(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Cactus, understand your concerns. Don't worry yourself sick by looking into the family history. Just pray and hope for the best and be strong!!! You still have one more test to confirm everything should the result be unfavorable (touch wood!!)Nothing is definite yet.


ladykirvin, I know how you feel. I also not willing to leave my #1 in infantcare. Can't bear to. and I worry he will bring back viruses and infect the newborn...

1727, it's very uncomfortable pressing/suffocating type of pain in the chest area. Eat smaller meals, sit up more after meals (dont lie down), drink water, and avoid spicy food.

Cactus, my family also has history of thalessmania. I too has it. Luckily, i made my hubby go for blood test. He didnt have else we can't even have bb.

Ladykirvin, nanny?? where to find? how much do they normally charge?? Is it more cost saving than putting in infant childcare?

I know it's almost crazy.. the deal that I'm making over this small test. I'm almost embarressed. just that with my previous pregnancy, this was a hurdle that I only got over after the baby was born.. and it's a hurdle I hope to cross earlier with this pregnancy now. It's psychological.

1727, ever tot of taking a few mths of unpaid leaves, 4mth maternity+2 mths unpaid. That gives you 6 months of solid bonding with your little one. By then bb also much older should u decide to leave bb with nanny or infantcare.

cactus, can u call the nurse again?

Cactus, like you i was very afraid. Worse still it is my hubby eldest sis who is abnormal. So when my NT scan was abit thicker, i panic.

jonjosh, 1727, depending on how old and how mature #1 is, it may be better to send #1 away from home BEFORE #2 arrives.. if not, #1 may perceive that you feel that the baby is more important and tehrefore send #1 away when #2 or after #2 arrives. This is what I hear from pple. There is an adjustment period for the older child.

elise, it's my husband calling my doctor. my doctor said he asked nurse to compute risk and he will call my husband back again. duh. I'm too embaressed to call anyone.

yup, we definitley need to do so if the sibling(s) are young when the next one arrives. It's almost like they feel that their once received attention is all snatched away by the newborn sibling. It is advisable to tell your relatives /friends to "greet" the older one first b4 giving attention to the newborn (be it at home or at the hospital). Not so much abt sending #1 away la coz no matter what, #1 has to come back.

so sickening hor, and for all u know they will drag pass lunch time!!! call them and tell them to hurry la else no appetite for lunch!!

logging off now to find lunch. Sch hols start today, also the start of my nightmare....BOYS ARE AT HOME, now gotta go feed them. will logon to see your good news cactus ya, hang in there!!!!

Jon.. 6 months of not working definitely sounds enticing but i'm not sure if i can be away from work for so long. But its something worth considering.

Cactus, why can't the nurse call you instead of your hubby?

re: confinement lady

you need to list down what you want her to do. i have discussed with my CL on her duties. she will cook for my hb (dinner on weekdays, lunch + dinner on weekends) too. of cause not confinement food lah. i remember last confinement i spent 2k near to 3k on just the food & tonic. 2k confinement salary. angpao another $100-200.

Re: Confinement lady or confinement food

Does mummies who had confinement ladies or confinement food find it better/healthier? I have a maid and mother to help me out, but my mum is western one, so she never follow traditions for confinement and not sure abt they types of confinement food to take, so i need some guidance on this, dunno which one to go for?

Mummies, any advice?

Elise31, EDD is 4th March. I'm 15 weeks 3 days today...i don't know why also, they count it like that for me. So far, my EDD has ranged from 3rd to 8th March. Every scan gives a different EDD, lol.

lovinglife, thanks! I think you meant my wedding photos...my BS did a great job!

cactus, all the best. Everything will be fine, you must believe in that....

1727, I did my test at SGH, not at a clinic. So I don't have any one to call to.. cos if I call, it is O&G centre.. my doctor knew I'm anxious, so told my husband to call him directly.. so I'm leaving it to my husband to contact him. my husband works at SGH. so he knows my doctor.

jonjosh & 1727

yes, big sum i spent on confinement. above 4k. i had tonic every night ard 9pm. double boiled for few hours before serve. all exp herbs.

bw, not only BS. all albums are pretty. you are very pretty! i like your dimper(s)?

1727, it's best to ask friends to recommend nannies around your area lor.

my colleague found a nanny but it's one MRT stop away.

i'm not sure how much nanny charges for infantcare; my mum charges below market rate when she was a nanny. the thing about nanny is there will not be govt subsidy hor.

I think should be a few hundred bucks ba... 500?exclude the consumables like diapers, milk powder. when baby grows bigger and start to take solid, you might need to top up abit for nanny to cook porridge....

And also, if you scouting for nannies, it's best to do a "site visit" to ensure that the environment is conducive for your babies... whether they keep pets and got young children at home, whether the family members smoke...

My mum had people site survey our house when they wanna get her to be babysitter too...

bw.. hmm okie.. cos i am 14weeks 1 day today and my EDD is 7th March. i dunno why like that...

Thanks ladykirvin. I should start looking around. if its $500, then its about the same price as infant childcare.

Elise, we shared the same EDD!!!

lovinglife, yes yes!!!

1727! really! Haha.. alot of us seems to have 7/8th as EDD.

I told my colls if mine is a gal and comes out on 8th March, will be san ba fu nue jie (woman's day). haha.

RE: Confinement Lady

At first I want to hire a confinement lady since now with #2, i doubt my mil can handle 2 kids together. But after discussion, mil prefer us to get a maid, cos she thinks even with me as SAHM, both of us handle 2 kids and housework is very tiring. Anyway I don;t mind, all along did not consider this because we thought she don't like an outsider in the house as all. Anyway this is her house. :p

Anyone going to hire a maid as well?


I sometimes feels that folic is causing my MS too. Anyway did u take obmin vits? It cause giddiness for me and my friend. I stop taking after feeling the same giddiness as my friend.

cactus, all will be well!! you have 50% balance of my congrats waiting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

icy, I'm, only 10wks + and I'm on obmin, calcium, folic and neurogain, KS hor. Yes, hiring a maid, dreaded the idea but no choice. Will do it as late as possible, can't stand having a stranger in the hs.

Cactus- Still no news yet?


I want to take neurogain soon, if gynae didn't give me, I will go buy on my own. :p MMM I think I hire like around Jan.. cos we need to give her training and get familiar with the house. Won;t let her handle newborn but she handle cooking and housework.

Cannot hire too late, later she gives problem during confinement then we really get depression.

icy, I got a maid after my #1 arrived. I'm a FTWM. My dad is helping the maid with the baby. I think it's better to have a maid, despite only having 1 child, cos I really don't want to end up doing housework after I get back from home. I rather bond with my boy. I couldn't bear to send my boy to infant care/childcare.. or to a nanny.. so the only option was to get a maid to be at my place and have my dad supervise.

THANKS, Carol! I've not received any call yet. At least managed to stomach some lunch earlier.

jonjosh, your edd is on the 22nd. you should be 11w6d leh. everytime i see your post, you keep saying you are 10wks.. how come?

cactus, we all anxious for you too!

counting the weeks can really kill ya! almost forgot it's school holidays - thinking what week i'm in!

today 11.1, wed 11.3 and going for all the test. 4 weeks ago, i wasn't that nervous..getting nervous as the days pass now i can't sleep! 2 days more - 2 days more. somehow i survived 4 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now to get on with the BIG picture of the balance 29weeks!! woo hoo!!

jonjosh, no news yet.... my doctor in OT now. unplanned c-section.

icy, yah, it's a good idea to have maid come in early. some maids... can sense they have attitude problems, at least, have time to change them before bb arrives.

lovinglife, thanks! you are so sweet. my heart has been galloping for hours laready!


I oso think it's better to have a maid earlier. An extra pair of hands will help a lot and for the maid to adjust to your home and you to adjust to the maid.

I just got a maid last month.Then, at the maid agency got a lot of new maids, all returned bcuz mostly homesick, aiyo...

lovinglife, that was my first given edd based on LMP, gynae say since I saw him very early and the scan showed a certain size and the new edd 2 April will be more accurate. That is why earlier I was puzzled because that would mean I ovulated abt 1 wk late and how can it be possible that the sperm can survive that long. If indeed sperm survive (haha indeed indeed, I'm pregnant right!!)then high chance that this will be a ger ger lor.

today is my 13weeks exactly. next appt is another 2 weeks +. i wonder how to make sure our little one is safe & sound inside? i need to feel more movements to ensure he/she is fine.

tiga, i hv a good news for you. LC changed his style. he will continue scanning babies!! i learn this from one of the Dec mtb.

....and since I'm opting for c-section, I will like to choose 25 mar coz #1 is 27 jan #2 is 26 Feb so #3 will be 25 mar!!! Cool right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jonjosh, the first few scans are more accurate for dating. it's true. after week 12, the date will not be accurate anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also ovulated very late. apparently, hb's sperm did survive for 6 days! I'm hoping it's girl this time.. my doctor also commented it's unuusal that the sac implanted very high up the uterus.... !

yup gynae say early scan very accurate for dating therefore edd shouldn't change already. by 25 mar most of u already given birth. Let's make a point to put up our newborn photo on the FB, make an album out of it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovinglife, like u, i look forward to my scan 3 weeks later. Wonder is little one fine.

This weekend i didnt really experience movement. Abit gan chiong...

But MS came on sat while i was shopping. And this AM alittle bit of puking feeling.

elise, i will get a little bit paranoid if i don't feel movement. although i still cannot confirm those movement are from baby. my puking episode more or less subside. just some puking feeling but no action. appetite still not picking up.


jonjosh, ya lo.... sooo long.

I always have mixed feelings when i visit gynae. Scare before i go in but when i see bb movement n growing well i very happy.

