(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

bw, posted b4 that I have a friend who gain a total of 6-7kg for all her pregnancies and all the bb abt 3kg. She prob in the same weight category as u. She can have 0kg weight gain for her entire mth in her 2nd tri but gynae say bb's weight increase so still ok. But strictly speaking if bb increase and mother doesn't means mother losing weight!! I encourage u to take very good care and try to eat more, not only for bb's sake for for ur's too. one pregnancy can really zap u of your energy "da shang yuan qi" so no joke man.

tonight will ask bb to kick see how[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


SO happy that the mommies here are bonding so well, really hope we can stay like this till delivery....cactus 30th is my amnio while u have ur detailed scan. U can know result immediately and I have to wait 2 wks arrghhh.....

Jon, i once heard from a colleague that if sick, cant take vitamin C. It should be taken when u feel that u r falling sick soon to build the resistance, thats y i dare not take now.

BW, hopefully tmr i will feel better when i go back to work. My hubby even noticed that my flu got worse compared to yesterday. Guess i rest too much at home? For me, i m scared of sore throat coz once i have, it sure leads to fever...

Jon, dont worry about the baby movement. Try talking to ur baby to see if it responds. I also always talk to my baby, to ask him/her to kick me more. Somehow, i can feel the kicks shortly after. But today, i seems to have wrong timing with my bb, when i touch tummy, he/she dun kick but when i move my hands away, i can feel the kick. Maybe like what BW said, bb is guai lan. Hehehe..


maybe I have too much fats so cannot feel bb....but funny leh, earlier wks I actually felt the fluttering. Maybe then is "xin li zhuo yong".

Abt vit c, I don't think u cannot take when u are sick leh....I strongly believe u should take more when u are sick to help body heal faster.

Best to check with your doc la.


prob is i still cant eat much lor...no appetite at all on anything...

then i have never felt any kick fm day 1..

e scan is like 3 weeks away so worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bebechan, dont worry.. my doc told me that i should expect to feel the kicks only around 6 months.. so its normal not to feel at 4 months..

was lucky to start feeling the flutters at about 15-16 weeks.. just last night, i could feel the kick through placing my hand on tummy. earlier after dinner also.. hubby tried, but bb kept still the minute he placed his hand on my tummy.. hah..

jon, when's ur next checkup?

urgh.. so sashimi and crab on tv!!



really ah...but tink most mummies here already feel it few weeks back leh...

very weird hor how come mummy hand put there they kick but daddy hand they will stop leh

bebechan, ya.. my doc say wont feel until around 6 months.. cuz for first timers we donno how it really feels like. mebbe ur bb did kick u, but u didnt recognise it? mistook for gas or something.. and movement also depends on bb's position.. perhaps bb's wedged nicely in ur uterus and very nicely cushioned in his water bag.. must think happy thoughts and send happy hormones down ur body [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jus tt i keep having bad headache n no appetitie very hard to keep happy

Hi mummies,

Just finish all the posts. Hope everyone gambatte!

I am going to have detailed scan tmr and I want to know the gender.

good luck icy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

miracle, amnio test on 30 oct, which is 5 wks from my last scan. Supposed to be this fri but hb not in s'pore so postpone lor

All the best, icy. no worries. everything will be fine. nice to see everything in the baby.

bebechan, it is true for 1st time mummies will feel the kicks much later, unless for those real skinny mommies. I could only feel my #1's kicks only after 6 mths. even then was very faint. #2 was much earlier, abt 4 mths.


huh...i very fat maybe tts y i cant feel anything n my tummy seems small cos my built is very big...i told hubby maybe cos my cavity at tummy area too big takes a long time for bb to fill it up n show haha


Nothing wrong with me la, think u read thru too fast haha.....won't know anything yet until my amnio on 30th oct and results out in another 2 wks. By mid Nov will be able to report here whether all goes well.

Frankly, this pregnancy has been very difficult and draining both physically and emotionally. have been sending lots of -ve hormones to bb, feel so guilty. hope in the end he/she will turn out fine.


ya me too =( so different from my first pregnancy. always so tired, i'm still puking up (my record is 3 days gagging only no puke), hubby swears there is something wrong with me.

still travelling, there are wars on many fronts at work, either chasing numbers or chasing partners or bitching about each other cos everyone is so frustrated with the resource shortage. not enough hands not enough money how to bring in the $$$???

jon, hehe.. i've had 5 cats all my life, my first cat passed away at age 13 this April. Now i live with 4 feline friends [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] which is why i'm very glad that my bb is going to be a tiger cub [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no luck with pig, mouse, ox.


I am gng for detailed scan today too!.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is the top taken?

good morning mommies!!

congrats to lovinglife [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] a GIRL!!

Jonjosh, i only bought the top :p i didn't ask where the bottom was. you can mix and match these days so i didn't worry too much.

yve, swim top still available [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], PM if keen and i'd make arrangements to mail out today as me a bit free to walk to post office.

Miracle - omg! so cute those kitty!!

Jonjosh, your sister has alot of patience if it was me - i'd be screaming at the pediatrician. Mount E hasn't the best pediatrician either, our initial visit with the doc after discharged - he was munching breakfast as we walked in to see him, with mouth full only could utter some sounds to us! Then he said, you parents wrap babies up like what! - it was only a blankie on my daughter as the clinic was cold! then dr. check our daughter and said, look so much dried muscus in her nose - i clean everyday after daughter's bath and i seriously don't know what he saw. Trying to take out the dirt he poked a cotton butt right up daughter's nostril and she started screaming in fright! I graciously took his hand off my daughter, wrap and picked her up, asked, is that all? Thank you for your time Doctor. When we were outside, the nurse/assistant was trying to get us to confirm the next date for daughter's jap - we told her, will not be returning - thank you.

Was very lucky to find a suitable family clinic nearer to home which opens on sundays too and daughter has been with the clinic since she was 2 weeks old. best thing is, she never cried for all her japs except one when she was older which her reaction was only after the needle was out - heheheh... bedek for sweet!


Hmm, just thinking how often will I be swimming lor.. Esp if I go to public pool.. Imagine a heavily pregnant lady in the pool.. I have a bikini bottome which I think i can still wear but the top probably cannot fit..

Where do you stay, I see if I can drop by to pick it up..

Btw, ladies, I gained 3kg this month too.. haiz.. After meals, I still feel hungry.. Cham lah..


we're at Tanjong Pagar area. i bought so i could join my daughter after her swimming class but so far am outta luck with this swim wear thingie - the person coordinating the BP for OldNavy also canceled the spree this morning, no swimming for me unless i wanna scare others wearing a bikini with alot of stretch marks on me tummy - like war veteran, I have the scars to show ok! mauahahhahaha

carol, hard to find good doc these days. Maybe pp are more educated and dare to challenge them. They may also feel intimedated. I remember my #2 had jaundice b4 discharge from raffles hospital. The paed came in and recommended a whole lot of things to be done for him. I asked her what was the index and the no. I got was not too bad (not as bad as my #1, and back then #1 was not told to do all the stuffs which she recommended). I told her I would still bring bb home and quoted my #1 expereince. Wow her immediately reaction was great unhappiness, turned a black face and said. I am telling u what to do and if u think it's ok then by all means but u got to take full responsiblity should anything happen and she turned and left my room! outright rudeness and not professional at all. I complained to the hospital abt her attitiude thereafter and NEVER let her follow up on my #2 after discharge.

morning mummies!!

icy, hope u can see bb gender today!!! i am going for my on sat and i am soo excited to see bb again. Praying that all will fine...

hmmm. baby movement, this is my #1 but since week 16 i could feel bb kick.. it is getting stronger and stronger... i think my bb is not shy.. haha.. he kicks his daddy everynight.. I can put my hand on my tummy and feel him moving ard the tummy.. sometimes it will get very near the surface and my tummy has a burge and feels very tight..

carol/jon, i would be screaming my head off at the doctor too if they failed to perform their duties well... i won't be soo cool-headed. I will jump at the slightest mistake.

bravo Jonjosh! I would had done the same too!!

My pediatrician is at Bukit Merah, Fu Xing Clinic. Not cheap but if you have doubts, always room for alternative medication or other home remedy.

yeaks! i hear someone puking!! omg, neighbor pregnant too!! heee...hee.. i dont' remember i vomited that loud or the walls getting thinner these days.

haha walls definitely thinner. My neighbour's bedroom is just next to mine and oh my my my, I have been hearing their bedroom activities sometimes and boy she is such a B****, I didn't to see them coz they belong to another block, not the immediately neighbour.

morning everyone!

Jonjosh, my husband also not in Singapore now... so the detailed scan was pushed back one week. I would have preferred it to have been done at week 19. just like for my #1. In fact, my doctor was prepared to do it at week 18 but that was the day my husband was due to fly off... I'm probably going to have the initial results after the scan proper but I'm only seeing my doctor also in mid Nov to get advice on the scan report.


eh tot detailed scan is instant result? U see gynae after scan for the review same day isn't it?? I remember with my #1 at KKH, it was the same day leh.

Both time, 1st was with the tube problem, next was the day I got result for amnio and they did a scan again to look at the tube and I saw gynae again same day.....or perhaps mine got "problem" then that's why so fast can see doc.

cactus, your scan is on the 28th right? will be at SGH, MIL&FIL scheduled for ENT clinic appointment.

mine's on the 2nd of Nov, told husband to take leave for the day. 11.45am doc's then off to lunch then scan at 2.30pm no schedule to see the doc after the scan - so it's another 4 weeks before i have the results? i really do not like waiting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

heee hee... will miss my strawberry offer again :p..

don't worry jonjosh, not pain the needle but i think it's like watching the needle.. ayayayaya

I guess one good thing abt going to private is no need to wait for appmt, more personal services....the agony of waiting.

morning mummies, thks for all your concern. Ya last evening me and hubby went for blood test. I guess result should be out most probably next mon or tue coz gynae says will be out in a few days. Wow the blood test is so expensive lor, $325 per person..*faint*

Jon, kkh have yet to call me to confirm the appmt with Dr Angeline Lai, hopefully they will call by this week. Yesterday i practically cry on and off the whole day..eyes swollen already..hehe

yes, nwm... save monay, doctors are still nice and nurses are nice too - am happy with SGH. the only thing left - when is my last chance to switch to private, gonna ask doctor next visit - if i could i'd prolly swap when am 37weeks...hehehehhehe - hubby said, yes carol, dream on!

carol, ya I was actually quite brave last time I did it. I actually watched the needle go right in, then on the monitor, could see the needle. In my heart it's like saying bb u don't move ha, quick quick get all the fluid and out u go. Could see the syringe with the clear slightly yellowish fluid. It was actually quite a big syringe I must say.

I'm abit more calm n better now. I will take one step at a time. If i have to do it, i have to do it..In the meantime just enjoy my little one kicking in my tummy (",)

Felicia, that's a very expensive bill to pay but it's worth a peace of mind when the results are out. Do they need to send the blood overseas or done locally? did you ask why it's so expensive? Sorry, i do ask about everything when it comes to bills and hospitals - shoppin i seldom ask :p

felicia, hug hug! hang in there gal. We all know it's tough. Be more proactive with KKH, they don't call u, u call them. Pester them till they give u an answer.

jonjosh, dun worry abt yr amino okay! Yr bb will be healthy n fine, keeping u in prayers! Haha. From my room, I could also hear my neighbour talking upstairs. So sometimes when in the act, got to on tv to cover the ehmem "noise" incase too loud.

carol, i ask my gynae why so ex, he just say because this is a special test for chromosome thats why so ex lor. The blood test is done locally.

jonjosh, my doctor is away that day of my scan, so he's scheduled me to see him mid - Nov.. that's like 6 weeks since my last consult with him.. but it doesn't bother me cos I still got to see baby at a 4 week interval. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Carol.. my scan is scheduled for 30 Oct.. not 28th. what a pity! Or we can meet up!

Felicia, hope you feel better today. Really hope your results are good. In the meantime, try not to think too much about it...

