(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Jo, Gardenia white bread.

WanderLeibe, my boy only knows how to grab baby biscuit hehe haven't try let him grap banana and other foods.


Last night hor, discuses with my hubby regarding my boy's 1st year BD. We decided book a table at restaurant celebrate with in laws, BIL, SIL in law only. Hubby said must ask his parent opinion so tell them our plan, guess what? They said "can't not lah, baby 1st year BD must invite all relative lah. Order buffer at home loh" W.T.H!! again!!! why they can't just help us to save $$?? So I "bo cham" and "say don't want buffer because later have to do cleaning at home" Guess what again? MIL said "ah yeah just spend few hour to do the cleaning mah, easy job"! Hello! I'm the one to do all cleaning ok!Haiz...for sure, later they will KPO go order cakes, that kind of 1 box $8, $9 per box, inside few pcs of cake to all relative. Alt they pay but my hubby won't let them pay one. End up, the extra expenses will come to us!! + if buffer at home, for sure have to buy beer. You can't believe the way they relative drink beer like drinking water! Have to buy at least 2 ctn beers.Really can't stand it loh!! During our wedding also like that. Total 30 tables, more than 20 tables of guest me and hubby don't know one! OMG!

Sorry for my “lao sou” this morning, I’m really feeling so “hot”!!


why dun u tell hb that you really do not want to have buffet at home? Its bb 1st bday, u shd do things that make urself happy too.

for me, bb 1st mth is for MIL to show off to her relatives she finally got grandchild liao. - and do it her way.

for bb 1st day is for hb and me to do it our way, of course we told her she an invite who she wants as well, but we will doit our way. *and we haven told her what yet. she might probably wun likeit but she also LL have to suck it up*

Mrs Teo, ah yeah they don't listern one loh.

I guess we have to prepare $$ for the buffer liao....

Last nite my in law also said "must invite your "god mother" and family here too hor"

Actually I've plan a mini celebrate at my "god mother" there but I din plan to tell my in law.

I feel more happy to celebrate there.

Hate to see my FIL acting so kind to my family.

I know he always tell bad thing about me to his brothers and friends.

hey mummies,

remember that time i brought ashleigh to the gymboree play gym and signed for membership? So i pay $12/hr instead of $20.

what was included was 1 voucher (2 weeks expiry) for any lessons they have Play & Learn, Music et.... and since i am a member, they sent an sms to me saying theres a free trial for music program (until 31st march for 1st timer)

so its really a good deal, i will use voucher for lesson Play & Learn, then also enrol her for the one time free trial music program.


no instructor, just one hour of using the play area. tanglin and harbourfront Gymboree

non members $20, sign up for members $50, u pay like $12/hr.

ChloeMum, Mrs Teo, thanks thanks... i shall go check it out. is it very sweet? and compared to yogurt melts??

Bread -- i give bb any type of hard bread. If i offer him soft ones, he will bite of big chunk and stuff into his mouth. We had trouble extracting it so i prefer hard ones (ie french loaf type) and sometimes with multigrain/flaxseeds/walnuts.

Luckyone, *patpat*... sigh, what to do?? ILs can be so *&#^!@!?&. Your hb sounds very fillial. Umm... lucky my hb and i agree that we will decide what to do as we are the ones spending money. We have few relatives so that helps. I think we will have joint celebration so baby can have both sides of the family together. Heh how you know what your FIL says? I also dunno what my MIL may complain but I am sure she will discuss about me with her sisters/relatives. :p I guess just pretend I dunno loh but I also "discuss" about her with my mum. HAHAHAH. I just hope the party will be for my baby, not focused on my SIL's daughter. Gosh, for everyone's birthday that she is around, my SIL will request let her blow candles & relight for her to blow 2-3x until she is happy. I cannot stand that ...

Mrs Teo, are you the mummy who bought baby to gym and there was instructor who guided baby etc? I can't remember who... I think everyone bringing except me. :p Maybe i will bring as one year old present... So Gymboree is good?


its good coz it tires baby out. but for my bb she needed some time to warm up to the environment, so she wasnt crazy exploring / crawling. its fine though.

shes always been at home monday - friday, so i wanna let her interact more, esp with other children.

WanderLeibe, I heard my FIL said bad about my SIL b4(my hubby brother's wife). The way he said was too much liao! As a daughter in law, I'm worst than my SIL (in they eyes), so should be more to say about me bah.. haha

Mrs Teo... sounds good. If baby tired out = I can sleep more too!!

Luckyone... UGH yeah i know what you mean, they surely compare vs 2 DILs. But you cook for baby so it should score some point. Haha. Are you close to your SIL?

WanderLeibe, Ah! My MIL don't comment on my cooking, I feel happy liao.

I seldom talk to my SIL but she quite nice person. I think if we don't live together before, we will be quite close. To them, I'm a diff to get alone person.

Luckyone... stay together surely friction. My r/s improve after we move out. *Phew* I think you amazing to cook while living together. I couldn't get access to kitchen at all as MIL hovering around wanting to "help"...

wanderleibe I don't really know how much J is drinking as he latches most of the time. I've stopped giving him milk bottles since he was 6 mths as he rejects them so if I give him ebm it's in a cup or in a straw container volumes are therefore very much a rough estimation. But 180ml x 3 at this age sounds similar to what my #1 used to have. He also had water the rest of the time.

So you don't like frying on the stove? Alternatively you can try heating a little oil in a casserole dish (~180C) then add the meat, about 3 min on each side until browned. Then add your stock and vege, stir, cover and leave in oven. I've used this method to cook pork with apple but I think it would work well with beef too. Ha! Ha! I like this method of cooking cos it doesn't need much washing up and there's no oil spatter in the kitchen to clean up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs N, good evening to you... yep i think the casserole idea is good. I usually grease baking pan and brown stuff but I agree it makes it abit dry. My oven now is not built in so I think it's hard to do cassserole/dutch oven style. Thanks for your great ideas though... will try stew on my next day off.

i'm so sleepy this morning. *yawn*

morning mummies, i have been so busy these days. havent been able to keep up with the forum.

anyone going to mothercare sales tomorrow?

Hi mummies!

mush: is there a mothercare sales coming up?

I did stew beef yesterday. Lucas had it BLW way. He doesn't seem to be able to chew the beef really well but the rest is fine. For myself and hubby... we had it with the Japanese curry... not bad.. ha!

just got a call from "my gym" i'm bringing bb for the 3 pm to 4 pm session at marine parade this sun... anyone else signed up for the welcome day thingy?

Hihi Lucus mummy, think it's at Harbourfront Mothercare or something. One mummy put up... I also can't rem the dates. If anyone goes, please let us know if good lobang?

Wow your beef stew sounds delicious!!! What is your winning recipe? Cook beef then add to Jap packet curry? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mush. most of the lightweight strollers can only use until bb is 15kg. so must see how big bb is now.

mothercare got housebrand. $99.



Else the other one i was also looking at is MACLAREN Volo. about $300 before discount.

i was intending to get 1 light weight one for holidays use, but most likely i will just pass on the stroller since i already have a full size one. i think hb will kill me if i buy another one, n we hardly use it.

Re: baby yoplait

i have been feeding my boy this every morning too! add some cereal into it. think the size just nice for b'fast! :D much more value than the petit miam ( so tiny and it's for >1yo!)

Re: Beef

Not sure if this is right - but i went ahead to buy organic MINCED BEEF (cold storage) or just lean minced beef (NTUC finest). Then i either quick bake/cook with veg and broth. Since it's minced already - very easy to eat/cook. Is this okay?

Beef for stew will take me hours, while tenderloin cuts are very expensive i feel....


i'm thinking of leaving my job (which i like and pays well) to be SAHM for my little one, i'm not sure if it's a wise decision. initially i plan to be sahm after i have 3 kids, but that would mean i will not enjoy being with my 1st little one for about 6-7 yrs. i need some advice, pls share with me your tots [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thks dearies

Hi Jasmini,

Does ur hubby support your decision? if he does, go for it.... i'm sure it's more worthwhile to be with ur bb than to work...

baby yoplait, I'm tried to find this 6 months+ yogurt leh. But think not all super market selling.

Anyone see it from orchard, tampines or pasir ris area?


my hubby says he will support any decision i make. however he feels that it's more crucial to stay at home after the children goes to primary school.....

Jasmini , depends on your temperament , if your baby is easy to look after and if there is someone else to help out at home

If you are not the very patient type and if your baby is the fussy kind and if there is no one to help out if you are at home , then might need to think twice

I am a SAHM but I have my mum and maid to help out at home , but even then , I find it quite boring at times and it can be quite testing when baby gets fussy

I am actually looking forward to when my baby is old enough to join a half day playgroup then I can consider going back to work

Jasmini. I am a full time working mother. but i already find it quite boring to stay at home with bb on weekends. hahahaha... maybe cos i dunno what to play or do with bb lar. boring to keep playing the same stuff. so most of the time, i bring her out lor.

the feeling is like, although i am at home, but i can't do what i want to do, e.g. play games, sleep, laze ard, do some chores. cos need to keep an eye on baby.

My bb is not the fussy kind. In fact, she can keep herself entertained for quite a long while. But still, need to have my eyes on her.

Hi mummies,

Luckyone: You can find the yogurt at Parkway CS.

jasmini: you may want to consider to switch to part time or work from home. My goal is to become a SAHM too... that's when I feel that I am self sufficient. Working damn hard towards it now. My job pays average.

testing and bored: for sure at times, I guess. But it could be an enjoyment too. We just need more playdates! the babies play, the mummies yak. Ha! Ok... just joking.

Hi mummies,

Anyone is intending to sell your stroller, prefer combi stroller? My friend is interested to get the preloved one..thanks!

Jasmini, is there an option of working Pt? Cause not easy to find a job that pays well n u like.. And like what Chloe n Michelle says, seriously can be quite boring to be at hm n u may feel frustrated if ur kid is fussy plus all e mundane n miscellaneous stuffs that u have to do. In addition, will u be comfortable not earning ur own income? Getting $$ from hub may not be something that some women like ESP after working for a while. Think thru first..

I just left my ft job , but will take up some Pt to have a blanche btw wrk n family. But luckily my in laws are helping me to look after so I can still wrk Pt . I am also in dilemma, dunno to wrk ft or not. But I guess whatever decisions u take , u must be happy w it. 想清触k.

Now that I have left ft job, hehe.. Any playmates coming up?

Michelle u need help w e birthday bash? Was bz previously couldn't join in any discussions. Need help tell me! One location u all may wanna consider is yck grassroots club, not too bad! How many pax are we looking at?


Its true, after some time u will feel bored. So u might want to work PT. But now definately time is just nice to look after baby the whole day. U might want to arrange for ur own time so that u can get re charged.

Apart from that, i strongly second ur decision to become a SAHM. Nothing beats mom's upbringing for a child.

Luckyone-- Tampines Mall NTUc has the baby yogurt. I bought mine there. If not NTUC finest at Centuary Sq has.

*Raises Hand*

I want to host the next play date! Raihan would love some company. Any mummies interested? but am @ Tampines area. Anytime between 21 to 25 March is fine with me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Think it's not easy finding a job you like and pays well. think about it carefully, yes, i think AR's right, nothing beats mom's upbringing for a child.

For me, think quite hard to be a SAHM. My hubby will never agree and it's going to be a strain financially. I just hope 1 day, either my hubby can earn enough for me to stay at home or I strike Toto 10 million. *Dreaming*

Genice , I need suggestions for venue for 15 May before we can even start planning for the birthday bash . I think we can plan for 60 adults and 30-35 babies . Is YCK grassroots club big enough ?

AR count me in for playdate at your place !

thanks mummies for sharing :D you all have brought out very good points....

i'm not the type who can stand being at home all the time, in fact just 3 days after i gave birth, i brought my newborn out to paragon for hi-tea.... heehee....sounds mad right? cos i was breastfeeding so he needs to be WITH me all the time....:p

i do have many caregivers - my helper, my mom, my mil. but honestly i dunno what goes into my baby's mouth sometimes. one time at my MIL's, i ask how come my baby eating papaya (when i didn't buy any), my maid pointed to my MIL's neighbor's TREE! hmmm.....the list goes on.

additionally my MIL's hse got so many mosquitoes, my baby is filled with bites all over....now his eye kena bite until super swollen, after we put mos-repellent on his hands and feet, so the mos went to his eye [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i thought about part-time job too. my current position is not possible to convert to a PT cos it's a managerial position. i would need to find another PT job, it would be possibly some admin or tutoring/lecturing. with the pay i can't be self-sufficient leh....any job ideas? my friend became a property agent, can earn abt $7k/monthly but burn your family time --- evenings and weekends. that defeats the whole purpose....


my boy is the cannot-sit-down type, up and crawling all the time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] it's much more tiring being a SAHM than working FT, but i really miss him very very much, cos he sleeps at 8pm every night, so i don't get to spend time with him on weekdays, only weekends. i don't get to enjoy his growing up years and it saddens me very much...

sometimes he will cry himself to sleep after i go off for work, so sad right....? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

really dunno what i should do....

Pinnky , I have a Capella S705 to let go if your friend is int . It is the blue 2010 model , reversible handle, one hand fold , full recline

Shops selling at $329 , I letting go at $180 . Bought 5 mths ago and seldom used cos it's a spare stroller

AR: Update me on the date of the the playdate! I see if I can make it! That week is a little tight.

Michelle: For your ref: http://www.grassrootsclub.org.sg/meetnmingle.html#function12

jasmini: I am sure all mummies can understand how you are feeling, totally. in no shoe to advise cos am not a SAHM yet. Am also thinking self sufficient is prob for the time being. Perhaps we really need to sacrifice and be able to let go alot; bags, shoes, clothes... before we think we can really settle down to become one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmini , I am also those cannot stay at home type , last time before baby will always go shop in orchard Rd . And my baby cannot sit still and cannot self entertain one , always like to crawl and climb and take things and throw , leave him alone for a while will start crying .

Some more I don't drive , so not so convenient to bring baby out . Though my mum helps take care , I also don't feel good to always go out and leave baby with her cos he's very active and I scared too tiring for her cos she still needs to go out buy food and cook dinner .

Why not you do a trial , take 1 week off from work and stay at home to take care of your baby full time to see if you like it and then decide whether to be SAHM

A R, i can make it for the playdate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] last day at work on the 18th - going to be a short term SAHM lol.....

jasmini, how about asking ur boss if u can work from home on certain days so that u get to spend more time with ur son?

since u are in a managerial position, they should be more keen to retain u.



this morning heard on the radio 93.8 live on the topic of 'giving the stay-at-home spouse' a monthly salary - so that the spouse can declare the 'income' and make contributions to CPF and medisave: so housewife/househusband can have retirement fund + earning spouse can claim tax relief off the given income. hope the govt can come up with something better pro-family, pro-child!

i can't work from home or part time bcos the nature of my work requires 30% traveling + a lot of cross functional liaison. moreover even if they 'kind enough' to offer me something, it would mean part-time hours, part-time pay, full-time work load! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey my boy got this funny habit of opening his mouth when he swims / bathe ( he loves water and always open his mouth big big) so when i pour water on his head / during swimming he always drinks in the water and sometimes choke on it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

aiyo i dunno how to ask him to close his mouth...heeehee....

