(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

aiya hope, could have tompang-ed my cousin with the pedipeds shoes.. mine arrived at his place last saturday already.. and he's coming back soon..


mine is answering parents' neverending queries and work reviews and .. MANY MANY MORE!!! arghz!


yaozi, yah lo.. cos unless i can get my cousin-in-law to help out to provide her denver address, i don't think i can spree on pedipeds alr.. y tinysoles was suggested cos it has a wider range of many brands and still comparatively cheaper than bought in sg! sg ones are cut-throat!


haha.. i still trying to come up w ways.. aiyoh. hb say it's jojo's buddy eh! must go! -_-"


!?!?! aiyah! y u nv suggest??? haha! but that's like luggage load of shoes ur cousin gonna bring!.. i'll try asking ard again! =)



I am not going to sign up for the coming sessions, as i wont be available for 3 of the weekends, so wasted if i going to sigh up. will wait for the next session commence.


I would recommend BBQ WHolesale. www.bbqwholesale.com. THeir satay is good. so far I have been ordering from them and feedback gathered from friends were good.

Winnie THe Pooh Cake Topper

I have one Pooh and Tigger Cake Topper. If anyone want, I can lend my too.


u can fried noodle? for noodle, I only done soup type. think i fried noodle long time ago during home econs lesson. ha! yah, lazy to find mashimaro as well. so now the theme becomes "animals". anything lah. as long as my house looks like a party place.


Is it too late now to tompang your cousin for the pediped shoes?


you bought frm de baby shoppe? I found the shoes which I want to get thru hope and it's $95.90!! If buy thru the web, it's US$20. So huge diff!!


yesterday a friend suggested making bookmark from bb's photo and give as door gift. sure can't find elsewhere. I was thinking since mashimaro is a rabbit, give carrots?? haha!!

Missbluey, my maid also inconsistent in her cooking. Sometimes ok sometimes bad. But generally she's improved a lot. My hb even praised me jiao dao you fang. For me, I only know how to critisize. If I'm the one cooking, I also no skills. But I'll definitely learn n improve much faster n better than her. =p


thanks for the recommendations! Ty, no diy la, already too many things to do.

Yaozi, I dun like to give photos to any ppl bcos wad can they do it it? Keep it in a drawer for many years? Throw it away? Haha... Bcos I'm not good at keeping this kinda things myself.


yah, that's y give as bookmark. anyway, inviting all close friends so shd b ok to give them. haven't discuss wif hubby yet on tis so c how.


I am really suay.....

I park my car outside Jeph's school. He wants to play at the playground so I let him. Then I saw LTA taking pic of my car!!!! I rushed out and said I am picking my child and leaving now. He just looked at me. Then I asked him ok? He nods and walked off to the next car. Aiyo... I remembered some of you mommies mentioned take pic means kena already right??? Aiyo... my heart damn pain leh.

Yaozi, I bought a pair of original fr debabyshoppe before at $35. Usually i only choose fr the offer items. Hm... I also dun like giving ppl personalized items with photo, be it wedding or baby shower cos most of the time these will go down the rubbish chute.


oic. mayb cos nw no offer items for shoes. thanks! hmmm... give photo not good? aiz... back to square one again. lol.

Yaozi, I am only going to prepare goodie bags fr the kids. I did not think of door gift for the adults. In fact I've nv been to a birthday party where I get one. Hee hee. Whichever ur choice, just dun let it stress u out.

Jenny- take pics 1 much More easier to appeal. He nod his head as in ok he accept ur reason or for fun. They will send u a letter in 2wks time n appeal cox picking kids up is def a reason.

Party bag- wat u mummies gonna put in e party bag. Still thinking hard wat to put

goodie bag

i think i champion already. Left 2 days and my supplier told me the goodie bag is out of stocks. The other supplier told me activity book & bag can't reach me on time. Argh. looks like i need to rely on my luck if i can get the pouches.

Buffet just confirmed. I hate myself for such last min decision on going ahead with the party.


Hahaha... your "nod his head for fun?" made me laugh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Aiya... don't know lah. Damn suay lately....

As for goodie bag ideas, this is what I found -

http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5515035.html?1306313324 ->Magnetic Story Set


http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?581296/5503736 -> Cartoon Projector watch.

The above are great for 3-5yo I guess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I intend to get either of these once my RSVP comes through and I know exactly the no of kids.


This Kidzpartystore in Compasspoint. Is it everything in teir website sure can find in their store one??? Anybody knows?

I juut worry that I go all the way there then no have what I want.

Jenn, some items might be out of stock at their store.. u can call them first to check before going down. but it also depends on the theme la.


I've checked with Kidzpartystore for you (i know the bosses). Not everything, most things. U can order online, if not call the store to ask first. 63883664.


yah, if no idea, will jus leave it. no door gifts. but now think got one kid coming. will jus get something for her only then. hee.


i managed to get my buddy's brother to help out! 2 options:

1) my buddy gg to us from indon and when she returns, she will stopover sg, and i can pick it up from her.. this can only happen in late july due to her work schedule

2) the bro can help to receive and send the package over either directly to my house or send to vpost and vpost to my place.. only that i'm not sure about the shipping cost in this case.. what say you?

1st option has no shipping cost but will take a while

i'm fine w anything cos buying from us is cheap and jojo has enuff shoes to last him for a while.. ha!


hb cfm gg for the class tmr.. he says since take half day alr, will just go for class.. so now in the end, i'm left dangling whether to take cc or not for tmr! aiyoh! i so love the pledge ty made la! procrastinator me! anyway.. if really i take cc, since hb gg for class, i can eat snake w you mummies too!


thanks so much for arranging. i'm ok wif both options. Only not sure abt the shipping cost also. lol. if we have more pple join in, can use option 2? if not, I'm ok to wait till late july as well. Cos i see the offer shoes so cheap wor. so much diff in price! Actually my LO not wearing any shoes yet. Too bad I dun hv any lobangs in helping me to get from US.

hope, i very blur abt how sprees work de.. but i tot since spree-ing means no problem to ship back, so didnt suggest.. but if now u all cant buy coz of shipping, then i could have helped if its earlier on..! if ur fren not travelling, the shoes get delivered to her, then how she post them to sg? vpost?

yaozi, which design is S$95.90!! so exp sia.. my cousin is coming back soon le.. so depends on how long pedipeds take to ship, may b risky coz if miss him, then duno how to bring back liao.. i also feel the same as tigerbaby, dun like to give my photos or personalized items away.. u knw kidzpartystore boss ar, got additional discounts? :p

jenn, the kidzpartystore is a small booth-like thing in front of kfc.. looking at the space, dun feel like everything is there lei.. but i saw the paper cups, plates, banners, etc.. so they have quite alot of stuff there but not sure if its everything.. better to call and chk, mayb ask them to reserve for u..


haha by right.. group sprees work by consolidating the many orders from diff people to split shipping costs and at times to meet the required amt for free domestic shipping.. we wont have a prob if pedipeds ship to vpost directly (3rd party freight forwarder), but they don't! they used to.. but not sure y they change policy.. as such, pedipeds reply to me in the email is that they dun ship to vpost, borderlinx nor comgateway.. so we need someone who has a us address to help out lo.. hence the hassle.. otherwise, quite fuss-free one!


Thanks zinc for recommending the online site to get the party stuff..really running out of time. Actually wanted to go down to Compass point but I scared not much items there and wasted the time. The online site I decided to ask for delivery..no time to go and pick up..wanna keep everything as fuss free as possible on the actual day. Imagine I only invite immediate family 12 adults, 6 kids and 3 babies/toddlers..and I am so overwhelmed with the preparation. I think this will be my last time doing up party. My man asked me to organise the same for my #1 birthday in Aug..but include her classmates..I said NO WAY. He thinks now 9 yrs old kid still fancy party meh?? I already suggested to my gal that she can invite some close frens to dine at Swensons or Fish&Co and I will pick up the tab.

I am waiting for the online store to contact me and confirm the timing..scully no more stock or cannot deliver..I think I will cry..the party will just only be food and cakes...

Talking abt party packs - I have 2 separate packs..one for older kids and one for the babies/toddler. The older one will receive some artwork/craft kits. These shd keep them occupied during the sch holiday..and also if the weather requires them to stay indoor during the party, I will ask them to do their craft kits. For the babies/toddler - I just came back from vitakids..bought some organic snacks/biscuits, and puree drinks. I was intending to give them balloon but I scared they will not know how to handle the sticks and poke in their eyes.

Actually this is the first time I spent so much time/effort co-ordinating the event. For my older kids, we just had simple one..now I am not working, ideas many many..but no time/no $$. This time round, I even intend to do up my own banner..getting my older gals to help me..

Jenn - when come to parking summon, try to use old folks or young kids as excuses..most of the time, the waiver will be approved. Eg, kids/old folk need to use the toilet urgently.

Cath - what kinda party bags are you looking for?


I think I am being too ambitious. I am planning 4 mini-parties + 1 school party. And I am planning to bake my own cupcakes. Thus I am looking to buy the cake toppers now. Am I crazy???? Think I am asking for trouble [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jenn - I used http://www.kidzgoodies.com. No free delivery lah..ha ha. $10 for area within Jurong and $15 for area outside Jurong. My man said $15 very ex..I said bo bian leh..I wanna save the hassle of going up and down..and since I opt for delivery, I order some helium balloons. The online store also sells toppers..

actually no lah..no crazy lah..but I tink the preparation work quite overwhelming, at least for me. Cos when I looked online for cakes, deco...and I was so blown away by all those pics..then I tell myself I also want something like that. Even thought of renting toys..ha ha..but then my man said no. At least for the first birthday bah, I can elaborate a bit. After that, no more parties liao lah..just go out and have dinner, buy cake and cut and eat.

Thanks Bebe and Jojo.


I have checked that store. But it's in Compasspoint. Quite far form me. No choice, cheapest by far for what I want.


$15 for delivery is damn ex! It's more ex than my cake topper!!!! But I drive lah so I will surely pick-up myself and save that $.

Jenn, Hv has a shop selling stuffs too, think nearer to u. It's right at e end near body shop. What is ur theme?


I'm not going worried myself out of some party bags. I just got some super duper plain bags Fr daiso. Told myself that the most impt thing is kids must enjoy.


The projector watch is good!!!


When appealing I try not to use children or old folks as a reason if it's not true in the event.. Haha I scared of karma, afraid smthg nasty will happen.. Maybe thats why my appeal has nv been successful =p


Yup e person can either choose to fedex over direct or send to another freight forwarder to send over (more troublesome) .. The only worry I have for all these overseas shipping is the shipping costs.. I've paid 200 ++ before just for shipping! Cost abt a quarter of my total product cost!


We could explore the option of using amazon also.. U see if ur items are there and amazon can ship over.. Nevertheless since my buddy can help, I'm likely to lopang her to help me bring back stuff frm us by consolidating other items from us online stores.. Looking at educational stuff like leap pad and clothes top.. Cos I'm not in need of these items, can wait til July.. If want, can lemme know too

Cath - I was abt to ask u to go daiso if u r not into those character theme ones. I got mine from there, various sizes to choose n design r simple n no frill type.

Jenn - no choice loh got to pay the $15 delivery charge, no time to go up woodland leh. Now I m waiting for their confirmation on the delivery timing..

Hopecg - i usu say my kids need to use toilet urgently..no cursing one. But I think they do keep track of records so cannot use the same reason all the time too

Yaozi, hahhaa! for my frying of noodles, its not consistent at all. sometimes nice sometimes not nice, sometimes light or sometimes dark colour. i oredi never cooked for such a long time oredi. been procastinating about doing it, becos i simply hate to clean and pack up whenever the cooking is done!

Cath, pat pat. dun be too hard on yourself if you can't get it. dun be too stressed okie?

bebe, ^5. ya i thought why not give it a try so we went down to Sembawang Daiso to get some simple ones. But hmmm come to think of it, not too bad either.

what's about the woodlands collection? I am at woodlands.

Thanks Elise. No problem, will take deep breath...

Jenn - Salute!!!haha who ever said she will not even get any cake toppers... haha... I shall speak with the tone of Jojo - you are not supposed to get cake toppers! Your cupcakes will be yummy enough! haha.

hey, but it sounds like mission impossible to me (cos i know nuts about baking). Bake & organise mini party. I prefer to get one mass one and a tiny immediate family one on the actual day itself.

p.s: invite me leh, then i can eat one of the yummy cupcakes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I know!!!! Never say never right??? I shall slap my own mouth! Hahaha.....


Aiyo, I need some suggestions. Should I buy a standard looking cupcake stand (http://www.bakewaredirect.com.au/Wilton-Explosion-Cupcake-Stand-19pc) then get cake topper to decorate my cupcake (http://www.kidzpartystore.com/product_info.php?products_id=1493)


Should I don't decorate my cupcake and put them in this Spiderman cake stand??? - http://www.thepartystuff.com.sg/ProductDetail.aspx?Pid=1062&McatID=1&CatID=1&ScID=12

Also, I have not pipe any cakes before so I think my cupcake be quite ugly!!!!


My theme is Superhero!!! - Spiderman, Superman [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woah jenn

Superheroes - so are we supposed to be dressed in wonderwomen, Catwoman, fantastic 4 etc? Woo my figure can't fit into such outfit. Hmm. Let me go extreme workout now.

hope, wa 200++ for shipping is madness man.. i'd rather snail-mail it over (if possible) and wait 1 mth.. hahaha...

jenn, i used to love baking last time.. before i got married and had a maid to wash up aft me at my mum's... now so lazy le........ no confidence in my cake decorating skills also.. ya, agree with cath, mini parties are more tiring on the organizer.. but if u wan small groups and can mingle, mass party will be harder..

i prefer the standard cupcake stand with cake toppers on cupcakes.. i feel many small decorated cupcakes put tgt look very cute..

Jenn, my 5 cent idea is if you had girls, then deco all the cakes....but soli, yours all men! They don't see details, they see only the big picture, so I would vote for plain delicious cup cakes on the spiddy stand! You can deco some for the girl guests to bring home?


Hi Hope/Jojo

My hb will be attending the lesson with bb (unless he got urgent works to attend to), hopefully it will not be a nightmare for him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

