(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi mummies,

I'm from Dec09 thread. Sorry for pop in.

Just for sharing some free vouchers and free-ebook for mummies and your babies. You may get the freebies at all free and participate in a contest if you wish.

Please take a look @ http://babymoonasia.com/free

to grab the free gift and share among your friends if you like the free gift.

Enjoy your freebies =)


Butterwaffles.. a few tips i learn and thought i'd share to ease your household chores [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1. use magic clean - magic wipes, it saves time. you could use this sheets to wipe everything, floors and shelves. takes the dust off super fast. I don't mop my floors as often lately and it's still clean.

2. magic clean bathroom (yellow), all you need to do is spray generously around your bathroom as frequent as you wish (after your bath), leave for 5-10mins and rinse off - the walls and floors - you really don't need to scrub [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

3. For moping floors, i use a Pink mop, sorry i don't have the name but it's light, easy and really convenient..even my hubby can use it without supervision! you can buy it from NTUC but it's sometimes out of stock - call 67582950 to check availability, cost $10 - usage average 3-6months. It cleans well due to the micro fibre material which it not like normal mops.

hope this helps, emotionally, speaking to someone helps at least a listening ear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


steph, to ans your question abt bonding with the unborn. At that time when I was waiting for the result, I totally no mood to do anything, just pray daily that the bb will be ok. In the end the result turned our ok and the tube in the brain went back to within range, Thank God [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ling, I salute you for your strength and courage. Though you are grieving over your loss, u are able to encourage others. Take care and hope that you will be blessed soon with another bundle of joy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bw, just to share with u what happened shortly after I gave birth to my #1 yrs back. I remembered one night, I sat alone in the study and started to pen down my feeling and as I was doing so I cried my heart out. I felt that no one cared for me and all attention was on my kid. I was expected to take great care of him and should there be any problem, I will be doomed and be blamed. I could still hear the "warning" of my mom ringing in my ears. She said" u BETTER kan hao hao the boy" My labour was difficult and the recovery process was long too. I don't feel that my hubby loved me anymore coz I was so big and fat. No one gave me any attention and I just wanted to give up.

HOwever I've pulled thru that difficult period, it's like marriage , motherhood, all came to overwhelm u and u cannot handle. Don't worry, take it one step at a time. It's perfectly normal to feel the way you are feeling. In fact many of us prob have gone thru this also. U will overcome it sooner or later.

BW, be strong. Don't let the negative vibes invade you. I can fully understand how u feel. I'm losing my waist, hair & look ..everything about self confidence to this pregnancy & MS. So instead of waiting for hubby to make me feel better, i went to buy nice nice clothes to boost my confidence.

Its very different getting a guy to do housework vs our own standard. So i hire a part time maid to thorough clean the house twice a week while i do the magic clean wipes myself when necessary. Not much effort needed.

i overcome most of the negative thoughts by stroking my tummy and talking to the baby. The bonding with the baby and the natural maternal instinct gave me alot of strength.

BW, be strong and hang in there!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi! agree w jonjosh. The initial period after giving birth can be quite tough, esp. if u hv limited help. Plus if u're also trying to breastfeed. For me, my main problems were breastfeeding - the round-the-clock feeding, worrying if bb drinking enough, doubting own's ability to take care of bb... Impt to hv a support group and necessary hotlines to call. I rem 'disturbing' the TMC hotline many times to ask abt bfg.

Pregnancy and delivering is just the start of a long journey ahead. Let's cross each milestone one at a time and support one another here.

For the MTB thread I joined for my #1, some of the closer mummies even exchanged HP nos. so tat we can sms one another during and after delivery. Think we can also do that here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] More convenient cos i'm sure many of us won't be able to login. Jus to encourage/support one another.


appreciate your sharing. Take care and jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, Butterwaffles

Please don't think so negative. Its so so sad to read what you have written. My heart drop....

Do you know how many ppl out there wanted bb so much. I myself went to see so many gynae just to have bb. Please try your best feel happy about this whole thing, ok. Just hang on.... You have all our support.


hey is anyone on FB? I finally 'announced' my pregnancy by posting the Lilypie mini-ticker on FB... =) can add me leh: hlynchua AT hotmail DOT com

hahahaha i think in my case, it's still too young to hear me so it's abit one-way communication but i still good about talking to the baby because it's alive in me... i'm still amazed lor hahahaa.

i heard an article that foetus respond to external sound from 4 months onwards... so they will hear us very soon... and thats when daddies and mummies shouldnt argue much in front of bb. hehehee

hahahaha i think in my case, it's still too young to hear me so it's abit one-way communication but i still good about talking to the baby because it's alive in me... i'm still amazed lor hahahaa.

i heard an article that foetus respond to external sound from 4 months onwards... so they will hear us very soon... and thats when daddies and mummies shouldnt argue much in front of bb. hehehee

hello hello! I am back! Well, those early ones will know i posted here b4 when i was hoping to strike...but i only strike on my next cycle so I should be a april mommy.

BUT...i just found out i am carrying twins! So, gynae says i'll probably pop at wk 36 or 37, which may make me a March mommy! Can I join?? :D

Hi steph,

Thanks! I think I will contiune my honey in-take =) cause i really like it =) i take it every night =)Maybe I try the ticketfactory =)

Hi Lynn,

My GYN will scan me whenever, I go and viist him =)

Hi Juliet08,

Congrate to your twins! I also hope to have twin but too bad I onlly have one =p

Hi Juliet, wow... twins... hee.. welcome welcome

2 more hrs to go to see my lil baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

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thanks skysilver & jules...

i'd hope for twins for my 1st pregnancy, but def not for this one! so totally unexpected, plus the fact that there's no family history of twins n neither were we on any kind of fertility pills...

my boy only 16 mths now, so when the twins r out, it sure will be quite a challenge to handle the 3 of them!

haha juliet.. u r also in this thread..

if like that.. i should be in the feb thread! but it doesn't matter right..

thanks thanks!

hey loinky...my #1 hor, supposed to be june, in the end also end up in May...so tot this time since is this kind of situation, i also come kaypoh in March MTB thread lor...179hehehe...now I'm on both March & April thread...haha..si beh kiasu..

morning.. yesterday when to see dr adrian to scan the gender.. hiax.. he say still cannot see but i already 15weeks leh.. he tell me wait until detailed scan.. sian.. still got long way to go..

Good Morning ladies!

Saw my lil darling yesterday. measuring at approx. 9.7cm. Took abt 8cc for my blood and triple tests too. Blood flowed out so slow I nearly died. Saw gender too. Pretty obvious but decided not to be conclusive yet till my 20th wk detailed scan in mid Oct.

coffeedrinker, my gynae said if position good, can see gender even in wk 12 cos everything's form alr. However, they prefer to wait till the detailed scan to be more sure esp if it's a gal. So far, my gynae's prediction and observation has been pretty accurate for my previous 2 at wk 16.

haha.. ya.. my son was so happy that he laughed when the gynae announced! The previous visit at wk 12 doc was alr pretty sure.

morning all!

so envious of those who can tell the gender already! i think i wont be so lucky..

Got a scan ard week 17, hopefully bb co-operative open and let me see..

jules, i am starting to bleed slighty when brushing teeth. But read that this is normal.

elise, m thinking of gg to the dentist. it seems alot.

haha ya yve tt's what he said when he wanted a mei mei for no. 2. now tt he does have a mei mei, he wants a di di now.

dell123, was yr bb legs closed yday? Mine was closed up at week 13 so i cannot even catch a glimpse.

babypink, my tummy is huge! very obvious that i am pregnant and this is my #1.

babypink, mine not so obvious in the morning but alot bigger by evening and yup after meals too. was afraid that my baby was not growing, looking at the way i'm eating. however after seeing my baby grown for abt 4cm, quite relieved.

morning! I'd rather my scan for gender is not obvious so it will be a girl haha, if obvious then without any doubt will be boy boy. My friend knew hers during wk 13 coz it's boy.

Jules how I wish i have a boy and girl for the first 2 then now for the 3rd can either be girl or boy, not much pressure to hope for a particular gender. But I have 2 boys so now 3rd one incline towards having a girl.


elise, my bb very mischievious, My #2 leaned on his side and showed the fleshy backside when it was due to scan for gender so I have to wait 4 more wks to find out his gender. Last scan for this one, was in prone position, face down with 4 limbs out stretched, also cannot see. Hopefully by next scan bb will be more cooperative.

