(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Chloe, mal also toss about when sleeping. Now also put pillow against wall. But buy now i still can't decide on the colour theme of the room n also dunno how many to get....

If u using now then can get. I dun think I will be doing much change to his room till maybe he learn to walk.

The thoughts of revamping n decorating his room make me feel so happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I also thought stepping on the big ang ku was more for the fun...we did that when we were 1yr old too.but this time round i told my mom save the hassel n fun la,who is going to eat that big kueh after that....so she went to buy a kampong chicken n will let her lick drmstick n she can eat a little after that too.


Yes yes the bumper cushions look nice.... Tempted to buy too bt dunno where to stick....lower portion of the walls in her room filled with charts n decals liao...


I actually just let Crystal bite on the ang gu kueh and chicken drumstick. Think there is so many version!. Crystal loves the drumstick bit not the AGK.

winnie, z's room is blue wall and green ceiling. got some pooh decals, dunno to paste on his room or his play area in the hall, since he is not using his room now.

xihui, nice hor.. very tempted to get leh. i think i will get lah. hee... all blue or blue and ivory? blue can go with wat other colour?

Happy Birthday Mikkel, Nic and Crystal! May you grow up healthy and be good to mommy and daddy!!

Any babies on Friso?

Guardian now have buy 5 get 1 free. Valid for 900g tin. If you have a copy of TODAY's paper there is a $20 off coupon too. Valid from 24 Feb till 9 Mar.

For stage 3 it's $30 per 900 tin, so buy 5 is $150 and after coupon discount is $130 which works out to be $21.70 per tin.

Not sure if it's attractive or comparable to those on offer or sales elsewhere.

Morning mOmmies ;)!

It's a b'day galore month!!

Ayden started 1step.. 2step.. 3step.. Heeheee... he's so happy to show off steps with lOts of claps!


Good idea to consolidate friso milk purchase - can win $$

CC, great developments for ayden. Cheers.... "clap clap clap"

Oh, mal not on friso. Just happen to chanced on the advert while flipping the papers. Looks like quite a good deal to me. Maybe mums who buy Friso can advise if it's really that good. I have the coupon, can snail mail to anyone who want. PM me and I will send it to you.

Belated Happy Birthday Mikkel, Nic and Crystal!

I am so busy with this sunday Kayse birthday party.. just when i thought everything almost settled than realised, eh i still got this not done that not done.. argh...

Anyone wan similac 2 vouchers? i got 5 dollar voucher. kayse changing to gain iq next week. so i dun need the voucher any more.


from my earlier link.

Friso 3 Gold P2 Dual System (Packed in Malaysia)

Milk with P2 Dual System (1yr-3yrs)

900g~~ $20.00 (usual price)

6 for ~~ **$110.00**

====$18.33 per tin====


Do you happen to have a checklist for the party? I feel like I havn't done a lot of things but not sure what.

Thanks mommies for the well wishes for Nic.

We had fun yesterday! Time flies. Can't believe my little boy has turned ONE!

Maybe its me, but Nic seems to have grown up at the stroke of twelve.*lol* Oh yes, he has made his first few steps too.

Think ayden and Riley are the last in our march group to celebrated their bdays ...

So so exciting! Heeheee... I haven't even ordered the bday cake - not gonna bake it myself , I'm too lazy :p!

cc, i think my girl will celebrate last, 3 more weeks to the party [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


1. balloons & deco

2. cake

3. buffet

4. invitations

5. favours

6. photographer/videographer

Seren, oh oh... My bad. I guess websales still give better deal. Was still thinking the deal was attractive. Forget that brick n motar store will have to cover their overheads.


my pd told me last visit, there is a new jab (think not that new, some time already) that combines MMR & chicken pox, more effective and P1 no need jab again.

which jab will u be choosing for your bbies ??


Current (15months) to go shud be mmrv, 4-6yrs is booster jab so 7yrs does not need to jab in school. Previously is mmr, oPtional chicken pox, booster 4-6yrs for chickenpox and 7yrs for mmr booster.

Think chickenpox vaccine is compulsory now.

- I hope I'm not wrong, too many to track.

Flu vaccine has H1N1 and babies/1st jab needs booster between 2-4weeks interval depending on PD/GP subsequent is yearly booster.


according to my pd

current jab

12mth pneumo 3rd jab, chicken pox jab (90-95%)

15mth MMR (98-99%)

18mth Booster


new jab

12mth pneumo 3rd jab

15mth MMR-V (98-99%)

18mth Booster

20-24 mth MMR-V

got to make a choice by her 12mth visit jab, still unsure. but seems like many mummies will choose the current for 'safety' reasons ?? which one will u give ?

oh yes, will ask abt flu jab too. the flu virus is so strong. gave her so much medicine('poison') but the virus just keep attacking non-stop!!


realistically it's best to get all jabs at a go, don't think i want to torture my kid if i had the option. Don't think you have choices for chickenpox but, not sure if govt has made it compulsory at the moment. Im sure the combi of vaccine is safe, not read reports of adverse side effects apart for the previous Medical Journal on autism and mmr vaccine which was currently labeled as unfounded research.

will definitely go ahead with MMRV but i don't know if it's available at poly. besides, i notice there's barely enuf savings going to poly!

basic immunization should be given FOC if not a minimal charge to Singapore citizens. all talk about increasing population, the current babybonus is not even enuf to cover giving birth to a kid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sorry for ranting.


yah, less jabs better for them. now they can 'run' away, need to bluff them to jab..heheee

talking abt the cost of vaccinations, it really so ex to take the jabs at pd. is poly cheaper significantly ? was telling hb that in future #2 shd we go for poly instead cheaper!! already spend $1k plus on 6-in-1, rota and pneu only and MMRV coming up another $300-$400 ?? cda now only left $2000 plus only. $10k already spent !!!

Jmmabb now that u mentioned run away... Make me feel like postponing mal's jab till hubby return from overseas trip. Don't think I can hold down this wriggly kid down during jabs cos I myself can't stand the sight of needle.... "shiver down the spine"


Ok.. There's savings compared to PD - maybe GP and Poly less savings. But still, poly is govt right? Can't they subsidize more? Maybe next yr budget will include more for medical expenses to Promote fertility rates.

Getting my jabs at poly/GP, save $ when need to go PD .. baa baa.. Same, jap sure pain no matter PD or GP or poly


ya better to wait for ur hb to come back, got extra pair of hands. also let him hear what doc has to say, like making decisions, better for joint decisions to be made.

my hb is super kan chiong type, i nv want to go without him, if not he start questioning me like a criminal what doc says and i cant answer then jialat already.

hb has been carrying bb for jabs since the 1st jab, i think i cant handle her alone too. now that she is so active. pd will have to jab real quick, not as easy like last time anymore :p


ya i think poly is the one for #2 hahaa...#1 have privileges cos we are gong gong 1st time parents ....

i think they should give FREE vaccinations for bbies at poly.....

mmr jab - is there any age by when they must be jab, read that many pple r delaying due to side effects ? for me i just follower, doc say jab i ok, no other questions asked.


Yay!!! Free jabs!!

Heeheee... You can delay, I tried, then my PD said "govt will send you a letter" uhhhh... Then I said, ok, jab now ;p!

The thing is when baby turns 18months, they get a certification of completion for all jabs - included mmr.. So no mmr no cert no school/daycare/playgroup... Lol, serious or what?!

haha... for quite sometime since the previous jab liao... already lost count in a way, only just remembered doc say come back after she celebrates her 1st birthday..


my hb has never seen bb taking jabs b4..me always lone-ranger bringing her there... chey.


I just check with the clinic on Crystal Schedule.

15mth MMR-V

18mth pneumo 3rd jab

Would be going for MMRV because my #1 is on MMRV (clinical trial somemore). :p

I suspect my girl have egg allergy, waiting for my PD to call me. Her rashes only came out after 6 hrs consuming egg. This is so werid, prior that she was sweating so much soaking her t-shirt because my helper place her in my mil w/o opening the windows or fan. So i wonder if it would be heat rash.


u so brave !! i m quite useless mummy, buey zai one. so always will arrange jab when hb around.


my girl pneumo 3rd jab is 12mos.

my girl also has rash lately, dunno is due to egg yolk a not but we still continue to give her every wkend. now that u mention heat rash, maybe. i see rash only, like no big deal so i just ignore..is it ok, or need to stop the suspected food ??


no time no 'see'

yup spend on cord blood 21yrs, IFC, jabs and pd visits. greatest investment made - having a bb in SG


i ve no choice too..hehe.. becos i wanna be the 1st 1 to see and know what happen to her.. so hb always say, if he take leave then he would ask me to go to work... then if i say i wanna tag along, he will say he's going back to work. sianz..

correction! greatest investment made- having a bb in SG who paints our life in rainbow colours now.. hehe... can't imagine how life would be if they didn't pop out after getting married..


what's normal duration for allergy to surface after consuming that food? 1-2hrs or?

serendipity - sorry i dun really have a checklist.. all inside the head. but my party is small simple one.. so dun need a lot of things too..

1) Guestbook

2) Party favors

3) Cake

4) BBQ Stuff (Paper plates, cup, fork, spoon)

5) Drinks & Food

6) Simple decor - SKP

7) Guest list

8) Dressing little one


Crystal's rashes is quite bad this time, it is the whole front and back of her body, but yet not her hands. Only areas that are over by her Tee. The rashes start from last night 7pm and till this morning it is still reddish.


WIll let you know when the PD calls me back. Online says should be within 2 hrs around face and mouth. Crystal only on body.

mag & serend,

Maybe you still want some music or places some toys at a corner for kids. Also assign a relative or friend as photographer cos you will be too busy that day.


Ayden has the same allergy with certain foods - mostly Heinz biscuit or food that contains egg. Rash last up to a week if I'm lucky. We took the flu jab and doc said even with allergy anyone can get the jab - ok, wasn't going to waste my morning arguing with him and his mood swings.

Calamine shud help bring the rashes down. Hope crystal is not itchy and scratching. Ayden's last bout, he scratch till bleed - marks all over his chest ;(.


u make me feel guilty hahaaaaa...i m such a lousy mummy. sometimes i feel so overwhelmed with all the responsibilities.


wah seem serious the rash. hope your pd can give u a direction if its due to egg or heat.

i apply california baby cream on the rashes. just a few patches here and there, i think should be ok, keeping fingers crossed.

1727, think if it's a school establisment - really can't. Playgroup I refer is those at school :p... N2 onwards, school will ask for certificate which is attached to health booklet. Haaaahaaa... But maybe I send Missy to school early or send those normal establishment which are kiasu.

But for sure kindergarten enrollment requires the certificate.

