(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Jenn - i agree with Tywong..just get the spiddy stand..the boys will love it..As for the gals..u can do a plain cupcake, wrap it up (or use the cup cake bag from Daiso) and tag it with Princess gift tags or princess stickers. The frosting not easy leh..I tried before, need to have skills, or may be I am just lousy in decorating.

Jenn - you are right..their stuffs are the cheaper than the rest..its scene setter is $10 cheaper than the one sold at the Compass Point. There is one party store at Novena Square..but things are also ex (the same scene setter is $30!!) though they have more varieties. They even have that Phineas & Ferb - my gals' fav. I was telling them, if they ever have a theme party..we can do a Phineas & Ferb one..and played their songs thru out the party..

Cath - not sure if the online store has woodland collections..this is what I found from the website There is no extra charge for self-collection. You may opt to self-collect at the following locations:

1. Jurong East# (exact location depends on timing);

2. Jurong East MRT, Chinese Garden MRT, Bukit Batok MRT, IMM or Jurong Point (weekdays, 8pm);

3. CCK MRT or Yew Tee MRT (Sunday, 4pm or 7pm);



Cooking skills come with practice..coming from someone who know nuts from cooking, now I can cook a decent meal. My man said my fried rice and fried bee hoon is nice..hehehehe..

Actually cooking is very therapeutic, at least for me. Cos I dun like ppl to disturb me and my family knows how to steer away from the kitchen when I am inside..that is how I get my private time. But now, my boy huh, thinks kitchen is mummy's playground and he shd enjoy the fun..so when I cook, he wanna tag along..and start to ramble round the kitchen, laundry yard area and dig my cabinet, play with my kitchen tools..

As the current kitchen is not childproof, i dun like him to spend too much time there. So I also cook lesser now..

Jenn, go for the spiddy stand. Its more outstanding.

Aiyo... i have not gotten down to settle anything for my boy's party except for his ELMO fondant cake.. no mood to do anything when he is sick

Jenn, get e cupcakes from tis bulk purchase.48pcs for $40+. Name n topper inclusive. It's $1.20 each guppies. Delivery $10 juz let her one wat theme u wan. Hassle free!


for kids, i think use the spiderman stand. will capture their attention with all the "Woah" "Wah".

the wilton explosion meant for us adults to view?? =p

office crap:

can i just rant about my colleague again? on leave again. took urgent leave to accompany sick baby niece @ kkh. last night sent to kkh for high fever. i know there is nothing wrong to accompany a sick baby. but where are the parents? this colleague still has other sisters leh. for this whole week, she only work 1 day lor. & tmr she has medical appointment while i will be on leave. i definitely won't cancel my leave cuz i applied leave very early & she apparently forgotten her medical appointment until last week.

she isn't like this last year. don't know why she kept taking leave/mc since feb this year. hmmm.


Just done!!! Cooling now.

Taste pretty good leh. Shall try the frosting later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bluey, crap colleagues that you've got. can complain to your superiors?

Jenn, post some pics of the yummy cupcakes on FB okie

Xx, the maids had a mini lucky plaza going on lor! Haha! Like off day for them! You fed zz the egg? I don't dare to feed sx eggs after his allergy when I gave him egg two months ago.


Please ask your maid to stop wiping SX's mattress. I think it adds moisture to it. When it is damp, more prone to bugs. Either invest in those mattress cleaner like Rainbow or Raycop (much cheaper - about $300) to clean it. Robinson start their Sale tomorrow. Wanna cheong the sale with me??? Hahaha....


My Jeph's birthday is 15 Jun. That same day is my Didi's lunar birthday. We initially wanted to celebrate Jeph's Birthday in school that day. Intend to bring Didi along. HB was supposed to take leave. Now my hb asked me if we can celebrate 1 day earlier or later. He has a few redundancies to announce on the 15th. Cannot move the date one. He said If I really wanna to celebrate on the 15th itself then he cannot make it. Aiyo.... damn sian leh. HOw ah??? I really want to celebrate on actual day cos both kids's birthday mah. Then now like that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jenn, celebrate dinner? Kids birthdays so maybe an exception for them to stay up later? Or ask daddy to meet for lunch? You can go suntec, perhaps jeph will like cheese fondue? There is swensens also.


It's the school celebration I am referring to. 9am too early cos not all the kids come in on time one. So usually party time is 1030-1130a, follow by lunch.

Cheong Robinson Sale

1030a??? Centerpoint???

Ty, I fed zz the eggs. He's even eaten crab bee hoon de bee hoon n prawns. U try to introduce in small amts? Can build up their immunity this way, I heard.

Sorry peck, can't go your party tmr. evening time is difficult for us cos zz sleeps at 8pm. Have a great party!

Cath, can't go too cos I got a wedding to attend. Nice meeting u today. =)

Hope, r u going to have a party for jojo?

Thanks Ty, for the invite. It was really fun for Galen - he LOVED the party. well, or should i say the girls. I think he showed instant pampering for Claire (Tersher's baby). I like the part of the bickering Sabrina and Galen.

Very glad to have met up with all of you. Finally - I would say. Putting a face to the nicks. Thanks tiger, jolene and Sparkle for looking after my bb while i go toilet break. It was real fun.

xx, glad to meet you... finally see ur bb in person. He is a such a handsome boy!!

Jenn, where is the pics of the cupcake? Congrats to us all, no need to LS already since it will be a great success.

Cath, nice meeting u too! Yeah, naughty gal kept snatching things fr Galen but strong boy always won. Hee hee! Oh, and sorry that she kept ransacking ur bag!

Cath, think Galen pampered Claire before she showed her true colours by screaming the place down. Keke. But I must say that Galen really has a gentle touch..

nice meeting the mummies and babies though i cant really put the faces to the names :p thanks ty, my boy really had fun! he loved the ball pit and slide a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw i dragged my hubby to the motherhood fair last night since we have no time to go this wkend.. nothing much since i've already stocked up on diapers during the cold storage deal.. bought Heinz splat for my bb as it's going at abt $2 cheaper per box and also a pair of See Kai Runs, going at 1/2 price!


Come come!!


I really dun think I gonna have a party lei! But super gian after seeing Ty's yesterday! So tempted!

ty, thanks for having us at the party ytd.. it was fun!! bbR was so excited that he didnt want to sleep after we left.. haha.. end up he tong all the way until after class and after dinner, took a short nap at 7+..

nice meeting all the mommies ytd.. finally can put a name to the nicks! hope, looks like we missed out on more fun after leaving for class!! haha..

jenn, do the school celebration a day earlier or later so hb can be part of it? then on actual day, celebrate at hm when hb comes back at nite?

hope, how abt doing a mini-pre-bday-party for jojo on the 7th? just get him a cake? haha.. tempt u!!

Hope, ya do his party on the 7th at your place! Your place is already a mini playground! Just get a nice nice cake!

Jenn, sorry, e Hv shop doesn't seem to have e super hero theme, mostly Mickey mouse , pooh n Barney n assortment of themeless party stuffs.

Tigerbb, missed out ur post, thks, if u have e stamps just drop me a pm.will walk over n collect frm u whenever convenient.

Re: boys w fiery temper

R any boys here like that? My boy likes to scream n cry n it's driving me crazy..plus he is very active even though he can't walk yet. My ger was so different so not used to it. R boys like that?

hi ladies

been such a long time since i posted here...

wow time really flies and our babies are one already

my boy will turn one tomolo... will be having a home party invited family members ..

Ordered the cake from ovencreations..

hope the cake turns out well.. it is a car theme !!


my boy also seems to be a bit of a hot tempered boy unlike his sister.. Think boys are like that ?

haha..But it is hillarious watching them ;)

Wishing all kiddos a HAPPY ONE YR OLD BIRTHDAY ;)

Hope to be able to log on more often ya..

ANd till now I have not met anyone of u ;(

Hope that one day i can do so : )

Anyone doing any photoshoot for your one year old.. Can share the contacts ?

Thinking of doing one for Joshua... looking at colourful.sg

Anyone tried them before ?

zinc, joelle & zoie

Received message from kindermusik and said the class will start tmr rite.. I'll be going next week cos tmr i cant make it. C u babes & babies next week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

what types of cakes u order for your bb birthday? My hb wanna order fondant cakes as it look nice. But I felt pine garden cream cakes taste better. Two weeks to my boy birthday, i still havent order the cake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Any advise?


I have ordered cakes from pine garden before.. Thumbs UP.. Especially their triple choc flavor..

For fondant cake

The 1st fondant cake I ordered was from aunty yochana (u can google it to look at her creations)

She is very good with her creations and her fondant is not too sweet.. The only setback is that some fondant cakes could be too sweet and some pple might not like it..

Din order from aunty yochanna again as she dun have delivery and i have to self collect my cake which is out of the way ba...

Trying overcreations this time round for my son's bday tomolo.. hopefully it is nice...

Will keep u guys posted !!


aiyo.. u all v evil eh~! now i gotta think of where to get a cake last min! then the party favours.. toppers?!.. fwahz! it's next tues eh! *lazy mum dragging her feet* hah!

Hope, if you ask PG to do a sesame st cake, they provide the toppers!! Order lychee martini for top tier hor!! I bought buddy a gift, so u no choice but to get yr ass moving to get a cake haha! Don't miss the memory of a first birthday for jojo!! Eh imagine next time he grow up and you are showing him pictures of his babyhood....then he ask you "mummy y no picture of my first birthday?!"...... You sure regret!! Lol!

Btw I only ordered my cake on Monday for a Thursday party so we sama sama lah!! Must order at least 3 days advance. Hurry call Chantel now or you go to the shop now!

as some of you would know, i'm a jie mei for one of my bestie wedding today.. taking the afternoon off for a doze before heading to hotel in abit.. then i was just being nostalgic and took out my wedding video highlights to watch.. haha! it happened almost 1.5yrs ago, but the memory still pretty fresh in mind.. next thing i know is having little jojo.. it recorded the vows that we made, cos had solemnisation the same day.. thru better or worse etc etc... jeez.. so ez words to say out, but diff to follow thru.. so happy for my fren who found the man.. but yet at the same time, jus feeling skeptical one yr on... ok, i'm ranting.. haha,.. jus a rant =P

ty.. haha! seriously?!.. hmm.. maybe can go over before heading for the dinner?.. gotta change soon le lei!.. sesame st is fine.. haha! ehz! i dun ask my mum where's my first birthday picture lo!

Hope, if u prefer Pooh designs, I can lend u my winnie the pooh figurines after bb's party tmr. Can also bring along the birthday banner. I'm sure Ty will be happy to lend u her pooh toppers too. As for party favors, forget it lah. Just focus on getting the cake!


If you have not order any cake, I can bake some of my cupcakes and bring them over if you don't mind. I need the practice for Jeph's upcoming party [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ty ate 1 today and is still alive!!!! She can comment on the taste ;P

We can just place the cake toppers from Tersher and Ty to decorate.


Haha! Tks for your offers for help!! Maybe Tersher can bring along the bday banner? I just ordered from PG.. Took up Ty's suggestion of using PG sesame st theme then no need hunt for toppers! But Jenn, feel free to bake some more cupcakes! We'll b happy to b guinea pigs! =)

What else I need huh? I'm worse than ty!!! But mummies, it's just gonna be a small set up k? Dun haf too high expectations hor?? The theme is 'chill and relax' =p

hope, PG's sesame st theme cake not bad de.. i shortlisted it also.. u can go see my fb wall, think i only posted 1 sesame st theme design.. no need to get party favors la.. just get the cake can le.. we can have the cake AND jenn's cupcakes!! muahaha.... feeling hungry now..

ty, i tink ur party very successful leh..! u started planning so late but turn-out was good, everyone had so much fun.. for R's bday i onli book venue, order catering and cake nia.. have not done anything on party favors, or things to play.... anyway most are adults, boring relatives! haha...

Wah, so many posts! I blur liao. Not feeling well. Hope I dun fall sick.

Hope, sorry, but I can no longer go for the play date. Hubby want to go to Desaru.

I am missing all the fun! ARGH! 1st ty's party, now play date/jojo's party!


Ya agree with Jojo - Ty , u very got face Liao - see so many of us take leave to attend (haha, anyhow say rite?)

Jojo, I like ur Ryan leh - he very very cute. Can understand what u want. I'm very sure he will stay in his car seat next time.

Dot, and me too. Missed seeing u at SX's party. See- u also missed Galen's. Must catch up next time. ;)

Wow I just finished packing the bags. So small a group, I already pack until hei3 hei2 already. I hope the mummies coming will enjoy and the kids will like the goodies.

