(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

i didn't know jenny and poohgal looking for empty 900g milk tins.. i've quite a few [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i don't know why emma keeps puking out all her feeds these few days.. 3 feeds alr, and puke out quite a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i hope she'll be fine..


oh ya, please PM me if u need the e empty milk tins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u can stock up on cereals over in the UK. i heard frm my friend that she always asks her hubby to buy cereals from UK if he flies there. i think they got a good range. may not be cheap, but a good solid range.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i don't know what else is cheap over there..

good morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crumbling under the workload and been very tired and busy to log in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope everyone is still doing okay.

just a quick question, mommies whose babies are on Similac 2: does ur baby's poop appear v watery? my MIL wants us to change her milk 'cos she says my girl's not suitable for Similac.. poop is watery like diahorrea and almost after every meal. but on weekends when hb and me take care of her, we dun feel she poop so often and her poop is sometimes watery, sometimes pastey. if she's been taking in milk as her main source of food, can't be expected to poop like hard stools right?

would appreciate any of ur experiences on ur baby's poop.. thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies,

hope all mommies and babies are well liao.


how's kait?


my cub is on 100% similac 2 now...the poo doesn't appear very watery, it's more to pastey kind. If she had semi-solids over a few days, her poo is thicker in the paste... but if she only had pure milk for a few days, it's still pasty but consistency is not that thick, nor watery...


No worries. Through everyone's kindness here we've somehow managed to stock up enuf Friso 2 to last till close to her 1yr old.


Is your LO on solids already? I noticed for mine... sometimes she poops more, sometimes not. Yest she poop more cos I added more apricot into her cereal. But she's on Friso, not Similac tho.

jj, joyful, stomach flu will cos diarrhoe right? z has been puking his feed too. he always like to make the "wueh" vomit sound. if after feed he do dat, sometimes will merlion out. so heart pain. last night my husband wanted to put him to bed, he screamed n cried non stop from 6+ to 8+. dunno wats wrong with him leh. today i called nanny, he is alright leh.


I don't think it's stomach flu.. cos we upped her feed to 150ml, maybe her small stomach cannot take it..


oh poor baby z.. i dunno if stomach flu will cause watery stools or not le..


my girl is on similac 2 now. The beginning she poo quite alot (during the transition) not sure whether it's due to the change though. Her poo is slightly watery but not runny. But got better everyday. Now it's pasty and sometimes even dough-liked. She takes semi solid once a day but she doesn't enjoy her semi solid.

U observed awhile ba, not supposed to be runny like diarhoea. Lady from abbott did tell me tat stage 2 has more fibre and the good bacteria like those in Yakult [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


K seems better liao tks. I'm dying to see my loot, when can i collect? Which night will u be home early? This Thursday can? I can either go at 7+pm or abt 9pm. Let me know k?


perhaps u squeezed in too much too fast ba. Up 30ml isit. 30ml increase at one go is quite alot esp for our gu niang hehe. K is taking 150ml also, sometimes give her 180ml :p


today I gave her a tiny bit of fish porrige plus pumpkin and sweet corn (from bb jar) the mixture is sweet and nice but this K really donno wat's wrong @#$%^& feed till porride turn water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sigh try again.....tsk tsk tsk!!

forum these days so quiet, I missed those days when I can hardly catch up with the postings kekeke....


My gal displayed separation anxiety traits already. Left her at my mums place (as usual) but she cried for a good 20min..

Feels heartwarming yet heart-ache!

Hope she outgrows soon.

Elise, 1727, got the CORE kids during sale last year end sale. Think it's also 20 + 20off. Got it at centrepoint branch cos there were more stuff. Btw, Robinsons house brand bedsheet - kinu is also very comfy n high threadcount. The price is fraction of other brands but the quality is better .

Lotusmum, yeah, slowly trying to let him get used to eating but after every feed I got free cereal mask facial from him...

Chloe, joyful. Hope yr little ones are fine now

Pumping now after 8hr gap. Head is spinning n literally carrying 2 stones on my chest.


no prob! this thursday 9pm ba.... even if i'm not at home, i get my dear hb to standby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last week sneeze and cough until lungs wanna fly out liao... everything back to normal liao. :p

winnie, oh i didnt know.. then lynn wait for yr end sale.. coming soon. But too bad this range very little things...

Keke, me more particular on my own sheets... I use only egyption cotton.. But i dun buy them in Singapore cos way to ex and too high mark up! Hubby always buy from US.. Less than $150 sin a set of king size..

lamaze octotunes arriving new week, pending custom clearance , warehse unloading etc, estimated delivery about Mid Oct.

Winnie, yes yes. I buy Kinu too. Kinu bedlinen, towels, even bathmat. Hubby crazy about Kinu & Hotel collections. Like your description about the 2 stones. Hope you get them offload soon.

Oh..didnt knoe transition of milk powder will cause change in poop. *tsk tsk*

Hi mummies,

My gal is drink friso too. I would like to stock up too. Is there any restriction on the purchase? or I can buy as much as I like as long as I have empty tins & $$?

elise:Morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we're 8 hrs behind SG. Not sure what's bothering A, but suspect it's the water here..Havnt manage to isolate the source yet, but she's on milk diet for now

1727: that's great! the one-hand open is so convienient. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joyful: oh, cereals! Okok i go recce. Marks and Spencers here has alot more stuff too, but not sure if it's cheaper. Gonna bring the foods back. hehe.


Supposedly 1 per 1 household. To be on the safe side, I went to different outlets to buy.


My hubs' cousin used to base in UK and she bought Hipp Organic cereals for her child. It's a whole lot cheaper in the UK.

Hi BabeE,

Thanks for the advice. I will do the same too. I'm very curious about how many tins u have stock up... hehehe...

Elise, me no money for Egyptian cotton. Closest I get is kinu. The kinu gold or hotel collection is abt 600 thread count so make do with it lor. Yeah, over priced for linen in spore... Good buy in US.

1727, yeah hi five... Me got the kinu gold n the hotel collection for bed linen. Hubby initially complain abt the price but after I show him the quality n compared with those branded ones, we now only go for kinu... Hehe...

Off load my stone already. Need to drag pump cos no time to do 2 pump in office already..

Pity not much choice for core kids n kinu. If not I buy more.

Elise, thanks for the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for arranging the toys. Mal enjoy playing them


You can look out for the brand Cannon when Robinson next has its big big sale. Their Egyptian cotton is not cheap either, but normal cotton ones are at least 400 threadcount and above. At one of the Robinsons expo sale, I bought a Queen-sized Cannon TC560 for only $65.

Eva quite like her Lamaze mobile phone. Everytime I'd go:

BabeE: Ring Ring! Hello.

Make-believe caller: May I speak with Eva pls?

BabeE: Who's that calling?

Make-believe caller: NTUC/Friso... (whatever I felt like cooking up)

BabeE: Eva, your call from "So-and-so"

Eva: Hmmm?

The beauty of it all? She really thinks that someone is calling her!

BabyE, u so cute... Next time Eva start to wan yr real mobile phone then u headache. Dats why now dun dare give mal anything dat look like phone cos all kids love phone...

I dun dare go expo sale cos I scared of crowds but I think last time I buy kinu one also at abt 500+ threadcount for full set of queen size plus 2 additional pillow n 1 additional bolster case at abt $100+...

Good good, next time I know who to find kaki to go shopping for bed linen. Can ask u n 1727 already. Gosh, sound so auntie... Doing bedlinen shopping...


heeheee... So cute! I was tempted to buy the Lamaze phone but ended bought something else. I just use the house phone to play pretend with Ayden ;). Somehow babies really pay attention and know which are "hot" items ..ie... Controller, hp, phone.. All rest not interesting :p

hello mummies...going to be super busy this whole week cos my dad went overseas...so nobody coming over to help out this week...

btw, today i went to guardian...the sales person told me FRISO extended till next wed!

i have exchanged 2 empty tins at one go at guardian, they are ok with it!

i love bedsheets! cant stop buying everytime i go robinson especially got sale...

once i bought 550 threadcounts queen sized bedsheets only $39...cant remember the brand...

BabeE, so cute n funny!

Mil bought a new Hp over the weekend, went singtel store. cay was so amused with the dummy sets n was trying to snatch them.

wow poohgal, u so fast stock up till 1 year old liao ah...

initially tot my boy was on 1 tin every fornight... then realised he is on 1 tin per week...super shiong ya...

JJ, also miss the chasing part. Last time one day a few hundred posts. now a few days only hundred post. Where hv all the mummies gone to?

Dawn, you are fast! So fast went back to uk already. When will u be there more permanently?

hihi mommies..

nissen has sailed far and long and finally arrived in SG! but not at my place yet!;p postman came last fri and am not in...thot of dragging that box back today from singpost and i even bring along my foldable trolley! but was told that i need to call to transfer the parcel from HQ to SK first! damn...wasted trip... sign...arranging to redeliver to my place again when i am back next week! this week very busy and will be away till Sun...

meanwhile, will send you the payment details...i hope i won't lost in the packing! ;p i guess when you all arrange to pop by my place, i will then pack one by one :)

thanks xihui, BabeE, jj for ur advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am reluctant to change milk for her cos will have to go thru the whole titration thing for her again. she does take some semi solids but not regularly yet.. MIL usually feed her porridge in evenings... i give her cereal and some puree on weekends, so she's largely on milk diet for now.

another question on AF. mommies who have it back.. has it been rather regular for once it started?


She already knows what a real mobile phone cos her dad used it to video call me at work. She knows that nothing beats the real thing.

Btw, bedlinen shppg is not auntie. Hehehe... i picked this thing for threadcount cos my mum used to be in hospitality industry. Next Robinson private sale on yea? Hehehe...


That's nowadays children all IT brain! Hahaha... apart fr phone, controller, this lil girl wants the comp mouse to play with the little pple. Each time she sees anyone with a mouse n comp screen, she automatically assumes they are playing Hotel City like mummy. Headache...

lotusmum: bonkers as in? cuz mine was also quite regular and then no show for last 2 months... wondering how normal is this.


same same here.... i'm now having my AF, but nothing in sep & aug..... i was panicking... cos pple say when our lo chew their toes, it means that #2 is coming.. and she jolly well was enjoying her toes for the whole month of sep.... but funny thing is that when my AF came few days back, her toes chewing action totally disappeared.. anyway, it's a total relief now... i have never been so happie b4 to see my AF come..


ya lor ya lor.. when mine was late last month, i actually went to test.. then after tt it came on the same day.. also worried abt LO sucking her toes... LO's daddy still happily encouraging LO to continue with her toes sucking..


YA!! my LO also happily sucking and eating her toes away and MIL warned to be careful so im like freaking out. im wishing my AF will come... stress leh and i know that i will be super happy for it to appear.. but it's not coming [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dear Mummies,

I would like to introduce u to this amazing invention : MOON WALKER .

U can refer to the following link for more details [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I WIll be organising a pre-order BP Soon .

Email/PM if interested and i will keep u in loop once the BP is up: )



Winnie, will inform you when Kinu is having sale!

Elise, the trunki looks nice but its more like a toy rather than for practical usage. Will give it a miss.

Zaimama, thanks for update. Will wait patiently till you are back from your holi to collect my loot.

gd morning mummies,

the flu bug has came to visit me ..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


jia you to bfeeding. i read abt what u mentions with regards to iron in bm. i tried cereals and avocado. u can try avocado or banana, both are easy to prepare just mash no need to steam and blend. but do take note that they might cause constipation. my girl who poo everyday only mega poo on the 3rd day after eating avocado. btw what brand of fm u plan to intro ? having headache of what brand to intro when my ss drops and need to supplement.....


saw some mummies with bbies at the talk. did u bring ur bb for massage, yoga ?? the wet wipes are a gd buy but has to give a miss cos so heavy and not going straight hm after the talk. 9 packs a lot leh..u drive ???


zaimama, thanks for e updates!

1727, keke i like it alot.. now got bp but prices not attractive..

jmmabb, take care! i recover but spread to mil n now Enzo.. going to pd later... n enzo didnt sleep well last night.. keep waking up to cry.

