(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Corynn, my baby has a drastic drop in milk intake. He used to take 120ml every 3 hours, now, he can only drink 60ml. He's not interested in milk now, he only wants cereals and porridge. So i just gave him whatever he wants.

He reject milk on 1 occassion. Lasted about 2 days. And he wasn't even 6months old. Only about 4 months, i quickly bought frisocream and gave him a few tablespoon.


Gladys..haha..u r not alone..I only knew Brayden's teething until my nanny told me..wat a shame :p..I got my LG playmat from world of korea (Thanks Sue for sharing, no regret to hv it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..u can find the link below..


Luckyone, dun angry, no worth to angry with those kpo ppl..nothing wrong with frozen food..

Edie, u done a very good job [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Skmama, I like ur banner too..sorry, forgot is contributed by u..thanks so much!

good morning mummies

good to read that all having so much fun at the xmas party.. wish we could be there...

Look forward to the May2011 party. Let me know if need any help in any areas..

Just to share that I did Aryan's first month in this place called Jazzistic at 801 Mountbatten Road,, a huge bungalow..can use up the whole place..huge garden terrace and courtyard.. will check the rental rates again.. i can email to some the pictures.. let me know..


i got the parklon yellow bear playmat from small small world BP @ $130 + one picnic mat @ $12

BB Ethan's 2 bottom front teeth are out too :p

Dear Mummies,

Impulse, Pinnky & I have arranged for a mini gathering/playdate @ my place in the North on 1st Jan 2011 (1/1/11)

We will be doing lunch.

Any other mummies interested, please let me know asap so that i can sort out the food (potluck/order in).

Disclaimer: I do not live in a bungalow. haha. So I will need to put a cap to about 10 adults yah. Babies count separately.


yeah! ya ya we can meet up when i shift there. gd to know i hav forum buddies staying near me. ^^ you can make it next thurs for the meet up?

thks mummies for liking the banner. its just a sml effort on my part la. something to do in free time. just tat when i saw edie n her hubby putting it up, alamak, like so tiny a bit. okok glad it serves its purpose. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun let others affect yr motherly instinct. if u think frozen is the way to go. just stick by it. i think 80% of us r freezing our bb food. one ear in one ear out. *poof*


u r v gd at emceeing! very comical!!! can tell yr hubby v pro also. can ask u to stand further away when the mic is giving probs!


hmm eventually i didnt get parklon. i found a cheaper version fr taiwan, mambo playmat. the surface is rougher. but its like 55 bucks. buy first use first. lol

Thanks mummies.

I know I should one ear in one ear out ignore them, but still got that kind of feeling..how should I put..um like a nettle pricked into my heart..

I did a lot of research to make sure it's alright for baby to eat b4 decide to give my boy "frozen foods"...how to cook lah, how to/ how long to store lah and even the way to reduce the "ices" on frozen foods.

Very tiring loh...

But these people just can't give me a break....

gladseow, i also bought parklon $180 but can't remember the size. Got a little discount from smallsmallworld. but i think u can get the same price if u purchase from the bulk purchase.

I wasn't able to bring my playmat to the xmas party cas i'm bringing baby alone. Don't dare to bring the playmat cas there is no way i can handle baby and playmat. =P

Yeap talking about the mat, so sorry that I'm late and with such a small mat (^^;)

I thou small mat should be enough so din bring the big one..

BTW, why baby floor mat so expensive!! I saw a super cute Winnie the Pooh one last week, check the price...$100++ (T T)

On the X'mas party, see a lot of mummies slim down a lot!! So envy..esp, edie like model!

I can't flip away my fats leh...

Yeah! i agree that a lot of mummies are so slim!

oh well. I give up liao. According to my MIL, based on my bone structure, there's a limit to how slim i can get. Faintz!

Yeah yeah. My house is in the far far far North. Sembawang.

Let's put a close by 20 Dec?

Thks mummies. Hmm. I have checked the websites. Seems like those who had gotten the playmat earlier hv got a good deal. Guess this parklon /lg playmat prices will be going up jus like the car COE. OMG!!!

Luckyone, i do agree that the playmat price is so ex. But, after seeing and feeling the quality, even my hubby is convinced.

Shd I wait and see if there will be upcoming promo or fair? But, BBs grow and learn so fast. By the time, maybe Gerris will be adventuring/crawling away from the mat already. Hahah.. I think to much liao..

My collegue help me to buy this mat (not fr S'pore) just $50!!


v cute pic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] always wondered why some babies already have so much hair when born and my son still not much hair even tho he's coming 7 months - ps i didn't even shave him

Wow... Missed out the party. Will register for the 1yo party once open :p must stay online often.

Luckyone, that pic is so cute. All bb line in rows.

Luckyone. very useful information. Yes. currently, my bb is using the ABC mat. haha.. most of the time i lazy to assemble and dismentle the pieces. lol.. when my bb falls backwards and bump her head, she tends to cry loudly. dunno is it the material too hard.

Hmm. maybe maybe i will consider to get the gate also. cause hor, my hse got dog, very mafan.

The babies so cute. jus sleep in rows.. haha..

babygi, heard that must shave if bb with less hair when 4th months. After shaved will grow more (but not sure tru or not haha).

Talking about bb's hair, my boy cut/shave his hair 4, 5 times already...a lot of hair also headache..Spend lot money.

gladseow, IC..then have to put pillow/ blanket around? But hor I've check out the link from Pinnky hu~~ the price like $300++.. Now I know why a lot of people seling bb's products casue really gor profit mah haha.

The gate hor, for me "MUST" buy! My boy super active!!

Hi Mommies , sorry to disturb. Check out our pretty/cute clothes for your adorable ones. We are having a XMAS Special for this year, just enter code XMAS2010 when check out to enjoy 10% savings!

We sell leg warmers, hair accessories, cute romper sets for your boys and girls, matching sets for your girls as well as sleeveless tees etc etc!

Check us out at http://www.blisstots.com/





too late for me to shave him now coz i dun want him to be botak for CNY....

Was about to go lunch but all the office lifts are not working!!! dunno why suntec management stopped the lifts during lunchtime?!?!?!

hello mummies!

for babies' 1st birthday, can i suggest that we hold it sometime in April ? Its safer to avoid any clash...

cos if baby's birthday is on a weekday.. sure hold birthday party on a weekend one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Same like chloemum, am also planning birthday party liaoz.. ahahahaha!

x'mas party

thank you to all the organisers for making this party possible and doing such a great job!! my family enjoyed ourselves [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and also thanks u to those who voted for bb Ashton.

wah u gals so fast planning for birthday party le...

Hi mummies, thanks for organising the great party! Its really well planned and organised.. i think very fantastic work done w the goodie bags, banners, games, prizes and even the food... venue was fantastic too. Its my 1st time joining may mummies gathering, great experience.

BTW.. how come most all look so chio??? Aiyoh.. c u all so pretty i also stress and envy..*drool* just 6 mths and all of u look so slim.

I am trying to upload some photos onto my blog, will direct u all once its done.. u all can identify and download photos of ur babies from there.. i took quite a bit of babies ard me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Paiseh for the poor camera skills.. Do help me identify ur kids too.. so i can add a caption..

It's very light so I guess the shipping fee should be not expensive bah.

If you're interested, can e-mail the seller and check how much on shipping to S'pore.

But hor, if you're getting the mat to pervert baby fall to knock the head, better don't buy (^^).

For me, I only use when someone is with my boy.

ChloeMum, can i join in the gathering on 1 jan 2011? miss out the one at pinkky place that day.. din get a chacne to meet up with you all yet.

why is everybody spamming our thread??

Chloemum : u holding ur potluck when? 1st jan? i cant find ur post.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kate, Nanabear: the playdate is @ my house in sembawang. 1st Jan. Around lunchtime (1230pm?)

i will confirm if it's potluck or order in once we more or less know how many ppl coming ok. less hassle is always good.

u ladies ok?

chloemum, im okie. cozs i stay at Admiralty... very near. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow! Seen like u mummies really had a great time last sun.. Too bad my Hubby anti social, and refused to let me bring bb along. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nanabear- not spam la. All the sponsors. HAhaha!

Chloemum- sama sama. Me also doing his bash in late april.

Paging for hopeful sue! I am going airport at 7pm. Call me for ur lost love! Heheheh!

Hi mommies!

Just a quick message to say :

A very big thank you to the organising committee.

Wish I could be more useful for the event after organising the 1st meet up but I really cannot cope lor.


Next thur meet up still thinking whether to take leave anot cos left only 3 day. I PM u my contact already hope we can meet upwhen u move to housing.

1 year birthday

If have on end April I may not join cos my galgal is April baby

On bb hair: I shAve my girl's hair when she's 4mth. When borned, she does have some hair (not alot, but I can use hairclip to pin up her hair).

Now after shaving for 3mths, her hair is still short and texture is rougher than her birth hair. 

Luckyone: dun bother what others said. So long ur boy luv it, and he is growing well and healthy can le!

Mummies, can add me in ur fb. [email protected]


Jo, cab it be because of the shampoo u use? I realize if u are using those head to toe to wash Bb hair... Bb hair will be rough... Try using kodomo's shampo0... I think it's better... My xiao cai use to use baby johnson's head to toe to wash and I find that his hair very rough... Than I switch to kodomo shampoo... Xiao cai hAir now is back to soft soft already!

And spell really nice! The smell can than almost the whole day! U might wanna give it A try... Heez[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Krystal..yeah..I like kodomo's shampoo..so nice the smell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]and I like the rice milk body shampoo too..hehe..

yalo..if the party is having in April..I afraid cant join too cox my boy also April bb and I might bring him on cruise during tat time..

So, luckyone..should we hv it in March? Since most mummies wil hv party for their bbs..and April/May seem occupied..

Jo, Thanks (^^)

Maybe I'm just too overreacted.

Not appreciate my "hard work" never mind, but at least don't say in front of my hubby...

He just finally accept my boy eating frozen food.

Pinnky, later bah...later bah...

