(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi BabyE,

Happy anniversary!! Hope you have an enjoyable one=]

Hi carol,

You are very brave! I think I need alot of encourage to be able to do that! Well done! Will try n see if I can pop by.


Hope the stuffy nose is better ;)!

Thank you for your support - much appreciated! It's going to be a wild Saturday!!!

Join us k, will treat Michelle for Chocolate ice-cream ;)!

Any babies free on saturday? Wanna do a chocolate ice cream date @ awfully chocolate??

Meet at vivo awefully chocolate 1.30pm - My treat!


Aiyo... We're going to the library book fair though. See if we can come by to give you support thereafter.

Hi CC,

I will try if time permit ok=] cause I am

Quite tight on this sat=] if I got pop by will mgs u or whatup u=].

My stuffy nose is better =] thank for asking =]

I think you have done a good deed!!=] Your hubby also supportive=] I told hubby I want to go shave will he support. His eye are like fishball.. -_-||| plus I also dun have the courage


;)! Thank you!


No worries ;), you have a good weekend at the library. I was thinking of going yesterday then i heard ayden's screams at the back of my heard... Cancelled that thought!!


Hope yours hubby's eyes back to normal ya :p!


if time permits i will bring my 2 boys over after their swimming trial this sat.



Ok ;)! SMS

The book fair is always so overwelhming with crowd ... Must really "cheong"

I used to buy from borders, if you go often and check clearance - they have a really good choice and good value. Now, sadly, nothing is below $15... It used to be well below $8 for a good selection of kids books.

Keep a lookout for Borders still, cos they're in liquidation talks in USA. All their outlets in Australia have already closed down.

My damage with Vic Secrets this week is USD 100. Hahaha... Just couldn't resist a good deal.

Hi Mummies

I am planning to put my 18mth baby in childcare in time to come..

Do you know what points I should take note in finding a good school?

And Do you have any idea what are the questions I should ask or take note when I am there? Thanks..


That's a good Photobook deal. Since it's gonna be valid till 25 Mar next year, you still have time to build it up. I ks, bought 2 vouchers liao. Right now I've already started on E's 2nd yearbook. Slowly steady [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Poohgal, Jenny... What's a good size for photobook? The large or medium? Always wanted to try, but hv not got dwn to purchasing. The deal looks gd

hi mirthy,

for me i have tried 8 by 8, 8 by 12....both hardcover...from artscow, shutterfly, havent try photobook singapore yet.

i think i need those with lots of pages like at least 80 - 100...headache with photos selection....

hi poohgirl....

yeah i got the offer from photobook for standby, should have gotten more coupon from groupon...

too many outstanding photos yet to developed...so far only manage to do up the first year for both boys...so lots of outstanding photos for last yr n this yr....

Hi hi dear all

I am a mtb from oct 2011 thread, can check with anyone whom uses babyplus since week 18 onwards daily and that the baby hearing affected? Or there is no problem?

Worried MTB

Hi HappyMomo,

i did a goggling around after seeing your thread. I didn't see any review that baby's hearing is affected. If you are worried, then please discontinue use, check with your gynae.

Hi HappyMoMo,

seems that the affected baby wasn't in a position suitable for this product. But I did get warning from my friends not to put earphones on my belly as noises are amplified inside womb. Just stop using and keep talking to your baby.

I pray that you have a smooth and natural delivery. :D Do read up on The Babywhisperer by Tracy Hogg if you have time. It really helped me understand my baby. With a baby schedule, I am also able to identify my daughter's need quite accurately.

Hi ladies,

Recently I want to buy a fridge for my mil to put in her factory so I went to want to buy thread then meet this mum called starflower. She is a horrible seller. Trying to make things difficult after I transfer the $$ she is making thing tough. If she did not delivery my stuff by end of this week I will report police. So u all see this nick starflower. Be careful when u deal with her.

Morning mummies

yup reenren thread has been so quiet....really missing the active involvment from lots of mummies....hope to see them back in the thread! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

skysilver, hope u get ur stuff....previously i experienced a very bad experience with one seller at too but was from the bulk purchase and ended up with a police report last yr. it's so troublesome for me to make an effort down to the station and after settle still got to meet the police officer to close the case...aiyo....but at least it helps the rest who got cheated too.

these days, i have been so stressed with my boys health...#1 down with fever for 5 days....#2 fever 2 days but now having loose stools abt 3 times yesterday....no sure y....really headache...

and #1 refused to go to his daily playgroup class since after the june holidays....really heachade....


Hope you manage to resolve the matter. Really contemplating to put up a list on our fb group for dead seller/bidders from WTS. Buyer last week said going to pick up item and I waited..and waited.. No show! Nvm, I have her ID/nick/email on list... Next time she sells something, she is going to wait and wait just like what she did! I don't mind if the buyer can just message and say she change her mind but keeping ppl waiting is really rude.


I also kena .... Wanna buy my vtech walker then I wait n wait no show . At night msg me say son in hospital forgot to bring phone . I msg her to say if she still want the item I can send it to her house . She told me to hold it for her and after weeks MIA

Hi Jenny n CC,

I have not resolved my case. The buyer still dragging on sending her item to me. I am going to wait Till thursaday as the buyer promises. If she did not delivery her item to my mil I will report her to police. I am not worry about losing my money..

I can be nice but this stupid pp Aiyo! Take the money then dun delivery my item.. Angry!

Hello mummies!

CC, I gave Lac Marigold milk last Sun and yesterday she vomitted a big time and had bloated tummy. Guess will have to put cow milk on hold again.....poor gal...


Poor Lac... ;(, slowly and hope both can transit. I'm thinking odds are ayden might not be able to take milk just like his dad. But he takes dairy by products pretty well. He can take milk tea, cheese, Milo(mcD at centrepoint cannot) in tetra pack or other mcD's, vitagen, butter, cakes.. So far I've tried most by products and it's pretty all good - except my Neighbourhood Italian restaurant - he can't take the creamy/cheese pasta. Think it's the milk used.

CC, my mum told me she cant take milk too... So maybe inherited. For me, i cant take milk after i popped but i slowly take bit by bit and so far so gd. *touchwood* Just hope 1 day both A n Lac can take milk. Lac hardly or dun really eat bread or cakes so i cant tell. But i will still find chance to slowly intro to her. Oh yes, Yakult she still ok with it... =)


Slowly sure can ;) but on an advantage think Ayden and Lac drink soymilk so they are on the skinny side :p - so we both have "slim lean machine" or else I just have Ayden who is just active and burns all he eats really fast.

Really non stop all over the place!

Shall we organize a meet up for the kids to meet - mommies too? Before our proud march mommies pop their 2nd babies?

Any suggestions...BabeE posted high tea? Think the kids would love :d!

Or I can try to arrange a playdate at Amazonia Great World City - new playland with lots for fun space for yound toddlers to adventure!

Another easy peasy place for fun - out in the sun (of coz)

Jacob Ballas Garden

JJ ooiiiiii... busy ah?? Come join, take Kaitlyn out ;)

