(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

chrisstan, whoofyJO, apple,

The med insert is very effective for yeast infection. I used it the last time and it clears off. However the nurse also told me if i had it again b4 delivery, must let doc know and get it clear off completely b4 delivering the baby if not the baby will be infected.

The hospital and myself also praction to fold the cloth diaper for my boy's head to lie on it last time. Just fold a few layer, cloth diaper is cooling not hot and wont change the baby head shape cos it doesn't station the baby's head in 1 direction. Also if baby vomit some milk, at least is on the cloth diaper and not on the mattress. My boy used to sleep on both sides, like a doggy so his head is very round not flat.

Am interested to know more abt insurance and also pre-natal classes!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: complimentary 6 months insurance for signing up the FBI scheme

Christine: i hvnt decided when to meet her. a bit apprehensive meeting up insurance agents cos most end up hardselling other policies to you.


The folding is up to you, just fold a small rectangular size, as if size of a small pillow will do. I'm not sure about other hospitals, but TMC always let babies' heads sleep on a pc of diaper cloth.


I wonder why AXA must meet us up. We had already filled in the particulars unless they trying to sell us others or more? So far AXA hasn't call me or perhaps i have missed their call yesterday (an unknown caller which i didn't call back).

Serene: i think they will pass a 6 mths policy coverage file to you but surely will take advantage of the chance to sell you other policies, imo

Snoopy : Doubt i will sign up for FBI. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tira : Not again! *faint* Wahahahahaahah..

Christine: I used those pillow with the hole in the centre for my #1. But I will change her sleeping direction on each feed. Eg: she slept on left side on first feed, after the 2nd feed I will place her on the right side so that she won't sleep on her back of her head.

heehee.. she does not hv flat head too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also place the nappy cloth on top of the pillow as what other mummies mentioned for the puking milk.

Moreover, baby perspire alot too.. its easier to change/wash the nappy cloth. hope it helps.

Tira : Hahahahahaah.. Urs maybe will GLOW but in the later part!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

40 more mins to go! Hip hip horray!

Lovie/Tira: wow~ I'm flattered leh.. haha.. just to share share what is my experience lor~.. don't hv CL to help mah.. everything done by me.. heehee..

I tot pot luck hv to wait for our beloved apple to recover from her MS?

Hi mummies,

I am back here again after MIA for abt 2 wks?

Anyway,am having a running nose now...but still at work. And poor hubby cannot fetch me cause he's down with fever and headache. Now i feel kind of miserable. =(

Anyway,all your talks abt having MS means baby is fine and having changes in breasts make me kind of worried. I dun have MS and there aren't any obvious changes in my body except my boobs have gotten bigger and more sensitive? *shy* Makes me wonder if my baby is alright in my womb? Have not seen him/her for 2 wks le. Gng for a scan called cardiac scan(related to checking for DS)this coming thurs. Hopefully baby is fine...

And,finally my FIL knows that he's gonna be a grandfather le. Surprisingly,his reaction was quite mild. Cause we thought he would kick up a big fuss(cause we are having a baby before customary wedding)but he didn't. Instead,he actually told my MIL,"Never mind,they(hubby and i)have alr ROMed anyway." Hahaha.

And for the past week ever since my FIL knew,he has been nagging at me to stop drinking cold drinks and don't anyhow eat the wrong food. I don't anyway. Haha.

And since yesterday i have started wearing maternity blouses too. Wanted to wear my usual blouse to work yesterday morning but i dunno why,suddenly after i buttoned up my blouse,found that there was no room for my tummy to breathe. Thank goodness i bought maternity clothes just on sunday and could have clothes to change into. Hee.

mambobb : Why not Cl wor? And no tonics for u to eat during confinement?

snoppy : We can plan to have what food 1st and venue and wait for dear apple to "recover" then proceed straight! Wuhoo! Aren't i clever!

See see, another mtb says abt BOOBS.. Go and attack her.. go! go! go! Wahahahahahahahah

Serene : I think is cure rather than avoid! Hahahahhahaah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Juz guessing nia.. U ask Tira. She's the one who said so..


Really? U mean cranberry juice can cure yeast infection? Does yours itch? Mine will, if not i won't know i'm having it!


Ya, i also read that yogurt can prevent it. Now seem that my MS going off soon, these 2 days, don't feel nausea at night but my appetite didn't increase or start to have urge eating certain food...


No CL? U solid, I must hv CL cos I worry that my MIL offer to do for me. hahahaha. sure hv lots of nonsense from her n I dun want to owe her also.


Oic...hee, got the info wrongly! So besides yogurt, nothing else can help with yeast infection!

Maybe I'll throw all my existing underwear and buy new ones...

Serene : Whoa! U so upright eh and ask me abt whether itching anot. I shy manz! Wahahahahahahahahahah.. Yap, i do have the infection which last for almost a week before i went to gynae! I dun eat yogurt or drink cranberry juice and yes, if "it" don't itch, we will not noe tat we are having the infection!!! U saw gynae abt it liao?

Serene...hahaha no need throw old one lah, figure recover still can wear mah, i already wearing those with seamless band, Metro got large variety, less than $10 each

Tira/muffin/Lovie: ya no Cl for me coz tight budget lah.. but I asked my SIL to cook the confinement food for me. So she will bring over during the day and evening time. She also helped me to bath my bb lor.. of coz must give ang bao to her aft that.

The rest I take care of myself liao. Wash bottles, change nappy etc..

oh one more thing, I did mention b4 need to wear slipper at home during confinement to prevent get ur feet to get cold.

Plus, need to wear glove when washing the bottles if no one is helping hor.. i didnt.. and didnt listen to my SIL too.. so ended up.. sometimes can feel my hand aching and the pain due to cold during confinement.

hope it helps too.

