(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


I try not to say too much to #1 tho on n off when she is in gd spirits will I ask her if she will share her toys wif didi n being a motherhen, told her she has to take care of didi.. every now n then, ask her to kiss didi gdnite or sayang him. At this stage, they r still very possesive abt toys n of course daddy n mommy, that's why gotta handle their feelings carefully.


Initially it's only meant for her nap but I do notice she is always holding it when we fetch her fr school - by then it's free activities liao. Will check wif her teachers next wk if they r too lax wif her, am just so glad she seems to be getting used to cc n less crying when we drop her at school.


finish up all yr shopping n preparation n we shall await yr gd news! So excited now more n more r popping!



i also went for my 37th week check las nite... My gynea stop nagging at me already for no weight gain since week 33.... keke

is yr BB gaining weight??

my Jake gain 100grams for this week... so my gynea say since he's of OK weight 3.1kg... means orite.... i think tat why he never nag at me or ask me go eat buffet again....


tats good to knw...at least we knw tat they r enjoying themselves in sch....haiz...mine like ma jiam bak to square 1 liao....gota gif it more time...i guess...

missbluey & Elise,

Thanks! i decided to put these comment behind since it doesn't do anything good too.

Now just want to do what i can as a mummy and prepare myself for another baby..


another 6 days to go! must be very nervous right?

Do take care and enjoy the moment now!

Now i'm counting down too.. Can't believe this pregnancy is ending.. Still remember how we grumble about the morning sickness we had everyday. haha!

kelly!! My ger is like your boy!! She has been attending cc since jan, was a bit unsettled for the 1st few weeks but she was totally fine for feb to april. Then suddenly in the last 2 weeks, she also 'chu' pattern, throw sch unifom say dun wnat go sch.. cry at sch, dun wanna play with frens, dun eat in sch.. sigh.. headache.. i think the teachers also quite irritated.

Now she "chu more pattern", she doesnt even wanna wake up in the morning, say she want to sleep evn till 9 plus , 10 plus.. sigh.. plus she is still coughing so even more cranky.

Really hope she can get over this phase quickly!!

Re: comments

I think we have to ignore all these pp, i agree with u all that not all are blessed with smoth pregnancies and babies so we shld just ignore them and focus on our kids!!

Have seen so many cases of friends/collegaues going for IVF and not successful or haven got preg for 2-3 yrs even though they keep trying so we shld be feel blessed that w have kids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Even though they can be quite "irritating" and "demanding" . Erm.. 1st time mummies, i am sorry to say that but i do feel tired with my #1, they can be an angel and demon at the same time.... but u will not experience it so fast lah.. up till 15-1 mths, she was still 90%angel.. :p

Hi ladies.. I could not log on to the forum for quite a while .

Glad to know that all mummies to be are getting on well ya !!

Evangelyn congrats !! Hope are getting on well and recovering well

Friends , patl and peck

I went for my gynae checkup at TMC with Dr Ben Tham

Week 35 checkup went well. Baby is abt 2450g ..Dr says might be a big baby and asked me to watch my diet haha

Dr Tham clinic is shared by a few gynaes .. Definitely different then KKH .. Think someone was trying to sell him the 3D scan machine and I got a 3 D scan for free coz he was experimenting with it... Was quite fun I shud say.. But baby very uncooperative so did not get very good pics ..

Any of u have seen him at TMC yet ??

My next checkup is on 02/06

Koaru, Kelly

Ya .. should try to get him more involved with #2. Select gifts for didi.. hmmm... very challenging. scare later he said why didi has presents. He is trying to distant himself from me. Like trying to stick closer to Daddy. I think he knows when didi is out, i won't hv so much time with him.

36weeks now and next wed will be 37weeks, i am craving for coconut but can't eat cos of my cough and throat. Saw it at Shop N Save - $1.30 only... argh... Have not had any coconuts during this preggie. I think may missed the coconut already if i still don get well next week.

Someone mentioned about bringing portable fan to delivery ward. Not sure abt the othe hospitals, but Mt A - YES. I was feeling so so so warm when i was pushing. It felt so terrible until i shouted everyone to stop unless they gave me a fan. But gynae used a forcep in the end instead of fan. So this time, i am not taking any risk, must bring fan!


Hope ur gal will recover soon. My son is also still coughing,but lesser now. This cough has been draggy... Hope all mummies will be well and have smooth delivery when time comes.

I am washing all those small little booties and mittens. So cute..

cath..i just had coconut despite my cough since i think mine is heaty cough shld be ok.. :p bought 3 from ntuc, only $1.10.

Har.. must bring fan to delivery ward?? I went for Mt A tour , i thot the delivery ward quite cold leh.. was thinking must wear cardigan liao.. Better go and find fan too..

hello mummies to be! the day is drawing nearer and nearer! have you prepared one of the essentials for your baby - the beansprout husks pillow?

my BP is coming up on Tuesday, in the meantime, you can drop by my blogshop to take a look first ya?


We make and customise beanie pillows and bolsters. Customisation of sizes is available.

Our beansprout husks are washed, carefully handpicked and sun dried repeatedly.

All fabrics are 100% cotton and will be handwashed with baby safe washing powder before being filled with beansprout husks.

So tired now. Didn't slp for 24hrs already. Poor boy had another round of fits ytd evening tat make mi so scared to fall asleep. His fever nvsubside. Feel so heart pain to c him suffer.

raleign, u must be gettin very excited now.. few more days to go.. btw, did u engage make-up artist for yr photo session? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me been having cramps n braxton hicks more often. went for 36 weeks check-up last wed, gynae said bb head very down liao, though not engage. but i been praying hard to tahan another 2 weeks.. haha..


yup, that's the positive way of thinking! don't let negative comments get you down, not worth it. they are simply too free to mind other ppl's biz.


gynae didn't said anything about my diet when he told me bb's weight is about 2.7kg & last week was only about 2.5kg. he only said this #2 might be the same weight as #1 when i deliver. maybe its my size bah.


what triggered your son's fits? hope he is ok. plus you are so heavily preggie now, must be very tough on you. tc k.

Tigerbaby: thanks thanks!! Will keep u ladies update!

Koaru: nw I only left with washing all the new bottles, etc. Started my ml leave. Now resting at hm, do up all the final hsework n I'm waiting to pop. Hee..

Sharky: my bb weight is only abt 2.4kg. Haa..

Bliss: yeah!! Nw is 5 more days!! Hee.. I'm excited n nervous too!! But really can't wait to c my boy!

Sberry: I did not engaged the makeup artist. I did it myself.

My CTG $52/session lors.. my gynae money minded.. everything oso $$.. =X CTG is to monitor whether our baby are stress inside our tummy as well as contraction.. a guide to see if the baby need to be induce..

fungus = yeast?, my gynae did a virginal culture.. den found out of yeast and Group B Strep.. =(

It's impt to treat our any bacteria infection esp if u are giving bith naturally.. like for yeast.. it will cos thrush in baby mouth..

Jolene, hope ur boy recover soon.. xin gu ni ler..

Raleign, most likely i will do make-up myself too though i m someone who seldom make-up.. haha.. thanks for yr info..

Rainelle, thanks for the info on the bacteria infection.. though mine is mild, my hb will collect the med fm gynae on mon..

Talking abt those "weird things" my in-laws told me... i just open 1 ear and close 1 ear la.. they are just caring for me la.. actually if they dun care, they wouldn't share wat is the traditional beliefs lor.. they leave it to me to decide also.. i dun mind if it is not too much la.. In fact they are just thrilled that there's a new bb coming to the family since their last grandkids was born like 16 yrs ago? my hubby is the only son in the hse, but the eldest grandson in the both the IL's side.. so all the relatives are just waiting..

My hubby told me actually dun even need to buy, once bb is born, i have plenty of gifts from these relatives.. He also told me actually we should have a online registry for bb gifts, we just need to open our mouth, tell everyone to what we need and ask them to confirm wat they want to give so that we won't have double gifts.. haahaa.. So we just relax la.. Sometime it is good that i married the favourite son/grandson in the hse.. haahaa..

Now i'm just stressed with the bb cot/playpen.. have to settle with playpen cos no space in my room.. Hubby wanted on Graco brand but those nice one No stock.. went to 1st few years but the shipment only arrive in 6 wks later if we order.. and the other models are not nice too.. haiz...

We asked them to order express shipment for us, the shipping alone will cost me $600-700 plus.. Really siao.. then plus the play pen price @$399.. i'm better off buying a cot! scratching my head now.. see if i can buy online and ship in from amazon...


Good for u gal.. U can see your baby soon liao.. So excited for u !! Do keep us posted and in the mean time just chill and wait for the moment..

Sberry.. when is ur shoot? Hope is next wk cos yr tummy looks very low when i saw U yesterday.. like almost want to pop.. U can ask them to do the makeup for u @ studio loft.. they charge $80 for hair and makeup..

just came back from my 34weeks+5days check. very worrisome.

baby is only 1.8 to 1.9kg which is too small for her date. she had been starting growing too slowly at the last check as well.

I had to rush to the ultrasound clinic just now to do the doppler test which luckily all the suspected problems turns out to be ok. had to go back to gynae on monday to understand what is happening and gynae's recommendation going forward.

i think i vaguely understand gynae was saying if the baby is not growing well inside, we might have to deliver early. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i was trying hard to be very calm while waiting for my turn to do the doppler test (which was really a long 2 hours wait) although i was very very worried what could have caused my poor baby's malnutrition. hub was worried too and i had to dish out many examples of so many pre-term babies that are all going very well.

*keeping fingers crosed*

joelle, yes, photoshoot session next Wed.. i m keepin fingers crossed not to 'pop' so early.. must 'tong' another 2 weeks for me to clear watever work.. haha..

Dianajs & Patl

Today went for my gynae checkup at TMC with Dr Ben Tham. First visit... Don't like the hospital and clinic. Hubby very pek chek with the parking too.. We are too used to KK with nice foodcourt, fastfood, shopping mall... TMC is indeed old, and crowded...Went for the hospital tour... Rooms better than I expected... so not so bad... I booked 4 bedder as I cross-over to TMC cos of gynae.. Didn't really wan to let hospital earn my $$$... If I were in KK, I think I go for 1 bedder... Ha! Ha!

Dianajs, we have very close delivery date... Hope to see u in TMC!

Updates on my Week 35+ checkup. Baby is abt 2420g ..Dr also said I small size yet baby quite big. Protein and sugar TRACED in urine test. Sigh ....but Dr not too concerned leh... Also never ask me not to eat what or do further tests.. I guess shd be okie...Dr perform Strep B test today. He also tried to use the 3D machine to capture baby face but baby kept moving so unsuccessful... While scanning, noticed baby's lips and nose look like hubby; very big nose with thick lip... Quite excited lah and hope baby will have hubby's double eyelids...Cos mine is single... 'Bo swee' lah if baby got my eyes... Kekeke... Next checkup up is 2 weeks later, 5 Jun Sat...


Now u must not over exert yourself too much. Bedrest as much as possible and drink milk for better nutrient. Take care.

Jalgal: mine's on upper floors as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sparkle: gynae hasn't mentioned what's the reason? don't think too much k, till your discussion with gynae on mon.

sparkle - i tink u shldnt worried so much ya...when i went for my 34 week check up baby was oni 1.9-2kg den durin 36weeks check up baby oni 2.2kg..my gynae oso keep sayin baby is small..i understand hw it feels when we heard tat...as i'm tryin very hard to eat alot but seems tat the weight is goin to me instead...my gynae oso says if baby got not much space in my tummy, she might induce me on 38week so tat baby come out got more space to grow after drinkin milk...i tink as long they're growin n healthy, its the most important overall..weight when they come out den we work hard to feed them...

For me, I hardly gain weight for the whole pregnancy cos of poor appetite but baby has been growing steadily And on track which didn't make gynae very concerned. Today's visit before I head off to do the droppler test, doc informed me of all the possibilities which all sounds scary. Hope to hear better news on Monday.

Thanks piglet for sharing,Jia you to ur baby too!

Joelle, i tink if playpen cost $399, u may be ask well get a cot lor.. i bought bb cot for my place n playpen for use at my sis's place (mum staying there). the playpen oni ard $150. just now i saw a $139 playpen at carrefour, forgotten the brand liao but the size is like Graco playpen.. and it looked very nice lor.. i even told my mum if can, i will sell of the current playpen n buy the one at Carrefour.. tink if my hubby heard wat i said he sure will nag at me.


Yes yes... Our due date very near.. Me choosing 4 bedded also.. Din wanna spend too much money on the beds la..

Agree with u TMC is like so so smal compared to KKH. I was also not impressed as so used the the hugeness of KKH and at TMC feel very cramped up...

Then the clinic that Dr Tham is at is also very old school.. But I dun care la.. Just a few more weeks pop liao so dun wanna complain so much la.. Just wanna get it over and done with.

As for the 3D scan .. well that really brightened up my day.. keke given the fact that it was free.. keke

My next appointment will be on 02/06 ; )


The most important thing is that baby is healthy.. All the best for ur gynae appointment on Mon...

Hi Sparkle, initially gynae also commented baby is small when I was in my 28 wks and I quickly drink milk and take cheese. It really helped. Sometimes u might not like the taste of milk, try soya bean milk? It really help...so cheer up okie...stress also play a part, try to relax and sleep more.


If I am not wrong, having infection down below may hinder or not allow for natural birth as there may be possibilities to affecting bb during birth. Hence, normally it's best to get the infection fully treated before delivery. Can seek advice from gynae if necessary, he/she will be able to gauge the severity of the infection.

hi blueberi, I also want to get a bb cot too... But can't fit in my room la.. We staying with in-laws ma., wat to do.. we did saw a cot at 1st few yrs, cost us 1.2k, made in italy, n we almost bought it on impulse.. Lucky I was level headed enuf man... Hurhur...

hi dianajs,

Thanks for e link. The bp is selling those tat we saw at e shop. Not e one we wanted.. ours have a cute canopy with it plus wif musical tunes etc.. Tats y Hubby loves it.. I tot I was fussy wif shopping..

Anyway, we ordered it from amazon already, abt 185 USD, with free US local shipping charge.. I ship through vpost to singp which I have 15 disc, so shipping charges estimated at 170 sgp.. Add up is abt 400 sing la.. So same price I get from e shop... N it will be here in 2 wks.. Yea! I hope la.. Just keeping my fingers crossed!

Joelle, i see.. $1.2k for a bb cot also exp, lucky u didn't buy it. can save the $ to buy other bb items.

actually i almost wanted to get graco playpen to put at my mum's place.. but my hubby refused coz almost same price as the cot liao.

do post the pics of ur playpen when it arrive. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zinC: what is it abt the hubbies having baby blues? on what page anyway?

bebe: ?? my discharge was milky kind,slightly thicker la.

anyway updates from me..

went for my appt yest.. bb is fine. water still alot (i guessed bb still comfy inside,so still long way) eventhough gynae never comment anything when i asked.

told him my vagina still itch.he did a vaginal test,still got fungus inside. so gave me suppository tablet and also cream to apply (got discharge and THAT discharge make me itch. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

next appt abt a weeks' time. on 31May.

Jolene: hope ur boy's gonna be fine.. heart pain right see lil one sick.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi everyone. I had delivered to a healthy boy on Friday midnight. Baby weight is 2.975 and height 51cm. Quite a tall baby. Luckily the delivery is very smooth. Went to the deliver suite at 830 and delivered at 11.42 pm. Initally thought will be after midnight. Cos is still at 4cm at 11 plus. Then doc give me the drop, and straight after 5-10 minutes, i start to have extreme labour pain, and without knowing, the baby is out. Quite a blessing, as do not need to endure the pain for so long.

hi hi joelle, I got a playpen fr graco for my #1 too even when we've cot. also nearing to $400. v heart pain but good quality and sturdy. he slept in it for around 2yrs and now passing on to this #2. so I think its pretty value for money. except I got mine fr robinsons. I'm sure you'll be happy with it .

Hi limbox

Congrats!!! Second delivery to the list!!! Post bb photos yah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats to u Limbox...

Great to hear u and bb are in great health..u so fortunate.. short labour for u.. Post the cute lil one pics when u get the chance! Take care!

