(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

oh no.. sunbelle.. so sorry this had happen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

take care ok..


hi suelynn,

thank you for your encouragement. taking tis time to reflect on the past tins too. yeah wishing all well and enjoy ur motherhood.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

faithe, CJ and sunbelle,

so sorry to what you had to go through. like suelynn said, God and nature have their reasons. we all feel the loss for you.


My heart goes out to you...

I know the deep heartache,as my first pregnancy ended in a m/c and I remember the range of emotions I felt very well.

Most impt nw is to rest well & tiao yr body. Rember do not take cold drinks/fruits or carry heavy stuff.

We must continue to have faith and strength. *much love and hugs*

hi Sunbelle,

i'm sorry to hear that. do take care and rest well. we're believing that faithe, CJ and yourself will be able to conceive once your body is ready *hugs*

Faithe, CJ and Sunbelle,

I'm so sorry. Take the time to grieve, and to nurse your bodies back to 100% with mini-confinement. Be strong and know that you are loved.

Take care.

I know I was definitely taking time to reflect and think about things after the 3 announcements yesterday. Praying hard too for everyone that all will be fine.

Meanwhile, anyone starting to have less symptoms like MS etc.?

suelynn: nice to see you. yeah.. i think almost all of us were affected, thinking back on the past experiences. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

less symptoms? i wish so.. weird, coz my nausea getting abit more terrible than before. i got migraine somemore..

Hi Suelynn, im still having some MS and at the same time my son is having high fever for few days which i got to look after him myself.

My MS is getting better this week, I will have my gynae check up tonight. Eventhrough the waiting time is 2 hours at least, I m happy can c my baby soon.

Irma K, high fever almost hit 40.... haiz... im so shag now.... luckily im not working.

evangelyn: yeay.. n how far along are you today? all the best ya. did you happen to go for the prev appt? got hb alr? hehe~ i very excited.. n at the same time very scared.

Hi Ladies,

Grateful if you can share with me what you do to handle MS (eg eating sour plums, wu hua guo etc). I am in my 10th week and the MS is killing me despite trying all means to curb it. Many thanks.

yea, im rather affected but i try not to think so much & focus on my bb instead. every bb is a blessing. =)


er, actually i dun hv much MS (hope it will continue to be like that) but often has cravings. keke.


wah, hope ur son fever has gone down. hv a good rest hor.


maybe try raisins? its one of my snacks as i dun wan to depends on sweets & wu hua guo. somehow wu hua guo doesn't taste as nice as i had my #1. sorry, not much of help.

my this week's MS is worse than last week.. feel terrible and so bloated.. argh!! I'm oso relying on medication to curb my MS..

Thanks missbluey and chermaine. Am just back from hugging my best friend, the toilet bowl. I am oso on medication to curb MS and it helped to reduce vomitting frequency. When I am not throwing up, I feel that my stomach is gagging my throat...

yah.. and i have heart burn at times too.. so bloated and feels so nauseous.. guess all of us here are fighting with MS.. hahahah.. we can do it!

oh yes, i too had heartburn, feel bloated/nauseous when im too full yet can't help it when i eat something i like.

must win these MS battle! =DD

chermaine, missbluey: same2. worse than last week..

its very irritating... got medication..but its those drowsy kind.. somemore im in service line.. cant afford to fall asleep! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my ms is getting better but now it become like a alarm everyday around the same time i will need to go toilet and vomite. but luckly after vomite i feel better. sore breast is almost gone. but same like missbluey my mouth taste horrible. it's very bitter. especially at nite after i take duphaston. so now i very scare to take the duphaston. dunno is it true that the ms will go away after 1st tri. i heard some friend say they vomite until 5 to 6months..... walau its so scary i dun wan leh. i just hope when we are in 2nd tri it will really be our honeymoon time.

this is for nausea n vomitting.. name is promethazine 25mg.. given by gynae when i visited first time..

the edge of the tongue taste so weird... suck anything eat anything all taste went haywire & doesnt taste like what it shd be. eurgh!

jalgal: dun say 5-6mth. an aunt of mine.. even vomitted when she was in the labour ward. lagi jialat.tsk tsk

i think MS should be gone during 2nd tri. for my #1, my MS totally gone when reached 2nd tri except my nose is still very sensitive to cigarette & garlic smell.


i remembered i vomitted quite alot during my labour cuz i used epidural, side effect, hehe.

Ya, I have heartburn too. Last nite, hb bought mushroom swiss meal but I stopped eating after taking 2 sticks of french fries due to heartburn. My MS medication also causes drowsiness, always knocked me out flat but for 30 mins only. Am really losing the battle here and I really salute to ladies who have to cope with children and work at the same time. I am like a totally wasted person now, can't do anything at all. Lie down cannot, stand cannot, sit also cannot. Sigh....

i'm consider the lucky one. vomiting not as much as #1. but when i relly can't bear with it i will take sweets. not much craving for sour things.

spicy things makes me feel much better too.

same like other here, have bland taste in the mouth so keep craving for spicy stuff.


last week u said wanna take unpaid leave so have you decide? did you talk to ur hubby? ya i think if you are in service line and u have ms its very difficult. luckly i am in admin so if i no feeling well i sit down quiet quiet.

missbluey: oh no.. you too?

Ling: same la.. dun feel like going to work at all.. just want to be at home.. but cant be at one position for too long.. very uncomforatble.

Bliss: thing is, i dun vomit too. but the feeling of wanting to vomit.. yucky!


ya me also have heartburn & sourish taste in the mouth ....MS come and goes but sometimes vomit the gastric juice.....

Really hope MS will be over after 1st tri

Cannot believe those who have give birth to 2-3 children they really can tahan the MS......

jalgal: thats the thing. im still torn.. im in a very difficult situation now, becoz of personal reasons. lets just say that i cant afford to take unpaid leave OR quit my job because of this reason.but sometimes, i had to. just had to, like yesterday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] lucky, even though im in service line, i can still rest abit if really not feeling well. but service line being as it is, its not as easy as admin.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

seriously, im going thru some difficulties right now which is stopping me fr doing certain things. i also dunno what to do.

want to ask doc for hospitalisation leave, but on what basis? sigh..

want to keep it low, but since you ask, might as well i tell you ladies here..

I will be dead meat if MS is not over after 1st tri. This is my #1 and I already told HB whether this pregnancy successful or not (coz am spotting), no more pregnancy for me. I really cannot tahan the all-day-long MS. Ladies who don't have MS, I very very envious of you all!!

i also craving for spicy food. i like tomyam a lot. but dunno y a lot of ppl keep telling me not to take. make me feel guilty when i take it. but i dun care at least that is some thing i can eat and like to eat. tat day i force my self eat something dun like (bcos of convenience) then after eating i straight away vomite and it's like everything i eat all come out. i just feel like my bb is telling me "see told u i dun like tat u still eat. nw everything waste lor." haha" my hubby see liao also shake head. so now i only eat watever bb like to eat. that day i had fish N co alone in the restaurant for lunch just bcos that time got the craving. i feel so pai seh when i go in alone. haha.... but wat to do. if i dun eat i scare later i eat other thing i will all vomite out.

Ling: well.. yeah. to a certain extend. because im working..i dun eat it during work. only at night.. thats if im not lazy.. hehe~ if not i just sleep the MS off.. dun want to think abt it. once i wake up the next morning it wont be there (the MS). but at times, its just very stubborn.

I don't dare to crave for any food because anything I put in, I will throw out in the next 15 mins. The only thing I could stomach is chocolate ice cream but just how much ice cream can one eat?

Irma: Think I will ask my gynae for your type of medicine. Am desperate and will try anything.


yea, but that was because i had epidural ma. but i hate it when i had that vomit feeling & ended up in coughing very strong, really hate it as if i have got a bad case of cough.

perhaps u really need to discuss with your hubby about taking unpaid leave. have u announce to your boss?


same, im also an admin. =)


yes, me too. always love chilli before preggie, now even love! but need to self-control cuz i have piles. hais!!!


i was like you when i had my #1 not b'cuz of MS, it was b'cuz of delivery pain. told my hubby ONE is enough, haha. had to stop myself from thinking that scenario back then.


how do you manage when you feel drowsy during office hrs? snack? walk around? i keep dozing off when i type especially after lunch, cham....


u must eat. i think eat does help for me eventhough most of the time i will vomite it out. but i think my body need energy to fight the MS. so try to eat bits by bits. the u will feel better.


when i was on week 5-6. my ms is strong so i go gp and ask for medicine. i think that medicine help. but now i never take leh may be i just dun wanna depend too mush on medicine. u must find a way to solve your MS eventhough cant stop it totally but atleast it can be better. ask ur gynae abt it. some ppl say exercise can help, go to a park for a walk or laying on bed or eat some thing u like. there is many way but u must see which one is suitable for you. hope ur ms getting better.

Thanks jalgal. I already have MS medication from doc but it helps only up to a certain extent. That's why am seeking advice/tips from the ladies here on what else you gals do to cope with MS. I have tried sour plums, lemon peel, ribena pastilles, preserved plums, cracker, tic tac, mentos, raisins, cheese, all kinds of soft drinks etc etc but all didn't help. I can't exercise as I need to bedrest (spotting)... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ya my ms is also strong when i am in week 6 but after that it subside....

but i did not really take the medicine as what ling said not to depend too much on it.....

when i am hungry i must eat if not will get nauseous....

for those having #1:

to me, MS consider is the easiest part in pregnancy.i do vomit from morning to night for my #1. i hate that feeling so much but i had no choice. but when i hit 2nd trimester i wan jumping in joy. but when i'm in mid 2nd trimester i start to dread cause is not going to easier then 1st tri. although no more vomiting but baby weight increase greatly which start to cause problems like backache and couldn't sleep. baby start kicking at night. woke up to pee and can't get back to sleep.

when we are in 3rd tri is the hardest period. carrying a huge tummy, walking for an hour nearly broke my leg. no need for anything even shopping. everynight cry to sleep cause of backache. feeling like something is around your whole waist. can't stretch properly. can't sleep properly. always sleeping on my side. whole night will be tossing on the bed. wishing to deliver asap. start to appreciate the comfort on sleeping on my back and tummy. not forgetting the increase of times going to toilet the whole day.

i was overdue and deliver on 40 weeks and 4 days. from week 39 i'm wishing my waterbag will burst. and quickly deliver but baby was too comfortable inside. the last 4 days was terrible. tummy was huge and ended up in csect.

So please don't feel upset cause of MS. although is not feeling good at all but when time comes more things will start like heartburn etc. for those who needs to work is more tiring for them. so do enjoy this early pregnancy when baby is still growing and a tummy when you still can bend and squat. haha!

jalgal, go ahead and eat tomyam if you feel like. i ate almost anything i crave for. but one NONO to me is RAW. i feel that much really avoid.

i control my diet more after deliver and breastfeeding my son. cause that really directly cause harm to baby. eating too spicy will ended up baby having tummy ache. eat too heaty baby will be heaty too.


Wow! So many replies.

Was asking as for today I didn't puke, less MS too, and mouth does not taste so bad - making me paranoid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I hope all is fine, praying hard, and doc visit is next Thursday.

Meanwhile, I salute the mummies who have other kids and/or work as well, don't know how you do it. Didn't realize 1st trim can be so terrible. Elaine, hang in there, one step at a time, do things slowly if you must. Hope your son gets well soon so that you have an easier time.

My sis was just telling me that she read somewhere that MS peaks at weeks 9/10. Maybe that's why some of you feel like it's torture period now. My MS started in week 5 and last week (9) was really really bad for me. But last few days symptoms seem to be easing.. a little early you guys think? Today should only be 10w4d according to last baby size measurement (at 8w6d). To ease MS they say dry crackers help. I take those healthy Jacob's less salt more fibre crackers every morning and sometimes in the afternoon.. but warning - it tastes like cardboard. The other thing that is supposed to help, also with bloat is boiled ginger water. I don't put any sugar in, so healthier. And drink this warm, so more like comfort tea.

For sleepiness after lunch, I finish my lunch very quickly these days (going out sharp at 12). Then a lunch time nap at my desk *gulp* (sorry, I know very unglam - but right now, whatever it takes to feel better).

