(2010/03) March 2010 mtb



but they say can go pharmacy get those powder to clean body n hair lor maybe i will tahan 2 weeks then buy herbal bath to bath



yes, dry shampoo..never tried them. Herbal bath, i had to boil myself... couldn't be bothered after the 2nd day so i had a lot balance which i gave away.


last time i also tink like tt lor...but only 10 yrs the effects start to show...when ever rain or cold e pain is horrible so i better be good girl now cos during confinement if take care properly can "reverse"

yes hubby should be in the theatre if I opt for epi c-sect. He is ok la, anyway he will be standing on my side, won't get the gruesome sight of the incision and blood! Hopefully his heart will melt when he sees girl coming out, witnessing her 1st second of life outside the womb! AND of course feels more for his dear wife who "suffer" under the knife!! "ku rou ji" muahahaha, what to do? need to resort to such tactic for numbskull.


i was just about to type that! muahahahahahah... when 60 in walking stcks..hee hee

bebe, you might be true on the reverse part. be good k!

i tried dry shampoo before, in powder form. To me, it's quite effective in cleaning and removing oil from the hair/scalp. But i won't use it as a replacement for washing hair. Can't tahan. I already took bath and washed hair the next day in hospital, after delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmm... don't touch water.. then go toilet don't wash hands??

Carol, so you are going with Dr Dev?!

Jon, I think not every c-section under GA will need tube in through. mine was emerg under GA also. it was a pressurized gas mask. the only side effect is very dry throat at the end of it.. cos of the gases I breathed in. SGH allowed my husband in...

ryne, I washed hair normally on alternate days. other days, used dry shampoo. worked well for me. you may want to try it next time. the thing about dry shampoo is less hassle in needing to blow dry after wet wash. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my mum say go toilet use damp cloth to wipe hands then use dry cloth to dry immediately

btw, I just got my detailed scan report yesterday. Got a couple of qns to check w u gals. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nuchal Fold Thickness is 2.2mm. I didn't do NT scan earlier, so can I rely on this measurement and take it that NT is normal? Cos I read in babycenter web that normal NT is up to 2mm at 11 wks, and up to 2.8mm at 13 weeks and six days. And NT scans are not accurate at later stage cos the readings will increase as bb grows. Since mine is 2.2mm at 20wks, does that mean it's v favourable?

BB's weight during detailed scan last wk (at 20wks) was 320g. When gynae scanned yesterday (21wks), it was 453g. Is this big jump within a week normal/within range? I didn't ask gynae cos I only saw the reading in the scanned printout I took home.

Other readings from the detailed scan showed mostly average, near the 50% percentile, except for Biparietal Diameter (BPD) and Head Circumference (HC) is at 75% percentile. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok, will try alternate days.. see if can tahan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes, dry shampoo definitely less hassle!


oic! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ryne, I think the nuchal fold thickness is not reliable for DS prediction beyond 13 weeks 6 days. Your baby sounds a bit overweight at the moment, according to the baby center website but don't worry too much cos I believe babies also go through growth spurts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] another thing to note is the detailed scan measurements may be more accurate to estimate weight, compared with your doctor's machine. from my detailed scan report, weight is about 50% too.. BPD and HC Is 75% percentile.



but since NT is 2.2mm, I shld be able to assume that it wasn't any more than this at 13wks right?? just curious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thks for the link, yes I've been comparing measuremts against this chart every wk, tatz why shock at the sudden increase. Maybe it is indeed growth spurt! But I do take all these measuremts w a pinch of salt, cos it's all estimations. As long as bb is growing well and nothing out of the ordinary, I'm happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ryne, I do n't think it works that way cos I suspect there is window period for NT measurement and, like dating scan.

jon, I'm better now. THanks for your concern! I didn't take medication. taking lots of oranges instead. and getting lots of rest.

jon01josh03, i think as long as its emergency c-section, they won't allow spouse to go in. My excolleague same case as you, 2 years ago emergency c-section with epi, her hubby ended up waiting outside. If elective c-section also cannot, so be it lor...it'll be nice to have my husband with me but if cannot, i'm fine also. The previous time i under GA was at TMC. The gynae just asked me, you feel woozy? I remember nodding. When i woke up later, i was already in the ward. Then my stomach started to hurt & the TMC nurses appeared like magic and gave me painkillers. I quickly take and concuss but 5mins later, wokeup and started vomitting like siao. When i was finally fully awake, it was like 3hours later! The feeling is not good sia...

bw, elective c0section under epi can have husband with you. at TMC. My SIL had emerg c-section under epi at Mt A about 4 years ago. Husband also with her. Myabe it depends on the hospital and the doctor. in my case, SGH, emerg c-section under GA, my doctor and husband "begged" the OT sister to let my husband go in. that was how he could go in.

bw, the painkiller you were given was probably morphine. it can cause nausesa but you would be given maxilon as an antidote at the same time you were given morphine. those 2 were given to me. but the morphine was given through a patient controlled machine... like a drip that I could press. so it was more continuous and steady infusion. I didn't really concuss.. was alert the whole time.. although no pain.

Hi Jules... updating the gathering sheet:

Sat, 5 Dec (Brunch/Lunch):

1. Jules

2. noscon

3. miracle_tiga

4. Carol and missy

5. Jon01josh03

6. Skysilver

7. Poohgirl

Feeling super blue today... and I just don't know why... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


glad to hear you're feeling much better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. From the looks of it, will be Dr. Devan after all but i doubt i have the heart to make hubby pay for 1 bedder, so i'd be sacrificing on settling for 4 bedder. hopefully it's a quick IN then OUT for this delivery.


try thinking of your fav dish or what you'd like to have for lunch, that shud bring ya spirits up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...or shopping!!


i also have blue days...wonder whether it is the hormone...they say pregnancy can make one depressed too.... somemore i suffer from insomnia - always waking up at night...then waking up super early in the morning v v tired....only 2nd trimester

Carol, actually the same thought had gone through my mind the past 2 days. whether I should opt for 1 bedder or a 4 bedder. I don't want to "waste too much money". FUrther, I would have #1 to worry.. surely husband cannot bear to leave #1 at home whilst he spends the nights with me in hospital? we are very attached to our boy. The other night, my husband worked till very late. got back close to midnight. I told him to sleep in our bedroom to rest.. cos next day would be very tiring for him also.. after his shower, he actually joined me back in our boy's bedroom to look after him together with me...


spend time thinking and SGH makes you sign a form when you bring children. You flip the form over and it reads about bringing children to hospitals and wards - about the dangers of contracting viruses.... as if i truly had the option of leaving my daughter at home ALONE at 3yrs of age!!

so i guess it's gonna be tough to have her for long periods of time at the hospital. must as well think of delivering and going home ASAP.

On the flip side, having a one bedder would mean more privacy and more time for family but it's a bit costly.


how sweet of your husband.... Some gynae can automatically upgrade to 2 bedder from 4 bedder and its a common practice according to a lady in TMC. Maybe u can ask ur gynae whether u r "guarantee" a 2 bedder if u ask for 4 bedder. My gynae wd advise people to choose 4 bedder cos he wants us to save $$$. Normally when hospital have vacant 1 bedder they will upgrade u from 2 bedder to 1 bedder and u will end up staying 1 bedder but paying 4 bedder... but dunno for SGH.


SGH doesn't have 2 bedder option, 1 bedder, 4bedder or 6 bedder above. I believe chances of upgrading 4bedder to 1 bedder is highly unlikely. SGH not as famous as TMC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and we're actually paying if not the same rate, slightly higher at SGH.

Afternoon mummies!

Joining in for the lunch!

Sat, 5 Dec (Brunch/Lunch):

1. Jules

2. noscon

3. miracle_tiga

4. Carol and missy

5. Jon01josh03

6. Skysilver

7. Poohgirl

8. iluvbli55 (TBC depend on timing and venue - Gynae appt)

noscon, Carol is right. SGH doesn't have a 2 bedder option. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Carol, you are right. the 1 bedders are very popular. actually, their 4 bedders not so popular. when I had my #1, I couldn't get a 1 bedder.. but had a confirmed bed in the 4 bedder ward. in the end, I spent over 2 hours in the recovery area (very expensive... sad for my husband) cos he was busy looking for a vacant 1 bedder room for me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

SGH bill size according to the inquiry we made:

normal deliver

1bed - 90% $4024*

4bed - 90% $3790*

*does not include neonatal care and depends on birth order.

I remember paying for mount E, 2 bedder slightly above 4k for normal deliver all inclusive.

Afternoon mummies!

Jules, roughly what time will be our lunch gathering? I have facial at 3pm so perhaps still can join u gals for some chit chat and makan session!


then it would be better to reverse the option to 4 bedder, maybe you or me might just get lucky!

and my hubby, he had a really tough time with the nurse asking questions on private/sub. The nurse initially was very apprehensive and spoke so loud, i could hear her from outside the room!

Lastly, me hubby asked - when's cut off date to shift to private? "ANYTIME, when you want? We are always READY!" heee heee miss Nurse retorted.


Mount E didn't want to upgrade me when i delivered, i had to stay in the delivery ward from 5 am till 9.30am. Nurse just kept saying, sorry no rooms available! I should had been more fierce i guess and screamed :p

Carol, my regret back then was, my husband chose to keep me in the recovery area... after the c-section.. instead of letting me go to the 4-bedder.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I had noidea it was so expensive to remain in the recovery area. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

carol, i believe so. at least, that's what the recovery area nurse told the anaesthetist. cos the nurse asked the anesthetist when to move me back to normal ward. the anesthetist said I was stable and can move, but my husband was still trying to get me a 1 bedder. the nurse then told the anaesthetist that recovery area charges are much higher than 1 bedder rates.. just a passing comment. I heard it...

oh my... yes, normally retain only - to make sure you're stable and can be moved back to normal non dependency ward. Well now you know, so have to emphasize if you're stuck in the situation again.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], cactus - your hubby is so thoughtful. Any other person might just think of the cost and not the person.

actually, in my blur state, I did scold my husband for not being by my side when I woke up from GA.. he scolded me instead.. saying he was trying his best to beg me a 1 bedder.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now I understnad. just have to learn.

cactus, awh...nvm, now you know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he was actually out sourcing for the best.

wait wait... think always positive thoughts. Having ONE child takes a lot of courage, now you're having a 2nd child - am sure he thinks the world of you.

sometimes i ask friends, you don't want to have another child? you can see a slight body twitch, "one oredy so difficult (having a non supporting spouse) and now you think we'd have another??"

i guess we mommies here are one of the lucky ones with lots of support from our spouse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

