(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

adding to the stats..

belle is down with cough and runny nose, for the first time. sigh.. was still silently hoping that she wouldnt fall sick until her first birthday. she caught the bug from me.. am coughing myself.. not the first time i fell sick but first time passing the virus to her.. they say immunity is weak when teething.. guess its really true.

brought her to PD, got her 6-in-1 and rota jabs.. kept asking whether its ok to jab or not since she's coughing, PD say lungs are clear, so its ok but my mom quite unhappy.. say shouldnt jab babies when they are not well.. but PD is the expert.. what can i say.

luckily she's still quite chirpy and inquisitive.. just so awful sounding when she coughs! so much phlegm!

her feeding is pathetic today.. 80ml at 10am, 80ml at 2pm.. didnt want any cereals, as usual. latched abit.. now crawling around the bed.. quite a few commented she's lost some of her chubbiness.. sad sad.. 8.6kg today at 5 days shy of 7months.. didnt put on much since



seems like virus these days are really power. Both my sons didn;t fall sick till after 1 year old. K is only 6.5mth and has runny nose 3 times!!!!

PD said for very young bb, their tubes are very narrow so can get choked easily so since Belle's cough is phlegmy, must monitor!!

Thx xiaoh, QQ n CC...

Yup JJ... I m telling myself to b super vigilant nw. I dun even leave him for a sec on the mat.

Tired tired... Hb's slipped discs acting up this wk. I hv been on 24 h duty, nt easy... I myself feeling the strain on my back oredi

MT, speedy recovery for u b belle!

kids abduction,

Happens in Malaysia too, especially little girls. Targeted by paedophiles. Last year got 1 case Malay little girl not more than 5yrs old, abducted from the playground near her home. Found a few weeks later, dead & totally abused.

Where it comes to kids, regardless boys/girls you just have to be careful. Not just abducted but paedophiles too.

Fyi mummies - NTUC having promo for milk powder this week. It's in the papers.

thanks QQ for thinking of me...u can pass to poohgirl...think many of our bbs taking friso...i havent collect from strawberry too!


No worries. It's okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can do brazilian 6 months after delivery. but my trip there today is a huge mistake. the hormones made my roots so thick! i was in hell loads of pain. then when she yank off the hair near the scar, the scar actually HURTS. I told her to stop, gona self pluck the hair near the scar very very slowly. Btw, they got IPL promo. $100/session(b4 GST). U might wana check it out tmr but I think we cant do IPL when we bf.

Fall & Flu:

*TOUCHWOOD* Dyl havn't had any of those yet. Under what circumstances does the fall usually happen?

Hi hi.... Good morning!!!

Another round of errands to run. Time flies by so quickly when you're on leave.

Sunway Lagoon tix,

Anyone wants to get 2 tickets (3park access - water, wildlife and dunno what else)? There's someone willing to sell 4 tix at $70 (use by Feb 2011) but I only need 2.


thks. then i'll wait maybe 1 yr to do brazilian. i did IPL on my legs b4 after tt someone told me it is not good for health. Dun dare to do IPL at tt area just in case cos i still want a 2nd bb hee hee I very kiasee!

Hi gals, can ask for yr advice? My gal just turns 6 mths n I just started to let her try solid food. I made some sweet potato n avocado n blended them together. But as my gal just had the 6 in 1 jab yesterday, her appetite not so good. And I haven't give her the purée tat I hv prepared.. So I wanna ask whether can I keep the purée in the fridge and for how many days can I keep? And also I just scoop up the portion tat I wanna feed n warm it up using the avent cup and give it to her?

Hi Mummies

Came back from the pigeon seminar..Wong Boh Boi touched on breastfeeding troubleshoot and baby nassage and yoga.. Most are learnt during antenatal class..

Lunch is good.. and the goodie bag is not too bad as well but can only be collected at the end of the seminar.

Lotusmum, I went to Pigeon talk too but was pretty late. Saw Lynn and Sky.

Actually the goodie bag was the best when we went the very 1st time prior to delivery.

Feel abit weird that the forum is soo soo quiet lately.

CC, i have transferred the money to you. Sorry for the delay.

Mummies, just to check how do you all prepare porridge? Tried feeding porridge today but I find that the porridge that my mum has prepared is very quite coarse.


After washing the grains, I blend the grains 1st b4 cooking it. It is rather soft & shortens the cooking time by quite a bit.

QQ, you blend the grains using the Avent blender? How about the other liao(4)? Should blend together after the porridge and liao(4) are cooked and ready to serve too? today we also tried feeding fish and potatoes in the porridge. We have only tried to mash them in the bowl before feeding.


i dun have the Avent blender, I use my U-like blender. I only blend the rice grains. So far I've only cooked pumpkin porridge, spinach porridge & fish porridge. All r rather soft after boiling so i just mash in the bowl b4 feeding. Gona try potatoes tomorrow.


i also went to the pigeon talk today.....1st time attending pigeon talk, lunch and goodie bag is quite good but din manage to go early to get the shampoo.....

Morning mummies,

Was literally taken toll by sheer exhaustion. Can practically collapse anytime. Was pumping with eyes closed so didn't login to forum. It does not help when mal keep on waking up in middle of night too.

Seems like lots of mummies n little ones are off colour. Hope everyone have recovered

For those mummies still bf, I m trying to drag pump to reduce the frequency of pumping. Can't really cope wif it already. Very tired to wake up early to pump n it have been getting increasingly diff to pump at work. My aim is to cut down till jus 1 pump to office so I can leave the pump in office. Carrying all the pump n parts plus mal is getting to tough as well

Re: iron in bm

There is actually sufficient iron in bm. Cos it's of diff consituent than dat of fm so it's actually not comparable. It's more easily absorbed than fm. I understand from my pd dat as high as 40% will be absorbed dan compared to only 20% in fm. So the amount of iron in fm have to be much higher.

Re: solids

Alot of mummies have intro solids including porridge to their babies. Now looking thru at the posting to gather tips n idea. Just started mal on cereal, he still not taking it too well. Hope he can get used to eating so I can slowly intro fm

Ok, quite a long post.. Enjoy the Sunday ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Not sure if anyone went Robinson but i like their CORE KIDS range of pillows/cases, bumper etc.. Now having 20% + 20%! Am going down to grab it later!

Cherli, thanks for the tip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he just started solids but still like not to keen on eating. End up mostly on the romper, hankie, table, face... Sigh...

Elise,yes, CORE kids is very nice n soft, feels very comfy. Got a set during the last sale. Threadcount is high so quite value for money esp if buy during sale. But they only ve 3 or 4 colours choice. Blue, pink, cream n I think light yellow. Come in solid colours. No prints

Reen and jmmabb,

Haiyah, I was there alone and have not seen anyone of the thread mummies before.. so just kept looking around to see if there's any mummy's child looked 6-7mths old.. but still too paiseh to talk to anyone..

This is also my 1st time to the pigeon talk, and heh heh.. kiasu me arrived at around 11am so got the early bird gift..

Did you buy the wipes? thot it is cheaper than outside, hence i bought 9 packs..


Don't be discouraged.. first started with solid is like tt one, a lot will be fed to the bib, chair and face.. I used to make the cereal very very runny in the beginning but later on, my MIL told me to make it thicker which is easier to feed especially LO loves to blow bubbles and most of the cereal was blown towards my face during feeding..

Hi mummies

I have an extra tin of Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (400g) to let go at $12. Expiry 12 Dec 2011. Self collect from my place at Pasir Ris.

Pls sms/ call me at 93679627 (as I don't check this forum often). Thanks!

winnie, banana not really advisable...wait awhile...cos it cause flame...result in cough. papaya or avocado better choice

i looking to buy bumper set...how much is the core kids set?

ello ello [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wa forum so quiet. it's 10.15pm here and so cold. A has got the runs for 3 days now, poor baby. Lucky i brought the whole pack of diapers with me this time round, she needs a change so often.

The new house is so large (and empty). Carpeting it costs 6k and that's only the 2nd flr. Burning money like charcoal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Theres still so many things to buy. Keep having to remind myself that prices are actually times 2 here, so deceiving.

Accidentally discovered that there is Nandos here, and nearby too! ;) that is one less thing i will miss when i move here.

Will be returning with near empty luggage..Anybody want anything from UK? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dawn,morning! haha or night??

Poor alice wat happen> not used to the water?

Nandos if i m not wrong orignated there! the nandos there is yummy!

winnie, yes core kids r nice! i always go w e beige/yellow color.

Lynn, iirc, it is $89.90.. i bot it before enzo was born. But the 20%+20% ended liao.

Morning mommies. Hope all the babies are getting better.

Hi Dawn. I got my combi already, yeah!!

Yes Elise is right. The Nandos in UK is so much yummier!! Miss my days there. What happen to A?? Nic still having runny stools. His mommy refuse to buy soy. Poor baby.

I bought core kids as well. Love the materials. 20+20% is a good buy.

1727, yes! really yummy, the corn cob is so nice! Singapore one not nice at all.... I went to the store at Readings and got to q for abt 30 mins as well.. But worth the wait!

Keke, which robinson u went? I went yday to grab pillow, bolster and covers.. Bot tippe toes socks as well! 20% + 20%! Wonder why they have so good promotion!

WF, yes TAKEN is a nice show. A bit exaggerated but i believe that there are triads which works like that. Scary world out there.

errrrrrr... end already??? i wanted to go this few days...have to wait for next sales...elise our shopping queen, keep us posted!


Elise, no lah..i bought my core kids during GSS this year. Think that time having 20% off only. Centrepoint. Didn't knoe Robinson having 20+20% over the weekend.

