(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Mrs Teo,

Now trying to find contractor the contractor we chose just smsed this morning say cannot take on the job! Hopefully by late March can move in i think renovation will take about 3 - 4 weeks so now got to source for contractor asap. So near yet so far.....


Luckyone.. i dunno... thats what the last contractor quoted. So if its earlier its a bonus! Anyway today the hubby is calling his other contacts so hopefully can get an acceptable quote and start work soon!

Luckyone: yah... reno usu will take ard that time. some will take longer. last time i reno my place, i didn't do the tiles on my floor, also took abt that amount of time. need to invest time ahead to choose paint color, lights, sanitary fittings, kitchen fittings, any other misc thing. So of the stuff i chose was OOS, so need to wait a little bit lor.

Hi mummies!

JSP: ok! Hope Anya is ok.

Lilstarz: expect more for everything is mentioned. Even the quote as well cos along the way there bound to be some changes here and there. We took 1 year cos we took our own sweet time. :D I always remind myself the last time that it's much easier and less disappointment when we least expected it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

19 Mar Playdate at Mrs Teo

1) vivy & ash

2) Babygi & Ethan Au

3) LucasMummy & Lucas

4) Lilstarz & Kiersten

5) Edie & Thea

6) Little Tiger & Aaricia

7) Michelle & Nathaniel

8) Jojo & Chloe Chng

9) Impulse41 & Castiel

morning mummies, been reading but not posting much. My baby also sick. Down with stomach flu, vomitting and diarrhea since sunday. Got the bug at his nanny's place. I guess no choice, part of growing up, there is only so much we can do to protect them.

Very heartpain to see them suffering. He just recovered from rash and running nose, then now stomach bug. Today started having fever. Hope he will be well tmr. sian, how i wish i can take his place. but he pass the bug to me as well. I suffer for 1 days, poor baby, already 3 days already.

Lucasmummy... 1 year?! faint.. thats waaayy too long hahaha.... i can't wait to move out of my in-laws into my own space!! but our reno isn't that much cos most of the stuff is provided flooring, cupboard, stove, air-con all in. So just minor stuff like some cabinets, painting etc.

I saw Lucas stacking the coloured rings nicely in the video u posted.. such a cutie and so clever.. tried that with my babe.. the rings flew everywhere or went into her mouth or were used for banging...major failure hahaha...


yes I was at leisure! next time yell out to me!i want to meet up with all of u but i'm really swamped lately.


Yeah need to find time to organize one.no time to read the forum. You want to meet up next week?

Wander, my factory is closed. Nomore#3 This time friend took so long I thought something wrong with me.

Lilstarz: thank u. Lucas did not take 1 day to realize. The rings were everywhere, into his mouth and banged before. Poor rings. It's during one morning when the silence gets suspicion, i peeped and saw him removing the rings one by one and putting them back. Not in order of course. So soon Kiersten would be able to do the same!

Bbf: next week I'm a busy bee until 2nd week of march. Perhaps after th 15th? Will u be free after that?

Fast thread!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope babies whom are not feeling well get better!!

bbS just grabbed placemats from the dining table!headache!!!

think babies' virus are quite strong...now my family and me are getting abit sick, busy boiling barley water to drink....

so far bb ethan's fever is gone but his running nose persists. is there anything i can do besides giving him the flu medicine? any advice from other mummies?

bbf: hi!!! din hear from you quite awhile, guess you must be swamped by both family & work! as for your qn, nope, aunty flo hasnt visited me either...according to my prev gynae, it is normal until stop nursing. If you want assurance, maybe can go for a check up with your gynae?

Luckyone: do you mind emailing me a copy of your recipes as well? i am staying with my inlaws, but i only do cooking for my baby. bb ethan does not seem to like to take much food....its a stress whenever he refused to eat more than a few mouthful...coz there will be comments that "the food must be not nice".... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

1) Boil Beef, Chinese Cabbage, Tofu together.

2) Chop all 1)

3) Soup - Soy Sauce 1 drop, Soup Sauce (Can buy adlut use sauce from super market) - 1 table spoon and can add little bit of sugar if you want. Add 2).



Yup after 15 is ok..let's plan to get stuffed.!



My 2 boys keeping me busy like a happy mad woman. No time for gynae lah plus my last pap was done 1 month ago. Glad to know I'm not the only one

Hi mommies,

I would like to exchange S26 Promil gold stage 2 (400 gram) with Similac 2 (400 gram).

Exchange place:

1) Tanjong Pagar MRT (Weekday)

2) Paya Lebar MRT (Weekend or evening)

Please PM me if you have Similac 2.


bbf: since your pap is done so recently, so shld be ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when you least expect, aunty flo loves to do a surprise visit with her big red packet. Just relax and enjoy the joy of your 2 boys.. hee :p

Blurangel: don't get put down by those comments lar. actually i blew up a few times at ppl who passed those comments. cos i already trying very hard to feed bb liao, and yet those ppl pass such comments. to make things worse, they tried to offer bb food that we were eating! Buddha jump over the wall soup! are they crazy or what? keep insisting that it's good for the bb.

Lilstar: i also made Chloe practise the rings when i saw Lucas' video. But... same as you lar. She will bite the rings, bang them, and throw. When i guide her hand to the stand to slot the rings in, she refuse to let go. Insist on taking them out. hahaha... i had to peel her fingers off the rings.

bbf: i think it's normal to for aunty flo not to visit. mine didn't visit until i drastically reduced the pumping sessions 2 months ago.

Luckyone: Thank you for sharing. Looks delicious.

Babygj: Should be ok. Will pm of you the details soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbf: Yes, stuffed and hangover on food! Ha! Need to check the date and let u know again.

Bbf: My auntie came for 2 cycles le.. But its came very very late each time.. I'm still bfing..

Wanderleibe: I only know even if u had hfmd b4, it'll still come again. Can't image bb on drip.. Must be very uncomfy and painful for ur boy.. Esp when they luv to move abt..

Jsp: thanks for yr info. But bb at 9mo can't take ice-cream rite.. But will try to give her yogurt and cooled milk and porridge.. Now only day 2.. She alrdy start to cry in middle of nite, and Everytime she woke up.. Now her pacificer is her only comforter.. But she's drooling again with that..

All mommies: do take care of ourselves and babies!

LucasMummy, hehe picture from internet (^^;)

10 mths onwards, can cook with oliver oil, soy sauce, tomato sauce, etc. But MUST "thin down" all sauces hor.

1)Chopped and boil Bean Sprouts, Carrot, Cabbage with a little bit of salt.

2)Chopped and fried beef with soy sauce - 2, 3 drop, oliver or sesame oil - 1/2 or 1 teaspoon.

3) Mixed 1) vegs and 2) beef.


1) Fried egg (1/2 egg) with oliver oil.

2) Add chopped tomato (skin removed) and beef.

3) Add few drop soy sauce or tomato sauce.


Hi mummies in for this Friday's playdate, I have PM-ed you the details. Little Tiger, Mattsmummy and JSP, just let me know when it's confirmed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I forgot to leave my number in it.

It's 98463843. I can provide lift from Sengkang train station if need be. Can sit 3 mummies with babies on lap and bags in the boot! Ha!

Just let me know la...

Edie: Can't PM you. Will text you my address. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

See you!

Luckyone, thanks for beef information. can send me recipes?? wow nice pics, i can also believe if you said you took them. your baby getting gourmet meals, fast track!! my fattening program seems to have worked abit, 450g in ~2wks. i tried beetroot today, got 1 tbs in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ChloeMum, blurangel, yeah i also get same comments. it's their first reaction if baby doesn't eat quickly. damn irritating, same as when he cried as an infant, first qn is "not enough milk is it? need formula?" think they are cruel, they know bb can't eat adult food, they will always pretend to offer then laugh when he opens mouth to eat it. makes me so annoyed. so i can imagine when he can start eating, they will offer lots of junk to entertain themselves. my mil is one who gives my niece bubble tea daily behind Sil's back from when she was 5-years old.

bbf, i also got mine 2days after pap. was very sian, complained to hb it's cos Dr was rough so friend come back. hahaha.

Ya ya.. I got the same comments too.. If bb not finishing her solid at my in.law plc.. My pil will say.. Poor bb.. Food not nice no taste la.. Then my mil will ask me to put soy sauce in it.. During cny.. They tried to feed her soft candy.. Almost faint! Then once she make noise (not only infant time), my mil will said she wants milk.. What are all these pple thinking??

Mommies.. Wat kind of food with porridge I can prepare that can be served for both lunch and dinner?? My hb keep saying sweet potatoes, pumpkin and broccoli will cause wind.. Once prepare must eat instantly..

Wanderleibe: can share ur fattening program with me.. My girl seriously need to gain more weight!

Jo, yeah man... i feel so pissed off. Babies are humans so they have mood swings. It's written in books that they will accept & reject same food at different times. I think our MILs are from same mold... but i keep quiet about the milk part cos it's only when she thinks he wants milk that she will relinquish her monopoly of baby. Hahah!! My parents also will suggest to feed baby anything soft (Eg. we eat zi char, ask if can give tofu *faint*).

Umm... i am freezer mummy. i make food and freeze for 2-3 weeks, including porridge. I bought a Jap baby cookbook that has teaches this type of meal planning. I have frozen sweet potatoes, pumpkin, broccoli, spinach, carrots, fish, chicken that i mix & match every day. I think Luckyone is super mum cos she cooks daily. I start to headache when baby shares our meals so experimenting now with no-salt foods.

My PD said my baby has reflux which affects digestion so he may not eat enough even though he seems full. So she said to keep feeding him. We really feed and feed till his tummy is super big. She said OK if baby pukes and reduce abit next feed so he threw up abit. I also started him on cereal in the morning (Cerealac) and 1/2 bowl porridge each for lunch & dinner. I read that beef helps so i will try to do that (based on Luckyone's legendary recipes...)

Good luck with your girl! We jia you together...

I am proud to announce the launch of my new online boutique for baby wear, Little Pepo @ http://little.pepoapparels.com/

* Pepo Apparels is a homegrown fashion company that specializes in the creation of unique adult and children apparel.

* All designs are painstakingly created by us and we oversee every step of the production to make sure that what you get is the best.

* Personalisation in the form of intricate embroidery to emphasise your ownership of our apparel.

* Free Delivery to your doorstep for a limited period only.

You can also visit us at our Facebook page @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Pepo/154745854546654 (Do remember to "Like" if you feel it deserves your Like)

Hi Mummies

Results of the vote on our 1st Birthday Bash date as follows

- 24 Apr : 17 kids

- 15 May : 22 kids

- 29 May : 19 kids

Hence, we shall set our 1st Birthday Bash on 15th May

Pls start thinking of possible venues. According to the vote, 39 adults and 22 kids can make it on the 15th May.

Going by the turnout at the Xmas bash where there were about 40 mummies , let's hunt for a venue to accomodate 60 adults and 35 kids.

Taking about food. I get it fr my MIL too. Think all old people are the same.

1. MIL will qns to me when she sees me: did u feed bb solid food today? Did she has her porridge? Milk is not full for bb. How many meals u feeding bb? And go on and on... I simply ignore and walk to else where.

2. Bb said 'mum mum' or make some noise, she will say bb hungry. She will feed bb porridge and try to feed her our food, which contains spies and sauces, even bb just finished her milk half hr ago. Disagree w her on feeding our food, she will starts to grumble (saying stuff like ur mummy dun want to let u eat... Aiyo, food so bland... Like that how to get full... Poor thing...) and contd feed bb w plain porridge which I find is not nutritious enough.

3. Always wanting to feed bb water.

4. Disagree with me of not letting Bb sucking her fingers and hands. And said bb are all like that and shld let them suck.

5. Insist in putting bb on walker and said bb can walk faster this way. And now, my bb has the tendency to walk on tip toe.

6. When bb cry for my help, she insist of carrying her, not letting me carry bb. Until bb trying to push her away, she has no choice but pass the bb to me. At times, she will ask me to walk away as to test whether bb will cry. And when bb cry after I walked off, she will say: ur mummy dun want u lor... Then insist me not to go near, and she let bb contd to cry.

7. The list goes on and on... (too tired to type using iPhone)....

Imagine, I only see her once a week for abt 3 hrs (at most twice if she visits us). And I ve so much comments fr her. I can't think of my life w her together. I will go mad. Thou I ve disagreement w my mum at hm, but it is easier to talk and my mum will follow my way. As for MIL, she always take my nephew and niece to compare. And yes, she gave them kopi at age of 2, behind my SIL back. I din want to knw more on what she's offering those kids.

Morning mummies,

Michelle: Ok! Set it on my calendar already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just to confirm tmr's playdate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

25th Feb Playdate @ Lucasmummy's humble house

Time: 2pm

1) Lucasmummy

2) Michelle

3) Mattsmummy (TBC)

4) Little Tiger (TBC)

5) nanabear

6) Edie

7) JSP (TBC)

8) Babygj

NHK, blurangel, wanderleibe: agree that all our parents think the same way lar. give the same kind of comments too.

i am still ok to give bb outside food. But must see what kind of food lor. Tofu in soup still ok, at most rinse with water. The flour part of buns, plain bread also acceptable lar. Anything with sauce, spices is no no for now.

But hor, that said, cos I don't look after bb myself, it's really hard to control what the caregiver feeds her lar. My bbsitter will tell me she feed by girl kway tiao or the kway in kway chup. -_-"" so what if i tell her cannot, nothing i can do abt it also mah. but she says occassionally, so ok lor, i just close 1 eye lar.

Hi Ladies, I am on a dilemma. Seeking your opinion on your "ah laoz" (hubby) working overseas when your baby is at their cutest and most memorable stage. What choice will you choose? Ask him to stay and work in SG (less $) or support him working overseas (more $).

Galdseow: I will choose to go with him, baby bring along.

I think it is ok for baby when they are young. But will choose to come back when baby needs to go school (prob kindergarten, latest primary school).

The package that hb getting and the location is also very important. Is the package that he is drawing sufficient to maintain everyone, when wife is not working. Must also consider medical facilities and cost overseas. Cost of Food, neccessities etc.


i not as good temp as you.. i will tell my caregiver seriously if they feed my baby those things. But luckily my caregiver(SIL & Mother) knows what to feed my girl(no single oil, no sugar, no salt). Bread/baby biscuit also will ask for my consent first.

Luckyone, i gg to mygym at 5pm too.. can pm u my contact. then can meet first before gg to the busy gym.


anyone gg to mygym on sat?? pm yr contact for meetup, ok!! AR u gg???

gladseow, are u a shm? maybe ur family can follow yr ah laoz to foreign land.(u support him, he support u financially)

ChloeMum, think not possible to bring family along de. No family package cause not in the high management category.

If the whole family goes together, who is going to manage the things we have in sg? such as bills, parents, assets (car, hse) etc.

So much uncertainty. So much wat if..sss

Hey mummies,


Sorry to interrupt the flow of conversation...

Mummies who are keen in ordering in the party supplies spree.. please order by today and transfer funds by tmrw. (BEC US$ rates very low this week).

So far orders from partycity.com and 1stwishes.com confirm.

Email your orders to [email protected]


Lin-- 80% going... will be at my MIL's place which is diagonally across my gym. So will pop by last min. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so sorry... was so busy and didnt have time to come in and post....


Okie i went to a few supermarkets but not very satisfied with the beef hahaha I went to the one at king albert park CS and I like their short ribs (beef). Another place is NTUC finest. They have beef bones & you can get various types of beef. But for Cole, I bought beef for stew. Other cuts will be too tough for him.

I will boil the stock first and here goes long list:

Roast beef (Consist of beef bones & beef meat), carrots, onions, celery, radish - roast till the beef is brown then add in some water, bring to boil. Actually from there i'll do short cut and put in crockpot. Just add in garlic cloves, parsley & 1 bay leaf. voila! done!

The soup stock can be used for porridge or for soup with rice. THe meat can let bb eat. then if you add a bit of salt, you can serve for the whole family. FOr the meat, i just cut it into smaller pieces and serve.

Some combination that i did:

1) Beef, Tofu, cabbage

2) Beef, Carrot & raddish

3) Beef, Carrot & spinach

Cole loves beef and he put back on weight. THink in 1 week, he gained back what he lost when he fell ill. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gladseow: me too will choose to go with hb and bb. Car, hse, bills can ask family member to help.. How long will ur hb be going if he is going ahead??

Food for bb: ask hb to freeze bb food.. Said will cause wind.. Nono.. To let bb try beef.. Nono again.. Said doc nv recommend.. Sigh..

ylc, thanks thanks... wow sounds good. yeah i know what you mean by cut of ribs. i think my bb needs blended still. Hmmm wonder how...

NHK, yeah me sama sama from MIL. why why why.

Gladseow, i will go w hb too. if SAHM, minimal expenses, usually co will cover most things. Only qn is -- which country? i believe couples should not be separated fo too long.

Jo, but if everything cannot, how is bb going to get nutrients??

if everything no no. then can only drink milk and eat cereal. Nothing wrong with that, cos bb will get all the nutrients required. Just that bb will take a long time to learn to eat like an adult.


Lin, ok. will drop you SMS. Don't know can meet b4 that, cause hubby said wan to eat Katsu.

gladseow, yeap if I'm you, I also headache. Now s'pore standard of living so high, it's better to earn more $$.

How long your hubby going to work overseas? If less than 6 months, I will consider let my hubby go. If more than that, I will say "nop".

NHK, my MIL too..never help much or come back home early to look after my boy, only knows to say this and that%@##!

My boy must have SO sit beside him, cause in IFC, always SO ard him. If not he will cry and cry. Haiz..I can't just leave all my house work loh. Everyday reach home, put my boy sitting in front of TV then I have to start boil water, cook solid food, sometimes my dinner, wash milk bottle/ clothes...

Then when she reach home an hour later (ard 8pm++), if she see my boy crying, she will say "ah you poor boy! mama don't want you ah! nobody want you ah! la ah mah bao bao"

And also always add comments on doing this and that...HELLOOO, I have planning on what and how to do loh. I only have less than 2 hours to clear all my house work and feed/ clean my boy so I can spend 30 mins to paly with him before he go to bed#$@%%!

and only say to my boy when she come

