(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

jonjosh!! the shoe so cute...wah..

never had the chance to wear those shoe for daughter - her feet is WIDE, fit the width the the shoe length too long. When straight to shoes. this time will be buying those Socks On the keep all my nice baby stockings in pair!


i crave beef too... but not too keen to eat too much - budget once in 2 weeks for red meat.


carol, ohh!! I didn't know. I just bought some GAP stuff for my boy about a year ago, and noticed the different countries of make.. not only the countries were different. the sizing was a bit off also. 2T for different countries, one can be bigger than the other. like, half size bigger.

ya u know i so stressed about the amnio results... we were all given a cost cutting option to take one entire week off, I took whole of next week off 'just in case'... now can cancel leave liao!

omg i am so happy! thanks elise carol jon cactus chloe for all your wishes!!! now I feel confident enough to add myself to the gathering list =)


i like the shoes too.... buy online can find nicer and cheaper stuff sometimes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cactus, not a very beef person this pregnancy i suddenly have a lot of craving for beef. earliest craving was meat, scared i OD - that's why refraining on consumption.

ya... you need to be careful with sizing if you buy from stores here with cheap GAP. mostly this ones are from malaysia, heheheh mostly it's just the size mislabeled - defect.

Actually, buyin online from Original stores is better - quality assurance. If you buy from blogs, you mght just get fleece sometimes. Paying anything more than SGD$5 for GAP, ON or Carter's is exorbitant. Just to remember this items are "defected" goods 90% of the time.

Carol, oh! I wasn't aware it was a sizing mislabelling issue. I thought differen country - different sizing. cos it's about half a size apart! I actually bought most of them from Isetan Scotts. the rest of them, from US direct but even then, they have made in vietnam, china and US labels... also different sizing. come to think of it, I may have picked up one or two pieces made in Malaysia.. from Isetan.


if you go to JB, KL there have FOS outlets and this are actually stores that sell GAP, BR, ON, Carter's and etc.. you can get a really good deal for items. 3Gap rompers are sometimes priced at RM10.00 or carter's and etc..

In KL there are specific FOS outlets that carry additional baby items, you could ask and the staff might be able to help.

So 3 rompers at RM10.00 equals to how much SGD for a pc? heheheheh


yes, those days the "defective goods" are destroyed. Back 10 yrs, this items were sold to staff as staff sales or part of incentive instead of destroying. Now, due to economic crisis - this goods are categorize into different groups and extend of defect. so, sizing mislabels can now be sold at dept. stores - as you can read often - "SAle Goods are non refundable and non returnable"

It's also to bring in sales to dept stores [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], keep the place occupied.

carol, that is really cheap! do u knw where are the FOS located at? i bought some carters from bulk purchase and some fr US. so far no difference in quality/ material.. both made in china. i guess the bulk purchase one maybe defective in some way.

carol, sometimes in chinatown and the central of the HDB town, can find all these cut label clothes too. Tom and Stepanie also used to sell these cut label clothes.

cactus, when u say buy direct from US, your hb got it personally from US or you got from online? If online, can advise how to go abt doing it?

last week, I saw mothercare having sale on bb rompers. Those that come in a set of 7 I think. orignal price at 59 gong for 39 if I'm not wrong. That work out to be abt 5+ per romper, isn't that bad and for the peace of mind since it's mothercare hor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nothing is safe these days, tks to CHINA (no offence to china supporters) no wonder organic stuffs are gaining popularity.


no probs. but as you mentioned, china goods, you really need to take precaution on what you're buying.


bulk purchase I'm not too sure but there's reputable resellers that take extra effort to make sure they receive the least defective items, otherwise they also buy from FOS in US - Factory Outlet Stores. Also, there is an FOS in Bintan island, next to the ferry terminal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pricing are good.

There is an FOS store in JB, the mall opposite the rail/new immigration depot.


yes yes.. tom & stepanie, the price is reasonable too. Btw, i normally go to Amara Hotel - 2nd floor they have an outlet. So far no complains but if you're buying from there you'd need to check on "holes" or "runs" in material. The bulks they get are normally mislabel size and holes... then have to buy iron ons to cover!

jon, I bought them online. you just go to the GAP website, then order and pay using a credit card. the shipping address should be a vpost address or a borderlinx address. if you have citibank card, do sign up for borderlinx. I find the rates better and they allow up to 30 days consolidation of order. vpost only allows 14 days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but note, if you buy back + international shipping exceed S$300, will attract GST.


retail sales earns more than 70% off the cost sold [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so that's only like 35% off RSP for mothercare rompers.

jon, only within US (but may exclude Canada and Hawaii, etc) and sometimes, some addresses are restricted (PO boxes). normally I have no problems with bordelinx and vpost addresses.


hee heee... you know what, jonjosh is NOW shopping online while she ask you details [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] muahahhahahahaha

actually, I can't wait to start shopping for my little girl. all those lovely dresses, but think I will wait. cos first 6 months, very little chance I will get to bring her out. she already has a couple of cute dresses. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'll buy the rest after she's born. our boy already has clothes up to 7 years old! And he is only coming to 17 months! Doting daddy.

morning mummies


congrats on yr healthy baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jus opp fu lu shou, adjacent to macdonalds at rochor centre blk 1 basement there is hdb rated parking

if i din rem wrongly raffles hospital parking also not very ex cos i used to park there when i go bugis junction

both are outside erp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


e shoes u posted making me jealous!!! i cant buy pink! boohoo i always see so many cute dresses cannot buy leh

ladies, know u ppl meeting to buy bird nest. I just wondering if i should join. cos i dun knkow what is the actual benefit of taking it...pls i try to avoid sweet stuff cos told to monitor sugar....is bird nest nice without sugar? what the advantage of taking it?

Lynn, old people say birds nest is a tonic for preggies and also makes bb skin look smooth. I'm taking it cos my mom makes it for me. that's about it. I find it okay. nto particularly loving it but just take it loh. the sugar added is very little. and the chinese medical hall advised me to use yellow rock sugar. not as sweet as the white type. actually, sugar in 1 orange is more than sugar in home cooked birds nest. my opinion lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for the carpark info....


i heard some say it can be good for babies when their lungs are developing but not too much in case baby has pleglm. Some say babies will be born fair but this one i dont believe...

FOS in JB is available at City Square, Plaza Pelangi... Me love FOS and the factory oulets in US!! Hb go crazy over the outlets in US, he always have to extend his trip 2 more days to shop at the outlets.. My last visit to US 2 yrs back, we went to 7 outlets in 4 days! haha.. In US, we manage to buy baby Gap top and bottom for USD 0.97 for our friends baby. Hb is going early dec and i ask him to grab baby gap, tommy hilgfer, ralph lauren!!

Oh ya.. in Japan, there is also Chelesa premium grp factory outlet (same as the one in US). It is very good as well, mummies heading to tokyo can head to Gotemba outlets.

All this talk abt shopping makes me itching to travel with him next mth.. But soo big stomach how to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


no prob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thks carol, elise. maybe i try the FOS in msia. like so cheap.. even sale in sg aldo not so cheap.

elise 31, still can go, as long as bef 28 wks! so nice to shop in US! lots of stuff to buy!!

hi ladies, ok we'll meet at bugis area for lunch. besides the beef noodle stall carol recommended, any other good places. i can only think of all the ma la hua guo (hotpot) over there. haha...

5 Dec Programme for the moment:

12pm Lunch at Bugis

2pm Bird's nest shopping at/ard Fu Lu Shou Complex (for those who are interested)

4pm Baby Hypermart at Kaki Bukit. Can car pool. (for those who are interested)

Cher Li, depends on your baby's waist size and skin sensitivity. I used a range from the time my #1 was born till now. Fitti Premium and pureen worked well during the day when he was younger. Pet Pet worked well during the day when he was older. Pampers active during the night and sometimes day.

ultimately, the cheaper brands tend to need to be changed more often. so if you have the manpower and time to change often (esp duirng the day), and your bb's skin tends to on the sensitive side, then cheaper brands are okay. if your bb's skin is not so sensitive, and you don't have time to change so often, can go for the more expensive brands which last longer. oh. pampers have 2 types. I used pampers active. some mummies here use Goon. I find Goon good but too expensive for me. Pampers Active is good enough for my boy.

Cher Li, depends on the brand you are going to get. normally, newborn size (weight) is very close to the medium size (weight). don't talk about the waist bit lah. For mummy poko for example, newborn size weight is 3 to 5kg. medium is 6 kg onwards to dun know how many kg. small size is I think 4 to 6kg. so alot of pple skip the small size altogther and go straight to medium size from newborn size.

for my #1, I used pampers newborn (which comes with a special cut for the umbillical stump). I only used 2.5 packs of newborn size, then mostly used small size. also want to add, if you plan to use cloth nappies (I used cloth nappies for my #1 during the day for first 2 to 3 weeks), you only need diapers for nights.

no worries, Cher Li. It doesn't feel too long ago that my #1 was a baby... I still have left over diapers from him. Pampers active M size and Dypers pull ups Large size.

timy, I will be week 28 when I fly n back close to week 30, not possible. Even with business class, lying down for so long I won't be able to take it...

Re. rocker/bouncer,

I bought a Fisher Price bouncer (called 'Link A Do' or something like that) and found it v useful. Think Carol also mentioned abt the vibration mode. Works for my #1 too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Glad I can now re-use for #2 - spread the costs haha...

Last night, I slept on my right side. Unknowingly turned my body too much, such that I was almost sleeping on my tummy. When I shifted myself, suddenly realised my tummy lopsided!!! right side flat, left side big big... think bb moved to avoid being squashed!! hope I didn't hurt him leh... But he's happily kicking me this morn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: Diapers

Agree with Cactus that Goon is good. after calculating, i find that Goon NB is cheaper than Pampers NB. Goon NB58 is $19.90 whereas Pampers NB24 is $10.30 in NTUC. CK is selling Pampers NB24 for $9.50. Goon has free delivery if orders exceed $80 and above. M going to order Goon NB next year.

Jules, didn't know Goon NB is good and cheaper than Pampers NB! the hopsital gave us Pampers NB so we just continued with it. this time round, probably won't buy NB diapers, cos SIL gave us a new pack of mummy poko NB .. 52 pieces. think hospital will give us some also. shoudl be enough before we go on to small size.


is it really called Goon? Or is it a short form? Where is it from?


scared I cant tahan very spicy stuff....

