(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

bluey, what's up with this lei ziman??? cheater or what? anyway, the funny mummy meet me up under my void deck, claiming to meet at 8pm yest, and pushed backwards to 830pm. anyway last chance i told her. if she never picked up the diapers, no more chance liao.

Jojo, jialat right? i also first time selling in WTE/Free items only at SMH. i thought most buyers/sellers are okay. so indeed i'm wrong!!

partywares store at middle road,

there's such a big selection and good variety that i'm spoilt for choice! 3 stores side by side but parking is terrible. Jojo, you are warned not to drive there to buy things. i bought cute paper plates, banners, ballons, streamers.

Hope, can organize playdates on weekends? wkdays i'm working leh.

Ty, i cringed at your descriptions of the frogs, eeks! for the swimming trial class, i'm confirmed for 2 July


hi all

so long nvr chat in this thread !

i just celebrated my boy 1st yr old party today .. its advance celebration for him as his b'day on 27 may

now he can cruise and stand unassisted for 1 min

Any 1 yo bash for our babies?

Amoroux, when are you closing Drugstore spree? i hv got California stuffs to buy. do you do postage or have to self collect?

Irene, sure! I think they do have weekend classes too, weekdays r better for me coz I am not wrking n older one in sch. If u can make it this fri, can drop me a msg, we can meet for some tea after class too.

Ty.. U can switch ur fri wrk to thurs? N go for trial ?

xx, maomao has moved to my parent's place.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] needed to put him there while i was away in Melbourne.. then it seems he's happier there, everyday got the maid and dog to play with him, got chicken to eat.. got whole house to explore whereas at home i dont let him go to the rooms.. now my old room is all his.. he runs ard, jumps ard, playing with the dog.. jump on the sofa to see bird and all.. at my home he mops ard and sleeps most of the time.. my parents been telling me since maomao is happier there and i can better take care of bbR at my place, it's better for both maomao and bbR to have maomao stay at my parents place.. haiz so torn.. feeling so sad.. tried so long and eventually still failed to keep the 2 of them tgt.. :'(

elise, the partyware stuff exp or nt? aiya, wanted to go ytd but decided to go compasspoint to check out kidz party store instead.. i'll go middle road this weekend..


anything going on that day?


this lei ziman took other ppl's foc stuff & sell them away using her name. & she marked up her prices.

so did the mummy meet u in the end?

Gitz, have chio people leh. but nobody said anything about celebrating all our babies 1 year old party....hmm.

Amo, i bought the California aloe vera gel at Watsons already....sigh.....

Jojo, i found the partywares store quite okay. so i decided to buy all the things there lor. so how's your compasspoint kidz party store? what's the pricing like now? i asked them some questions via facebook since last friday via their homepage, but nobody responded to me.

Bluey, yup yup. the funny mummy meet me in the end lor. intially when she walked over, i thou its' the maid. but its that maid. oops. i very bad hor? this lei ziman so terrible huh??? did anybody lodge a police case then?

Bluey, Elise, i thot lei ziman is some HK actress or wad. Haha... The Nick is quite "saey"...

Bliss, yalor zz bites but I smack la. So he learns. But will test water again when he's teething.

1 year old birthday

wanna do it at macdonald's? I'm thinking shd be easy n affordable to celebrate there right?

Swimtrainer trial is confirmed on 2nd July, 10.30am, pool venue to be confirmed.

Mummies, pls confirm your intention to come on said date.

1. Tywong - confirmed 2 Jul

2. Zoie - confirmed 2 Jul

3. Raleigh

4. Amoroux - confirmed 2 Jul

5. Tigerbaby

6. Jenn (no swimtrainer) - confirmed 2 Jul

7. mezzo17 (no swimtrainer) - confirmed 2 Jul

8. genice - confirmed 2 Jul

9. Cynthia (2 kids)

10. Bliss

11. Jasmine Goh

12. Julie Tay

13. Jojo - confirmed 2 Jul

14. Joelle

15. Dot (no swimtrainer)

16. Hopecg - confirmed 2 Jul

17. Elise (no swimtrainer)

18. Zinc - confirmed 2 Jul

19. Sparkle (no swimtrainer)

20. Cath?

Waitlist (in order of priority)


2.Irene babytay ([email protected])

3.Sheryl Yeo


5.Amy Huhumum

Bliss, definitely need to be in water with your baby lah, unless your hubby represents you or something. Not necessary your whole body in swim position, just wear shorts and walk in the shallow water type.

Jojo, good that maomao is happier at your mum's place. Sounds like he's busy enjoying his life now. I'm thinking u can bring him home over the weekends lor, like wad I did for Fifi last time. Understand how u feel to put him at your mum's place. Fifi also sleeps n mops at home whole day long. I tried to groom her n practise her tricks with her whenever possible n still give her her weekly bath by myself. Feel so sorry for neglecting her also.

Elise.. I'm oso lookin forward to the bb 1st bday bash...wanna organize?

Genice, I let u knw tonite... See if I can take leave or nt k..

Genice, thanks for asking again but I can't do Friday la, too last minute to switch off-days. I've been to the Kindermusik trial last time with the other mummies, Sx seems to enjoy it very much so I wanted to bring him again. If you do sign up permanent classes let me know? If got kaki to attend class on tuesdays or thursdays I don't mind signing Sx for it.


You went to Middle Road? Did you happen to see any Superman party supplies there???


Why not just join the class if you tihnk SX enjoys? Can make friends there mah.

Ty, join kindermusik now and when sx is older, say 18 months or 2 yrs old, switch to jg? u wun stay forever at one place cos aft a while, the activities can get repetitive.

Kindermusik on wkend? I may consider joining too. :p

Btw, I confirm on the trial.

Bluey, Elise

It's people like that that I am reluctant to post about giving my baby cot away on WTE column. I don't want such strange people coming to my place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


if u all don't mind my hubby goes into the water instead of me, i confirm going on 2jul for the swimtrainer lesson. cos i'm "scared" of water. -.-


weekends abit difficult.. becos sat we usually head out for our own stuff and hb will be ard.. normally i dun plan activities for bb when hb is ard cos he usually wants to spend time w e boy too and sundays are spent at mil's place.. yikes.. you try see if can make it? =)


tmr u gg royce ar? bo jio! =P

Hi Mummies,

Been awhile since i logged in. Kids r still sick n now my turn to lost my voice.

Bluey/Elise- Theres lots of funny mummies in tis forum de. I gave away my highchair bout 6mths ago n tat mummy dragged for almost a month b4 she come n collect from mi.

Re: Birthday Party

Still thinking of e theme for my boys birthday. Tot of Thomas & Friends coz at home gt toy train so can juz use it as e figurine for his cake. Planning for a birthdaya bash isn't simple. Still thinking shd get cupcakes. I'm using MeiHAo99 for buffet den most likely Pine Garden for birthday cake . Too lazt to go think of those nice cakes le. Gonna buy those airfilled balloons to give out to e kids too. Headache.

Jenn- U muz b real lucky tat u r on holiday when tis food poisoning incident happen. Hope all e kids n teachers r well. Bt dun they haf in house cook?

Happy Baby Puffs & Bellies

Hi mommies. I've some puffs and bellies (cereals) to let go. My baby is not keen on them anymore - have been trying for the past 1 week to make her interested in them. I bought them from the overseas BP section, so am letting go at the same prices. Preference for delivery is by mail but I can meet up at MRT stations after work. Please PM me if interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Puffs - $4.80 (2 each: strawberry, greens, sweet potato)

Bellies/cereals - $5.80 (2 each: brown rice, oatmeal, multigrain)

Expiry: Jan-Mar 2013


Haha! Ok! Cuz I tot of bringing 2 boys there myself. Maybe will get my mum to go along with me.


Bdae at Mac is cheap! But they serve Mac happy meals for the kids. So if u have alot of guest that is ard 1 yr old maybe parents dun allow to eat Mac?

But I'm doing for my #1 at Mac!


Yah lor. If not, my Jeph sure kena de cos he eats alot! Hahaha.... Today most of the kids are back. To play safe, I also kept Jeph home till today. Now they have someone to cook at individual centers already. Whether permanent solution or not, not sure yet. I think weather also damn hot thus food turns bad easily.

Birthday Party

I have decided not to have parties for my boys. Jeph will have a party in school and we have a family gathering. Planning a staycation at RWS with visits to USS and Underwater World at the end of June when school reopens to avoid the crowd. After my holiday, too tired to plan parties. Didi is too young to appreciate anyway and Jeph is a simple child, as long as there is cake he's happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenn, i didn't really have much time to look around at the partywares shops, as my hubby is illegal parking at double yellow line, so you can imagine my stress? i just grabbed whatever i think is nice and i'm out of da store within 10 mins, but didn't manage to see any Superman things.

Jenn, yeah dun let strangers to come to your house. u never know which weird pple is lurking around at those WTS sections. so far i only meet these pple at void decks only.

Hope, i really can't come on wkdays, unless i take MC. (haha TY i have you to thank for this idea, when you told me last time)!

Oh i see, Zinc, thanks for your link! but i have bought the party things already. What about u? how u celebrating?

Food Poisoning incident:

Another incident happened at Learning Vision childcare centre in cecil street at raffles place, the caterer is Mum's Kitchen Catering again!

dead body incident at watertank,

recently this sensational case happened. where the blangah worker murdered the maid and left the body at the watertank. disgusting! can't imagine if whoever drink the water....

xx/bliss, i dun mind if the 1st year mass birthday party is being held at Mac. but need to advance booking right?

Jolene, dragged for 1 month. that's too long for me. that weird mummy dragged my things for around 1 week plus, i oredi cannot tahan her already. very selfish to keep on holding others back, when there are clearly many other nice mummies in the q.


I don't usually meet people at my home but if giving baby cot away then must be home lor cos I can't possibly be giving it away and yet sending it to them.

elise, im doing my boy's lunar bday celebration this sat at my house. just small scale, with immediate family.. then nx sunday will be the birthday bash where we invited the rest of the relatives and friends.. i ordered my cake frm My Fat Lady and buffet frm FoodTalks (recommended by my colleague as I cant use Mum's Kitchen alr).. now settling the balloons and getting scene setter too.. Can decorate the place more quickly :p as there isnt many little kids, i'm buying walking balloons as gift for kids.. then every guest will get a chocolate chip cookie (ordered frm subway) since my theme is Cookie Monster haha..

Jenn, Im gg to USS too.. bought the hotel package frm the BP.. looking fwd to it.. since my hubby has no time during June hols to go overseas.. sigh..


ya i read about that dead body news this morning. it reminded me of Dark Water (a horror jap show). =p

but i wonder how they managed their way there?


must take care hor.


i feel like strangling my OM! gave me the wrong date & i had to re-apply all 30 over passes in 2weeks' time! arrrghhh.

Tiger, I'm thinking of sunday at Kindermusik because that's the day with most classes and my hubby can join (they allow 2 caretakers in the class).Timings are 10 or 11am and 1, 2, 3 & 4pm.

45 mins class, 8 classes per term.

Per term is $360.93 (for first term + registration fee) and subsequent term is $307.40.

Hope, you're off tomorrow? Come join at Royce lah! Amoroux is probably joining. Anyone else? Jenn?


I'm confirmed!


Same here. I keep being told that I should not Beco him/ should stop carrying him until I fed up liao.

Speaking of my baby, wanna rant a little. Recently, he has been soooooooooooo clingy! Very tiring. But I know I should cherish this time, because they will grow out out of this (they will, right?) and I will wish that he wants to be hugged and cuddled.

elise, the kidz party store at compasspoint same pricing as online.. but online got 5% discount for fb promo.. i find it abit exp lei.. a few cups $5-6.. considering if wana make personalized banner or not..

xx, i have not visited maomao at my mum's place yet.. scared make it harder for him and for myself.. sure will cry lo.. when my mum carried him out from my hse i cry like mad.. then after she left i was bawling away.. poor hb didnt know wat to do with me.. then he ask bbR to sayang me.. if only maomao can talk.. if he tells me where he prefers i'll be more an xin.. now i duno if he actually prefers chi ku with me (no chicken, no playmate, confined space) or enjoy life with my mum.. feel sooo guilty, macham like i abandon him.. :'(

ooo.. regarding strange ppl at wts.. most of the time i meet them outside.. onli those whom i give fbm they come to my place to collect.. so far quite lucky, those who come my place are quite ok de.. and i got a couple of "regulars" so quite safe..

mommies, whats the diff between ergo and manduca ar? had this qn in my mind for quite some time but kept forgetting to ask..

ty, royce whr? wat time? aiya tml hb wana use the car in the day.. may be hard to coordinate.. but im tempted!

Bliss, Elise, maybe macdonald not suitable cos like wad bliss said, dun think all babies can eat mac yet. Maybe when they're older lor. Anyone has any better ideas for no-frills mass celebration?

Jojo, if u visit him, I think maomao will be very happy. After a week of seeing u leaving without him, he shd be used to it. My Fifi also, last time I visit her after work. Then my parents will send us to the mrt station on bicycle. Drop me off, say byebye n she go jiak hong with my parents le.

Lunar birthday

zz's lunar birthday falls on our rom anniversary this year. Mm... Going to be married for 4 yrs le. How come it feels like 40 years??


Which kindermusik branch u gg? Tmr wad time u meeting? Tmr on leave but 4pm got Jojo Shichida


When u go for USS? I'm gg 17-19 Jun!

Ty, how come ur kindermusik more ex ah? Zoie, pasir ris is $240 per month right? or did i hear wrongly??

Hope, im gg 3-5june leh haha

sch results processing madness now.. super drained

oh ya.. 8 lessons.. typed wrongly.. the person over the phone told me $240 w reg fee of $30.. and some instruments? cant rem how much haha..

Hope/Jojo, I will go to Royce at 2pm I think? I've never been there so dunno what to expect. Is it ok at that time for you ladies?

Zoie usually I will say I love to join because I like familiarity but pasir ris is like gg to johor bahru for me and sx will never get there on time!!

Hope, there is only one main outlet at tanglin mall, the rest are franchises according to the lady on the phone. U interested? I asked another friend to join me and for her sake, I'm going to call tomorrow to ask if there's a trial class next sunday morning.


aiyah.. tell me how things go k! you gg uss too right? lemme know if there are rides avail for our bbs can?

trial classes

the hol is nearing and i'm soon to be able to go for any avail trial class! any mummies keen? suggestions? i'm looking at jwt as well as bloom..



u referring to kindermusik at tanglin izzit? hmm.. i can't make it on sundays one lei.. u know lo.. mil.. tmr me and jojo got shichida at 415pm.. so doubt 2pm is a gd time lei.. wad say u jojo?


u mentioned u wanted to buy carters? now got extra 20% on top of existing discounts of abt 50%.. u might wanna start spreeing again! haha

ehz.. btw.. both of u serious abt us in dec nt huh? i must start saving eh! whaHahaha

