(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


I usu massage my breast while taking hot shower and use the massage technique like what we did for breast self-examination - gently press in circular motion from top of the breast (near the armpit) towards the nipples. I did not proceed further to touch nipples as I am afraid to trigger contraction.

Bliss, i tink i already very slow in bb shopping, i got frens EDD in jul and their shopping all completed earlier than mine. i still got breastpump n thermometer haven buy but already told hubby which one to get in case i pop before we could buy it.

nw i keep telling bb next wk cannot come out coz gynea on leave, can oni come out aft 17jun. super stress over handover at work, the temp staff really CMI lor, my GM hopes that i work till next fri but my hubby wants mi to start ML next mon liao. had to get him to compromise n let mi work till at least tues, tml still must tok to my GM abt it. i tried my very best to teach the temp during the past 3 wks, but she still CMI i also bo pian mah. my hubby said the most i work from home if my GM needs my help.

bibibaba - yr gynae is very patient and pro bfg..how nice. So far I have not sought my gynae's advice on breastfeeding matters. I usu check with the LC in the hosp or look up info from the web.


I have been getting frequent contraction 2 weeks ago, but they were not regular...on some days, I can get 3-4 contractions within an hour and followed by cramps and pains..but they stopped when I rest on the bed. My mum told me that if they are real labour contractions, I would not be able to rest in peace..so I reckon these are just pre-labour contraction (false alarm).

bebe, that's good to know that it is false alarm... but the contractions are getting intensity... really scare that it may be anytime.

Blueberi, ur new temp CMI ah? Oh no... but honestly there is no one good time to complete handover one. sometimes, just have to let go liao. My colleagues also ask me to go back office but i told them i can't ... today i go play table tennis with them and realise more contractions after that. Better "kuai kuai" stay at home and rest well.

Wah Cath u still can play table tennis? *Saluate*

Yes yes new temp CMI also no choice... now is time to relax & rest more dont think so much Bluberi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cath.. My Edd is June 16 also but I pop on 27 May liaox.. Lolx.. Gt a hunch bb comin dis mth, hubby still suspect but bad oso.. Was born premmie had to stay in special care n discharge 1 day aft mi

Cath, dat temp 3wks already but CMI lor, my hubby also said the same, if cannot handover finish den no choice also, just let go. it's not as if i nv teach her, if she cannot absorb i also cannot do anything.. repeat so many times the same time to her liao.

Hi Tiger Baby

Can help to update my information, i will be having c-section w epidural on 8 June due to baby breech.

Hi mummies

Today went to expo for last minutes buy, pampers NB selling for 24pcs selling at $8 each. Other size pampers selling at 3 for $45. Bought 2 NB will have a picnic straw mat free.

Huggies NB selling at $6.50 each.

They are giving out this July "Motherhood magazine" free after doing a short survey.

Bought a Shear car seat from 0 to 18kg for $89, they sold out today, so pay deposit to collect either tomorrow or their office after tues.

Tomorrow they will be selling at $99.

Munchkie 25% off

Medela 20% off

Poney clothes starting from $4, up to 70% discount

They have other store, like avent, pigeon, dryer wee wee, dr brown, rubber mat, cordlife.

Thanks elise!

Sheryl, don't give up! Try to latch bb before u give bb EBM. Keep on trying. Latch when bb got hunger cues before bb cry.

My SIL express her milk in intially as bb refused to latch. But 2nd mth manage to latch on.

U are right. Latching n expressing is totally different thing. So don't give up!!

Hi all mummies I am currently at Mount A. the 3rd nights. I actually have give birth to my baby boy on 1st June @ 1055hrs under c/sect due to I had bloody shown that morning.. So was sent to early delivery. My son is 2.658kgs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] God bless all with smooth n sucessful delivery...

hi mummies

i can only manage to express 30-40ml from both sides as its been a week since i delivered.

sigh.. so pathetic supply! but still not giving up as i'm pumping every 2-3hrly!!

quite disappointed that i could not get my boy to latch on as he was very very sleepy and din even wanna suckle when i pinch my nipple in.. due to jaundice.. so PD advised us to wake him up every 3hrly.

Mummies with lotsa of supply of BM.. don't give up pumping/latching!!

wanna check..

i hv this stinging feeling in my breast like 1 hr after pumping? what does this means? that i did not completely pump out all the milk?

btw, mummies in TMC.. can ask for Enfalac samples to bring home upon discharge.. they are quite generous but also depends on the nurse's mood.

if you opt for total breastfeedin in TMC, they will sugg to feed glucose water via cup or syringe if Baby is seem to be hungry or dehydrated or can't latch.

before i discharge.. i got them to cup feed my boy enfalac, incase he get hungry and cry on way home

i be bringing him for 2nd pD review of his jaundice with Dr Ang Ai tin..hope his level will go down

thanks bliss..

last night was the first night at home and he want to feed so frequently that i gave up and let him sleep beside me so my CL dont have to keep coming to knock at my door and my hubby dont have to crawl out of bed to receive him..

thinking of gg parent craft later to get some advice as i can feel my nipples getting sore even though i consistently put the cream..

then i tried to express but it's more painful!

More mummies popping!

Gratz to all mummies..

for mummies doing total bf like me (regardless latch or express)

JIAYOU! its tough job but rewarding =D

hi zinc,

during my #1, the LC told me that best cream is our breast milk...jus squeeze a little out and spead on the nipple/aerola area and air to dry....initially will be sore n red as bb will be latching every 2-3hrs...bt as time goes by, it will be better...rem to latch the bb correctly, whole of the aerola and not jus the nipple onli....or u wld be like me, sore and bled tat time....hurts so badly....

Sandy congrats!! U are under dr woo too right? How's ur pain? Ok?

Zinc, continue to latch on demand. Nipple sore mainly is due to improper latch. Always make sure to correct the latch each feeding. Once nipple crack and bleed it will make

mama more xin ku. For a good latch u will

feel pulli g at aerola and not nipple. At first will be abit painful but it should go away within a few mins. If still painful while bb is sucking means latch is wrong. Unlatch n latch again.

Apply ur BM around your aerola nipple before n after feeding. Remember must AIR it! It really works!

Till now luckily my nipple still ok. I kept trying to make

my boy latch properly. I still remember my #1 bleed like nuts. Express strawberry milk out in hospital but I dent stop cuz I scared no milk..

BB having good wet n soil diapers? If yes I think should not be a problem.

I'm Reading some aritcles last night.. And I realised that many crying n fussing baby is due to mummy milk flow. Or even oversupply. Maybe mummies can read up and see if their bb is reacting that way.

For those who is expressing please don't look at ur pump. Your pump can't empty your breast and our breast constantly have milk. So don't worry on supply now!

I'm going to have engorgement today.. I realised I'm facing the same problem. Over supply! Bb only latch 30mins max and sleep 3-4 hrs straight. If I force bb to latch again he cries! My breast is getting fuller and fuller.. And now I couldn't express fearing that I will engorge further..

Bluberi, u still have time! I yet get bath tub! Haha.. I think I'll use the one mount a gave first.. Must quickly get ur breastpump liao. Thermometer must easy to buy off shelves even middle of the night. For newborns most accurate ones are armpit thermometer so standby one normal one..

Gitz normal to have the stinging pain but can't remember the reason..

Congrtas diana!! Finally popped!!

Hi Raleigh, any idea if Diana JS is in single room in TMC?? im here now and checking out today, may go and pop by to say hello to her! I'm likely to go home today and bring little Thomas back to continue with his photo therapy for jaundice at home, if they allow renting of the light. Any idea what is Summerdaze's real name? As she is also somewhere in TMC now....hehehe....I'm in Ward 520.

COngrats Diana!! Your baby arrived early!! hope you and baby is doing well!! 3 cheers! :))


If reali too full have to express out!! Unless u wanna wake ur baby 3hrly sharp to latch onto ur breast.

My lactation nurse taught me the cold cabbage method. u go try but dun place it tooo long on ur breast as will reduce the supply.

dun be stressed leh, bluberi, its not your fault that the temp person who is covering u, cannot make it. my temp gal, she also super duper blur, my HR dunno doing what. engaging such a super green horn without any experience to cover my duties. I dunno whether to laugh or to cry over their choice of person~!

Wow Diana, congrats to u!

Kelly, i am also very nervous and scared now. as this is my #1 child, i am worried that i dunno what to do, and whether can i take the pain or not....recently also kept on having stomach pain for no reason

Sheryl now not engorge yet. Just feeling full.. If really engorge then I'll hand express abit. I'm

scared the milk will increase.

I think the LC know I'm those with over supply so

ask me to latch one side only. If i latch both side now mist be horrible! Now one side can tahan abt 6-8 hrs then will feel


I didn't dare to try cold cabbage too! Now supply still ok. Hope can maintain this way.. So I can hand express abitbto store. Too much also cannot, too little also cannot!!

Congrats to all mummies who have delivered...


I think you not the only one.. I keep having slight pains here and there and at one stage tummy was like stone hard every now and then like 2-3 times and hour.. I was like is this a sign or just false signs... so confusing...

1st time mummies:

I only hope that I dont end up taking the ML too early as I heard 1st time mummies usually go to 40weeks... is that so?

Sheryl now not engorge yet. Just feeling full.. If really engorge then I'll hand express abit. I'm

scared the milk will increase.

I think the LC know I'm those with over supply so

ask me to latch one side only. If i latch both side now mist be horrible! Now one side can tahan abt 6-8 hrs then will feel


I didn't dare to try cold cabbage too! Now supply still ok. Hope can maintain this way.. So I can hand express abitbto store. Too much also cannot, too little also cannot!!

Dianajs, congrats! Few days ago u were still mentioning than baby still comfortable in tummy and today u popped. I'm getting nervous Liao as my Edd is close to yours. Do update your birth story....

Patl, Dianajs booked 4 bedded. Not too sure if she managed to get the free upgrade of room or not....


dun worry too much..all will turn out to be fine...i am hvin cramps and pain in the lower adobemen aso....bt i hv chk w gynae tat it is becos bb's head is pressin down there....yesterday nite...i kept hvin my tummy, ma jiam like hv earthquake...so wonder if bb is makin turns inside...every pregnancy is different...wat i learnt is to trust our body and observe for any abnormalities....u can do it!!

now my lower back is aching like mad suddenly. is it one of the contraction sign?

feeling so tired everyday cuz i'm watching a HK drama every night. heh. dunno still gt the time to watch that when i pop.

i still hv 1 more working day! hee.

Morning mummies and congrats to Sandy and Dianajs on your new arrivals! Enjoy your time with your little ones.

Bebe75: Thanks for the massage tip. My doc mentioned circular motion around the areola with the cream and I am using the leftover Lansinoh that my sister passed to me, but the gel is so thick and sticky that it causes more discomfort (pain) rather than the feeling of being massaged. Anyhow, no signs of collustrum or production of any sorts. And I guess given the discomfort as a result of the massage, there is lower risk for me of it causing contractions haha.

With regards to ML: I'm starting one day before my due date as well. So far no signs of baby coming yet, currently finished 38w2d according to doc's calculation and 39w according to BabyCentre.

Hi mummies

I popped today at TMC @ 0614 hrs to a healthy baby boy weighing 2.976kg.. Natural without epi ...

Resting now will update my birth story later..

Any other mummies at TMC . .. Me at rm 426B

Congrats Sandy & Dianajs!!

i wonder if piglet have popped coz she was admitted to Mt. A to induce her bb coz her protein level was abit high.

Bliss, for bathtub, u can consider Latido.. we bought it at $29.90 and it comes with free netting n anti-slip mat. it's a gd buy coz if u buy these 3 separate confirm will be more $50.


Congrats on the birth of your bb boy...wow salute to you haing natural birth without epi...wat was your labour signs?

Diana, congrats again!!

i'm in 520. hoping to check out today! waiting for baby's jaundice result. hope it's below 10! otherwise PD wont discharge him......pray for us!!

If I have time, will come by to see you later! wow natural without epi, must be a fast one for you!! :)) rest well!

congrats to all mummies that have poped!!

it's has been a long long time since i last had an entry here.. very bz with work and stuff.. took maternity leave from 1st June and till now baby still inside mi and dun wanna gimme any signals of wanting to come out.. my EDD is on 8th june.. had bleeding yesterday morning but till now no contractions as yet.. will be giving birth at TMC though.. really now just waiting and waiting which makes mi lose tat anxiety.. lol!!

Congrats dianajs! Natural without epi!!!

Bluberi, I already bought safety eat bath support net but my mom says cant fit into mount a bathtub leh. I yet try but u hope can. Went kiddy palaca n see. Why a normal bath tub so expensive!

But urs is a good buy. I think I no need the bath support after my csect wound recovers so my hb will say waste money

to buy another one with net support :p for #1 we just use normal bathtub. But can be scary if bb crying non stop. Haha!

Congrats dianajs! Natural without epi!!!

Bluberi, I already bought safety eat bath support net but my mom says cant fit into mount a bathtub leh. I yet try but u hope can. Went kiddy palaca n see. Why a normal bath tub so expensive!

But urs is a good buy. I think I no need the bath support after my csect wound recovers so my hb will say waste money

to buy another one with net support :p for #1 we just use normal bathtub. But can be scary if bb crying non stop. Haha!

Hello mummies,

congrats to all mummies who have popped, im still waiting for mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any mummies when for CTG?? how much does it cost at TMC...

jus'su: same la..i also scared to take early ML then only to give birth later2... tmrw is my 38week...

somemore now im having the flu....

Patl, Diana is at 426b in case u wanna pop by and say hi.

Gitz,30-40 ml is ok, just continue to latch and pump.

For mummies who are bf n have problem, I suggest going down to the lactation consultant , yesterday I brought my son to do jaundice check n also make appt w e lactation consultants. I think it really help! They taught mr how to latch properly, how to use bf pillow e proper way and even reassure me that I got a lot milk, gave me a lot confidence . Like what bliss said, my boy keeps rejecting my breasts may be due to oversuppply, flow too fast for him, the consultant said the same thing too. So if u are unsure, no harm making appt n seek professional help rather then keep thinking what to do, I think one appt is suffice, abt $50 per consultation but it's worth it!

Now I stopped pumping after every latch cause milk too much and too engorged so I reduce yo abt 3-4 times a day, used to be every 3 -4 hrly. Hope this helps.

Baby rain, thanks for sharing e lobang.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bliss, i scared i drop bb, so told my hubby i want the bath net support.. happened to chance upon the Latido one which came with the bath net n anti slip mat so we grabbed it. initially i want to buy the puku brand one, but the tub alone is $29.90, piyo piyo one even more exp lor, $40++!!


congrats 2 patl, bliss, sandy and dianajs!

bebe75: Thks for sharing your birth plan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nat: I done the CTG (45 mins on foetal monitoring) at the observation room in TMC Labour ward. It costs $45. If you have FBI/SBI membership, there is an 10% discount.

