(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


i guess we have to know the methods and best match to our child. i believe a mother's instinct never fails because of the bond we have with our child. that's our best instruction manual.


GP and PD tells me the first 2 pneu jabs are 2 months apart. so i intend to do 12 and 14 months. dyl only need 2 doses if i remb correctly.


it's funny how we stay walking distance from each other but never meet up.


Sharon, oh.. U went Dr Lilian. I took the pneu package at Healthway, cheaper. But the doc dun seems to know coz relief doc. Thats why i have doubts... Plus, he reads the instructions very long, so funny..

Icy, most seems to end at 18 mths but the doc said mine 24 mths. My hubby was saying maybe different brands of jabs got different timeline. Haha! But thanks for sharing!

Seren, Dyl taking pneu at 12 mths? U intend to go back Healthway or to PD? I always go to Dr Albert at Healthway coz his queue short n i usually go on Sun. Am thinking to go Dr Tang for next one coz she may know better n i can ask her about the last dose..


i also bring my girl to dr lilian at rivervale mall to take her pneumo jabs. she took her jab at 4mth, 6mth and last one will be at 12mths. jab her ealier cos she is attending IFC.


i intend to go healthyway. a lot cheaper! mine is always dr joseph or dr linda. i boycott the latter. if u trust dr tang, better to go back to her. anyway, it's written in the health booklet isnt it?

morning mommies!

Heidi still have a bit of cough and it is freakish...I woke to find her in the middle of our bed instead of her cot! I thought my hubby carried her over but in fact it was me! He saw it the next night. She gave 2 coughs and I picked her up...pat her, fed her water and put her in the middle of our bed. With pillow and blanket nicely tugged around her. @@ And I have no recollection at all...hub said he talked to me but I didn't reply him.

But thank God last night she didn't cough at all and I didn't sleepwalk...

elise, what size or the pupsik sling did you get? I got M but it seems a bit snug...so I am thinking if I want to get another sling.

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 - 10:31 am:       

Dec Christmas Gathering

11.12.2010 - Saturday Lunch

Location : TBC

Cater buffet?

Who's interested?

1. elise31 + family

2. babyL + family

3. jules + big family

4. skysilver + family

5. Winnie + family

6. Reenren + family

7. 1727 + family (tentative if i'm not travelling)

8. Joelle + family

9. Chloe + family

10. Joyful + family ???

11. BabeE + family

12. TorayMe + family

13. MT + family (free from 1pm onwards)

14. Priscilia + family

Hey mummies I am back excited to see all of u 


yes, that true what you said but not all parents know HOW to be parents :p! it's scary, when Dyl gets older and you start taking him to enrichment classes you'd roughly meet all sorts of parents.

im off to Tangs to try the "around we go" - hope ayden likes it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Got my unit for fraction of the price!!! woo hooo...

sorry Mommies waiting for my deal on the item, amazon has limited stocks and for me to bring in that qty via shipment is not worth the value.

hello mommies,

am bk! can't ctach up on posts, too many liao :)

hope all is fine and great at your ends!

Re: Octotunes

The 8-legged creatures are resting at my place liao. So for those collecting at SK, pls contact me yah...alamak..i need to go dig out the list to see who's O/S sotong-relatives are at my place. ;p

Re: Nissen

calling for those who have not collect at my plac yah, just buzz me when you want to come over. :)i think left with 1727, miracle, applegal, timy, vonne... :)


i still could not locate the 2 pcs liao, btw, mommies who have collected from me, can you help check if you have any 2 pack of singlets and bloomers not belong to you? in case i sotong and throw it into your bag, they belong to lovinglife...if still cannot locate, i will refund you that 2 pcs yah babe.

Hello, I'm May'10 mama.

Can anyone share with me, did you baby "poo" (pass motion) 4 to 5 times per day after taken solid food?

My boy started solid food 2 weeks already.

I have check some information thru internet, some babies will poo 1x or 2x more after start solid food.

Seren, haha! We went to different doc! I think the one I always went is "not so experience" one leh....coz if i going Sun, its usually Dr Tang who is super long queue or that Dr Albert. Does Health booklet state the timeline? I go back check!

CC, Around we Go is good! I rented for Lac and extended another month for her. She really run round and round with it, so cute! But then still dun think am buying one. My jumperoo is white elephant now. Haha!

Torayme, is Heidi ok? Hope she gets well soon! Hahaha! Its so funny, maybe u really sleepwalk without knowing!

Zai, welcome back! Hope u enjoyed ur trip! So miss u! So did u really put Ah Zai in the toilet to sleep? Hehehe...


my gf is letting go of her 2nd babyrock carrier in brown swirls. It's a great sling and I've no complains! Cherli, JJ & Noon have the sling from recomendation and seems ok so far. PM me and I'd forward details. ;)

hi, mummies

does ur bb still awake for the midnight feed? my boy last fed ard 11 pm, 170ml, will wake up ard 3pm for 1 feed , 120ml, then ard 7.30 am for his am feed. any idea how to kick his mednight feed?




heehee!Very tempted but didnt do it ;p made him swam everyday and played at the seaside till he zonked out at the beachbench...:) It was a great place for family and secluded amidst the UNESCO forest. Monkeys and squirrels are everywhere. beautiful landscape but food and spa too pricey. Gotta stock on food at town supermarket and I didn't go to the spa (average RM$300plus per 60min)Really recommend a resort retreat for us with LOs, not too tedious n bb is safer in a compound... oh yah, I think human trafficking is really happening too in Malaysia as we saw a big poster at the airport campaigning against human trafficking and a poster of a 2 year old missing chinese girl who disappeared a month ago in langkawi...so scary...

CC, its $48 for a month so still OK lah. Think another month she might already feel tired of it already... hehe..

Zai, hahaha! U so notti, made him swim everyday! So young want him to keep fit liao ah! U made me so tempted to go on holidays wor....so nice from ur description... but its really scary to have human trafficking!

Btw, where is LadyK?

very quiet....

tash, keke, i shall make enzo swim swim swim this fri at MBS... going to knock him out i hope.

Someone ask abt night feed. Enzo still having at 1am and 5am lo.. sometimes good 3am once... But last feed abt 8-9pm..try to tank him up and he drank like 200ml for a few nights but now 150ml but still dun last him till morning. Tried to do dream feed at 11pm but he refuse to drink.


I also havent collect from you. Are u working or u are a SAHM?

Very tiring day as I brought my kids to the MBS, today there is a playgroup at QQ place right? How is everything?

Really quiet quiet... Can we spice up the thread abit? Where are all the mummies??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yo yo.. MT reporting here.

been around, but nothing much to add.. so just be a silent reader lor :p

tash, will go down Sengkang area on 3 nov.. will pick up my items from u then, oki?? going down to my new house for final inspection.. and then 4 nov collect KEYS LO!! WOOOHOOO!!!!

time flies.. cant imagine having to write a different address from then on.. so strange

lotsa changes coming up.. hope i can take it all in in good stride.. thinking and looking at the amt of packing i wanna faint liao... but thank goodness hubby wont be working in nov.. so its really timely help!!

so fast.. our little ones will be hitting 1 yr old soon!!

yes yes.. lets spice up the thread!!



i heard other threads already got some plans going on.. cannot 'lose out' leh... hahah.. kiasu syndrome.

btw, there's a babyshow held at kembangan cc.. i just submitted belle's. anyone wanna join too?? will be fun! 3 categories.. most healthy baby.. parent-child lookalike.. and 1 more photogenic i think.. $15 to apply. come join and accompany belle? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MT, yeah! So happy that u will be joining the SK! When u target to shift in? Can invite us to visit ur big house? Hehe... I really love ur spacious area n cozy feel! Belle will have a great time moving around! Unlike mine, Lac moves abit, knock here n there, really small area for her to move freely.

Same, i KS too.. Saw other threads planning the mass gathering and some even had a mass photoshoot, so fun! We hardly have lotsa babies lying on mat to take photo leh.. How how???

Which contest u register Belle? All categories?

Hey mummies,

I've been bz studying... first paper tmr... still cramping everything in now... will visit the thread as often as i can...


which precint u at??? HDB sent me letter in aug, say sep collect keys... call them in sep... they say oct... now oct end le... still no news... haiz...

Xmas lunch...

really wish i could join... but can't cos i have plans to travel already... so envious... baby can make lotsa friend... my bb will miss the fun...


u'll be home on 8th??


u collected the flask from elise already??

Abbott promo winkz dvd

Any mummies buying similac stage 2?? Abbott having promo for winkz dvd chinese and english... If ur r stocking up and got xtra disc can sell them to me??

pm me k... thanks in advance *= )

Babyl, target move in end nov, cuz after taking keys still need to do minor reno, needs lotsa storage space!! Really vow to keep my home clean and clutter free after we move in so that its easier to clean also. With clutter very easy to trap fur.

Sure will invite you over! Hopefully by dec i'll be done with packing. Actually with all honesty, the pictures look deceiving! Its big yes but not thaaat big! Haha. You'll believe me when u see it for yourself.

Von, mine's resale, date to collect key is fixed. Urs new flat right?

Oh, forgot to add. The 3 categories are together, but i did submit 2 photos, one individual shot, one shot of both of us. Actual day need to bring health booklet for doc to assess on most healthy baby. Pray belle wont go into a crying fit that day! She's very scared of strangers these days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] previously see strangers STONE, now WAIL! Wa biang eh

Good morning mommies,

suddenly so happening in the middle of the night...hehe..


you sick but dun need to sleep ah? rest well!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


glad u got the ard we go. i let tasha try the one at JJ's but alas her legs can't touch the floor so I'm glad i din get it cos dunno need to wait how long for her to be able to enjoy it.


U r always able to describe ur trips in such a way tt makes me wanna go to these places too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the contest sounds fun!


miss u yest! yup, seren/JJ/mirthy came & seren made some nice mocktails! But sad to say we forgot to take any pics!!!

Morning mommies.

A quick pop in to say hi to everyone. I've transferred to a new dept & work is crazy.

Nic's upper front left tooth is popping out, maybe thats y he is having on off fever. Hubbby suspectd dengue. Super taxing on me to take care of the 2.

Dawn, nice to have u back.

Zai mama, bear with me. Wait till i get a bit more time off then i'll collect my loots from u k.

Thanks to those who has been helping to organise the gathering. Let me know if i can be of any help.

von, not yet. husband is not feeling well. dunno when i will go, if u cant wait, can u collect from elise urself?

BTW, i have a voucher for Julia Gabriel - a complimentary trial class. Must present POSB Everyday card. Classes below 18months are full.

Those who have older kids who want the voucher, let me know. i can mail it to you.

Call them first for class availability. Valid till 31 Dec.

Hehe, m lying in bed typing, quite relaxing la. The bug is slowly leaving, better liao but not well enough to go work kinda stage.

Just need to go down to kembangan cc with bb's photocopied birth cert, photos of bb and bb and parent lookalike, fill in and submit form there and then. Application closes nov something. Cant remember exact date. Nov 14 is actual day of competition.

babyL, Heidi still got a bit of phlegm. I am changing her cough syrup back to the red color one...rhinathol. if it gets chesty, I have to throw in ventolin. Arrgghh...I think she's had abt every cough syrup out there in the market for infants.

MT, glad to hear you are getting well. Haha...I am sure you win the lookalike contest. I think Tash and Rei should enter too.

Hi Krist, I suspect your boy is going through a growth spurt. How many months old is he? Is it time to up his milk to 180ml/200ml?

Morning mommies,

2 kids going round n around we go in my living room :p

thanks BabyL, queque, think is happy but caitlyn is happier chasing him around!

Ayden drinks 5x240mls with 3semi solids daily. He really fussy with food, I need to bribe him with more food to finish his cereals.



can u pls share with me how u feed ayden, now i intro 2 solids to my boy abt 2 hrs after his milk, but he has prob finishing up his nxt feed after finishing solids, wonder if he is too full or he juts dont want to drink

