(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


My wife had a hole in her heart when she's born. She turns out just fine and happily married to me and now becoming a mother. Dun think too much and stress yourself. Hope everthing will be fine for you and your baby.


Luckyone> I'm ok with the hole in the heart, it can be treated but the rest I think there are not possible to be treated easily.

mrs heng> I seriously have no idea at all. That is what I want to ask my gyne tmr. But there was once, cant remember which week, she did pay special attention on the heart which gave us a scare. She did mentioned that the heart chamber did not look good. Even zoom in a lot of times to look at it but cannot really see any problem then. Even today, I think the sonographer had a hard time looking for the hole and they had to press hard at my tummy to get a better view. I was in pain today lor! Just that I cant scream out only.

I think I cant even sleep even if I were to go to bed now.... But there is nothing I can do now either... If only I went for the amnio test.....

Chloie - ic...ok..then we can only wait for gynae advise tmr. In the meantime, pls take gd care of urself k? Hv plenty of rest, i will pray for u n bb

dun blame urself..u doesnt wan dat to happen either. I knw its a tough day for u today...But try to hv a shower n rest early k? Dun forget to hv ur basic meals too


understand how u must b feeling. But like wat e others hav said, all is not lost. Try to hav some rest tonight n tmr c wat doc advise u. Stay positive.


Please try not to be too upset i am sure your baby can feel your emotions too. Tmrw is the appointment already then can ask the doctor all the questions and next steps to take.

So in the meanwhile try and rest k.


Photo of the pillow I made... gotta resize the picture cus can only upload a limited size. Pillow is more fluffy cus I added in hypoallergenic polyester fibre.



Will pray for you n your bb... hope everything will be alright!


no we didnt use vaporizer for during our girl's time.

Chloie, I am pray that God heals ur sorrow.

We all are MTBs or Mothers.. So def know how u feel for your bb. God Knows best.

I am sure all the mothers in this forum will be praying for you and ur baby.

*Tight hugs* If you must cry it out, just do it. Dun hold it back. Just hold your hb tight and cry to him if you have to. Sometimes it helps when u are upset and lost.

Medicine has advanced alot so I am sure there must be some form of help. And i also feel that you shouldnt take cord blood banking as an question. Go and apply for it and store it. Since you know something is wrong now, maybe in the long run once there is a cure, u can use it.


I'm really saddened to read abt it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I hope your gynae will be able to give you a better feel of the situation and your options. And really that things are not as bad as it is.

Try not blame yourself, nothing you have done could have caused it to happen and amnio also may not have detected it.

How is your hb coping? Is he alright?


Yes like rest of the mothers, I will keep you and both baby in my prayer. We are MTB and will definately understand what you're going thru now but no matter what, please try to rest and don't not to think abt it cause baby will be effected too. Like what AR say, medical is very advance now and to me, our baby are gifts from God and since we are fated to have them, then he won't be so cruel to take them away from us.

Chloie mummy, do stay strong and positive. Dun blame yourself for not taking the test, the result at then might not be clear too.

Health charm and best blessings for your BB, hope everything would turn out fine.

HI Mummies,

Like to join in this thread as also expecting and due in May.

Hi Chloie,

Do not worry. My mum also born with a hole in heart in the 50's when technology is not as fantastic as now. She is now 60 yrs old and still as healthy enough to look after her grandchild.

She is always a happy -go- lucky person. Hopes this helps. Stays postive.

^ Chloie ^, hole in heart is not really life threathening. hav a fren in sec sch with this condition n he is now a dad n even a chain smoker..

dun worry too much n stay positive as we r so near bb arrival nw.

hello mummies...


i am selling my preloved quinny buzz lime green stroller. comes with original accessories as well as a cup holder and shopbasket (total to $100)

if interested pls contact me at [email protected][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3717612.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3717613.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3717614.jpg]

Chloie just want to send you lots of hugs and prayers. We don't know what the future will bring and time will only tell if the prognosis is as bad as it seems. Hopefully it is not so don't give up on hope just yet! Fingers and toes crossed for you for your gynae visit.

This afternoon I will go Taka to buy my baby stroller (combi - although not good offer still have to use up my voucher), the price is selling at 359, the sales staff said I can get something free worth 10%. See if I can grap something like baby shoes or not.

Will try to find more detail on playpen, medela products and bean pillow price and update you all this evening.

Chloie: Take good care of yourself. Don't worry too much. Things will work out eventually.

Luckyone: Any idea what time the Taka sale is until? Was thinking of dropping by after my yoga class tonight. =P Hopefully later not so much crowd.

Someone was asking about robinson's sale, i was at robinson raffles city last night. Most of the stuff still have discount. Medela-15%, Avent-20%, Baby Clothes, Children's clothes also still having discount. But I think Taka Sale shd have better offerings.

Hi mummies..I just bought a 100% natural latex mattress for my bb cot at $145 from my friend..I think is a good deal cox hardly to find this price in the market, all abt 200 range..The size i got is (72.5cm x 100cm x 5.0cm)

If any of u interested to get it, I can help..

Hey Pinnky, is latex mattress or Babysafe mattress necessary? How does this mattress make a different from others?

Havent done much research, and can't seem to find useful info when I google. I am looking for 70cm x 128cm.

Hey Pinnky, I got the same qn as lucasmummy. Appreciate your kind advice! Thkq.

Cos if can't find a good one, will find it at taka bb fair already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LucasMummy, SK: i asked the mothercare sales assistant when i bought my mattress. she said the different types of mattresses provides different kinda support and firmness. Foam might be quite hot, latex is cooler. It's the same as adult mattresses lah. I think latex gives a good balance between the support and coolness, just like the mattresses we sleep on (latex is like 1 of the hottest choices these days).

Do remember that you will need to sun the mattresses often and babies tend to wet the beds. So get something which you can manage to carry out to sun, and don't forget, waterproof bed pads/protectors!

Hi lucasmummy & SK, babysafe mattress also made from latex..I guess they are the same. The brand that I got is babylove latex mattress. From what I know, latex mattress is very good as it doesn't sleep hot, and it can prevent dust mites. Natural latex is also durable, resists packing down, and forming body impressions as well. So, I choosing this mattress for my bb..

Currently, I m using the latex pillow for my pregnancy and it is good, I dun feel hot when sleep.

morning mtbs... been busy with my #1 coz he's still pretty unwell...


thanks for helping me check out the deals ya... will head down on sat morning sans #1 with my gf to grab some avent items...

as for strollers i think the expo sale would have better deals so would wait for tt... n the reason y i'm contemplating getting a quinny zapp is coz of the closed size... oni tat can fit in my current car boot lor...


just saw ur post... i think mummies here r really encouraging n i just wanna let u knw tt u can alwys sms me if u need a listening ear!!! n dun worry too much!!! *hugz*

blue turtle

taka bb fair is till 28 Mar... i think weekdays crowd still not so bad lor... come weekend could be worse...

Hi Mummies, so long nvr post....glad thread is still active...

Chloie, hugs and sayang...am sure u & bb will be fine.

Update on myself...both twinnies are doing fine..and yes I have cross the 30weeks gestation big mark..perhaps some mummies may rmbr my case..one of my twins has scalp deformity and I have decided to carry on with the preg despite of high risk + complications...at tis stage I may just go into labour anytime in which my gynea is hoping I can hold them till at least 37wks...Oh yes, have not update their gender...the girl is the healthy twin and the boy is the one with the scalp problem...let's all just pray for each other to have a smooth delivery...everyday b4 our due is a victory for us...best wishes to all...

pinnky - By any chance if u know ur frn is selling latex mattress for playpen? I nt getting cot so need a mattress for playpen. TIA !

HI mummies to be. Just to share: Takashimaya having baby sale this month from 11 - 28 March. Go grab your baby needs. In addition, Big Belly Mama is having a free gift with every purchase of Nursing Covers . http://www.bigbellymama.com/nursing.html but you need to quote Singapore Motherhood to get the free gift. And finally if you sign up for to be on the mailing list of Hann & Thann at www.harnnthann-sg.com you will receive 2 free bottles of Sea Foam Milk 30 mls.

Hello everyone, I just went to PP Isetan and saw a baby cot brand Shears selling at $289. It also comes with free 4" mattress, 7pc bedding set and musical mobile.I thought it's pretty good deal.

For those who are still looking for a cot might be interested. The cot looks and feels sturdy to me...

In fact Isetan is still having 20% off most items like pigeons, avent, nuk etc...

But i think i will patiently wait till taka fair tmr...

Hi Pepperoni, all the best and good luck to your lovelies...

Hi ladies, I'm back from my gyne....

Nothing much can be done now. I would need to do an amniocentesis test to see if bb has chromosome defect before we can decide what to do next.

The hole in the heart is a small problem. It can be treated once she is out.

The problem now is the cleft on the brain. This clefting would affect bb's mobile co-ordination [eg: movement or muscles control] which could in return affect her speech, maybe her swallowing and IQ as well. So to do the amniocentesis is to determine if she has chromosomal disorders. If she has chromosomal disorders then we would not want to do any surgery on her to repair the faults cos she would just pass on maybe in a few days or in a years' time.

If she does not has any chromosomal disorders then when she is born, she would need to have a tube inserted to her brains to drain out the excess fluid to her tummy to discharge out and it would be that way for life and maybe other surgery to correct her other faults.....

And she also has single artery umbilical cord, which is usually a sign of chromosomal disorders. As for her being undersize, that can be solved after she is born.

As for my excess of amnio fluid, maybe during my amniocentesis test, if the doc can draw out more fluid, he would do so for me.

And my amniocentesis test is on next Wed at NUH [not again!!!!]. I hope I do not have to wait for an hr before it is my turn. Yesterday, I waited for about 1hr 15mins and had my tummy exposed and scanned for another hour. And the scan was so damn painful lor! They press that "thgy" so hard onto my tummy, even hb asked if I'm in pain. Even hb knows that they pressed that "thgy" so hard. Hai...... Now I worry about the pain for the amniocentesis test.

Thanks pinnky & blue turtle, need to know cos I know both are hot picks.

Lucasmummy > I bought a latex playpen mattress at the recent sale at AMK, cant rem the actual name. More like warehouse sale. Spent about $70 on it and it is definitely good.

AT least I know I din make a poor choice then.


i teared when i read yr post.. just feel tat u n yr husband r both v strong in handling... pls remain positive n look at things on the bright side. docs will do all they can to help yr little one... n as u said she is still happily kicking away so... goes to show she is one strong jollybean too. take care ok n try not to concentrate on the pain for the test. big bear hugzz[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


be strong for ur baby, don worry too much now try to relax as much as possible, baby will know tat mummy is worry.

u are really a strong mummy

Please dont feel sorry for me & my hb. It would only make me feel worse.

I really hope I can keep her in my "hotel womb" forever so that she dont have to come out to go thru all the sufferings. But deep deep in my heart, I rather she pass on after birth otherwise she would have to go through all the pain from the surgery or being laughed at in the future.

And I dont want her to hate us for giving birth to her to suffer as this chromosomal disorders is genetic.


Hi SK, may I know which part of AMK did you buy your mattress?

Chloie.... it takes alot of courage to be hearing and accepting... Many mummies are praying for you and your family... Stay strong!

