(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Friends, you opting for C-Section tomolo? or induce?

Btw, i have gone to my gynae visit today afternoon, she said birth canal still not open yet. have to wait until next week. if still nothing happens, will need to do induce, iam so scared!!!!

Inducing is painful or not???? oh gosh


Hi all, I haf popped on 17 June at 6.28am. My boy, Jayven was 3.18kg, head 34cm, height 51cm.

Think mine is e fastest labour ba. My whole labour oni 16mins.

My Birth Story:

5.30am- Suddenly lyk gt diahorrea pain so go toilet c whether can shit, den felt contraction so wait

5.32am- Contraction again so go toilet check tis time started bleeding so go wake hubby up.

5.50am- Called gynae pain was so intense n was asked to go down hospital immediately.

6.12am- Reached TMC n still so stubborn to sit on wheelchair still walked up myself.

6.15am- Checked dilation n everything was already 8cm dilated so asked for laughin gas.

6.20am- I passed out due to too high BP

6.25am- Feel urge of pushing n gynae juz stepped in, quickly changed into his surgical gown.

6.28am- After 2 pushed BB Jayven is out.

MY labour considered vr fast n vr furious ba. Gynae was sayin I'm tat type whereby once contraction I dilate super super fast. If I ever 1 a 3rd bb, no way I can wait for natural contraction, definately muz induced if nt sure gib birth at home. LOL!

Sigh.. ytd went to gynae visit, suppose to be removing stitches.. ended up, gynae say wound red and swelling.. den she drew a lot fluid from the wound.. so she decided to open up the wound to check if got infection.. now my wound is left open, got to go gynae clinic to clean wound.. maybe a week or 2 den need to go hospital to stitches back.. =( *pain + waste $$

Friends and Jojo, jiayou!!

grats nat, woah, another big baby! salute w/o epi..

dots, aiyo.. ignore ur fil la..

Summer March, i think must wait till ur wound healed.. a week lidat den not pain..

Re: Burping baby

I tot is stroke up easier to burp out?

yaozi & Elain, grats!

missbluey, my right breast can pump aroud 120ml but not every 3hours i pump la.. but i feel left side milk lesser.. but i only latch baby to my left cos right side nipple shorter and still have sore nipple..

jolene, nice birth story.. so envy..


induce not very pain, just feel uncomfortable when they insert the pill & VE. but its reali a waiting game lor, plus my 2 labours were induced.


the fastest & cheapest costs in delivery suite! hehe.


did gynae say why open ur wound? sounds really painful leh. must tc k.

wao, 120ml...envy. =p

my nipples also feel sore like as if gg to crack hence dun really latch now, more of pumping now.

my right nipple got 2 crack on it side.. yet to heal despite i din latch for 2 days..

gynae fear for infection.. so open up lo.. den let it heal before stitching back.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Summer March, use ur milk, apply on ur nipple.. allow it to air dry.. after 3 hr ur nipple will have a layer of skin, den u pump.. no blood..

Thks bizzymum, Elsie & Rainelle! Really Hoping for smooth delivery...

Elsie, I will induce tomorrow's nite. Same like u, my cervix still closed leh but my CTG showed that I'm having regular contractions but no pain leh and Gynae scared baby distress if too long in tummy so advised to induce tomorrow's nite. He commented that his head very low liao, he can feel it.... Also, baby now 3.3kg, he put on 500 grams within a week so I guess Gynae also scared later might end up Emerg csect if too big... I also scared scared now.. Can't sleep since last nite and I'm having headache on & off...

Congrats jolene!

Take care Rainelle! Try to avoid eating chicken this week to let the wound heal nicely. This is what my mum told me when I had my heart ops last time....

Congrats Jolene & Elaine!

Sheryl, kiddy palace sales is till 30jun..

btw, i still decided to get the medela mini electric plus. hope i can tahan the noise.. lolx

Sheryl, oh I don't tink hb will want to go pick

up at telok blangah.. I tink I will give it a miss then.. Thanks..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi blueberi, hope you are in time to see this msg...

not only the mini electric is noisy...also you must take note...it doesn't come with the "two phrase pumping"

Medela swing or freestyle, the normal size one, comes with 2 phrase puming, meaning the pump will actually do a stimulation 1st, then the real pumping....our babies actually suck our nipples like this, the machine is just trying to imitate baby's suctions. this way, you will have more milk supply.

but u still can massage before you use the mini electric using bare hands.

Jolene, i am so envious of u. took only such a short time to push bb out, congrats!

Rainelle, poor u. it sounds to be so painful! ouch, in the meantime u must take super care of your wound.

Friends, Jiayou to you! hope to hear your smooth delivery story tomoro. what time u going to the hospital tomolo leh?

Ms Blue, what's a VE? I dun understand.

bluberi...nvm then...use hands to massage before you pump the milk..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just now....my husband tot of lighten my workload...happily mix my clothes with baby clothes (accumulated 2 days clothes), including a baby GUESS jacket and white colour bodysuits from Mothercare....quite a number...and now all my baby clothes became RED! the baby GUESS jacket became red too!!!! Help....!!!!

I got so frustrated and kept nagging at my husband, asked him why he din know how to wash still kaypo kaypo went to wash...my mil heard that and actually said I the the one who threw the red clothes inside the washing bucket. I was already very frustrated...and she still siding her son (Always do this)....I got very pissed off....nearly becoming postnatal depression.

who can tell me how to rectify the mistake...how to wash away the red stain on my baby's clothes. I tried bleach, it wont work...!

anyway, my husband's Ed Hardy Tshirt also became red....he should understand how I am feeling now. all my expensive baby clothes gone..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks all. It might b vr fast labour bt e pain was damn intensen lucky no traffic or rain if nt i sure gib birth in e car.Imagine contraction every min since at home, its lyk killin mi hard. Help hubby saved alot coz actually was due to b induced on tat morning. TMC refunded mi bout $700+ thou so really save alot.

Elise- VE= Vaginal Examination. They will put fingers in to check for dilation. It can b quite painful n uncomfortable. Think most of e mummies hate it.

Daphne- From wat I noe red vr hard to come off de.

Mummies whom are pumping full time..

can i check if you will feel uncomfortable when you wear bra. now i hate to wear bra! no choice hv to go braless at home

I went to TMC' Parent Craft to seek help on my low milk ss.. apparently, they can't do much coz i don't hv blocked ducts or can't find any problems with my breast.

so on my part.. i gotta hv ample rest (which i don't have).. do more massage and also up my fluids intake

and they also advice to take my milky drinks like milo or Similac Mum milk instead of drinking H20!!

i paid $16 for a mere 15min session!!


I will pat his back in upwards stroke for few min, then if no burp then I will also swirl my boy 2-3 rounds. then stop for a while, then pat his back again


ware u stay? N the valve cfm can fit old avent pump?


ok, thanks.. Aft dis wk den go shp for things.. Heng ar.. It's ending dis coming sat!

My avent comes wif the duck valve - finally pumped out some meagre amt stopped n finish off via manual method which can yield more for me... Will try PISA to compare.

I need to be more efficient in using the pump or manual else when CL leaves, I won't hv the luxury to do it in peace. Also trying to stretch the pump session fr 3 hrs to 4-5 hrs - end up fell asleep n missed 1 pump session, wake up wif 2 heavy boobs! Took me 35min to get 180ml cos thot juz nice to make it 2 feeds for my milk monster. Really gotta massage n massage... Hands also aching now. Gotta supplement wif FM juz now too, he actually drank 800ml per day!

Congrats to Yaozi, Elaine, Jolene

i cath, i know a CL that free on june, i've pm u her contact..

bliss, i've received your email... thanks

Congrats to Yaozi, Elaine, Jolene!!!

Anyone know the shelf life of bm keep in the chiller and freezer? Can we mix 2 pump together and freeze it?


I'm tryin to figure hw to fit the duckbill valve to my pump before I buy.. Lolx.. It seems impossible lehx! Duckbill valve has a screw like thing to hold in place rite? Whereby star valve is a push up thing.. Zzzz...

Can enlighten mi? Or any pics to c the part ware it connects duckbill before n aft?

Sheryl, i stayed in punggol..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for the duck bill valve, same application.. Insert

fm below like star valve..u able to get wat I mean?:p


thot muzwear bra all the more? I got a very leaky rightbreast this time so all the more hv to wear. Do u wear at least when u sleep? My previous session wif parentcraft ends up more like chit chatting n as we talk I juz tear.. Hormones leh.. Sort some thoughts out n feel much better even no concrete solution. And it's FOC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hv been taking hot drink when expressing - Milo, red dates tea or lactation fm


I got instruction manual wif pic i think but gotta finish my expression first hor... Else may wanna google avent got online manual or not if urgent. It's wat Sberry describe pushes up n make sure the valve encloses the circumference

Any mommy here succeed in VBAC?

I had a c-section 7 years ago with my girl, now I in am in my 38 weeks (39th week next tue) with my 2nd girl. Wanted to try VBAC but also quite scared of uterine rupture especially with the recent case in Raffles hospital published in newspapaer.

Gynae told me that he will not encourage induce for VBAC. Should I wait for labor to start or just opted for a planned c-section?

Thanks peck.

got the mail. will contact her.


I'm on full express now and I think full express needed lots of massaging cos pump may not empty breasts efficiently. so got this sore feelin. but its important to wear your bra cos this is the time where our breasts are v heavy. wearing bra will help to reduce the sagging of our breasts esp like what koaru said the more you should wear at night. maybe the bra size is not right?

Daphne, have u tried Kao Colour bleach? First, dry the clothes. Pour the bleach on the affected clothes, let it stay for half an hr before soaking it into a pail of water with half a cup of the colour bleach. Soak it for half a day and wash as normal:)

Elsie, I will be admitted around midnite. I'm still praying for a natural contraction to happen today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blueberi's princess finally make her grand appearance! congrats to blueberi and all other mothers who just delivered this week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me visiting gynae tmrw for my 39 weeks check. i am one of the last few MTM in this thread. most have been upgraded to mums already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wearing bra

I agree with kaoru cos I went to TMC parentcraft to buy nursing bra as I felt the ones I buy didnt seem to fit and I was having engorgement the nurses there thought me how to wear the bra properly.. just tight enough to support the breast to reduce engorgement and must massage breast.. it was great help thou the bra was like 60+ its worth it... I think it also helps with breastmilk supply cos i leaky and thinking if I should store the "leaky" milk instead of leaking it to the breast pad...

congrats congrats to all mummies that have popped this week.. doing confinement is really a chore man! feel so bored la!! 2 more weeks before i can officially be a "clean" person again!! lol!!

tired tired tired.....

Friends, jiayou tonite! I has not taken any chicken since opt.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

BluBeri, grats! and you can stop ur paranoid worries!!

Re: Confinement

I actually just wash and clean my bottom.. can't tahan.. slipped some cold drinks and ribena and plain water.. milo and red dates tea just make me sick.. I wanna wash my hair.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so smelly...

Hi all mummies,here to update my birth story...


2-3pm felt contractions during sleep n thought is just Braxton hicks

4pm woke up and went to the toliet,after peeing saw bloody show, called gynae and the nurse advise me to admit to hospital

7pm reached Mt A Delivery Suite n nurses done VE and was  

Only 1cm dilated. Did Ctg n mild contractions only.interval 10 mins once...

11pm Dr came did VE still 1cm dilated. Dr advise to stay in delivery suite to wait further dilation.

7.30am Dr came checked 2cm dilation...he then ruptured my waterbag

9am Contractions became intensed, interval 4mins and was 4cm dilated

11pm + Contractions were unbearable and felt the urge to pushed

1pm after 5 pushes,baby was out...


Hahahaa... same same.. sneaking cold drinks, ribena and plain water.

Nw i wanna wash hair can onli do it in the wee hrs ware everyone is asleep.

Hubby dis wk wrking nite shift cannot even wash.. ltr he sure grumble..

everyone in the house r keeping a watch on mi.. haiz.. cannot secretly bathe wor.. then bathe must use those boiled herbs water!! yucks man!! but no choice!! really dread dread dread confinement!!!!!!


so do you all wear non-wired nursing bra? i scared it makes my breast look like sagging papaya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dun wear underwire bra.. will cause ur breast to engorge.

Wear nursing bra, non-wire de.. get those with thick straps better support..


i wear normal bra but didn't hook bra, anyway confinement ma, nv go out, so don't bother. can't go braless cuz fil is around. not a fan of nursing bra.


me too. everyday perspire until sian, miss my aircon! secretly showered when mil wasn't around but Hubby nagged @ me. =p

after tmr, it will be another 2more weeks to the end of my confinement!!

congrats Juliana & bluberi!

bluberi can finally hold ur darling liao, post pics k!

any recommendations on where to buy nursing bra?

bought cheap one from BP but not that comfy leh

Bluey: ur pump is duckbill valve or star valve? Surprising my mum got mi a new pump when she saw my fb post on spoil pump.. Eahahaha...


I gt my nursing bra frm spring maternity.. $30 per piece.. I like the material. Haf a total of 6 pieces

sberry :

indeed far.. But anytime u wan let mi knw if I haven sell off


did your Gynae prescribe some increase milk flow medication for you? perhaps can speak to Gynae to see how he can help.


yah she did.. prescribed Fenugeek and Domperidom


thanks for info. will check it out!


I'm also on Fenugreek and Domperidone. Milk supply is increasing but still too slow for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Are you having success with them?



LOL.. trendy hur. All my aunties oso on Fb! wahahaha.. so she join in the crowd.. =P

Star hur.. i tot of buying the duckbill since sberry mention it wrks better den star valve.. so far manage to find 1pkt of 6 pieces $13.50

