(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Wow Sue you have reappear!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me going for detailed scan on 21st .... can't wait... recently ald starting to feel bb's kick.. sudden throbbing movement on my left side mostly at nite.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me juz down prune juice n ate papaya .... hopefully will cure my constipation.. still waiting for d urge.. sigh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Edie... sure you wld be busy! but juz enjoy the whole process! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Everything will turn out great!!

Edie.. i guess if u follow tour group.. den its safe... if free n easy... i dun suggest... juz eat in restaurant... not those road side food.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Edie, the yoga is for pregnant lady right? How much is the class cost?

Yeah, better don't take food from road side, even it looks delicious! Better also drink bottle water.

Hi maggie mee, I also feel baby kicking from this morning till now (still kicking)? Not sure whether is it? It's on my right side upper stomach, somewhere near below my bra side. You baby's kicking middle of your stomach or upper?

Yeap FTY, KK nurse told me before don't take too much prune juice (not from fresh fruit type) because it content salt. No very healthly. Try to eat fresh prune instead. The one that can buy from wet market or NTUC, round and small one got 1 big seed inside.

afternoon ladies!!! i have been busy again and a lonely woman also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hb went to thailand. he drove up with his friends since wednesday early morning and will only be back on sunday. hai......

last week cant see whether bb is boy or girl. will go back next week again. better show me otherwise i really wont buy x'mas present for him/her. LOL! [finding excuses to spend money lah!]

u all talking about poopoo eh? maybe try taking some food which will make u go to toilet before u were pregnant. for me, i was lactose intolerant, but after i got preg, i start to drink milk, i dun lao sai anymore, but my bowels move better every morning. the moment i sit down, it just come out, the natural way. not hard nor watery. so maybe u can try. BUT at your own risk hor, i dun wan to be responsible, just sharing my experience. LOL!

sue> i was also thinking the same the other day. when is bb going to kick me? then i hold back my thoughts. know why, in time to come, when bb is bigger with stronger legs, you would be begging for her to stop kicking liao. LOL!

Luckyone... mine is lower tummy at left side mostly... guess bb's leg is there... haha....

I also dun feel it often... juz 2 - 3 times a day... depend on the position i sit... normally if i sit upright.. can feel better.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloie... yeah. i agree.. when bb's is bigger.. i guess we will beg them to stop kicking us!! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maggie> but the reason y we want bb to kick us now is for assurance. to also remind us that they are there cos we dun feel pregnant anymore. hahahaha!

Sue: My HTB is indian, that's why we are going to his hometown, but he's Singaporean. When I told first told my sister, she strongly objected to the idea. I took a lot of time to convince her, and finally she relented and now I have to convince myself and give myself some assurance. Haha.

Luckyone: I read on the brochure, it says that it's a gentle yoga for people who wants gentler workout and pregnant participants. So not fully pregnant ladies. I went to the aqua fit and it's not solely for pregnant ladies also, I told the instructor that I'm 4 months pregnant and she gave me 100% attention. Haha.

Hello maggiemee! Yea, it's going to be really tight and before the gynae appointment I still have to go ROM to collect marriage cert, or maybe I should postpone my appointment but can't wait to see baby and this is the first time my HTB is going to company me to see gynae.

Edie.... dun worry... juz try not to tired yrself.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Guess with yr HTB ard... touring there shd be ok lah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So nice at least still get a chance to go holz b4 bb's arrival... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im thinking of yoga at the katong mall.. forget the name of the place..

bb-bao(fairyz) & blurangel,

Tks for your recommendations.Will definitely check out their websites.


Ur HTB is an indian? Wow, then ur child will turn out to be like me.Chindian..keke..

Deby/ Edie... so your bb will be mixed.. sure nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so will u be giving them a chinese name?

deby: You're chindian as well, that's nice!You got your indian blood from your mom or dad? I hope my baby will have daddy's sharp nose. Heehee.

Maggie mee: Yup, I'm giving baby chinese name. She will be taking mandarin as mother tongue.

hi mummies,

guess wat? went for scan today n baby from 60-70% girl during last visit turns out to be 80% boy this visit... initialli bb wasnt at all cooperative and half show half hide, dr wong was telling mi tt it looks like a girl, then suddenly bb turn n change position, n dr wong said : " wait! tink i saw sumting~!" ...n then show hubby a round round ting , (aka testes???) and sumting pointing out in between...then she told mi now she is more towards BOY, around 80% sure...wat an unexpected twist...hope no more heart attacks from bb n can double confirm gender during 20 weeks scan

those of u who hving boy, did dr show u a round round ting? does this means it's a boy?

Hi mtbs

Talking about "poops"... I have been constipated since last Sunday, only manage to squeeze out a "small piece" last night. Today, I had my dessert that I have made after lunch. And guess what, I have the "best pooping time" since my pregnancy after half an hour. So smooth, soft and long. The feeling is really shiok! I guess maybe I had it abit cold that helped. Luckily, I don't have any tummyache. I just enjoy myself in the toilet, giggling while I'm doing my "big businesss". So happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihis agains..


what's ur secret food? just before knocking off work, i only let out 2 miserable stubs of poo...so sad... used to make fun of hubby, now i'm like him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haha


guess my 1 glass of milk in the morning + 2 papaya slices + 1 serving of guava ONLY helped me poop the 2 stubs...just bought sweet corn for my mum to steam for me for breakfast..

hopefully i'll see an improvement tomorrow...

mmm ...i can truly empathize wif those people (like my hubby) wif constipation problems now...


oic! i kindda guessed... :p most chinese couples wouldn't be that adventurous to venture out to such exotic places [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

since u going to hubby hometown, then i guess home cooked food + better restaurant food would be relatively safer ba...

no adventurous food tasting for you oki?

i was so scared when i had massive diarrhea from food poisoning a few weeks ago, really regretted taking the raw salad (never had prob wif this restaurant previously)...

but after seeing my bb yest, i was relieved...budden, she was facing downwards..dunno if she oki or not... paranoid again :/

anyways, i'm sure ur bb will turn out to have really nice features [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my ex is a chindian and he told me that he was purple when he first came out of his mum...but later turned chocolate...so..just fyi..dun get worried oki ;p

btw, me hubby is chinese...


mmmm hopefully this is the confirmed outcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no more heartattacks... i remember u and hubby were hoping for a boy :p


Quite some time ago, my gynae told me i'm expecting a boy but only 80% cus she said she saw something there and its still there... then another visit, she told me its 85% boy cus that thingy is still there. Today I went for my checkup again, she told me CONFIRM 100% boy! She showed me his birdie & testes... somemore print out for me to see *faintz*


kekeke can save some money now since dunno gender yet. I already bought my boy a few sets of clothes! Probably will also buy him a xmas pressie. The clothings all picked out by my girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today my boy didn't cooperate... we couldn't do the 4d scan. He was facing inwards and all we saw was his spine... he's only 200g now but i gained 2 kg! can't believe the weight gain is so quick! i've to really control my diet! Shucks and xmas & CNY approaching, how to control diet??? oh and my boy already turned downwards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mtbs... TGIF!!!

maggie mee

no wonder didn't see ur post for the last fews days before u finally appeared yesterday... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


congrats ger... u were hopin for a boy this time round rite??? hope ur 20 weeks scan would be the confirmation... *happy for u* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/bounce.gif]


maybe u can try yougurt... it alwys work for me if i constipate...


heehee... i also quite into sashimi... some of my frds say okie to eat if u take wif sashimi lor... so i take in moderation coz cannot tahan see my HB eat leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lame.gif]


so urs is 100% boy liao... congrats leh...

i think ur ger is very sweet... i guess tt is the diff b/t boys n gers... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]

Hi Ladies,

I notice that my feet abit swollen last night. Guess i am having water retention. But, scary leh. I am only 17 weeks. Wonder if it will get worse later stage.

Any remedies to reduce the swell?

hihi mummies, thanks, still cannot believe that now i have chance for boy. Anywae shall wait for 20 week scan to confirm the gender in case bb gvs mi a heartattack again. Scully it's the finger sticking out in btwn.. since this bb seems to like to play prank on mummy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Will be giving bb a chinese name but wont be in the birth cert lor.Will also let both my kids take chinese as mother tongue.My hb's a malay.


Got my indian blood frm my dad..Ur bb will definitely have sharp nose cos me & my bro have sharp noses like my dad.Hehe..


It great tat u're having a boy!Im secretly wishing for a boy as well..so can close shop oready. :p

keke.. Destiny, when i read your post, automatically, a 'Warh' came out of my mouth. My hubby seating nxt to me, asked what happened. I read ur post to him. And his reaction is "Warh".

So, your gynea did tell u that he not only 60-70% sure at the 1st place isit. When my gynea announced our baby gender, she seems confident leh.

gladseow, haha Warh ! :D

dunno le, my gynae like not veri confident like tt. I asked her then y in the first plc cannot see birdy, she said my bb's bird bird is smaller (aiyo so sad ) ..for others it's more obvious and she can be 90% sure, for my case 80%. I asked her if development will catch up later, she said not to worrie. But she got ask mi dun go n cry if during detailed scan turns out to be a girl again.. haha..wah liew, dunno i can tk my bb's nonsense anot if realli change gender again...roller coaster ride leh!

But my hubby is very confident that it's definitely a boy cos dr showed him the testes n birdy..he said cannot be suddenly disappear again right? He refused to accept any changes again...n ask mi dun spout nonsense when i told him wat if become girl again? scully it's the finger mah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ylc, congrats on 100% confirmation..my dr also got print out the boy parts for mi to "ädmire" at home lor...so everytime i feel insecure, i just tk it out n examine haha..siao mummy..

Hi everyone

Congrats to mtb who knows the sex of bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u are so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahaha my gynae very funny lah... at first told us 80-85% boy and my hb went "oh... so i still have 15% chance that it will be a girl lah" and my gynae told him better don't put his hopes too high cus its a higher chance to be a boy than a girl. Guess my boy birdie is big so thats y showing more clearly in yesterday's visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gynae also mentioned my placenta went up already so no cause for worry. My placenta was low the last time i visited her. Same when i carried my girl that caused me to bleed during my 1st pregnancy. Glad everything is alright now except my low blood count. She said if it goes down some more, she will need to put me on Iron pills. She advised me to eat more red meat, beet root, spinach... sigh... eat more red meat means put on more weight!!!!


i m praying for a boy even before pregnancy kekeke so my mum told me a method for conceiving boy. We tried and was successful! kekeke I'm secretly wishing for another kid but hb said wanna stop at 2 only. hahaha i'm gonna pray harder this time. Hopefully God will answer my prayers! kekekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning MTBs!! TGIF!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So no mood for work today!!

Yterday... my lower tummy feels cramp again.. shd be stretching...

I think i wat to keep bb's gender unknown till birth... more surprise mah .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ylc, haha..wat method u used for a boy?

actuali eating more red meat doesnt necessarily means putting on weight..it provides protein n iron lor..as long u dun eat too much carbo, shld b ok de. So far how much kg u put on liao ah? Think u same like mi 1st preggy , put on so much until scared right? Thus tis round more careful? Mi same like u. 2nd pregnancy so far put on 3kg at 16 weeks. I put on 2Kg this mth though. Targetting at 1Kg per mth, but dr say my weight gain is stil ok. As long no more than 3Kg per mth. But i dunwan lor, it's scary..later on wil put on more n more de + water retention..so better control while we can.

maggie mee, u can tahan the suspense ah? I m one who surely cannot de...i very ganchiong spider de...and wanna start buying bb clothes ma.

btw mummies, care to share how much kg u all have put on so far?

anyone of u have ur bb's measurement at 16 weeks? Mine was 11.88cm..dr commented abit bigger size? Prior to scan , she told mi bb shld b around 9-10cm now, then when scan is 11.88cm then i ask her issit my bb is bigger then she said yes.

Destiny... i can lah.. my concern is just bb is healthy.. n good mah can control dun nid buy so many clothes for bb since gender unknown.. haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good day MTBs n FTB,

Wow so many of u already knew ur bb gender. jus makes me excited whether tonite appt wif gynae will prob giv me a clue or something on my bb gender. :D

one month has passed but wify is still the same weight dunno gd or not?? :I

maggie mee

i also cannot tahan dunno bb gender leh... coz am a shopaholic myself... hahaha...


frm yesterday's weight... i'm still not putting on weight... weight almost equivalent to pre-pregnancy leh... my bb's measurement was abt 12.5cm at week 16+2days leh... but my gynae did not say anything abt bb being too big leh...

loh, im sure gynae wil be able to gv u a little clue on ur bb gender tonight. update us!

JSP, wow u so good nvr put on weight but bb absorbing all the food u eat. good good. Ok, then at least I knoe my bb not soo big, i dunwan too big also cos very heavy to walk around during the last trimester. No.1 was quite big at birth.

Hi Loh..

I didnt put on much weight either.. my tummy still so small somemore. In fact I lost about 1kg during my first 3 months, now only managed to gain back the 1kg. My hubby got a bit worried and asked the Doc if bb is growing well, Doc says bb is okay.. Phew~ 10.1cm at 15 wks.

I am very conscious about what I eat last time, no junk food, less fast food (I think once a month only!). But seems like my baby likes to eat hamburgers and fried chicken.. OMG. The number of hamburgers and fried chicken I had last month was more than all I had last year.

I very scared of putting so much weight also.. I still wanna look like sexy mum next time (haha!!)

Hey ladies, just wanted to share with you that Maternity Exchange at Marina Square is having this fantastic party wear promotion. Perfect if you need something nice to wear for the christmas and the new year celebrations.

15% off purchase or a la carte rental of new party wear collection just in......from Mothers En Vogue, Ripe, Seraphine and more. Now till 31 Dec!

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You can view some of the styles on their facebook page! Happy Shopping!

sue: I really hope I won't get major diarrhea there, imagine I really have to go to their public toilets... I think can faint. I haven't been there, I'm just doing a comparison with China outskirt's toilet.

deby: Your baby will have multi-cultural blood. If next time he/she were to marry Eurasian, the kid will have blood from all races!

maggiemee: My HTB didn't want to know the gender but I want to know so badly, so didn't care, I asked for it and sms him immediately. Haha, too bad.

By the way, my gynae also say 80% girl but I filtered away the percentage subconsciously. Haha. Hopefully detailed scan won't give me surprises, aiya, but boy or girl just have to be healthy and beautiful.


aiyo i also gained 3 kg so far! I will gain weight eating alot of red meat lor... i'm also controlling my carbo intake now. Gynae told me my weight gain last pregnancy was quite a bit so this time i'm trying to curb my appetite hahaha So far gynae never say anything about my weight gain but still have to control otherwise after giving birth, the weight will stick with me and will take me a longer time to lose it!!!!

My boy is 200g now so can u imagine i piled up 2.8kg????? Its all going to me lor! My gynae dun measure the height of my boy now, i think they measure head & stomach?

method for boy:

according to my mum, we have to use the chinese age of HB & Wife & also using the lunar calendar. Then according to your ovulation, she will calculate a day for "conceiving" a boy lor. so very much dependent on hb & wife & ovulation.

Hi I'm 18 weeks this week and have put on weight 6 KG!!! Really feeling I'm look like "King Kong"!

So far I haven't know my baby gender yet but my colleague said beacuse I still can see my waise line from behind, my baby will most probably "Boy".

This month 26th after my deatil scan will know how true is it.

Well i've piled 4 kgs since.... and so now trying hard to control diet too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me too. But so far beside I like to eat meat, Dinner time normally I only eat 2 tablespoon of rice then follow by fruits, before I sleep, I drink 1 cup of milk that all. Compare to my sister in law was pregnant last year she even eat heavy supper before go to bed, why am I out on so much weight not even passed half of my pregnacy? So scare that I might become "pig" later on hahaha

I am in my 18th week too. Have put on 2 kg since. But I don't know my baby's weight coz doctor didnt say or i forgot to ask. I had my scan last week and was able to see the gender.. mine is a boy.

My boy open his legs big big for us to see. We were hoping for a girl but wouldnt mind a boy as long as he is healthy. My hubby was trying to accept the fact the baby is a boy.. ha.. now he is able to accept it liao.. but during the scan, he quite disappointed..

Have you all thought of names for your child? Any good names for boys?? so tough to find names..

m @ 16weeks nw, no weight gain but since gynae didnt make any comments abt it, i guess its alright for now. i hope to know the gender soon too. but gota wait for my nx appointment in early Jan.

I'm 18 wks now...also no weight gain. was bit worried but am sure it'll come soon at the rate i'm eating these days LOL! but tummy is def v obvious :p looking fwd to my detailed scan here in shanghai next tues...this is the first time i'm gonna have a longer-than-10 second scan of my lil one and i'm so excited! hope can see sex [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tink my Ikea weighing machine not too accurate. gynae advised wify she overweight liao. she has increased 6.8kg since preggy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]. already told her to control her diet esp sweet stuff but she jus heck care..

bb was a no show of gender.. was sleeping wen scanning in progress even when wify cough a bit to wake bb. so gotta wait for the detail scan nxt mth. but doc did make a guess that it is a gal. i oso tink so. O at 16wks, bb is ard 11cm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maggie mee, btw our gynae will b on leave tml till nxt yr on super long oversea holiday. did u notice our gynae has upgraded to consultant, n hw much were u charged now. cos comparing the last bill, the bill today shows n additional $5 for aft hrs although both at the same day n timing??

