(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hey Sheryl ,

Thanks a lot for helping email for sponsorship [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] . Yup do update the spreadsheet and keep us updated on what you manage to get

So far I think we will have 1 game which is crawling competition with maybe 3-5 prizes . If we have sponsors for more big items then we can use for lucky draw prizes . And if the companies willing to sponsor many small items , then we'll need maybe 40 of those cos so far got 33 babies signed up

1st Birthday Bash, PLS PAY BY 22 APR

Hi all,

Pls transfer your payment for the 1st Birthday Bash to Impulse41 (June Tay) account by 22nd April so that we have sufficient funds to pay for cake and venue.

Her account number is POSB Saving 030-40226-0

Once again, it's $18 per adult and $9 per kid (other than babies)

Pls check spreadsheet for how much you need to pay and update with transfer details once you've paid.

Hi impulse41,

my hubby cannot make it for the bash, so it will only be me and my bb. Could you please update accordingly?

Will try to transfer the money (S$18) within this few days. Let you know once it is done.

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pringles_jem Thanks, my boy got a new bump today. Cant help it. he's playing around and somehow hurts his head..maybe gotta wear heagear like those in rugby..heee!!

emailed to motherhood and youngparents magazine.

I think the difficulty is with websites that do not have contact email addresses.

maybe its to prevent people like me whom spam their emails!

as for drypers, i cant click on their email ctt.

If any mommies have previously contacted these companies, do drop me a pm.

HAve updated the excel spreadsheet on sponsors.

chloemum Is it ok if i leave the spreadsheet open while i update it? will it be locked and others cant update?

sheryl, my boy also bump here n there.... everyday v busy chasing after him to stop opening cabinets and taking out stuff....nothing is safe from him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi babygi and MrsTeo,

got the funds, tks. updated in the spreadsheet.

Hi blurangel,

think it's updated. so only u and baby, $18. let me know once u make the transfer.

My baby also busy with opening cabinets and taking stuffs out and sticking his fingers into the power outlets. Press the fan buttons, oh my god, now i think newborn days are so much easier. At least they just lay there. then again, they are more interactive nowsday. But it's tiring chasing after them. End up, i spend most of my time at home watching him.

*mush* you are so cute! ahh, must be you are the one who psycho me to quit and get salary from hubby back then! haha, kidding, i forgot who liao.

i'll be a happy person after next week!

hey mommies, haven't heard from you all on when do you intend to send your bb to childcare/kindy. my hubby now says ah, it makes a lot of difference. cos now my 4yo niece can recite a lot of chinese poetry, and my hubby can't! LOL.


wow i'm so impressed with the foods you cook for your bb! i'm going to try to cook some of them once i quit my job! hopefully my bb will eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my boy very mafan one, on weekends i wake up early to make french toast, pancake or bake a cake for him, he plays with the food and throw on the floor instead. GRRRR! haha

luckyone, do you feed your boy the foods or you let him feed himself? like those bread roll? my boy plays with the food so much, now i feed him entirely.

Mummies.. babies nowadays all itchy fingers.. time to buy those safety stuff.. so that cannot open cupboards or drawers, table corner bumpers etc.. my girl figured how to open the cupboard and started pulling out all the dvds.. then we had to use rubber bands across the handles to keep the cupboard shut.. and then she figured out how to take out the rubber bands.. faint...


i would like to send my child to childcare when she hits 18 mth. (or izzit called nursery..? )

but yeah, once 18 mth lor.

anyone knows of anything that can start at younger age??(2-3hr) play class or something? let me know.

Hi Sheryl, I was trying to see if I could find drypers' email and I ended up seeing your msg at drypers facebook page requesting for their email. lol. Drypers have replied you an hour ago.

Mrs Teo, I'm also hoping to send my gal to some sort of school when she turns 18 mths. She is not doing much at home and my hubby and I have no time/ energy to teach her after work. sigh...

18 mth can enroll in playschool (nursery 1 and 2 is for 3 & 4 years old). Not sure what is available before 18 mths other than those enrichment classes and IFC.

I'm thinking of trying out Kindermusik trial class. My gal often shake her little body to songs (damn cute to watch!!!), so I think it might be something she will enjoy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Impulse41.

I have just transferred the money ($18) to your account. The transaction reference is 6664211002.

Please check! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pringles_jem Yeah, i din chk FB, have sent to Drypers.

Michelle/ Mummies What's our view on getting the vouchers delivered?( do we hv budget? courier service?)

One company offered to mail without cost. Another one wants me to self-collect the gift certificate, and another i may need to pay postage.

Cholemum, the gift cert n vouchers are at pagoda street, chinatown.

Any mommies working that area?

If not, i'll make a trip down w bb.

Is there a mommy by the name of Zhenxin?

Frisco asked if we are the same group of mommies.

Also, Friso asking for our contact details of attendees.

What is our stance for providing our contact?

Do let me know what u think, thanks!

jasmini, if at home, I normally feed him. If outside, I will try to bring some tea break for him to feed himself (lazy to do the cleaning and mess haha).At IFC, I will try to made foods like bread roll, pan/ steam cake, etc for him to practice.

So far, my boy never wastes my foods. When I pass him "food" he will grab and quickly "push" in his mouth. So I can't give him too big pcs or too fast. He will nonstop and keep "pushing" food in his mouth even he haven't swallow haha. But sometime he can't grab properly and drop the food on floor, he will show "oop" face to me and keep looking on the dropped foods haha very cute one.

Recently he can grab foods quite well and seldom drop liao.

Hi Sheryl,

I'm working in Raffles Place, i should be able to walk to Chinatown. Maybe I can collect on behalf.

Personally, I have no problems providing contact information if they are giving milk formula sample. Something worthwhile! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way, mummies, today forget to bring token, can't check my bank account, will update lilstarz29 and blurangel's transfer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Impulse41.

Thanks for volunteering.

I have just transferred the money ($36) to your account. The transaction reference is 6665467256.

Sheryl, I am ok to provide contact details to the sponsor, but then we can only provide it after the event cos will be easier to get mummies to just provide their email address when the register at the recep

1st Birthday Bash, PLS PAY BY 22 APR

Hi all,

Pls transfer your payment for the 1st Birthday Bash to Impulse41 (June Tay) account by 22nd April so that we have sufficient funds to pay for cake and venue.

Her account number is POSB Saving 030-40226-0

Once again, it's $18 per adult and $9 per kid (other than babies)

Pls check spreadsheet for how much you need to pay and update with transfer details once you've paid.


THanks Michelle,

These are the info rquested plus photo of the event.

If it's ok reply to them and check on the logistics of things.

Mother’s details:


IC No:


Contact/Mobile No:

Child #1 Name & Age:

Child #2 Name & Age:

Child #3 Name & Age:

Hi lilstarz29, sure. let's arrange for lunch. pm me your email address. We can arrange offline. Any mummies working nearby? Want to lunch together.

Hi Sheryl, didn't received your pm about the pagoda street, chinatown . Dunno whether something wrong with SMH. U want to email me? [email protected]. I'm okie with providing contact info. Infact, i think they have mine. haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cholemum thanks.

me just happened to rem one friend who is teaching swimming to toddlers and ladies. I am goign to ask her if she has taught 11mth old before. i cant recall if she is with any swim sch / association.

any mummies interested to get babies to go swimming? (i am totally inspired by chole's pictures ;))

Mrs Teo, count me in!

same here, very inspired by chloe's pics as well!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YEah!! Good news!!

WE got goodies from the kind people at NEstle!

On terms to be exclusive, so gotta say goodbye to the rest..Feel bad as F wanna sponsor milk too..

chloemum... sorry for some reason kept typing (chole)

btw, urs is a group or individual lesson? i went to their website, seems liek they are better than happyfish (happyfish must find ur own location / public pool)

aquaducks have some clubs location...

Just realized that we dont have a games organiser! PAging for AR??(bb winner of crawling compeition..heee...)

Other than crawling game, anyother ideas?

One idea suggested was baby bowling. (using gerber 'pins') Thoughts?

Mrs Teo, BlueAngel: Glad that Chloe's pictures are inspirational. Haha. Go sign up for the trial class ok. I think trials for such activities are very important, to make sure the coach is really good at handling the little ones. I am quite pleased with the coach at my session. Very cheery, friendly and patient with the bbs. Anyway, don't expect the bbs to really know how to swim ya. This is more like a playing with water session, getting used to the water environment. Real swimming (strokes) i think generally starts ard 3 or 4 years old.

Sheryl: yes. Exclusiveness is quite certain for sponsors. At least in a particular category. Just need to check with them what goodies they are giving us, if there's no milk, then we might be able to get milk powder from another company. See what they say. And of course, which sponsor can give us the best goodies. I think Enfa gave milk power, lotsa toys, height calendar, etc for the xmas bash.


MrsTeo: my class is group class lar. 30mins. i think the ratio is like 6:1. They have lessons at various places. I was also recommended by colleagues who brought their bbs there and had a lot of fun.

Anyway, I like the Suntec Pool in the morning, there's only them having swim class there (controlled), and a few other walk-in swimmers (prob tenants of Suntec).

Yes. I checked happyfish before. They dun want to give me trial class. Insist that I form a class and do at least 1 month. hmmm... sounds dubious.

