rest more and avoid chicken!

Sheryl, can pm me ur contact no n add? I pass to u when I'm going my mom place..

Bliss, u can give ur baby milk bath, gd for their skin, dun throw away ! Wasted leh. U already giving yo ur #1 already? Save $ give more to #1.

Kaykay, I dun think u need so many sessions. Where did u deliver? I went to mt a parent craft, abt 53 for 30 mins session think one of the mummies went tmc abt 16 for 15 mins session. I feel one session is snuff.

Sheryl thanks for e brouchur. Link , peck thanks for offering.

Sheryl y ur maid suddenly became like that? So u all got confront her?

I gave birth at KKH, will they charge if I call now? When I am there, they din tell me, firstly I was staying at a new ward which the nurses are quite disorganized. secondly, I never thought bf so diff...

Bliss, I try to bfeed right again.


Rainelle how u make ur ger sleep thru the night? Do u feed more at night? What time us the last feed? And what time will she wake up for 1st feed. Envy u ...

Sheryl n bliss u all have a lot diapers leh, I only have 1 pkt of mamy poko left.

